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Fantasy Starborne - Lore



Tende altum, volare altius

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    This is a world that can be described at solar punk with a Victorian twist. It is not unlike Disney’s Treasure Planet, where the space-traveling vessels are massive sailing ships with solar energy-collecting sails. There are alien races and a special branch of magically-changed humans called biomen. There are also sentient automatons, created by the master automateurs, usually in the service of nobles or kings. Most of the galaxies in the known universe are under Imperial control, and subject to Imperial law. Many previously-inhabited planets were colonized and their native populations assimilated into Imperial culture, though there is a weak attempt to preserve the original cultures and languages, and most of the effort is made by the native peoples themselves. The capital is the best example, outside the central ring of the city there is a quiltwork of different building styles, decorations and peoples. There are galaxies outside Imperial influence, those are within “Out Space” and it is strongly discouraged for any Imperial citizen to go…they usually do not return.

    Space is vast and the trade routes between galaxies and planets are patrolled frequently by pirates. Merchant ships and Imperial vessels are often weaponized with energy canons, and a fighting force employed on board armed with beam sabers and blasters that draw similarities with Victorian weaponry. The Imperial capital is on a planet called Centralis, in the central most galaxy of Imperial space, Imperialis. The city was given the name St Celeste, by the first emperor.
    In this world you may make up your own planets, with unique cultures, politics, histories etc. however I must approve them before they are posted.

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Planets and Alien Races

This is a section where I will put up the lore players have written about their own species and planets or areas in the galaxy. All lore written by other players must be approved by a gm before it is posted here and must be posted by a gm. Please pm the written lore for approval.
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Orcumyn are split into two genders, male and female. The males are bipedal, with gray flesh and a variety of carapace coloring. Carapace covers their arms, legs, back, chest, and neck, with a helmet-like shell with a horn on their skull. They are often quite dense and strong, topping out around a maximum of seven feet tall. The sharpness of a male's horn is a representation of their willingness to fight; a blunt horn implies a more pacifistic nature. The males tend to avoid any articles of clothing that aren't pants, for... no visible reason, really.

The females are much thinner and taller, with mantis-like limbs. Their four-fingered hands have extraordinarily sharp retractable claws, and their long legs are capabale of meting out extreme force. They lack the carapace and horn of their male counterparts, with a triangular head and a small mouth and eyes. They often wear flowing styles of clothing, along with beads and bangles to identify with the faction or male of their choice. They can get up to a staggering nine feet tall.

Orcumyn marriage panders to neither gender; in a world of war, cooperation in all regards is necessary. Therefore, both male and female accept all responsibilites and carry the burden together. Raising a child (or rarely, two children) is a monumental effort requiring both parents' work and attention, although the word 'love' quite literally has no translation in the Orcyrian language.


Orcys began civilization with war, starting with the first Orcymyn who figured out how to punch. Due to the constant state of warfare, three factions arose, all of them hating each other. Rhud Tahlal, the technological elites; Des Werki, who developed the art of large-scale warfare tactics; and lastly Bul Deif, who pretty much did whatever they wanted.

The moment the Imperium landed on Orcys, however, all of the factions fused into one; Taug Kriph. All of Orcys waged war on the Imperium... Or at least, most of it.

A fourth (or second, depending on how you look at it) faction arose in the background of the interplanetary war. Thug Duluv, a band of Orcumyn who saw the advatages and oppurtunities to be had in the reaches of interplanetary space. They expanded, leaving Orcys and beginning one of the largest organized crime syndicates in the known universe.

A martial art was founded, Oyr Bek-fei. Although it has no translation into Imperial Common, a close approximation would be "Punch and Puncture". For males, it involves using their horn, feet, and fists to mete incredible damage in a frontal fight. For females, it means dodging and slicing or stabbing with their claws. Used in conjunction, a male and female Orcumyn skilled in Oyr Bek-fei is a nearly unstoppable force.

LANGUAGE (will be added on to)

The Orcyrian dialect was developed during aforementioned war: as such, it is blunt and to the point. It doesn’t have very many words at all, and all of them are designed to get the point across as quickly as possible. Context is crucial to the meaning of a word, along with tonal inflections.

Primary syllables are used at every part of a word except the end.

Ki- "kee", Ro- "row", Im- "eem", Es- "ess", Be- "beh", Al- "all", Vu- "voo"
Primary syllables are always pronounced the same way, with no exceptions; e.g. “vubeim” would be pronounced VOO-beh-eem instead of voo-BEIM.

(Note 1): in the rare event of a repeating vowel, a hyphen is used, e.g. ki-im; usually, another primary syllable is placed between them, e.g. kiroim.
(Note 2): Orcyrian names are not consistent with the primary syllables; rather, the parent simply gives the child a name that they like the sound of.


In context of sentences, nouns are more or less used in the same way as Imperial Common, with little to no exceptions. Few object-specific nouns exist; gestures and indications are used instead. Names are rarely used.

Ro = me/I, referencing oneself
Kiro = him/her/it, referencing objects/people, literally “not me”
Bekiro = client/inferior partner/employer


Verbs are used prior to nouns as opposed to after them, e.g. (Kibe ro kiro’i) which would mean “I’m going to kill them”, or literally translated as “Kill them I am going to do”. The Orcyrian dialect has a shockingly small number of verbs, as their usual method of communication between each other consists of gestures and implications, along with pheremonal communications. Even when words are optional, most Orcumyn choose to simply point at things or people to get their meaning across.

Kibe = Kill
Vube = Help
Robeki = Fix
Albeim = Move (pointing or location names are used, rather than words specified to directions such as west or east, or even simple words like ‘there’.)

Suffixes/Conjunctions/Additional words

Additions to pre-existing words are actually the most varied part of the Orcyrian language, far exceeding the few verbs in place. Possessive suffixes are never used with names; instead, “ro” or “kiro” are appropriately used.

-i "ee" = attached at the end of nouns to make plural, e.g. Kiro'i for them/they
-be "bay" = attached at the end of adjectives/adverbs for emphasis
-v as in “liv” = possessive personal, e.g. Kiro’v for my/mine
-ro "row" = possessive e.g. Kiro'ud for his/her/its
-ki "kee" = possessive plural, e.g. Kiro’ki for their/theirs
-u "oo" = singular violent noun, e.g. Kiro'u for violent male/female
-uup "oop" = plural violent noun e.g. Kiro’uup for violent people
Es "ess" = is/are, singular and plural, e.g. "kiro'uup es bekiro"(those/these violent people are clients) or "kiro'i es bekiro'uup" (these people are violent clients. This is usually used when a person is hiring specifically for murder or assault.)
Be "bay" = and; a conjunction.

(Note 3): Suffixes are always used with an apostrophe after the affected noun, e.g. "kiro'u".
(Note 4): possessive terms used before a noun to indicate ownership by the noun, and after a noun to indicate ownership of the noun.

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Added more!
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Zilian is a singular centipede of immeasurable age and indeterminable length. Perpetually asleep, his black carapace is miles thick on the outside and noticeably thinner further down into the coils. The location of his head is unknown, and the total circumference of the ‘planet’ has been approximated at 23,000~ miles. The width of the exterior segments have been measured at approximately five hundred miles, with large spaces between the primary sections. If aimed correctly, it is theoretically possible to fly straight through Zilian’s coils.

He has never woken up in recorded history, and even the oldest shedlings on record have no recollection of his ever not being asleep. Very rarely, he comes out of deeper sleep and just barely achieves consciousness, but still never wakes. During this period, all shedlings within a ten-thousand light-year radius are potentially subject to immediate ‘hijack’ by Zilian, which often renders them comatose for a period of up to but not exceeding thirty days. During the aforementioned ‘hijack’, Zilian employs whatever abilities, knowledge, and memories the shedling has. The shedling retains no memory of the incident.

Shedlings come in an enormous variety of shapes, sizes and abilities. Some are a few feet long; others can measure miles. How exactly they are produced is unclear as of yet, and no Imperium scientist has been willing to descend deep enough into Zilian’s coils to find out. Common sense would indicate that the shedlings are cast-off pieces of Zilian itself, but whether or not the process can be deliberately initiated is unknown. The few consistencies in shedling abilities are human intelligence at minimum, proportionate telekinesis (approximately one fifth of the shedling’s body weight in their younger days, and increasing to a maximum of one and a half times their body weight by the age of five years), species-specific telepathy, and rapid regeneration.* Even lost limbs can be recovered, albeit very slowly. IMPORTANT NOTE: THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF REPRODUCTION. Zilian is the exclusive source of shedlings.

Zilian (the culture, not the centipede) adopted the Imperial method of counting time. Zilian doesn't orbit a sun and has no moon, which means that the sheddings have no traditional way to see what time it is. They use digital clocks if at all, and while they measure age in years, they assign little to no significance to the passing of time as it relates to their own species. They appear to be capable of attaining theoretically indefinite age. They are assuredly not immortal, as gigantic hollowed husks of shedlings have been observed littering the surface of Zilian.

The planet lacks an atmosphere and therefore lacks air; prior to Imperium annexation, the shedlings communicated exclusively with a species-specific form of extremely long-range telepathy. After dismantling and replicating the ship that had crash-landed on the surface of the planet (a Duluvian corvette), the shedling race learned an enormous amount of the common Imperium language and began implementing it in their telepathic communications. Upon Imperium annexation, they promptly expanded and learned more of the language.

The shedlings can be split into four castes; Architects, Engineers, Scouts, and Warriors.

Architects have the highest overall intelligence out of any of the castes and by far the most powerful telekinesis, but tend to be significantly smaller and weaker. They are capable of distinctly projecting their concepts into their brethrens’ minds, and tend to cooperate with other Architects more than the other castes.

Engineers are also extremely intelligent, but are more durable and adaptive; they often have a field in which they excel more than any other. Their abilities are more focused on understanding foreign technology and implementing/adapting it into their own, or even improving their own based upon it.

Scouts are made to be quick-witted, dealing with situations on the fly and understanding crises. They are extremely good with numbers, getting a count on large groups with staggering precision, which allows them to report to their companions with high accuracy. They also have a much longer telepathic range than the other castes.

Warriors are the dumbest caste, but more than make up for it in enormous size and unequaled strength and speed among the seedlings, although they possess no telekinesis at all. Their carapace can measure several feet in thickness, and has been noted to withstand traditionally lethal attacks with little to no ill effects. They are nearly incapable of making tactical decisions, and will always save each other and other shedlings whenever possible, often attempting to sacrifice their own lives in the process. This can result in ‘dogpiling’, an occurrence where a number of Warriors attempt to save each others’ lives and cover each other. While an evidently unintentional tactic, it is a nearly impenetrable defense, as the frontline is continuously replaced by a fresh shedling.

In summary, the shedling race as a whole is an incomparably invasive species, one capable of adapting to extremely hostile environments while remaining largely neutral to native life. Setting unbreakable defenses, building unconquerable bases, stretching their influence far into the stars, shedlings have already proven themselves a formidable threat. Imperium higher-ups highly recommend dealing with the situation, but the primary issue is that any aggressive move would be met a thousandfold. Any military action would have to fully and entirely annihilate Zilian in an instant, or several billions shedlings would immediately retaliate.

*They are also capable of surviving in a zero-atmosphere environment, although they are possibly susceptible to toxins.
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