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Fandom Star Wars The Old Republic


Shark Whisperer
Right so I'm not a fan of set profile templates. I prefer to let everyone set up their profile as they like. I just ask that you include all the important information, such as name, age, gender, species etc. Also please state what your character's occupation is, such as Jedi, Sith, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, things like that, as well as what faction they serve, Republic, Empire, or neutral.
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Vulen Malrak



Name: Vulen Malrak

Series/Fandom: Star Wars

Age: 37

Race/Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown, most likely asexual

Occupation: Gray Jedi Master

  • Appearance

    Height: 6'4

    Weight: 213 lbs

    Hair: Straight black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail under his hood

    Eyes: brown with a hint of red in them due to the Sith Corruption

    Body: Athletic

    Attire: see character image

    He looks very similar to Sean Bean, with a long scar going down the left side of his face over his eye (though he is still able to see). He also has a large tattoo of the Gray Jedi Symbol on his back with the words "There is no dark side nor light side, only the force" written in huttese in the gap above the star.

Theme Song


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Name: Robard

Series/Fandom: Star Wars

Age: 22

Race/Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: Jedi Knight


Form I: Shii-Sho

Form IV: Ataru

Combat Style:


Strong Style

Fast Style

Mature for his age, Robard is a calm and easy going man with a sense of humor when he feels comical. He has a strong sense of justice and honor placing it above most else even in his own life and its existence willing to act as the sacrifice or decoy while others escape. Brave and tactical Robard has a eye for detail and often is well thought in his actions even if they could not be seen by others.

  • Born on Alderaan to his wealthy parents of unknown origin. Robard was seemingly well in luck for his birth into a loving home and where riches were plenty and meant he would be well off, never in fear of being without the needs for life and survival... Having plenty of his wants in his childhood given to him. But it was not for him to remain, it was not long into his childhood before he was discovered as force sensitive. Believing he was meant for a purpose beyond them and there ability to fulfill, Robards parents brought him to Tython the temple of Jedi. It was here that a young child with green eyes and light brown hair would begin his journey to become a Jedi, it was here hat his training would begin.

Robard studied the Jedi's ways and trained as a Jedi, learning about the force and force abilities. Spending much time working towards mastering his skills in lightsaber combat, starting off with the basics and working toward other forms and abilities with a lightsaber in hand. Once he was seen ready to become a Padawan, Robard was paired with the Jedi master Belth Allusis. A man Robard would come to look up too and respect highly, he shared a few traits with his master and did well under his tutelage. He furthered his skills with a lightsaber becoming a young expert near master of Form I Shii-Sho the most basic and commom of the combat forms, Robard however was quite capable with this form and had shown great potential as a duelist. He would then further his abilities in the force allowing him greater ability in his second form of lightsaber combat, Form IV Ataru. The aggressive and acrobatic form, though he still had much left to accomplish before becoming a master of Ataru, the young Jedi had risen to capable form if not nearing expert level.

He was truly excelling under his masters tutelage, but like he had been told by Master Belth... The young Jedi had much left to learn and master. There was still plenty of room for him to grow and achieve before being ready for knighthood in the order. Despite how far he had come up until this point, Robard was still lacking in his force skills when comparing them to his skill in lightsaber combat. The main source of his skill in the force was related to common boosts in speed and acrobatics, sense and the push and pull force abilities and force stun. Outside of those Robard still had much left to achieve in the force before being able to rise higher then Padawan.

During a later period in time after his earlier days as a padawn, Robard and Belth were sent on one mission that would ultimatlely shape Robard into the Jedi he would become. jedi master Belth was facing off with a Sith lord, while Robard was to see the defenseless people of the planet to safety. A task the Padawan accepted and saw too right away, however he would encounter his own troubles.

A number of guards with blasters gave chase and had seen to recapture the people and hold them hostage. Robard managed to fend off the guards and continue on, then came a Sith apprentice had arrived cutting them off from their path. Seeing no other option Robard directed the people toward the connecting route that send them around along a longer path but also return them to the original path to the ship. While he stayed to hold off the Sith apprentice and hopefully defeat his counterpart.

The Jedi Padawan and Sith apprentice faced off, a long and predicted duel. It was from this encounter that Robard had seen for himself how far inferior he was in comparison to the apprentice. He lacked the power to match him in the force, his only chance was to take advantage and use his skills with a lightsaber to make up for the difference. It was his only chance for survival and to end defeat the apprentice who had best him in the force. So Robard adjusted and noticed the environment more closely, he took his advantage here and used the environment for his gain. He led the Sith apprentice away toward his desired location to continue the duel, Robard eventually overwhelmed his foe with his unpredictable movements and speed and allowed for the uncertain footing upon the ground of where apprentice stood, be used and finish this fight for him. He landed a critical strike that disarmed his foe and amputated the arm while the ground broke free and the Sith apprentice fell to his death.

Robard won that duel but learned the very lesson first hand, that Belth had already taught him. He was still young and not ready for knighthood. Once they completed the mission and returned to Tython, Robard focused on furthering his skill and knowledge of the force, seeking to improve his weaknesses and become worthy of the rank of Jedi Knight.

A few years had since passed and Robard was now a Jedi Knight. He was far improved in the force and grew more skillful in lightsaber combat he was becoming more powerful then he had ever been before. He wasn't a prodigy nor a legendary figure.... But he was growing and becoming a worthy knight in the Jedi order.​

Robard utilizes a common lightsaber with certain unique touches that seperates its appearance from others and can be easily recognized as belonging to Robard. A orange crystal is used in place of the more common blue and traditional green sabers.

Force Speed

Force Sense

Force Push

Force Pull

Force Jump

Force Stun
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Name: Leona

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: Like most combatants Leona keeps a fit well toned figure usually dressed in tan or brown robes befitting a Jedi. Her hood hides long layers of deep crimson locks that hang wildly around her face when not pulled back in to a high pony tail, her piercing gray peering out from the shadow it casts upon her pale face. Upon her belt a two lightsabers hang from each hip, one a silver hilt with a blue glowing blade and the other a darker carbon hit with a soft lavender blade.

History: An infant child with no name left upon the steps of the Jedi temple on Tython was discovered by the Jedi master Alath Kwyntehst. Though there was no trace of where she'd come from or how she got there it was clear even early on that the fiery haired baby was force sensitive and eagerly accepted in to the order for training. Feeling a certain responsibility toward the girl after finding her Alath dubbed the nameless child Leona and took her under his wing.

Despite being a bit hot headed and reckless at times Leona proved to be a gifted force healer. With most of her force abilities focused in healing she developed very few combative force powers. Where she lacked in force combat however, Leona made up for with her lightsaber skills, wielding her blade with an almost effortless grace and elegance.

Once she was ready to become a Padawan it seemed only natural that Alath became her master, furthering her training as she followed him on his various mission. As she grew and her skills improved Leona began looking up to Alath almost as a father figure, having no knowlage or memories of her birth parents. Because of this Leona was deviated by Alath's death.

While searching for a fellow Jedi who'd gone missing on Tatooine Alath and Leona encountered an unknown Sith. Despite all his training and experience Alath was slain, sacrificing his life so Leona could escape. Despite the seeds of vengeance that were planted in the young Padawan's heart she managed to ignore the feelings long enough to become a Jedi knight. Now Leona finds her self struggling to follow the path of light while wanting to repay the Sith for her master's death.


Lord Roulin

Age: 25

Gender: Male



Species: Near-Human (Miraluka descent)

Affiliation: Sith Empire

Role: Sith Lord


The illegitimate offspring of a baron and a servant, Roulin Takk has ample reason to keep his history secret. However, his shameful lineage did not keep him from destroying his competition during the trials on Korriban, even with the odds stacked against him. His anger and hatred fueled him to become one of the youngest Sith Lords in recent history, and his ambition has caught the attention of several key players in the Empire. To his fellow Sith, and the galaxy at large, Lord Roulin is an ideal warrior of the Dark Side: brutal, proud, and just mysterious enough not to have any commonly known weaknesses.

However, Roulin does not wear a helmet for simple protection, nor to hide his identity for covert operations. His eyes are a clouded blue, much different to the fiery crimson of the true Sith. The young Lord has become frustrated with what he sees as the wastefulness of the Sith. He does not believe in senseless killing, having a firm philosophy of "never throw away something--or someone--who could possibly prove useful". Because of this, he is more likely to leave his enemies alive to spread terror instead of killing them outright. However, this sense of honor, and, in extreme cases, compassion, has kept him from tapping into his deepest emotions; he is Sith, make no mistake, and draws on anger, but he truly fights for the better of the Empire, which is perhaps the only thing that he loves.

Roulin has killed about half a dozen Jedi, mostly in single combat. He has a firm foothold in Sith politics, rapidly approaching the rank of Darth. However, he is well aware that his more tolerant beliefs could get him killed, and so he patiently waits for an opportunity to strike...


Like any good Sith, Roulin draws strength from his passion and hatred. He is prone to outbursts of anger, and is unlikely to forget a grudge. He will not hesitate to kill a threat, though if he believes that someone is still of value, he will likely allow them to keep living...for the time being. The Sith Lord carries a deep disdain towards the Republic and the Jedi Order, seeing them as indecisive fools who cover up their rotting leadership. However, he holds a sort of grudging respect for some of their stronger warriors.

Roulin is a very good actor, able to fool most Inquisitors by clouding himself in a veil of anger. He will do most anything to keep his secrets, even assassinating his fellow Sith Lords if need be. He can be very patient, though he does not like to wait around when he feels that it is time to act. Ultimately, he does seek the good of the Empire and its citizens, human or otherwise.
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Name: Yuri Tame'Voren

Age: Unknown. The Interplanetary Index of Notable Individuals lists him as 'approximately 41 to 55 standard years old'.

Gender: Male

Species: Mandalorian

Equipment: Extremely durable armor made of a Neuranium-Mandalorian Iron alloy. However, due to it's extreme weight, he has foregone a jetpack. Two custom-made DL-56 blaster pistols, able to fire continuously without overheating and with increased power. A T-88 Blaster Rifle, able to punch through most materials.

Personality: Cold, calculating, and silent, Yuri is not like the traditional Mandalorian. He prefers a nonviolent solution, though he has been forced to learn how to kill effectively due to his upbringing. Due to circumstances, he has made it onto the list of the galaxt's most wanted, and as such is paranoid due to bounty hunters constantly coming after him and the reward for his capture or death.

Abilities: He is force-sensitive, but nowhere near proficient enough to be a Jedi or Sith. He can perform force-assisted physical feats, but that's all. However, he is an expert marksman, soaring above even the greatest of the Mandalorians, and an expert at hand-to-hand combat, though he lacks any expertise with close combat weaponry due to the fact that he is missing his bottom two fingers on each hand.


Jax Glass










Force User

(Not Sith or Jedi)


One White Lightsaber


One Black Lightsaber


Jax wears a light suit of combat armor and regular clothes to go over it.

He hides both lightsabers in his clothes.



Jax is a laid back guy but is easy to anger and can get carried away quite often. He will kill Jedi and Sith alike but if it came down to it he'd go for a Sith instead of a Jedi.


Jax isn't as strong with the force as your average Jedi but he has honed it to such a strong point he can take on above average force users.

His strongest force power is Mechu-Deru.

He is also proficient with Force Push, Pull, Calm, and Force Choke.


What he lacks if raw force power he makes up for in his lightsaber dueling.

He is able to take on even the most elite of lightsaber duelists, and in situations he has hunted them he has always won.

He is over averagely skilled in most all of the forms but he is the strongest with, Form Seven Suyo.

Other than being a skilled duelist he is very good at bartering and Sabacc is where you lose your credits and he gets a pretty new trinket.


Jax was born on a far rimworld and spent much of his life unaware of his Father's power. When he turned ten it was apparent the he himself was force sensitive, though through the rigorous tests it proved that he wasn't very strong with it his Father knew it was a sign that he would have to train him. So they trained, and by each passing day Jax proved that his skills as a force user could surpass those of his own Father. When Jax turned thirteen his father took him to a deep cavern near their home, the only thing his father said was that when he found it he would return. For many hours he wandered the cavern until he found himself at a dead end, he had lost his way but in the corner of the cavern a bright white light lit itself. By each passing second it grew brighter and brighter, plucking it like a flower he suddenly knew his way out.

When he returned he made his white lightsaber. He and his father left their home and began traveling the galaxy battling Sith and Jedi alike. One day after fighting a Sith his father told him the story of how Jax's mother was killed. She had been a Jedi originally but under dark pressure became a Sith Acolyte. Jax at the time was the only connection his mother had to the Light Side. After his father took his mother prisoner a Grey Jedi killed her poison saying she was a spy. Though Jax and his father killed both Jedi and Sith if Jedi were willing to stay out of their way or if they were padawans they would be left alive. Though to their dismay Jedi often had some source of pride or honor and always wanted to take Jax and his father into custody. One day at the age of sixteen he and his father were walking through the market on Tantooine they found themselves in a trap. Like a cage shutting three Jedi wielding lightsaber, two blue one green, attacked them. Jax and his father were both skilled in lightsaber combat but three Jedi knights against two. The first barrage of blades and both Jax and his father were fine, Jax and his father to one another acknowledging one another. It was apparent between the two that Jax would take the green while his father fended off the blues. The green was not very skilled and must have just came out of being a padawan, his form was slow and everything he did he had to rely on the force to help him.

After a fury of blows he crossed the Jedi's face and kicked him in the knee sending him down, in this small amount of time he twisted his body so that he faced the Jedi's back and with a quick thrust put his saber through his heart. From his right he saw his father fall to the ground as a blue saber pulled from his chest. Even though he was a dozen meters away he could see the light fleeing from his fathers eyes. Jax had been taught much of his life to control his anger but this had broken the barrier. His dark green eyes lit aflame with hatred and darkness, like a dark cloud he was on the Jedi in seconds. The first was a young woman too slow on the draw, with a quick slash he dealt her a deadly blow. The second was a tall broad human, a few second into the flurry of lightsabers and he could tell the Jedi was on the ropes. The Jedi tried to cut him from the left but using a strong force grip he forced himself through the Jedi's barrier and held his arm in place. The Jedi was dead before he hit the ground. He knew his father was dead the only thing he could do was take his father's lightsabers along with the Jedi's sabers. For the past twelve years he's been hunting Jedi and Sith alike collecting their sabers for some unknown reason, the mercy he had for Jedi has all but been forgotten.


He has a group of Jawas as his ship's crew, which are very very loyal to him.


The Banshee

Elena Jorn




A respected figure of Ahto City in Manaan.

Specialization Trees:

Dueling, mind tricks, willpower, and agility.


Wants to rid of the influence of war.


Type: To protect herself and the kind she serves for, along with the idea of adventure and challenges.

Magnitude: 10

Complications: Is disliked by the Sith due to she isn't of their way and is also shunned by the Republic because of her vengeful personality. She fights for the oceanic planet, Manaan, home of the Selkath, who are getting into the trade with her former allies in the Republic





Your Lightsaber:


Biography (Optional, but suggested):

Originally, Elena is from Taris, a metropolis of cities and trade systems, but after its destruction, she was saved by a Selkath Jedi Master. He soon took her to Dantooine where she was put under training at a young age. Formerly, her masters of the force haven't been truly mastered, but she majors in athletics, illusion, and focus. Her talent is vast with the lightsaber, where her speed is unseen and nearly unbeatable in many instances. She trained with the Jedi, but after a fallout during the pursuit of wanted individuals, she soon learned that vengeance and power is desirable; however, a obsessive and evil behavior isn't the way. She prefers to remain obsolete and takes no sides of the ongoing conflict of Republic and Sith. Her banishment by the council rendered her excommunicated by all the enclaves; and the Sith feel she's too merciful. It didnt take long to get ties in Manaan. Over time, Elena became a beloved powerful figure and influence in Ahto city.

Civilian, or Jedi:


Light or Sith:





From her neck, to her arms, are adorned grass roots and vines. Intermingled with flowers and symbols of Manaan and her homeworld, Tatooine.


The Insurgent

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Name: Aela Sedaya

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/possibly Bi


Planet: Eshan

Occupation: soon to be crowned Queen/Ruler (is that too op..? I can change it if so)

Faction: Neutral at the moment


Weight: 128lbs


Aela is a kind, caring, and an intellectual female. But, she can be quite hotheaded when you cross the line and even stubborn at times. Aela doesn't do so well with romantic relationships, and is still working on proper manners. She's a carefree spirit and loves adventuring, exploring new places. She's somewhat of a adrenaline junkie.

Background: She was born into royalty, being the second child of two.

Her and her brother lived privileged lives but still were taught how to be respectful to those of "lower class".

Their father taught them how to fight since it is a major necessity in their culture.

At the age of 13, her brother died on his very first hunt.

No one knows how he died but his corpse was found nearby woods.

Throughout that time, her parents were in major mourning, fretting about who would take over the throne. Due to this, Aela acquired her slightly reckless traits. Leaving the palace for a very long time, adventuring a bout, staring death in the face, and even engaging battles with beasts and foreign speices.

She just tried to hold onto her childhood.

At 17, her parents decided she needed to straighten up and have been training her to act "Queen or Princess like".



That was lame :\

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Name: Jace Everstar

Age: 19



Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Jace Everstar was never meant for a life of solitude; growing up on the barren wastes of Tatooine's poorest dirts, life was miserable. The scorching heat of the climate, combined with the never-ending threat of Tusken Raiders, and common thieves, his small family consisting of him, a baby, and his mother, was never in a position for comfort. Lacking the funds to acquire proper accommodation in the safer cities, they lived lone as nomads, wanderers. His mother, ungifted as she was, managed to somehow keep the both of them alive through scavenging, lying, and stealing, always on the move, infant Jace soon learned that he - and his mother - weren't good enough for society, this very idea solidified his mind, and was a pathway to anger and hatred.

Years ticked by, the boy grew, taller, stronger, and far more verbal. It wasn't long until at the young age of 14, Jace was the one keeping the duo afloat, yet it became harder and harder. Tatooine became a more dangerous place, rumors of invasion had even reached the lowest form of people on the planet, such rumors - false as they may be - opened up opportunities for weapons trade, which then brought bounty hunters, mercenaries, and eventually, when big enough; the rumor even brought Jedi and Clone alike. Committing any sort of crime near a populated area was incredibly dangerous. Mother and son, were forced to vacate further, and further away from civilization. Closer to the Tuskan threat, further from food and security. They managed to get by... For a time. But Tatooine's wastelands were unforgiving. And soon Karma took its course.

A year went by, each day felt like their last. No invasion ever came in that time, yet the rumor had not died, and the cities were as armed as ever. Just when it seemed like nothing could get worse, in one unfortunate day. Jace's whole life took a downslope trip to destruction. It wasn't Tusken Raiders, it wasn't Droids, it wasn't Clones, Jedi, or any sort of Local Authority. No, it was worse. It was humans, scavengers; like them. But armed, malicious, and with no comprehension of morals. They captured Jace and his mother, both tried to fight, to no success. What followed, was days of torment, torture. Something these men must have done for sport. His mother didn't have the skill, or will, to survive.

The savages took it too far, however, their last mistake. So it may be, upon her death, they through her mutilated body to Jace's feet. What followed was merely a blur, a scream of anguish from the teenager's mouth. Then the cries as the Scavengers died, their windpipes crushed, more rushed to the commotion. Yet they suffered the same fate, but in a haze of fury they too, were dispatched with thousands of volts of lightning flowing through their bodies.

After it was all done, and the very land around Jace was scorched black from anger. he walked, with intention to walk until dead. Yet fate, or perhaps intention; would have it another way. A mere few hours after the incident. Jace was intercepted by a mysterious figure, who claimed to be a man of great power. He offered to help Jace master his affinity for said power, and become the 'Great Lord they need'. This mysterious stranger then made an irresistible offer, he promised Jace vengeance; against those who had cast him and his mother out, those ultimately responsible for his mothers death. The Republic; The residents of Tatooine. All of them.

It has been two years since Jace accepted apprenticeship to the strange man, whose name he still does not know. Yet the promise of power, has been kept to this point. not only has Jace's ability to wield the force improved significantly, his ability with force lightning has too. Yet on top of his ability with the force, the Stranger has been teaching Jace the ways of a duelist with the lightsaber. And although progress is slower than his force ability, he has still learnt a great deal, according to the stranger; Jace is close to becoming an expert in the Vaapad combat style, and the Djem-So fighting style. The stranger has also complemented his practice of Ataru; yet greatly criticizes his lack of awareness, and reckless nature, and inability to combine his lightsaber wielding abilities with his impressive strength, and unwillingness to train in other - more basic - combat styles.

Personality: Hot-headed, hateful, and aggressive, Jace encompasses the perfect traits of a sith, though they may not be set in stone, his past, and his present, have molded him in such a way he puts himself against the world. Truly believing the Galactic Republic to be nothing more than a tyrannical empire serving the rich, and oppressing the poor, he is consumed by the need for vengeance against them. Whether he can be turned from such a path, is unknown. (Don't want to give too much specifics in the personality, just the general outline)

Role: Sith Apprentice

Traits and Marks:

Heavily scarred Torso, and back.

Habit of constantly pacing.


Force Lightning

Force Choke

Force Push

Force Jump

Expert in the Vaapad combat style.

Expert in the Djem-So combat style.

Adept at the Ataru combat style.

Inexperienced in all others; including the basics.



Appearance(Everything Else):



Destined Lace







Force Sensitive?:


Force Abilities:

Force Lightning

Force Push

Force Persuasion

Force Telekinesis

Force Speed

Force Slowness



Home Planet:

Nar Shaada




Sith Lord


A double-bladed lightsaber



Destined is usually a calm, diplomatic person. She is almost always kind and calm, even to her enemies. She gets mad from time to time though and when she is mad you should know that you must have done something REALLY stupid. She is also very passionate, she would rather choose the path of evil than stray from her passion. When you get to know her, Destined will be your best friend and a very loyal ally.

Brief Biography:

Destined never did actually meet her real family. She was taken away to the sith when she was only a small baby. She trained to be a sith for all her life until she met her master, Darth Sesk, who trained her until the day he died and Destined was alone. Destined also once had a child after a man *fade to black*. She could not take care of this child so she stowed the baby away onto a Republic cargo ship. Destined eventually became a sith lord and that is where she begins in this story.​
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So I'm new to this website and how it works. I've role played on forums before but this is a whole new experience. Please don't spam me with dislikes once you read the summarized bio I make.

Name: Artanis Wolf.

Age: 42.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: I don't know why I should include this but heterosexual.

Force sensitive: Yes.

Fore abilities: The usual.

Species: Human.

Home Planet: Setreotypically Alderaan.

Faction: Galactic Republic/Republic Empire.

Occupation: Jedi Knight. (Note: Would anyone wish to be a master to Artanis?)

Weapons: Green light saber. In all the simplicity.

Personality: Makes friends easy, charming personality, charismatic. However very timid.


Born of a noble and rich family his upbringing is nothing of importance aside that of the usual paramount. Found to be a force-sensitive by the age of fifteen and trained in the Jedi Temple. Fresh out of the Temple and geared for whatever the Jedi bid him to do.( Concise and to the point.)

Question: Could someone catch me up with what has happened in RP?


Zak Talon






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/maxresdefault.jpg.5f70299b21d91945e73d454134b54f4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/maxresdefault.jpg.5f70299b21d91945e73d454134b54f4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Home Planet:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sith___the_dark_side_has_never_looked_so_good__by_faramon-d6s8nz4.jpg.acb9f6f28638836a7068f97536a446dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sith___the_dark_side_has_never_looked_so_good__by_faramon-d6s8nz4.jpg.acb9f6f28638836a7068f97536a446dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Sith Empire




Raised on Garel by a pair of Sith sympathizers, it was quite a great surprise to find out that Zak was Force-Sensitive. At once he was taken in by the growing Sith and trained under Darth Quelak, a Sith Master. Zak was a quick learner, and mastered lightsaber combat within two years. However, his anger (a key component to being a Sith) was too little, as he felt more love than anger. So Darth Quelak had him put through a series of trials and torture sessions to let his anger flow freely. It worked, and Zak came out with no emotions beside hatred and anger. Fully mastering his abilities by the age 16, he is awaiting the day he can become a Sith Lord and help the Sith regain their lost power.


Zak is cold, heartless, and unrelenting. Once you piss him off, may The Force have mercy on you. He doesn't have any limits on what he's willing do to people. If they die, they die. It's just like scraping dirt off his boot.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b05ffb_simongif3.gif.73a7ad9e893f68022dbbd7e0786887e6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b05ffb_simongif3.gif.73a7ad9e893f68022dbbd7e0786887e6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Duke 'Shadow' Amarsh







Force sensitive:


Force Abilities:

Force Telekinesis

Force Speed

Force Choke

Force Jump



Jedi or Sith:



Orange Lightsaber

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/lightsaber-orange.jpg.af16f69ef6269216abecf5f4a55ca6c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/lightsaber-orange.jpg.af16f69ef6269216abecf5f4a55ca6c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


No one knows of Duke's earlier life although a lot is known of him now. Duke is a fighter for the good. He protects those who can't protect themselves. He's killed Sith and Jedi a like but he tends to lean more to the Jedi side but the Jedi see him as a threat. They then gave him the nickname 'Shadow' because you can't catch a Shadow. If you need protection or know someone that does you can find him on the forest planet of Takodana, which there is a lonely bar. If you simply ask the bartender 'I need a shadow' an Orange lightsaber will appear in the dark corner.​



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-Character Sheet-

Perseus Talvaran

Alias: Amarth


Species: Human


Perseus bears a lean, moderately sized physique. His hair is mahogany, kept moderately short, with the front made into something of a widow's peak. His eyes are vividly blue, taking an almost cerulean color. He has a clean shaven beard, and appears to always carry himself with a definite aura of cynical wit. His set of of robes sleek, lightweight, and black adornment that was taken from the corpse of a sith practitioner. The outfit itself has been comprised of a uniquely durable fabric designed to sustain through certain amounts damage without tearing, and is complete with a hood, a black and silver mask, boots, gloves, and a sash. Around the waist area, items such as lightsabers and firearms can be fitted into the small little holds around the sash, or otherwise, whatever small items that one can think of. The robes themselves are particularly useful when employing stealth, as the dark shading and darkened countenance when worn can prove to be exceedingly useful.

Weapon: Perseus lightsaber (Or lightsabers, in some cases) is an elegant, ceremonial, and galactic weapon, comprised of a vibrant blade of pure plasma constantly held within a telekinetic field of containment. The field itself contains the energy and heat of the plasma, purposely condensing it into a shape akin to a blade. The silver and black composition of the hilt, designed by Perseus himself, has been equipped with a number of technological components that enable the blade to be retracted and projected at will, with its weightless attunement harmoniously converging with his force powers to properly wield it. A lesser known component that Perseus' lightsaber possesses, at will, should a certain mechanism on the lightsaber be activated, two small holes will open up on either side of the hilt's rim, which will emit a constant, small stream of plasma when the blade is projected.

Dark Jedi, Bounty Hunter


Perseus started out as a promising young individual, born on the well renown planet of Coruscant. In his earlier days as a padawan, he was initiated into the ways, teachings, and knowledges of the Jedi, and on the path to becoming a Jedi Knight. However, his own desires to free himself from their principles and to discover the boundaries of the Dark Side to use for his own personal purposes lead him to betraying his masters, fleeing into obscurity as he sought out the teachings of the Dark Side of the Force. And over the years, his abilities expanded under the tutorship of numerous others. Unwilling to become a sith, however, he departed when he felt he had gathered enough knowledge of his abilities to set out on his own, and to pursue his own personal desires. It was then, that he began his career as a bounty hunter to amass a collection of wealth....

Form II (Makashi), Form IV (Ataru), Form V (Shien), Saber Throw, Telekinesis, Force Speed, Force Push, Force Pull, Force Choke, Force Grip, Force Crush, Force Sense, Mind Probe, Mind Trick, Force Throw, Force Jump, Force Throw

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