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Fandom Star Wars 『 ʀᴇʏʟᴏ 』


⁠— ℝ𝕖𝕪, 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕜𝕦
Now that I've got your attention... I'm new to this site, so I decided I'd try my luck here! I'd love to find a long-term partner to RP Star Wars, specifically Reylo with. I am certainly very comfortable with her character, experienced with her, and love length, paragraph-style RPs.
I have watched TROS but do not require that you have if you want to RP!! Hell, if you just want to discuss the movies hmu.

Some of the ideas for a canon/canon divergent setting include:

  • maybe playing with the theory that Kylo wasn't supposed to die originally, the aftermath of him coming to the rebels and having to live there, but he has her and she has him and it's all wonderful
  • maybe rey finding some way to revive him? either immediately through her powers gained in ascension/intervention from some other force ghost/at a later date
  • i saw this idea that once ben gave her his life force to revive her he started living inside of her head, and they communicate like that until rey finds a way to put him back into his physical form
  • something super bittersweet including rey dying/becoming one with the force and meeting ben in the afterlife instead, because they are a dyad and after all they have to be either both alive or both dead a la leia and luke who died within a relatively close timeframe
  • kylo actually managing to turn rey and them becoming a force to be reckoned with
  • the aftermath of a world where palpatine got to her before ben
  • they defeat palpatine, both survive, and become grey jedis (we could even do this not with palpatine, but earlier on, in TLJ when ben asks her to take his hand, he actually takes her away for training on some remote relevant or irrelevant planet, and there they fall in love and decide to start the real new order, no jedi, no sith
Alternatively, some ideas I've come up with regarding AUs!

  • a normal, modern world au where rey and kylo still share their force bond, for some inexplicable reason
  • a typical college au where Ben is some big name faculty or maybe a TA and Rey is a frustrated grad student that walks into this bulky guy everywhere and she swears he's trying to make her life miserable, following her everywhere with that sulky look of his, but wait, is he actually maybe kind of cute in an emo puppy dog way?
  • AU where Ben is a hotshot CEO/politician/big name and Rey is an artist just trying to get by, they meet by chance when she spills her coffee on him on accident, apologizes profusely and swears to repay him. He kindly informs her she'd have to pay up half her shitty salary to repay him. She offers to treat him to coffee instead?
  • They are coworkers in a tech company and he is way higher up the ladder. But one drunken night for a company dinner they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and oops she's making out w/him and should they report this to someone above him, at some point?
  • Any variation of the soulmate AUs i love love lovee and think it works especially well with these galactic dorks. could be an AU where the soulmate aspect is incorporated into the star wars universe or just a good ole modern AU. reluctant enemy soulmates trope
  • i also ADORE mythology/fantasy AUs so much. prince and a pauper? yes. something based off of Adam Driver's don quixote movie? god yes. mystical creatures AU? sign me up
  • medieval AUs definitely have my heart. something as strange and different as their soul bond during medieval times maybe?
  • normal modern AU, domestic stuff, can be in conjunction with any of these AUs if you want, they have a kid and wrestle through domestic life
  • random AU where they are soulmates who keep meeting and meeting in different realities in different ways. a great way to incorporate many different universes and also see their desperation as they struggle to find each other
  • AU from a fanfic i read where they were neighbors and he was just the crappy, no-good kid, with her being a goodie goodie. he is too old for her and too bad, but she sees something soft in him and falls in love anyway. it crashes and burns bc of course HE crashes and burns, some epic conflict about him going to jail, getting into a fight that lands him in the hospital, years of separation, and then a bittersweet reunion
  • he is a vampire with no moral compass and she is the first of his victims he cannot bring himself to kill. silly vampire shenanigans ensue
  • they're in a battle of the bands and attempt to sabotage each other but oops theyre in love now
  • they're (very different types of) influencers and meet at some convention. are constantly pitted against one another/shipped together. they finally meet and have to hide around but eventually become an iconic couple of the 21st century
  • Greek mythology AU?
  • Hogwarts AU??
So many AUs/scenarios to be explored and discovered. Feel free to DM me if you're interested!
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