TV & Film Star Wars


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"Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Unless one is a Jedi, in which case one also deals in absolutes, but lies out their ass about it... >.>
"Because Jedi lie. They manipulate. And every act of charity or kindness they do, you can drag it out squirming into the light and see it for what it is. The galaxy doesn't need Jedi arrogance or Jedi hypocrisy anymore. At least the Sith are honest about what they're killing for. The Jedi are pacifists... except in times of war. They're teachers... except when it comes to telling their students the truth. And when they save you, it's only so you can suffer more."

And George should not be allowed near a script. And this thread is officially derailed. Muahahaha.
TacoMann said:
"Because Jedi lie. They manipulate. And every act of charity or kindness they do, you can drag it out squirming into the light and see it for what it is. The galaxy doesn't need Jedi arrogance or Jedi hypocrisy anymore. At least the Sith are honest about what they're killing for. The Jedi are pacifists... except in times of war. They're teachers... except when it comes to telling their students the truth. And when they save you, it's only so you can suffer more."

And George should not be allowed near a script. And this thread is officially derailed. Muahahaha.
LOL of course if George was never allowed near a script, for whatever missteps he made in his latter days, there would have never have been any Star Wars at all nor the frist 3 Indy movies. The problem is less about Geotge amd more about how Western culture has changed. I the 40's thru 60's John Wayne had success with films that had the exact same plot as films he had done only a few years before and he did it more than once. In those days we moviegoers went to see films to be entrained, they did not nitpick every little detail to the Nth degree as we do today. Plot inconsistencies were forgiven (heck the serials had enough of them in one run to fill 20 of today's films. Lucas for whatever faults he had wrote with an eye to that era, heck I can point out a boatload of inconsistencies in both Episodes IV-VI and the first Indy 3 Indy films, ones people either ignore, conveniently forget, or readily forgive. You can see the same trend of inconsistencies with films coming out of places like Thailand and the rest of Southeast Asia and even in some European films. these films have tons of amazing action such as the films of Tony Jaa and also tons of inconsistencies, but people in those counties love them and don't question those things because that are there for a good time and they don't need lots of questions to have that good time.

Some change is good and surely some films are truly bad, but I think we nitpick way too much. Star Wars movies have always been B grade and I say that as a HUGE Star Wars Fan. Heck, A New Hope only got nominated for Best Picture because it shocked the heck out of Hollywood, not because it is a good film when compared with films like, Seven Samurai, or any of the films of Hitchcock in his prime. In 1977 the day after I went to see Star Wars we were not standing around the swing set the next day discussing Mark Hamill's wooden acting or Carrie Fisher's over emoting--all we cared about was spaceships and blasters and whacking each other with sticks (Back when kids could do such things at school) while making light saber noises. And quite frankly when I saw Episodes I-III with my kids I was a little kid again and did not question all the stuff that was wrong, oh I saw it I just didn't care because I was having fun.

But I confess I am a huge Jediphile, sure they are not prefect but I don't think they were ever intended to be. They are a flawed order of Knights, trying to do the right thing and often failing--and that makes then relocatable and cool IMO. Like the Knights of Europe or the Samurai of Japan, neither of whom ever really lived up to the ideas of Chivalry or Bushido the Jedi never fully live up to the Code, try as they might. I have never been enamored with the Sith in the way so many seem to be. I guess it is that zeal for bad guys people gave, something I gave up 20 years ago after working a job where I got to see some of the real evil men do, close up. I suppose you could say Sith are honest, if a group of backstabbing, thugs who lie to each other, can be called honest. Sure I guess you are right that they are honest about wanting to pillage and burn as it were, but I fail to see how that is admirable. It's like when thugs in movies kill someone and say, "It's not personal"---I suppose that makes it all better. :tongue:

And yes well the thoroughly derailed, lol.
Star Wars: Rebels is amazing. Better than The Clone Wars, honestly. <3 The best film is a painful tie between The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. I CANNOT choose.

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