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Fandom Starfield?


The Overlord
Hey there! Wolf here! And after diving into my millionth playthrough of Starfield, my muse for a rp is pretty high. I do have a couple of rules first.

  • Be 18+, I’m over 20 and not comfortable playing with minors in any setting
  • Be advanced lit to novella, I’m not picky but give me something to work with.
  • Communicate. This is my biggest one. I want someone who contributes to the plot, is willing to come up with ideas, lets me know if something isn’t working or they don’t particularly like an idea, etc

So what can you expect from me?
  • Third person past tense descriptive writing
  • I mostly play male main chartbusters but will play side characters of any gender
  • MxF, MxM, and platonic pairings
  • Someone who gets excited about rping and invested in the story. I’m also a big man of memes, playlists, moodboards, etc.

So rp wise, I’m wanting to use OC’s here and have something that takes place before or outside of the main plot, our own twist on the main plot, or even something after the main plot. The world has so much potential it would be fun to see what we can come up with. Anyways, if I caught your eye lets get started! I look forward to hearing from you!

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