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Fandom Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Bad Batch rp! [FxM] [OCxOC or OCxCanon]


New Member
I'm hopelessly obsessed with Star Wars. It consumes my every waking moment. I'm a major fan of the Prequels/Clone Wars/Order 66-era content, so I'm looking for roleplays to sate my craving for content!

Before I get into what I'm after, here's a little about me:

- I'm Sycamore, a 22-year-old agender person who uses they/them pronouns. I mostly play feminine characters- and OCs at that- but I've got OCs for every occasion! Hundreds of them, in fact!
- Due to the nature of some roleplays, I'm only comfortable roleplaying with others who are 18+.
- I consider myself a literate-to-novella -style writer.
- I'm in many fandoms, but Star Wars is the one I always come back around to when all's said and done.
- I love chatting OOC, but I like to keep my personal life private. That said, I'm more than happy to gush about our roleplay/fandom!
- My reply times can range from twenty minutes to a week depending on what's going on behind the screen.
- I can be pretty forgetful, so if I drop off the face of the earth, please give me a nudge! I have the object permanence of a goldfish and my ability to process the passage of time is just as bad.

Now then, on to the fun stuff!

I've got two Star Wars OCs on hand, but I'm definitely more partial to one over the other. See if you can guess which one it is, lmao. Anyway, I want to pair either of them up with whatever character you bring to the table for some intergalactic shenanigans! Angst, action, adventure, romance, crime- I love a good mix of all of the above, in no particular order.

The first OC is a Jedi/Padawan by the name of Cieli Hanalen: a Coruscanti human that was located as a baby, and thus raised in the Jedi Temple along with the other younglings. The Order is all she's ever known. She takes her role very seriously- and always has, really. She worked hard her whole life to gain the approval of her mentors and teachers, resorting to extensive study and practice; it tanked her social life, but any residual awkwardness makes her come off as a calm, wise Jedi to those that haven't known her very long. Those that see beyond the mask, however, will find a passionate, caring individual who deeply believes that it's her duty to spread peace and compassion. Cieli holds a rather idealized view of the Jedi, as she thinks that it's the job of those with strength and power to protect the weak. To her, no lives are expendable, no matter what; she goes out of her way to save as many as she can while on the battlefield, to the chagrin of her more level-headed master, Taro Vanus (an Azumel Jedi that Cieli practically idolizes). Depending on when this is set, she'll either be a Padawan serving under Master Vanus, or a freshly-knighted Jedi Knight who was rushed into service after Vanus's death, leaving her to take over his clone battalion.

Yenofi Tek'tufu fullpage.png1720067691066.png
This lovely lady is the second OC! Born Yen'ofi to a pair of slaves, Yenofi grew up in the spice mines of Kemix, wasting away her childhood fitting into crags and crevices that adults couldn't reach. She quickly learned the arts of theft and sneakery in order to survive under the slave wranglers' watchful eyes. She got quite good at avoiding trouble, but she quickly learned that the price of freedom was blood. Her mother died trying to start a slave uprising; her father later succumbed to illness, leaving her an orphan. Her only solace was the other slave children who she grew up with, but even then, Yenofi felt well and truly alone. When she came of age, her- and other young women raised in the mines- were sold to new owners to act as dancers and consorts. Yenofi herself was slated to be a dancer. She spent years in seedy clubs, picking pockets and selling herself in other ways in order to save enough credits for a smuggler to whisk her away.
Yenofi spent the next few years on that smuggler's ship, working for pay and gaining the skills of the trade. She learned how to hold her own in a fight, how to handle weapons, and- most importantly- that she couldn't trust anybody to have her back, when the smugglers abandoned her on Cyrillia after a mission gone wrong. This turned out to be a boon for Yenofi, however, as she used that time to further hone her weaponry skills. Eventually she found passage on a frigate- which she then promptly stole, and still has to this day. Now 31, this Twi'lek is trying to make a name for herself as a scrapper, smuggler, and bounty hunter- taking any job she possibly can as she hunts her former owners across the galaxy.

Though her time as a dancer was grueling, she developed a rakish, charming demeanor that often conflicts with her brashness. She's confident, swaggerly, unpredictable and self-serving, but beneath it all, there's a heart of gold waiting to be discovered.

Sorry for the word vomit! If you got through all that, then here's some pairings and plots that I'd love to write out with you! While I'd love you forever if you brought a canon character to the table, I'm more than happy to pair these OCs of mine with other OCs! Many of these are going to be clone-centric, but there are some that aren't, I promise!)

- [Bad Batch] After a mission gone wrong, Yenofi crashes her ship- the Passik Ch'sei- on a little-known planet! With her crew of hirelings dead, Yenofi has no choice but to sit tight while her distress beacon sends out a signal. It's been days, and she's losing hope... But a ship soon picks up her location! (Alternatively, she owes Cid some money, and Cid sends the BB to pick her up so that she can help on an upcoming mission?)

- [Any Clone/Clone OC] In the new Empire, many clones are finding themselves disagreeing with the orders being given. Dissent is growing- and with it, the number of deserters. Yenofi has jumped on this trend, and has taken to smuggling clones out of Empire-run space to deposit them on free planets so they can start a new life. Those that can't pay she dutifully employs to help her in her endeavors. Maybe your character is one of these unfortunate souls that needs smuggling, or (like Rex) someone doing the exact same thing that offers to team up!

- [Anyone] Yenofi meets your character in a bar. They hit it off (or hit each other). Either way, Yenofi needs something from them- or they need something from her- and they create a dubious partnership!

- [Anyone] A meet-cute in the middle of a deadly encounter! Our characters were both assigned to the same task from different people, and either wind up working together, or trying to take each others' heads off! Either way, plenty of action ensues!

- [Any Clone/Clone OC] Cieli has just been knighted and put in charge of her late master's clone battalion. She's stressed, sleepless, and starting to get a little sloppy. Her friend and trusted confidante- her clone commander- has taken notice, and insists she take a bit of a break. Unfortunately, as she's away from the base, Order 66 is called. Whether your character is said clone commander or a trooper serving under Cieli, some head trauma has partially/fully disabled his inhibitor chip!

- [Anyone] Trying to lay low after escaping her clones during Order 66, Cieli has hunkered down on a little-known planet. Feeling antsy by her novel domestic life, the Jedi is eager to get back out into the galaxy to do some good for others suffering under the new Empire. Whether your character is someone of a similar mindset, someone out for profit, someone hunting the stray Jedi, or a local that has taken a liking to the odd woman, shenanigans are set to ensue!

These ideas are mostly to whet your appetite, so I'd love to hear any other plots/pairings you have in mind! Don't like either of my OCs? I can definitely make someone new, though they'll probably be either a human or a Twi'lek, since those are the only cultural lores I'm brushed up on.
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