Star Wars: Void


Senior Member
Name: Aname (Ann-i-meh) Karrde

Age: 15

Height: 5'7"

Build: Athletic, Toned.

Occupation: Reserve Pilot, Padawan, Planet Explorer.

Race: Human

Traits(5): Very Intelligent/Strong-Willed/Honest/Outgoing/Ambitious

Flaws(5): Unpredictable/Stubborn/Sensitive/Vain/Prideful


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Ana2.jpg.222afdba2132f93a7952698a6eb2c388.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Ana2.jpg.222afdba2132f93a7952698a6eb2c388.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Aname "Ana" Karrde is the daughter of Talon Karrde (canon), asset in the Galactic Civil War and a former smuggler and information broker who dominated the underworld market in information before merging his organization over to the Jedi, thus forming the Republic Intelligence & Information Alliance (R.I.I.A.) where he heads as director of covert and intelligence operations. Ana has never seen nor knew her mother, just that she was a "great heroine". Ana is a padawan in the Jedi Academy, with uncanny, exceptional analytical and stealth skills. She is combat oriented, but not extremely skilled. However, her resourcefulness and wit makes up for that greatly. Her Jedi Master and teacher is Yoda, and sometimes she gets away with things because of her father's position, thus making her a "brat". She LOVES to explore and travel uncharted terrain and things, and is also a phenomenal driver pilot and assists in shipments across the galaxy from time to time. She's listed as a reserve pilot, the second youngest ever recorded behind an Anakin Skywalker. Raised in wealth and military side of life, she can be very helpful and charitable, when she's not off being a loose cannon.

Extras: Emerald Green eyes, top stealth skills in Jedi Academy, close with Solo family, she has peak body control: extreme precision in use of limbs and movements, favorite color: azure blue, has a great sense of humor, freakishly skilled with a blaster, multilingual, loves exploration.

Weapon: White (Adegan) Lightsaber



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Name: Reidi (RAY-dee) Gunsia

Age: 18

Height: 7'4"

Build: lean and skinny

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Race: Raikas (not cannon.)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/aliens_head_concept_i_by_zarnala-d4x5f0a-3.png.c71c680a51394c1ba8fa65d51b8196e5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/aliens_head_concept_i_by_zarnala-d4x5f0a-3.png.c71c680a51394c1ba8fa65d51b8196e5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Reidi was from a planet in war. Her master was trying to create peace when he saw her. He saved Reidi from an attack on her village. Soon after, he realized she would make a great Jedi. Reidi came without a fight, happy to leave her planet.

Extras: none.



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Name: Malku'en

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Korunnai (Korun)

Picture Appearance: Will be drawn by hand~

Written Appearance: Brown Skin/ Black Hair/ Blue Eyes

Height: 5'10

Weight: 127 lbs

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Personality: Positive - Compassionate/Adaptable/Devoted/Accepting; Negative - Oversensitive/Indecisive/Self-pitying/Excapist

History: On his home planet, Haruun Kal, Malku'en was visited by a rogue Jedi Master whose name is but a mystery now. Malku'en had no knowledge of the Force or the war between the Empire and the Republic but this rogue Jedi sensed that he was strong in the force and decided to train him. Though his family was against it, he took on the challenges of a Jedi and learned the ways of the Force. After 3 years of training, the young Padawan said good bye to his mysterious master as he had to leave back to the front lines to continue the fight. Malku'en decided not too long after his master's leave that he too would assist in the fight. He stole one of his father's ships and left in pursuit of his master. After his hyper-drive period ended, he emerged to a planet called Tython which was under attack by the Empire. Malku'en didn't have any efficient weapons on his ship to help fight back so he flew downward to Tython. When he opened his ship, he was at blasters tip and asked for a name. Another master of the Jedi Council saw his lightsaber and called off the blasters then welcomed the young Padawan. Tython managed to fend off the Empire's attack and Malku'en was put through his final trials as a Padawan before being dubbed a newly awaken Jedi Knight. Now he fights alongside the Republic as a scout Jedi who travels the galaxy and gathers intel from wherever he my be stationed. Mission after mission, Malku'en only gets stronger as he journeys on.

Weapon: Guardian (Blue) Lightsaber
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Ladypilot17 said:
Name: Reidi (RAY-dee) Gunsia
Age: 18

Height: 7'4"

Build: lean and skinny

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Race: Raikas (not cannon.)

Appearance:View attachment 70658

Bio: Reidi was from a planet in war. Her master was trying to create peace when he saw her. He saved Reidi from an attack on her village. Soon after, he realized she would make a great Jedi. Reidi came without a fight, happy to leave her planet.

Extras: none.

KingDalmasca said:
Name: Malku'en
Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Korunnai (Korun)

Picture Appearance: Will be drawn by hand~

Written Appearance: Brown Skin/ Black Hair/ Blue Eyes

Height: 5'10

Weight: 127 lbs

Occupation: Jedi Knight

Personality: Positive - Compassionate/Adaptable/Devoted/Accepting; Negative - Oversensitive/Indecisive/Self-pitying/Excapist

History: T.B.A.

Weapon: Custom Built Lightsaber
I need your bio then I'll accept lol 
Okay, my bio is posted. Maybe we take one more person if no one signs up I guess we can start!
Name: Kaldona Synn

Age: 20

Height: 5'7"

Build: Toned

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Race: Human

Traits: Adaptable, Decisive, Patient, Efficient, Rational

Flaws: Competitive, Blunt, Money-minded, Resentful, Selfish


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/tumblr_n6kiuhLwj51t4is7uo2_1280.jpg.9b7d9dee8e8165dcc2649fce818ce3d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/tumblr_n6kiuhLwj51t4is7uo2_1280.jpg.9b7d9dee8e8165dcc2649fce818ce3d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Kaldona was sold to a bounty hunter at a young age when he confronted her parents about a debt they owed him. Her parents traded her at age ten so that she could train as the bounty hunter’s apprentice as payment. She was promptly taken from her parents by the hunter, Elek Alder, and relocated to Coruscant. There she trained under him and learned what he knew as a bounty hunter up until the day he died.

After her master’s death, Kaldona inherited all of his belongings and picked up where he left off. Kaldona’s specialty as a bounty hunter is sharpshooting and tracking, meaning she will often take jobs that require more tracking instead of heavy fighting. Tracking and retrieving are her specialties, whether it be people, droids, or other objects she can locate it by whatever means necessary for the right price.

Kaldona can be ruthless and heartless about some things, but for the most part she is easy to work with and get along with as she prefers to get a job completed as quickly as possible. She doesn’t kill unless her job requires it or her life depends on it, instead she uses a high-powered tranquilizer to bring down those she is hunting.

Alliance: The one with the fattest purse.

Extras: She carries with her a holo map in the form of a wrist-watch. It has a 3D map of the city she is currently occupying and allows her to search and track much easier that way.

Weapon: Kaldona’s main weapon includes a sniper rifle with both actual rounds and tranquilizer shots along with a sawed of shotgun. Her boots are outfitted with small rockets that allow her to make long jumps or hover for a limited period of time if need be. She also carries round mini tracers which she can stick on and use to keep track of the whereabouts of a few people. Kaldona has been trained in hand-to-hand combat and is exceptionally proficient in that as well.


Sorry this took so long for me to put together! Let me know what you think.



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Ok so we have out characters, now we need a story setup 
So I was thinkin since my character loves to explore and is a bit of a brat, she goes to an uncharted world without permission and the two Jedi Knights are tasked with bringing Director Karrde's daughter back (possibly Reidi's first assignment), and also it happens to be where the bounty hunter Kaldona is searching for something. How does that sound?
Well if so, she wouldn't know his daughter's on that planet she left without permission, but when she finds out she uses it to her advantage?
Actually sorry, i got mixed up. It would be better if Kaldona was looking for something else. Not her father. And then, they just bump into eachother.
So, what we got so far is that, (first off whose the following knights? lol) the two knights are tasked with bringing the daughter of the director back with them after she ran away to explore. Kaldona is tasked with finding something on that very same world and if she is to find the daughter, which may prove more valuable and useful in killing the director, she'll capture her and take her hostage. And if she somehow manages to escape that world, she'll attempt to trade the girl's life for the director's. That would mean that the knights' job is to get that girl back and defeat Kaldona and retrieve the girl before she can make it to the director. We'd have to stretch this somehow though, maybe if more people sign up before Kaldona can make it to the director for the trade, use them to extend the rp even farther. And go with the flow I guess, I don't know just an idea. 
Wait, there was a page two, didn't know that lol sorry we'll just go with the "Not kill director" thing and keep moving.

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