STARFIRE [A Story of Humanity's Retaliation]


Mandalorian Warrior and Skald.
In the year 2019, a strange signal was picked up by devices around the world. Most experienced strange problems with their internet, and electricity in all areas was off and on in hourly periods. Mid-way through the year, an unidentified object was picked up by multiple telescopes. It was approaching Earth at a fast rate.

At first, they assumed it was an asteroid. Then, the dark gray object began to glow red three days before it hit Earth. When it was confirmed to be an extraterrestrial object, the panic begun. When it hit Earth, the War began.

The aliens began their invasion by breaking their vehicle into multiple pieces, which struck and damaged major cities around the world. Next, they exited these pieces and would begin abducting civilians, killing any who resisted. Because of failed communication attempts, we named them "Seraphs"

Over the last twelve decades, a raging war has been fought with the Seraphs. Any time we were close to some kind of victory, more ships would fall from the sky, bringing reinforcements with them. Sooner or later, diverse kinds of Seraphs began to emerge.

Now, Humanity lives in large, walled off cities. Outside, the Seraphs roam and kill any of those brave enough to adventure out. The year is 2140, and you are apart of the graduating 512th Trainee Legion. Unlike most of your peers, who're joining the Military Police, the bravest of the bunch are joining the Rangers, the smaller half of the global military that ventures out of the walls to strike back at the Seraphs.

From the day of your graduation on, it will be your duty to secure once human-land, gain useful information to aid humanity, and to fight off the Seraphs who have purposely crippled humanity into near-extinction.

(Yes, this is Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin based.)


The only knowledge Humanity has about the Seraphim is through recordings from the old-age and through

basic observation, usually confirmed by the Rangers on their many expeditions. We know that they abduct

people, but no one is sure why. They don't seem to have the need for any kind of consumption, but are

sometimes viewed eating humans. Strangely enough, they're obviously more mechanical then biological, and

possess an avian-body build. They range from a size of three meters to six meters in height. When injured,

they let out a toxic clear white gas that ranges in effects depending on size. The bigger, the worse things

the victim is put through. The worse the gas, the greener of a tint it takes on.

No successful communication has been recorded of taking place between a human and a Seraph. Although

Seraphs who differ from the usual look are rare, they exist, and one is often encountered on every Ranger

expedition. They can be taken down by conventional means, but it is much easier to destroy them using their

weak-spot, the glowing core on the left side of their chest.

While they don't seem to be completely sentient, they communicate using high-pitched squeals and shrieks, and

often travel in packs of five. They also possess technology advanced compared to ours, using some sort of dark-matter

weaponry, although they usually prefer to bite and claw rather then shoot. Seraphim are not the best shots.


While Deviant Seraphim are extremely rare, they're often classed as a Seraphim differing from the usual build

of the alien species. They may differ in appearance or their level of mechanical vs organic parts, but they still

are non-human, and act differently from most Seraphim. Unlike the usual Seraphim, they exceed the maximum

height limit of six meters, and the largest recorded was about fifteen. Strangely enough, they seem neutral, but

have also been recorded as wiping out many Rangers during an expedition. Each has a unique sort of design,

but seem to be built using the same technology.


The Wall Cities:















The Wall Cities are the last keypoints of civilization that Humanity has left. Within these massive walls, cities

with about one million people each reside. Outside of each wall cities may be small districts, surrounded by

smaller versions of each of the city's Walls. Often, the districts will contain lower-class civilians, or house farms

and factories. Each district has a gate leading to the inner Wall City.

At least every Wall City has four districts, the most being Centria, with around eight. These districts are

often five miles in area, with the average Wall City and districts combined equaling to eighty miles in area.

Each Wall City has secluded areas where training grounds reside. Each training ground contains one Trainee Legion, where a class of a little above three hundred students train for several years. After, they graduate and choose either the Military Police or the Rangers.


(The wall of Libertia, where the RP will be taking place. It is fifty meters in height, and is made of a now-rare

material named durasteel. While this material's origin is now unknown by humanity, many factories produce

a strong, but inferior, replica of the material, simply dubbed "steel")


(The Outer Cities and Districts often contain stone or concrete structures, with rivers flowing from the Inner

City. Here, middle and lower-class civilians reside. They often serve as the location of small businesses,

factories, and the training grounds of the Wall Cities.)


(Inner City of Libertia. Within every Inner City contains a massive water-system, which dispenses into canals

spread throughout the Wall's districts and outer city towns. Here, the council of the Wall City and it's military

leaders reside. Large trade markets and valuable devices are often located within the Inner City, and most

supplies are sent here to be distributed amongst the military and government. High-class civilians live here, often

families of someone involved within the Wall's government.)


The Rangers are the smaller portion of the military who devote their lives to learning about the Seraphim

and fighting against them for humanity's survival. Unlike the Military Police, there is only one Commander

of the Rangers, with one Captain per Wall City. The Rangers are filled with people different from your average

civilian or Policeman, with interesting personalities and histories. Each have their own reason to be in the Rangers,

but they all share the same oath to do whatever it takes to retake Humanity's homelands.

This RP will be about you, members of the 512th Trainee Legion, joining the Rangers and partaking in their

expeditions to save humanity and retaliate against the Seraphim.


The Military Police, making up a large majority of Humanity's military force, are sworn to serve the government

and aid them in protecting the peace within the Wall Cities. Often the branch of choice for those who are weak

of heart, viewed as normal, or simply traditionalists, the Military Police often clashes with the Rangers whether it

comes to supply distribution or over-all military decisions.

However, this doesn't make the Military Police bad at all. In fact, some of it's many Commanders and Officers

simply want protection for their families and subordinates, also willing to do whatever it takes as compared to

the Rangers.


Military Uniforms, with the straps being used to hold up the jet-pack. The gray patches are

often put on to cover and protect vital points on a target's body. The standard jacket and basic

clothing are worn over most of the straps. However, hoodies or other clothing issued by the military

may be worn. Most military uniforms are in a dark color, notably black.


The most used and symbolic of the Military gear, the Military-Issue Jet-Pack is an

important asset to both the Military Police and the Rangers. Most of the Trainee's

time at the Grounds are centered around them learning how to assemble and use

these jet-packs. Each soldier is given one for life, and are expected to fix them when

they break or malfunction. This piece of equipment alone gives the Rangers their advantage

over Seraphim, and allow them to reach high locations in short amounts of time. However,

fuel for each Jetpack is limited, and they're only used when needed.


Gas masks are often distributed, strapped on using the straps of the jet-pack and it's own individual velcro straps. They're used most often by the Rangers due to the toxic gas the Seraphim let out once their skin is penetrated. At least two are distributed amongst soldiers, and monthly checks on the gas masks are given. Often, these gas masks

save many Rangers from a disturbing death by chemical warfare.


Used in the off-hand, or sometimes directly used to penetrate a Seraph's weak point, these

steel blades are manufactured by at least one factory each within a Wall City. The basic weapon

for the entire military, every trainee is given advanced training on how to wield it, though skill

varies. It is most useful when used against a Seraph's weak-point as a means to penetrate it,

although there's a special rapier-variant made specifically for that. Mainly, it's used by the Military

Police by tradition.


The APLRR, or "Buster" are the standard series of rifles and DMRs used by the military. They can

pierce armor, and are often used to suppress Seraphim. The Military Police use them to enforce order

upon insurgents and criminals, while the Rangers use it as their standard fire-arms against any Seraph

they come across. While Busters are useful, ammunition is scarce, and they're only used when necessary,

mainly distributed to the Rangers.


Standard Body-Armor, or SBA, are used by all military personnel. Often put over their uniform jackets

or underneath them, depending on preference. They are multi-color, though the most common ones

range from dark green to gray or black. They're able to withstand a handful of bullets, and provide great

protection against falls or blunt attacks. However, they're not as good against piercing attacks or rounds,

especially against the strange ranged weaponry of the Seraphim.


Mark Rommel, Commander of the Rangers. Known for his tactical genius and cleverness, Mark Rommel may be

the only reason the Rangers have continued to be a military branch for so long. He is known for his questionable manipulative personality, and makes up the entirety of the Rangers' political power. Mark often finds a way to win in even impossible and doubtful situations. Almost every member of the Rangers respects him.


Arryn Shepard, Mark's right hand. She's one of the two main officers of the Rangers, and holds the most

individual kills in the military branch. Arryn is well known for her speed and marksmanship, having a

reputation for being the "perfect soldier". However, Arryn herself possesses questionable mental stability.

The only reason Arryn isn't in custody of the Military Police for more then a few charges is because Mark

has her back.


Arnold Mayweather, Commander of the Military Police in Libertia. Although most don't want to admit it, or are

simply too blind to see it, Arnold has a clear hand in the decisions the government of Libertia makes. He is in

charge of almost the entirety of Libertia's military, and has a long history in the military himself. He harbors a

respect for the Rangers, but sees them as a problem to the ordinary peace the Wall Cities deserve. Arnold is

considered the greatest of the Military Police Commanders.

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