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Star Wars: Old Republic (Pairings/Ideas Included)


We can write whatever we want here right? How long
Hello everyone,

About Me:

Finals are finished and I was able to bring home a laptop and a suitcase full of clothes.... As you can imagine, things have been pretty lame when I haven't been out with my friends. I have been doing roleplay for a few years now with some of my friends, but I haven't found anyone particularly interested in anything Star Wars related. I prefer to keep the posts anywhere from 1-7 paragraphs, depending on what the content calls for. I almost always prefer to keep the writing at a higher level. I can respond at least every two or three days, but prefer to keep the pace to every day. I would hope that you can do the same. Once I get back to college, I might cut back a little, but I will still reply often! I don't mind stories that include adult blood/gore, dark/depressing tones, and brutal scenes; however, it has to stay within the rules of RPN and I would prefer if the story includes light-heartedness at least 40% of the time. I want it to be serious, but I don't want to feel depressed every time I post– I want our characters to laugh and cry.

My Idea:

The Old Republic was a time when the Jedi and the Sith alike played critical roles in politics, war, and the fate of the galaxy. The modern movies, while exciting and fun to watch, just don't have the same story that appears in games like The Old Republic MMORPG and the original KOTOR. While these games are what I would like to shape the roleplay around, you do not need to have played these. With your help, I would like to construct a story in this era dominated by force users and tremendous tension between the Sith Empire and the Republic.


These are some of the ideas that have been floating around in my head for the past few days that I am incredibly eager to try:

-A M X F  platonic relationship between a male Sith Master and his female apprentice. They travel around the galaxy training the apprentice, destroying the master's rivals, and encountering foes of all kinds that will make their lives harder. This would be a sort of adventure/slice-of-life style story. I would prefer to play the Master here, but I could be convinced to play the Apprentice. If you were to play the master, you could play a female character.

-A  M X F platonic relationship between a Jedi Master (Who is truly a Sith in disguise) and a Jedi Padawan. The Padawan is entirely unaware of her master's true alignment (at least at the beginning of the roleplay) when a devastating attack on the Jedi Temple suggests that the dark side may have infiltrated the Temple's ranks. This would be a sort of mystery/adventure style story. I would prefer to play the master, but I could be convinced to play the padawan. If you were to play the master, you could play a female character.

-Some other M X F pairing if you can think of anything that sounds interesting to me too!

If these ideas pique your interest, please let me know!

Thank you for reading, and I really am interested in playing with you. Please feel free to post here or pm me! I can't wait!


I think your first plot ide has great potential. I have been searching for someone who loves Star Wars and will do a platonic relationship. It seems as though you are just the one! If you want to RP with me, tell me and I'll shoot you a PM.
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Yea, I'd love to have you pm me. Let me know what character you're interested in playing, and if you have ever played the games before (just so I know if there is anything major I might wanna fill you in on).
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