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Fandom stardew valley ✩ casual partner search


𝑎𝑏 𝑖𝑚𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒
howdy. I'm lewis and I'm currently I'm looking for a pretty self-indulgent stardew valley inspired roleplay. Because this universe isn't particularly demanding, I'm expecting this to be more of a casual thing (though I'm down for something more serious if you are as well.) However, because of that, I don't have many guidelines I'm really going by for this? I'm really just looking for something nice and stressfree like the game is for me. With that said, there are some darker themes that are explored within the game itself, so those may come into play depending on what we decide to go with, so just be aware of that!

As far as w h a t we'll be roleplaying, I'm currently leaning towards doubling farmer x canon? Though I'm also really interested in oc x oc shenanigans within the universe, so if that's your thing I am so very here for that. I feel obligated to note, though, that if we do ocs I will be more interested in mlm pairings because i am a b i g gay myself and they are what I get most indulged in. However, if we're doubling, I have no qualms about the preferences of your character. I am willing to play whoever/however you like.

If we make this a more casual roleplay, I'm not too concerned with reply lengths. However, I'm not a fan of one-liners and would prefer at least one paragraph though that is n o t a limit for anyone who wants to do more than that, I'm usually a novella writer so i eat that shit right up. I would prefer a relatively literate partner, and perhaps someone seventeen+ as I am nineteen and it makes me uncomfy writing romantic subplots with people too much younger than me, ya dig?

as for availability, i am pretty much active oorp all day as long as i am not asleep? oof. However, I do have work and school, so replies may not always be readily available, but I am always up for plotting and casual chatter when I can't be super focused on replying at the time. I'm not too concerned with my partner's availability. Once every week or two to multiple a day, whatever works for you. I do like oorp communication, as it usually makes roleplays go smoother when both parties are in the know. i promise i'm friendly. i'm just a big gay meme that cares too much about his ocs and makes bad jokes. it's a fun time. so if any of that interests you, just shoot me a message so we can get to it!

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