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Futuristic Star Wars OC RP (Galactic Civil War and Clone Wars)


I pull levers
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Howdy there fellow Star Wars fans! I've recently rewatched a good portion of the Clone Wars with a friend. In return they've pushed me into the rapidly deepening pool of Star Wars Rebels. As you might imagine, this has triggered a predictable desire to roleplay in the universe. Thankfully, I have a plethora of settings, character concepts, and art for both NPCs and ships ready to be tossed into the fray. So with the prep work having been completed, let's jump into some prompt ideas.

This is gonna be open to the the three main eras focused on in the franchise:
The Dark Times (rise of the empire)
Galactic Civil War
The Clone Wars

As for the character prompts we can work with, there's plenty of options there too. I would ask that we run a scenario focused on two OCs. That's not to say that canon characters can't be included, or even played at times, but I was hoping that we could both develop OCs to use as our main characters. Below are some of the duo ideas I've got so far, but feel free to introduce any other scenarios you might have in mind as well. Within the included prompts I've highlighted the characters I'd prefer to play, if neither of the roles are highlighted then both roles are free game!

- Rebel and Imperial team up
- Clone trooper and Jedi
- Bounty Hunter and Jedi / Force Wielder
- Corporate Agent and Bounty Hunter / Imperial
- Soldier and Scientist
- anything else you'd like to bring to the (holo)table...

The relationship between the characters should certainly be something we strive to develop as the roleplay continues. These characters might be wary of each other upon meeting, but grow to trust one another as their story continues. They may blatantly dislike each others company, but through a shared adventure grow into good friends. The topic of romance between our characters is also completely on the table, but that would certainly be a slow to blossom as well. This is the element of the roleplay that we can really dig into a play with, as the opinions of these characters towards each other can shift with the events of the story.

With that, this roleplay ad can be officially wrapped up. If anything above catches your fancy feel free to comment your interest below. A DM would also suffice.
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I'd be down to play a Jedi/Padawan/Force Sensitive to your Hunter/Trooper
I'd be down to play a Jedi/Padawan/Force Sensitive to your Hunter/Trooper
Hey thanks for taking an interest! That sounds great, was hoping someone would choose that prompt. Feel free to send a dm over.

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