Tende altum, volare altius
This thread is for small side stories, and interactions that may not involve the entire group. They can occur at any time, between any characters.
In order to keep track of things, you will need to do a few things to each post you add here.
First of all, every interaction should be written in their own colour. You can add the code for the colour at the bottom of your post, so the others involved can use it too.
Secondly: you must add the place, time and tag the people that are part of the interaction. For example
Place: Imperial courtyard
Time: During the rest at Corska
Characters: Your own character, Rusty (@ this player) and Luna (@ that player)
Colour: COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201) (or the html #code)
Do this for every post and we can have multiple short stories going at the same time.
If you have any question just post them in the OOC or the discord chat.