Starbound Roleplay: looking for a ruleset


August Personage of Jade
I'm pondering a sci-fi roleplay using Starbound's lore-- and so I'm wondering, what do you guys think is the best ruleset for this kind of thing?

It'd need a crafting system that could be used to approximate both the farm system and the general item and tech advancement of Starbound, as well as a decent combat system that has both melee and ranged weapons balanced. The social system is less important, but still there because they will be interacting with other villages, outposts, and the like.

Would I be better off trying to make a homebrew or something, or can someone think of a good system for this?
Certainly seems very interesteing, and has decent reviews.

Wish I could find a preview copy...
Managed to locate a preview copy, and from what I can tell, this is too macro-focused for what I'm interested in. Very much focused on how the civilization itself rises and falls, rather than on individual player characters. Which is neat and all, but not what I'm looking for here, specifically.
No problem, it a very flexible set of rules. It was also originally the system used for Star Wars before it went to Wizards of the Coast and WEG had to remove all of the references to Star Wars. The core of the system is still intact. While it is a slightly broken system, it is broken in a way that makes the game fun to play allowing for some awesomely epic moments.

Let me know if you have any questions about the system, it's my old stand-by because it's my favorite system (I've been using it for nearly 20 years). I've used it to run Star Wars, Firefly (removed Aliens and FTL travel), and Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra (by using the skills in the D6 Fantasy book and using the Metaphysics rules from D6 Space for Bending).

For Starbound, you can make alien races and mechanical races with different abilities using the Advantages, Disadvantages, and Special Abilities. You can set up different Crafting skills under the Technical Attribute. You can also apply a bonus to the equipment you are using for digging based on it's type.

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