Star Wars: Light In The Darkness Ahead

Roy J Lores

New Member
12 years after the implementation of code 66 which formerly began the great Jedi purge, very few survivors of the order remain but an ever growing resistance against the evil empire is on the rise.

Amongst them are quite a few force adepts that desperately seek whoever survived the purge in the quest to become Jedi and defeat the evil empire as they join forces with pirates and smuglers to loot the Empire and fund the resistance.

Vader and his cronies in the meantime scour the galaxy in order to wipe out every last trace of the Jedi order...

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Thousands of years ago the Ordo clan had sided with the Sith Exar Khun only to learn that the Sith could not be trusted, so they sided with the Jedi next time around and ever since.

This story was one that Gerak Knorr was painfully familiar with it, as he had seen his family destroyed by the increasingly powerful Sith Empire of Palpatine and Vader. He remembered back 12 years ago how he learned that his mother was killed at the Jedi temple at Coruscant by a fellow member of their order woh betrayed them to become a Sith lord, the Sith lord Darth Vader who once went by the name Anakin Skywalker.

By whatever name he went by, Gerak knew that he would not rest until he avanged the death of his parents and brought the emerging evil Empire to it's knees. He thought to himself as he piloted his trusty Corellian cargo freighter The Silver Raven to it's destination the planet Tattooine to deliver cargo for the Hutts in exchange of weapons for the resistance.

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