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Fandom Star Wars: Grand Theft Star Destroyer


Cal Bear
Grand Theft Star Destroyer Welcome to Star Wars: Grand Theft Star Destroyer! If you haven't already, read the Rules for this roleplay; I WILL be checking to make sure you have. Below is the complete character sheet, and since this is a DETAILED roleplay, I expect to see a lot of detail!

There are several OPTIONAL sections to add spice to your character. I don't expect all of them to be filled out (though I really hope you will), but I will be disappointed with character sheets that have none of the optional sections filled out at all. At least do a few! Hell, I'm letting you CHOOSE which you want to do.

There is a template code below which marks the parts you need to complete with astericks enclosed. Like so:

*Type here*

If you would like to use your own coding or just submit a character sheet without using the complex, fancy template, you're welcome to do so. However, I expect the same amount of detail and creativity regardless of the design you submit with!

Take a look at the Sample Character Sheet in the second post of this thread to see an example of what I'd like to see.


Your Name



Full Name





Hair Color

Eye Color



(Optional) Distinctive Features

(Optional) Write a short description of your characters appearance.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

<You may have multiple traits for each category>

Outlook: (Describe your basic worldview)

Optimistic, Pessimistic, Idealistic, Cynical, Dismissive, Distrustful, Resigned, etc.

Integrity: (In terms of values, describe yourself)

Conscientious, Manipulative, Impractical, Hardworking, Ruthless, Responsible, Meticulous, Pragmatic, Lazy, Deceitful, Vindictive, etc.

Impulsiveness: (Describe yourself when it comes to controlling thoughts and actions)

Deliberate, Spontaneous, Capricious, Thoughtful, Hyperactive, Disciplined, etc.

Boldness: (What is your willingness to face danger and the unknown?)

Daring, Reckless, Timid, Cautious, Intrepid, Paranoid, Tentative, Confident, Anxious

Tolerance: (Describe your attitude towards people, new situations, and tough decisions)

Warm, Emphatic, Racist, Cold, Tolerant, Parochial, Cantankerous, Stingy, Forgiving, Open-Minded, Altruistic, Sexist, etc.

Interactivity: (Describe how you are in social situations)

Talkative, Shy, Touchy, Candid, Supercilious, Disrespectful, Cryptic, Taciturn, Reticent, Intimate, Entertaining, etc.

Conformity: (What is your basic relationship with cultural norms?)

Conventional, Unorthodox, Formal, Traditional, Exotic, Shocking, Freethinking, Bizarre, Down-to-Earth, Clichéd, etc.



Write a description of what it means to be your character. Characterize in detail by keeping in mind the core traits you've selected and express them in detail.

Preferences: (What do you enjoy?)

Nerf Steak, Fancy Clothes, Sleep, Droids, Twi'lek Strippers, etc.

Peeves: (What do you dislike?)

Humans, The Empire, Textbooks, Bananas, Bith Music, etc.

Motivations: (What motivates you?)

These are GENERAL concepts that drive your character, including: Greed, Lust, Hate, Vengeance, Pride, Resentment, Happiness, Desire, Survival, Ambition, Achievement, etc.

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: (What are your mannerisms?)

Exhibitionism, Humming, Day Dreaming, Eavesdropping, Pacing, Nail Biting, Compulsive Lying, Mumbling, Reciting Poetry, Insomnia, Stuttering, Beard/Hair Stroking, etc.

(Optional) Hobbies: (What activities do you enjoy?)

Acrobatics, Acting, Gaming, Dancing, Pazaak, Sabaac, Drinking, Singing, Podracing, Sports, Playing an Instrument, etc.

(Optional) Disorders: (Do you want to make yourself more interesting?)

Addiction, OCD, Depression, Phobia(s), Schizophrenia, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Hemophilia, etc.

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: (Which way(s) do you swing?)

Heterosexual, Bisexual, Aesexual, Homosexual. Only into Twi'leks and tentacles. Etc.

(Optional) Sense of Humor: (What makes you laugh?)

Crude, Prankster, Dry, Mean-spirited, Slapstick, Gleeful, Jokey, Surreal, Cynical, None



Write a summary of your life's major events and the primary forces that have shaped who you've become today. Furthermore, describe how and why you became involved with the Rebel Alliance. You may use the following questions to jumpstart your progress.

1. Where were you born?

2. Who were you raised by? What were they like?

3. How did your childhood affect who you've become now?

4. Name at least one significant event in your life.

5. How did you become involved with the Rebel Alliance?

Aspirations (What goals do you want to achieve?)

Unlike motivations, these are SPECIFIC goals you want to reach. Something specific is a physical thing that you can picture in your head; if you can't, it's not specific. Give your aspirations names, places, events, and other details.

Examples include: Restore the Republic; Find your long-lost parents; Kill Jabba the Hutt; Discover the truth behind your banishment; Become a successful pirate lord; Sleep with a celebrity; Avenge your family; etc.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries (What's the personal story you'd like to explore in this roleplay?)

This is your opportunity to provide me with story elements that you'd like to see for your character during the course of this roleplay. Think of it as being able to personally confer with me about how you'd like your character to develop! While I don't guarantee each Quest/Mystery will be explored, I will choose the ones I like best and tie them directly into the plot of Grand Theft Star Destroyer.

A Quest is related to aspirations, and is some sort of task your character would like to complete. A Mystery is something from your character's past that he or she doesn't know the whole truth of, and provides me with a great opportunity to take an interesting turns in our adventure. If you already listed a Quest/Mystery in Aspirations, you should relist it here. Hopefully with added details!

Examples: Travel to Kessel and save your captured best friend from the Empire; Discover the whereabouts of your spouse after she suddenly disappeared; Take revenge on the Imperial Admiral who ordered your homeworld be bombarded; etc.

(Optional) Conflicts (Who or what do you have conflict with? Why?)

Here's yet another opportunity to add additional spice to your character. Your character may have ongoing conflict going on in his or her life, be it with an individual (a former partner, a rival, a sworn enemy, etc.) or with a group/institution (the Empire, a mercenary group, your family, etc.). You may add other details, like if you are mainly out to get them, or they you, or if the antagonism is mutual. If you choose to have a pre-existing or ongoing conflict, use the following questions to help you solidify the circumstances surrounded it.

1) Who or what do you have a conflict with?

2)Why does the conflict exist? What happened?

3) Why hasn't it been worked out already? Can it be resolved?

4) How do you think it will end?

5) What are your emotions surrounding it: hate, jealousy, vengefulness, grief, bitterness, regret, fear?



What are your greatest skills? You may choose a maximum of THREE areas in which you have great expertise in. Choose wisely! I will be keeping track of what your skills are. These choices only represent areas in which you are VERY skilled. I will assume you are average or worse in everything else

Examples include: Mechanical Skill, Accurate Sharpshooting, Close-Range Combat, Negotiation and Diplomacy, Perception, Survival, Piloting, Strategy, etc.


This mission requires specialized agents with specific skills. Now you must choose a specific specialization, or "class," that you most closely align with, which will provide benefits to your character. Everyone must choose a specialization, but be careful of having too many of just one type in Renegade Squadron! Check with your fellow players and create a well-balanced team to be best able to complete your mission.

Each specialization will receive bonuses during
CHALLENGES in the roleplay (which you can read about in the rules. Check out the various specializations in the spoiler below

Unparalleled Slicer

+1 to all Slicing Challenges


In a galaxy where interconnected technology is the rule, little seems more dangerous than a properly placed hacker. More frequently known as SLICERS, these masters of computers, holographic interfaces, and software are powerful forces behind the scenes who set their teammates up for effortless success.

Master Infiltrator

+1 to all Stealth Challenges


It is an era where outright warfare is no longer feasible against a vast Empire. In these dire circumstances a tinge of subtlety is required. So we turn to INFILTRATORS. Masters of stealth, these solo operatives work behind the scenes to steal, sabotage, or capture critical elements in any war before anyone's even noticed a thing.

Perfect Spy

+1 to all Deception Challenges


Information is the fuel that nourishes any strategy, especially so for a ragtag group of rebels. When our enemies keep their secrets tight-lipped and sealed behind impenetrable halls, it is up to SPIES to reach the unreachable. Using deception, cunning, and sly trickery, these agents are responsible for attaining the crucial information needed for true victory.

Born Soldier

+1 to all Combat Challenges


There is always a need for soldiers. Some conflicts can only end win blood, and the SOLDIER is our weapon to get the job done. Trained to the limit as a master of warfare, soldiers are the first in the fray and the last out; brave warriors willing to defend their allies and stand face to face against overwhelming odds and still come out on top.

Mechanical Genius

+1 to all Engineering Challenges


The galaxy runs on technology, and doubly so on those who engineer it. With a MECHANICAL GENIUS at our side, a nearly infinite spectrum of possible inventions, equipment, and droids become available to our disposal. Though they don't receive all the glory, these suppliers are crucial for conceiving the many innovations that give us an edge over the enemy.

The Doctor

+1 to all Medicine Challenges


There are always casualties in war. Be it from disease, destruction, or battle itself, people will always suffer. But, under the care of THE DOCTOR, we try to save as many as we can. Through medical treatments, stimulants, enhancements, and more, incredible knowledge combined with medicinal skill allows these doctors to augment our agents, heal their wounds, or even bring biological death to our enemies.

Ace Pilot

+1 to all Piloting Challenges


Space is a dangerous place. Yet, there are those select few who truly come to life in the vast abyss. These ACE PILOTS are true artists in their craft, veterans of the bright stream of space warfare and of vital importance to any galactic war. It is only in the cockpit where some proton torpedos are fired and some battles won.

Commanding Officer

+1 to all Leadership/Strategy Challenges


Teams need a leader, and the COMMANDING OFFICER is well suited for the job. Though neither the most skilled nor the most talented of the team, these individuals possess a unique wisdom, strategic mind, and charisma that tie their subordinates together to form a cohesive unit.

Renown Scholar

+1 to all Knowledge Challenges


Few men or women can truly be called experts in their fields. Whether they be scientists, researchers, inventors, architects, linguists, tacticians, or more, these RENOWN SCHOLARS achieve a level of expertise entirely inaccessible to the layman population. With their knowledge at your grasp, even monumental tasks suddenly seem much easier.

Natural Diplomat

+1 to all Persuasion Challenges


Some say the pen is mightier than the sword. If that's so, then to the NATURAL DIPLOMAT, a few choice words are mightier than the entire Imperial Navy combined. The diplomats' tools need only be a silver tongue and a mastery of negotiation; with those two alone, they're able to resolve conflicts, intimidate enemies, and convince the rest of the galaxy to bend to their will.

Mad Bomber

+1 to all Demolitions Challenges


No explosives expert is ever entirely normal. It is a product of their nature in dealing with deadly weapons on a daily basis, skirting death with each passing moment. Yet,eccentricities aside, there's no one better to count on for a big boom than a MAD BOMBER. Just be careful you don't get caught in the blast as well.

Galactic Scout

+1 to all Survival/Perception Challenges


Despite everything we know about the galaxy, there's still so much we have yet to understand. To remedy this, brave GALACTIC SCOUTS venture out into the unknown, watching enemy movements, exploring unknown regions, and mapping out paths for future generations to come. Between their refined instincts and sharp eye, these excellent solo operatives are fully capable of taking care of themselves.


+1 to all Initiative/Sharpshooting Challenges


If there's one thing the SCOUNDREL understands, it's that the galaxy is not a nice place. Some may call them outlaws or criminals, others scruffy nerf herders, but scoundrels don't mind. Whatever others may think, they're out for themselves with a quick draw and good shot, and they aren't about to let their own golden hearts lead them on any errand for fools. Still, once you get to know them, perhaps they have redeeming qualities after all.

*Insert an image here*

*Type your character's name here*



*Type your Full Name here*
*Type your Nickname/Title here*
*Type your Species here*
*Type your Age here*


*Type your Hair Color here*
*Type your Eye Color here*
*Type your Height here*
*Type your Weight here*
(Optional) *Type your Distinctive Features here*

(Optional) *Type a description of your appearance here*

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: *Type your Outlook traits here*

Integrity: *Type your Integrity traits here*

Impulsiveness: *Type your Impulsiveness traits here*

Boldness: *Type your Boldness traits here*

Tolerance: *Type your Tolerance traits here*

Interactivity: *Type your Interactivity traits here*

Conformity: *Type your Conformity traits here*



*Write a description of what it means to be your character here. Characterize in detail by keeping in mind the core traits you've selected and express them in detail.*

Preferences: *Type your Preferences here*

Peeves: *Type your Peeves here*

Motivations: *Type your Motivations here*

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: *Type your Quirks/Habits here*

(Optional) Hobbies: *Type your Hobbies here*

(Optional) Disorders: *Type your Disorders here*

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: *Type your Sexual Orientation here*

(Optional) Sense of Humor: *Type your Sense of Humor here*



*Write a summary of your life's major events and the primary forces that have shaped who you've become today here. Furthermore, describe how and why you became involved with the Rebel Alliance. You may use the following questions to jumpstart your progress.

1. Where were you born?

2. Who were you raised by? What were they like?

3. How did your childhood affect who you've become now?

4. Name at least one significant event in your life.

5. How did you become involved with the Rebel Alliance?*


*Type your Aspirations here*

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

*Type your Personal Quests/Mysteries here*

(Optional) Conflicts

*Type your conflicts here. Use the following questions to help you solidify the circumstances surrounded it.

1. Who or what do you have a conflict with?

2. Why does the conflict exist? What happened?

3. Why hasn't it been worked out already? Can it be resolved?

4. How do you think it will end?

5. What are your emotions surrounding it: hate, jealousy, vengefulness, grief, bitterness, regret, fear?*



*Type your greatest skills here You may choose a maximum of THREE.*


*Type the specialization you've chosen here. Reference the Character Sheet for more info on each specialization.

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Atticus Darcy



Atticus Darcy

Mr. Darcy, Atti




Dark brown



186 Ibs

Defined jawline and a vivid, intense stare.

(Optional) Description - Atticus is a young man in his mid-twenties. He tends to maintain a certain level of fitness, clearly shown in his broad shoulders and chiseled muscles, but hides it beneath his thick attire. Atticus has done little to change this style over the years, usually consisting of a blaster-resistant jacket and sweater with black shirt underneath. On the bottom he wears a simple pair of pants and boots, but accentuates it various accessories. Several straps wrap around his legs and connect to his sturdy belt, holding various pouches and glowing pieces of technology, including a blaster in his left holster.

Many women, typically human, tend to agree with his edgy, rugged look. His masculine jawline and attractive face are appealing in particular, and highlighted by his short, neat beard. Atticus just hates the trouble that comes with ragged facial hair. He does keep his hair styled sexy-messy with intense fervor every morning, but otherwise exerts little effort to maintain his appearance.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Distrustful

Integrity: Conscientious, Pragmatic

Impulsiveness: Spontaneous

Boldness: Daring, Careful

Tolerance: Emphatic, Cold, Sexist

Interactivity: Disrespectful, Taciturn

Conformity: Rebellious, Down-to-Earth



Atticus doesn’t believe much in heroism or ideals. The galaxy is a dangerous, cutthroat place where the careful survive and the fools crushed. Atticus isn’t too sure about some other idiots, but he’d much rather save his own hide and stay out of stupid situations rather than get involved himself.

His self-serving behavior has become habitual for the most part. Atticus hates admitting his mistakes to anyone, even himself, but subconsciously he’s learned from his blunders over the years in the dangerous Outer Rim. Part of those lessons included trusting only himself and keeping the rest of the galaxy at arm’s length, close enough to keep an eye on but not close enough to be a threat.

Atticus hides his reserved nature behind a rude, outspoken exterior, proclaiming crude statements and offensive remarks. He doesn’t want to become too close to anyone, and so intentionally behaves like a prick to keep people away from him. Sometimes pushing everyone away begins to feel lonely, but Atticus never allows himself to recognize his own fault in the matter. He will make excuses to avoid taking on inner responsibility and confronting his fear of betrayal once again.

Ironically, while Atticus is a coward when it comes to emotions, he’s a daredevil with everything else. For the sake of credits, he’s willing to risk his life performing dangerous tasks from podracing to smuggling. He enjoys the thrill, and recognizes that nobody would really care if he threw his life away anyways. Not even himself.

Besides, his pride and arrogance already lead him to believe he can take on any job anyways. Atticus’ ego is made even worse by the miniscule number of challenges his skills couldn’t handle over the years. However, while daring, Atticus isn’t reckless or stupid; he doesn’t trust anyone other than himself. Atticus is always carefully scrutinizing for signs of deception or double-crossing, unfortunate regularities in his line of work.

Atticus tries to believe in only serving himself. On the inside, his heart wrenches when he sees injustice, but he rarely stops to help anyone out. It’s just too dangerous to expose himself. Atticus would much rather prefer using his charisma to its fullest extent and spend the night with a stunning woman; provide generous “charity” to the ladies of the galaxy, if you will.

It’s easy to seem like Atticus, but being him is a different matter entirely.

Preferences: Beautiful women; Credits; Nerf steak; Gambling; Flying; Alcohol; Good comedy

Peeves: The Empire; Debt collectors; Jabba the Hutt; Annoying salespeople; Citrus fruits; Being told what to do

Motivations: Become rich; Find something exciting to do

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: Regularly sleep-deprived; Pacing; Talking out loud

(Optional) Hobbies: Sabaac, Clubbing, Reading

(Optional) Disorders: Arachnophobia

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Dry, Sarcastic



Please click one of the colored blocks for more info

In the sky above Kuat hovers a ring. It is a magnificent creation, a gargantuan structure wider than the planet itself. Here is the home of Kuat Drive Yards, one of the largest ship production corporations in the world, and millions of beings from across the galaxy.

Many, though not all, are workers or direct employees of Kuat Drive Yards. The rest just residents or on business in the ring and other space stations surrounding Kuat. For Atticus Darcy, this ring was his childhood home.

Atticus never met his parents. He grew up in the care of an orphanage in the Ring, as the locals Kuats called it, and spent his time playing with fellow street kids. Most of them were destined to grow up to be mechanics or laborers for KDY, but Atticus always refused to believe he’d follow the same mundanities. He wanted to leave his decrepit home and ragged clothes in the dust, fly off into distant success among the stars.

His stubbornness and ambition led him to trouble countless times. Atticus refused to accept his circumstances; he was always defiant of his prescribed fate. To him, destiny did not exist until you made it. Ironically, it was destiny beyond his control that led Atticus on his first step to the stars.

On a typical, entirely uninspiring day, Atticus met a young blonde named Lexstra. He became fast friends with her, who clicked with him in such a way that no other had before. Atticus was later flabbergasted to discover that this shy blonde was in fact Lexstra Auria, the reputed princess of Kuat and granddaughter to the head of Kuat Drive Yards.

Atticus was convinced he wouldn’t be seeing Lexstra ever again. Hell, he was counting his blessings for even meeting such an important figure once. Imagine his surprise when he opened his door to find Lexstra grinning and asking if he’d like to play.

His simple friendship eventually blossomed into a deep, lifelong bond. Through to adolescence and early adulthood, Atticus maintained an extremely close relationship with Lexstra, who he came to consider his best friend. By the time he was a teenager, Atticus had even developed an overwhelming crush on her, though he was too afraid to act on his feelings.
Imperial Career
On her eighteenth birthday, Lexstra told him that she’d decided to join the Imperial Navy and become a pilot. She asked him if he wanted to come join her.

Atticus could believe she had the gall to even ask that question. His answer? “Hell yes.”

Living on the streets already gave Atticus a skill edge that others lacked. He was a regular in the local racing tournaments, and well-known on the Ring as being skilled with technology. Flying was his passion, but slicing was his domain. Between his skills and Lexstra’s influential patronage, Atticus made it to the most prestigious of all military institutions, the Anaxes Naval War College.

The experience at the institute challenged both Lexstra and he to their limits. It was a natural consequence of attending a demanding program, especially one which included schooling in the legendary Vensenor Flight Academy, but he managed.

Still, for the most part, he stayed out of the limelight in Lexstra’s shadow. Many wondered how she managed to ace every exam, but Atticus was lucky enough to be privy to the truth: she worked harder, studied longer, and executed smarter than anyone else there, including him. He couldn’t be jealous of her after seeing how she threw her all into every challenge before them.

She was the shining star of the academy, and though he was impressive by most standards, Atticus was just a footnote left as an afterthought.

Post-graduation, Lexstra and he were both assigned as starfighter pilots in the Imperial Navy. Though they were rookies, Lexstra soon became a flight commander in just a year and Atticus her second-in-command. Atticus believed their relationship had never been closer. He hoped to one day find the courage to confess his love, but continually struggled with her firm professionalism and emphasis on career.

Despite understanding why, her demeanor intimidated him. Women were naturally discriminated against in the Imperial Navy; Lexstra had to have a spotless record and be the best of the best to be anywhere near the top. Atticus didn’t want to sabotage her dreams by involving himself with her while he was still a lowly peon on the totem pole.

Those dreams were soon dashed in one fateful clash. Lexstra and he were assigned on a critical campaign to suppress rebellion in the Asura cluster, and though the Imperials met surprisingly strong resistance, the addition of Lexstra quickly tipped the tides in their favor.

Her reputation became legendary from the countless battles in the Asura Campaign. Whispers of the Empire’s Star spread throughout the ranks, of the beautiful goddess of the battlefield who shone brighter than a star. In comparison, Atticus was given a small raise. Woohoo.

The Asura Campaign continued smoothly for the most part. But, at its precipice, Atticus was assigned a dangerous final mission to infiltrate the battleship Verdant IV and capture fugitive senator Mon Mothma. It was the first time he and Lexstra would not be operating in the same unit, but she was confident in his success.

The Empire’s Star was too needed for battlefield morale, so it was up to him and a team of elite Imperial Commandos to get the job done. Atticus’ combination of piloting and slicing skills made him an extremely valuable addition to the team anyways, and so the operation continued without a hitch.

Atticus resolved to finally settle his feelings for Lexstra upon his return. He never expected to be betrayed by his Empire nor Lexstra upon declaring Mothma was within their custody. Atticus will always recall the cold, mechanical breath of Lord Vader over the comm giving the final order.

“Aura Squadron, destroy them and the Verdant IV. There may be no survivors.”

The Empire’s goddamn Star, Aura Leader and his best friend, didn’t hesitate for a moment to carry out his death sentence. Atticus never felt more betrayed in his life.
His memory is fuzzy for the rest. It was all a slew of blazing emotions and adrenaline rush as he made his escape from the burning cruiser while his comrades fell around him with only his unconscious captive by his side. Atticus has never been able to understand why he saved Mothma’s life by bringing her along in his escape, but he did. It was just a gut feeling that felt right.

With Mothma in tow, Atticus fled to the Outer Rim. For all his hopes, he knew how the Empire worked; the moment he returned, he would be executed on the spot. Vader’s word was final. More than that, Atticus couldn’t bear to see Lexstra again. He still reeled from her betrayal. Did their bond mean nothing to her?

Yet Mothma was nothing but generous with him, an unusual relationship considering she was the captive. Atticus felt connected with her, and reluctantly agreed to take her the rest of the way to rejoin the Rebel Alliance.

She was certainly grateful for his service, and saw how deeply wounded he was by his Empire’s betrayal. Mothma certainly had known many others of the same origin. Nonetheless, Atticus denied her invitation to join the rebels and instead left for the Outer Rim, where he would become a smuggler and lowlife criminal.

Atticus met many individuals and had incredible experiences in his exile, but he never returned to his golden era. He became mildly alcoholic and steadily spiraled further into the depths, into a state where living a life of greatness seemed like a foggy dream.

Sometimes he sees Lexstra, now named Vader’s Star, on the holonet, and wonders how she’s doing. He still wants to know if she’s alright. At the same time, he bitterly dreams of what choice words he wants to have with her.

Atticus used to be a rising star, but has fallen to the dark shroud of space. There’s only up to go from here on out.


Confront Lexstra Auria - Atticus has beef with Lexstra for her unresolved betrayal, and wishes to finally settle his conflicting emotions.

Get Rich - Atticus wants to obtain more than enough credits to live a luxurious life for the rest of days without having to struggle any longer. The exact amount varies, but he tends to prefer becoming a billionaire.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

Confrontation - Atticus, at some point, wishes to confront Lexstra Auria and know once and for all why she betrayed him.

Acceptance - It's no surprise that Atticus hides from his own self to save his pride and avoid the pain. He's never going to finally humble himself and accept reality on his own. Someone must help him out.

(Optional) Conflicts

Betrayal - Atticus greatly resents Lexstra Auria for abandoning him aboard the Verdant IV while the ship was bombarded with his entire squadron still on board. He now harbors a deep grudge against her for throwing away the lives of his comrades, the rebels who saved his life, and most importantly, himself. A part of Atticus wishes he never see her again because he's uncertain he can control himself if he does.

He feels a mixture of bittersweet sadness and fury towards Lexstra. She was a woman he once thought his closest friend and first unrequited love, who turned her back on him when he needed it most. The wounds from her betrayal haunt him to this day.



Slicing - Atticus is an expert slicer and skilled at manipulating technology to achieve his ends. More importantly, he's quick, and is easily able to slice on the go to great effect. His cleverness really shows in his sly adaptations with slicing in ever changing circumstances.

Persuasion - Years of working with people and his natural Charisma have made Atticus a capabke smooth talker. Be it seduction, extortion, intimidation, coercion, or more, chances are Atticus knows what to do.

Piloting - It isn't easy to fly, but Atticus has trained and flown with some of the best. It isn't surprising that fighting alongside giants has influenced his skill to match. At this point, most dogfights are child's play.


Unparalleled Slicer (+1 to all Slicing Challenges)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c5af5b1_SomeDude.jpg.a56cb6012f4c96c82469c84eec6fef1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c5af5b1_SomeDude.jpg.a56cb6012f4c96c82469c84eec6fef1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Horatio Waltz



Horatio Maxamillian Waltz

Gunnery Captain




Dirty Blonde


194 cm

98 kg

(Optional) *Type your Distinctive Features here*

(Optional) Horatio despite often wearing haggard wear is always impeccably groomed. He ensures never to have any facial hair or discernable leg hair, as apart of habits picked up in the imperial naval academy. His posture is always erect and authoritarian and he always wears a thoughtful scowl on his face, as if he is in fact calculating every situation at hand playing out and what their answers will be.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Cynical

Integrity: Hardworking

Impulsiveness: Disciplined

Boldness: Intrepid

Tolerance: Tolerant

Interactivity: Talkative

Conformity: Conventional



Horatio has always been a soldier at heart, loyally working for those he believed had the means and the will to keep the galaxy stable. He has a belief in the "greater good", which has since grown since he came into contact with the rebellion. He is of the belief that the rebels are fully justified in their guerilla campaign, since they are far better than the current morally corrupt imperial government and army. He is also a tactition, wishing to have all angles of a plan thought out before finally acting.

Horatio's personality was warped and forever changed by the imperial naval academy. Things from his humor to his personal drives changed when he joined their ranks. Horatio's humor evolved from being self deprecating, to becoming derisive and mean spirited, the academies program of instilling competition made Horatio become bitter and cynica;. His personal prognosis of the galactic situation has also changed, with him now being a cynic who sees everything through a jaded prism. His long term motivations however keep him occupied within a mission and he will always work to the best of his ability, attempting to consult and talk to others about their skills and the plan at hand.

Preferences: Success, Bordellos, Uniforms, Cleanliness, the Empire.

Peeves: Dirt, Corruption, Chaos, Failure and Bureaucrats

Motivations: Ambition, Achievement

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: Shaving everyday, whistling and day dreaming

(Optional) Hobbies: Writing his journal, planning and

(Optional) Disorders: *Type your Disorders here*

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: Straight

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Dry and Mean-Spirited



Horatio was born on Courlag the son of an officer in the former Grand Army of the Republic and his wife, a Courlagian diplomat. His father was promoted to marshal after the Sith took power in Coruscant and wasn't around for most of his sons childhood, often waging campaigns against the new found enemies of the Galactic Empire. Horatio's mother, Bridgit was a senior diplomat who out her career on hold in order to care for her son. Bridgit unlike her husband was warm, and caring, instilling a strict code of ethics into her son. She taught him that every sentient life was important, and that the galaxy, without a central government was one of anarchy and murder.

When he was eighteen, Horatio's father managed to secure him a place in the prestigious imperial naval academy on Kuat. Horatio worked incredibly hard and it paid off for him, graduating fifteenth in his cohort of several hundred. With the academy behind him, Horatio would continue onto the acclamator star destroyer Enforcer, a patrol cruiser which defended inner core trade routes from piracy. Horatio went from being lieutenant on the vessel to becoming the ships chief gunnery officer within four years of joining the crew.

Horatio, was then promoted to the imperial star destroyer Pride of Eridau, one of the many star destroyers that embarked on Lord Vaders campaign to secure the Empires hold on the outer rim. The campaign was seven years long, and through it Horatio's resolve to the imperial cause became shaken as his superiors actively sought out civilian casualties for sport.Horatio began to find himself split between his moral code and the orders given by an organisation he swore to serve.

The breaking point happened over Kashyyyk. The Pride and several other star destroyers were ordered to hold any ships attempting to escape the planets surface. When four small transports went to the Prides sector, they sent out a distress signal declaring they had women and children aboard. Horatio refused as chief gunner to open fire upon them and proceeded to argue with the captain of the ship, one Darros Morakahn. Morakahn threatened Horatio with court martial. Horatio broke, he knew what happened to insubordinate officers under Lord Vaders command, and to his ever lasting shame he complied with the order, killing three hundred civilians who were on board.

The next week was agonizingly long as Darros punished Horatio. The captain saw the officers weakness and exploited it, putting him in charge of wookie slave transportation and processing. Horatio's spirit was crushed, and after six days of next to no sleep, and having betrayed everything he stood for, he commandeered a shuttle with a dozen wookie slaves and deserted the empire.

After two months of hiding out on Ord Mantell, Horatio and the wookies parted ways, with one of the latter, a rebel smuggler, refering him to the rebel alliance, saying they needed more men like him. Horatio, despite everything he had seen was still somewhat loyal to the empire and feared capture from their agents. Eventually he became a mercenary working for several pirate and smuggling organisations as a logistics guy due to his in depth knowledge of imperial procedure, and ability to command people.

After four years of this he finally got in contact with the rebel alliance, running a rescue operation for the wookie slaves he had enslaved nearly half a decade previously off of Kessel. Since then he has been a contractor for the rebels, offering tactical advice and his skills to them for a price.


Horatio wishes to see a galaxy free of the corruption and prejudices of the galactic empire, while still wishing for an overarching state that will protect the galaxy from individuals and organisations that wish to bring chaos and anarchy.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

(Optional) Conflicts

Horatio wishes to kill the entire crew of the Pride of Eridau as punishment for their crimes against humanity. It is one of his goals in life to bring their tyranny to an end, one way or another. He holds the crew in more disdain than those in the empires highest command due to the fact he grew to know these men and women intimately. He wishes to see them all killed by his hand.



Strategy, Marksmanship, Negotiation and Diplomacy


Commanding Officer



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Assassin Droid




Yellow eye lights


140 lbs.

(Optional) Made of a cortosis weave armor, his robotic body

(Optional) *Type a description of your appearance here*

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Pessimistic

Integrity: Conscientious

Impulsiveness: Controlled

Boldness: Cautious

Tolerance: Disagreeable

Interactivity: Reserved

Conformity: Heterodox



HK-66 is a cold-hearted machine of death, however this does not make him a barbarian. HK-66 considers his programming an art and seeks to complete his assignments with the utmost prejudice and efficiency, however his memory banks do hold a wealth of knowledge and he has not shyed away from sharing it. Though the intricacies of meatbag culture eludes him, he is a loyal companion to his master and their allies. His interactions with organics are very cryptic and usually come with a violent undertones, however his interaction with other droids is that of distain as he sees them as inferior to himself. Overall, you point and he'll shoot.

Preferences: Combat, War, Assassination, Death, Strategy.

Peeves: Foreign droids, Pacifism, Jedi, Incompetent Masters

Motivations: Perfection, Bloodlust, Loyalty, and Fulfilling programming

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: N/A

(Optional) Hobbies: Contract Killing

(Optional) Disorders: N/A

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: N/A

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Crude, Violent, Offensive



HK-66 was first conceived during the Cold War of the Old Republic, Czerka sought to make the ultimate combat droid which give the Old Empire an Edge upon the ever growing Jedi order. HK-66 was developed as a late prototype which underwent a number of revisions, this took nearly a century. However soon Czerka executives grew tired of the amount of funding in the project and scraped it, opting for the cheaper HK-51 and HK-47 models as Imperial Assassin Droids. HK-66 was left incomplete and his late prototype was scraped, though his design data was kept in Czerka cold storage. Following the Fall of the Sith Empire, Czerka experienced a huge economic flux and it left them with whole warehouses of weapons and no Sith to sell them to. Soon their colonies were taken by the Rebulic and with Blastech eating up their business Czerka became desperate, turning to funding Pirates and Planetary Warlords. This kept them afloat for a while but it was too little too late and Czerka was soon consumed into the Republic, their remaining holding separating into sub-divisions. The Czerka HQ on Tatooine was raided and its data center was added to the greater Republic data storage and Jedi Archives. On such piece of data was that of the HK-66 program, though it was considered as a new military route, the golden age of peace and lack of support from the Jedi council made that impossible. However when the Clone Wars broke out Separatist spies retrieved the plans from the Republic data stores and began tinkering with plans to aid their droid army. Designs from the HK-66 program were implemented into General Grievous' Magna Guards, and HK-66 was finally updated and completed and was set to aid in the Battle of Mygeeto. However he would never be sent before Order 66 was activated and the Confederate High Command was slain by Darth Vader. He was then sent to be scrapped however the rise of Zann Consortium saved him and HK-66 became the Hand of Zann, used mainly as method to scare the Hutts from trifling with Zann's growing Criminal Empire. However after Tyber Zann's capture by the Imperials, the Consortium was broken up and its new leader Yurae Fen began to sell of expensive units including HK-66. From there he spent time to time being with a variety of masters before being purchased by the Rebel Alliance to be an addition to the new Renegade Squadron.


To fufill his programming by gaining a kill count of 4,345,126,890 organics and inferior droids, so far he's only at 21,540

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

According to a diagnostic scan by Rebel technitions HK-66 hold a separate data storage which is believed to contain prototype Separatist Technology, including various Ship designs, droid models, and superweapons. However only HK-66's Confederate creator can unlock it as it is DNA activated.

(Optional) Conflicts




Blaster Combat, Interrogation, Combat Tactics, Information and Translation


Born Soldier

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Human clone






1.8 m

80 kg

Helios bares an aged but very visible scar that diagonally crosses his face and passes over his left, bionic, eye. A tattoo of an Arkanian Dragon covers his lean, scarred and rough back, the lines still fresh even after 20 years of having it done.

Helios is a clone, and he looks like all other clones. Age has been good to him, his lean face holding up even after all the years with accelerated aging. Wrinkles have appeared on his forehead, and the skin is rough after all the battles he has seen. Other than that, the 15 year cryosleep he was put into helped a lot to maintain his appearance.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background


Helios has a very mixed worldview. He can sometimes be optimistic, which he is most of the time, but he varies depending on the situation, being a flexible clone. He figures in some situations that its every man for himself, and in others he feels the world is a good place, where one man needs to take care of his brothers.


Helios believes that hard work is necessary in order to get something done. He is meticulous in his actions, almost surgically so, attempting perfection in almost every task, be it making a sandwich or putting a hole into a targets forehead. He despises laziness and finds people that people who have this as a value obnoxious and useless to him and society as a whole.


Helios, being a clone soldier, and more importantly, and ARC trooper, is highly disciplined and thoughtful of his actions, revising the consequences and possible outcomes of whatever he is going to do much before he actually does it in order to facilitate the best options possible.


He is as daring as he is cautious. After a prolonged time in training, he has found that being too daring is dangerous, but too cautious can be harmful as well. Helios feels that the connection and balance of the two should be perfect if whatever he is doing is to result in victory.


He is tolerant of people and new situations, responding warmly but alertly, tending to not be so open and forgiving to them as he would towards a person he has known for a long time.


He is talkative, most of the times. Being a mostly extroverted person, Helios enjoys the company of other people most of the time, even if its just a crowd he's in. Although its just physical. His helmet filters most of the noises out. He is a respectful person as well, to whoever he feels deserves it.


Helios is a freethinker when it comes to cultural norms and religion, basing himself only on reason and what he thinks is reality. His opinions are down to earth and even though he privately despises religion, he tolerates people who are, pitying them in his head.



To be Helios is to be a strong leader. Someone decisive, but cautious, who ponders his options and the consequences that will result with each one.

He cares strongly for the health of his allies and 'brothers', as he was bred to do, but he is all in all a lone wolf, preferring not to involve other people in his job. He is a talkative, energetic man, willing to kill a few people and have a nice Nerf steak and caf after the fact. He will do whatever it takes to achieve success, even if that means making use of extreme measures.

Like most Alpha ARC troopers, Helios is extremely thick headed, and will rarely cede to other opinions, unless the order is given by a Jedi, whom he trusts and was told to obey while in training with Jango Fett. Albeit this, he will not doubt in voicing his concerns and disapproval to anyone.


Helios always enjoys a nice Nerf steak at his favorite restaurant in Coruscant sitting on the terrace as he watches people pass by. Collecting bounties and credits and putting Impies to the grave is also a hobby of his, after his desertion from the former.


As most humans, almost humans or other mentally sane species, he despises the Empire and their modus operandi. He finds them awfully unorganized and weak in the knees, the officers always making the stormtroopers do the dirty work. As a Clone himself, droids are also a peeve of his, having fought a fair number of them at the end of the clone wars. He also utterly despises Kaminoans.


Helios is motivated by fighting, and by the thought of a free world where he and his brothers in arms can be safe without having to fear prosecution or death. Thinking of the Clone wars and the Jedi Order motivate him greatly, since that is the world he wishes to have again.

(Optional) Quirks/Habits:

One of his most obvious quirks at first sight is his habit of of running his fingers through his silver-speckled black hair. He also has a habit of mumbling Mandalorian war chants to himself while his helmet is in place.

(Optional) Hobbies:

He enjoys drinking a good ale now and then, along with his Nerf steak, and he'll never turn down a good game of Pazaak. Aside from this, challenges to the death from other bounty hunters he also enjoys, loving the adrenaline fueled action behind them and almost always coming up victorious.

(Optional) Disorders:

Luckily, and thanks to his amazing training, Helios does not own any disorders and is in quite good mental health.

(Optional) Sexual Orientation:


(Optional) Sense of Humor:

Helios is known for his rude and often untactful sense of humor, making jokes or sarcasm over things that are controversial or that make people feel uncomfortable.



Alpha 19 was born in 32 BBY, ten years before the first Battle of Geonosis, in the Tipoca City Cloning Facility on the vast of ocean planet of Kamino, surrounded by Kaminoans, Aiwha, Human and Sullustan Mandalorian Cuy'val Dar, water and, of course, his clone brethren.

Alpha Batch Advanced Recon Commando 19, nicknamed Helios, was raised and trained by the infamous bounty hunter and founder of the Cuy'val Dar- a group of 100 elite Mandalorian and non Mandalorian female and male warriors who, considered disappeared or dead after accepting, were offered the task of training the ten thousand Republic Special Forces for the upcoming Clone Wars- Jango Fett.

Helios, being a clone, was cursed with the age acceleration which had been implemented by the Kaminoan cloning engineers in order to grow and train an army of capable, disciplined soldiers in ten years time to fight the growing Separatist threat. Because of this, Helios barely had any childhood at all, aside from a few times after training where he and his pod-brothers would sneak out of their quarters and stealthily steal the Kaminoans Uj cake from under their noses to enjoy a sweet treat. Jango pretended to make a big deal out of it in front of the complaining engineers, but he let them off with little to no punishment.

The Commandos and ARCs saw combat far before the Battle of Geonosis. In fact, a real blaster was put into their hands and used in training the moment they were able to hold one, which was approximately at the age of three. At this age they were also capable of speaking like a well educated adult, having a vast knowledge of everything thanks to some flash training and their super-absorbent brains, capable of gathering and learning information at an incredible speed.

At the outrageous age of ten, Helios and all the GAR clone troopers experienced first hand the real world battlefield in 22 BBY, in the first Battle of Geonosis, the starting point of the Clone wars. He was put in charge of a squad of another three Alpha-class ARC troopers and the squad was subsequently named Squad 19, after Helios. Their task was to infiltrate and demolish a highly guarded Geonosian Spire, serving at that particular moment as a communications tower, which was feeding information to the CIS fleet, currently engaged in combat with the Republic fleet, and in turn the tower received important strategic and tactical suggestions and data that was used against the Republic forces on the surface. Below it was also a droid factory that was spewing out reinforcements and an agonizing rate, therefore making it difficult for the Clone forces to advance.

The ARCs successfully infiltrated the spire, neutralizing its outer defenses and its shield generator, which prompted bombardment from the Republic artillery, trapping the squad inside. What had not been foreseen by GAR Intelligence was the existence of a signal jammer deep underground inside the droid factory. Close to death and with few other available options, Helios ordered his men to evacuate themselves from the crumbling spire as he deigned to descend into the factory. After another successful infiltration, he avoided detection as he scouted the insides of the factory, all the while planting thermal detonators on main support points throughout the facility. He then discovered the signal jammer, a huge construct in a cave, which he managed to set to auto destroy itself.

Albeit being detected in the very last moment, Helios extracted himself to the surface only to find his three brothers waiting for him where he left them. Surprised, happy and a bit angry, he greeted them and after some moderate rejoicing, he activated the detonator, destroying the factory and the jammer. Thus, the squad was now able to contact Republic forces in order to cease fire on the spire. The Republic gained a very strategic point in the battle.

There was, however, little time to celebrate and, with the tide now turned in favor of the Republic, the battle raged on until the Republic emerged victorious, both sides having suffered many losses.

When returned to Coruscant, Helios and many other ARCs were put into a Cryosleep until their services were again required, in order to preserve them from the accelerated aging. He partook in another ten battles throughout the Clone Wars, achieving great victories.

Of course like that of any other clone, the major turning point in his life was Order 66, also known as the Great Jedi Purge, issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Helios and his three companions, as well as many other ARC troopers, had met many Jedi in their battles and adventures, and had grown to accept, respect and obey them. So when the order came through their comlinks, the four men instead parted ways and deserted the GAR.

The rise of the empire was a bitter one, and Helios knew it. Palps did not appreciate deserters, so Helios was often met by groups of assassins, which he easily took care of. He knew he was on the Emperors WANTED list. After a few years of experiencing life as a bounty hunter, collecting bounties and doing other jobs and contracts, Helios started to wish for a safe world where clone deserters could live in peace and by their own will. He often smuggled quantities of said clones and research data on age acceleration to the former GAR trainer and Cuy'val Dar Kal Skiratra, whom he knew had the same wishes and was creating a commune for clones to live in on Mandalore.

After learning of the birth of the Rebelion, desperate to do good and to earn money for his brothers and bored, he sought them out in order to join them. Glad to have someone with his skillset with them, they accepted him and that is where he is to present date.


Helios aspires to form a world for clones to live in without fear of being persecuted by the empire or other entities. He wishes for him and his brothers to lead normal lives as normal humans without having to be worried about death.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

Helios' personal quest is to find some kind of antidote or reversal method for the age acceleration implemented into the clones so that he and his brethren can live a long and healthy life.



Helios is a jack of all trades, but he is greatly skilled at: -Hand-to-hand combat


-Accurate Sharpshooter





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Your Name: Kal Dredd


Full Name: Kal Dredd

Title: Mando'ade

Species: Human Male

Age: 33


Hair Color: Bald

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6'0

Weight: about 200 pounds, all muscle.

(Optional) three scars on his lips that go from the top lip to the bottom one, long straight scar that goes from the top left part of his forehead to the bottom right of his chin, and his back and chest are heavily scarred and burned.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

<You may have multiple traits for each category>

Outlook: (Describe your basic worldview)

Pessimistic. Kal is sure of it that the rebels have no chance and he's only fighting for them because the were willing to pay double what the empire would pay. Distrustful: Kal has done assassination and bounty hunting jobs for tons of slimy scum and has been betrayed many many times and only trust those who pay first.

Integrity: Kal does not care who he kills or why, he only wants money for doing so

Impulsiveness: Kal is impatient and does not like to sit around and wait, he can be impulsive and do reckless things if he is angry enough or sick of waiting for everyone to make a choice..

Boldness: a mixture of bravery and recklessness.

Tolerance: Kal is cold hearted and sees aliens and woman beneath him.

Interactivity: Can be one to cause infighting, but can also be funny... To some people at least, he has a very dry and morbid sense of humor.

Conformity: He does not care what anyone thinks about him, just wants to get his job done and get paid through any means necessary. He was in love once, when he was still a rooki but his love was used against him for it was his only weakness, so he hasn't loved another woman since, he prefers to just meet with women at less then legal Hutt establishments and have a one night "relationship"



Kal is a man who hides his emotions mainly and only does what he does to be paid. He does enjoy killing though, but not when it comes to innocence but he will still kill innocents if a paycheck is involved. He has very few morals and he does not care about the galactic war or the politics involved, he'd even betray the republic if the empire were to offer him more money.

Preferences: (What do you enjoy?)

Women, killing,drinking and gambling.

Peeves: (What do you dislike?)

People who care about their pathetic morals and are too good, Aliens , the republic, the empire, sith, jedi, Hutts, and pretty much everything that isn't paying him.

Motivations: (What motivates you?)


(Optional) Quirks/Habits: (What are your mannerisms?)

Argumentative, hostile, aggressive, cold, and uncaring.

(Optional) Hobbies: (What activities do you enjoy?)

Women, Drinking mando'a ale, and fighting.

(Optional) Disorders: (Do you want to make yourself more interesting?)

Deeply depressed due to his wife's death but he hides under a fought guy persona.

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: (Which way(s) do you swing?)


(Optional) Sense of Humor: (What makes you laugh?)

Crude, Dry, and, Cynical



Write a summary of your life's major events and the primary forces that have shaped who you've become today. Furthermore, describe how and why you became involved with the Rebel Alliance. You may use the following questions to jumpstart your progress.

1. Birth place? Mandalore

2. Who were you raised by? What were they like? Mandalorian raiders and mercs. They are very aggressive and are a warrior people who care about the glory of combat and money.

3. How did your childhood affect who you've become now? Kal's mando'a childhood made him the hard man he is today due to his extensive training by other mandalorians.

4. Name at least one significant event in your life. When a sith lord named Darth Morbus whom Kal was hired to hunt down and assistant end used kal's love for his wife against him and ended up killing her and taking Kal As a prisoner and torturing him for 6 months untill he eventually escaped.

5. How did you become involved with the Rebel Alliance? Kal got an offer by them that was willing to pay him double if he fight for them rather then the empire.

Kal Dredd was born on mandalore and raised by a mandalorian clan called the "splinter Skulls" his childhood was a tough one as for all mandalorians, he trained everyday from the age of 9 to 18. Kal has a deep hatred for the republic due to them killing Mandalore the Ultimate so long ago during the mandalorian wars which ultimately led to the downfall of the mandalorians. Back in the days of the old republic the mandalorians were a massive army that jedi and sith feared alike, but now they are a shadow of their former selves. All mandalorians now are criminals and bounty hunters, not the glorious army they used to be. When Kal became and adult he left mandalore to become a bounty hunter. He wasn't an ordinary bounty hunter though, he worked for the Hutt cartel and did all the slimy and dirty work no other bounty hunters would do.

The most significant thing to happen in Kal's life was when he met his wife. She was a beautiful human woman who was also a mandalorian, they were best friends since childhood and she was his partner in crime, sometimes quite literally. When he was 28 he married her and they both continues to due bounty hunting jobs together as a duo. It all changed when a rebel general asked Kal to assassinate a Sith Lord, it's a very hard task but the payment was 100,000 credits so Kal could not refuse.

Kal arrived on tatooine and told his wife to wait in his ship while he went to do the job, he didn't allow his wife to go with him due to the danger of the suicide mission. Kal infiltrated the lords base and killed all the guards stealthily, when he arrived at the lord's chamber no one was there. He explored the room for about five minutes then he heard a beeping noise, he knew what it was so he sprinted for the exit, he was too late. A massive explosion happened and Kal was severely burned all over his chest and back, his face was spared because he covered it during the blast and his mando'a helmet helped too. Kal was unconscious but awoke in a small hut in the middle of the tatooine desert. Kal was stripped of his armor and was chained to a metal *X*. The sith demanded answers to who sent him, but Kal would not budge, even after 15 hours straight of intense torture, the only reason Kal wouldn't tell is because he knew he wouldn't be paid if so. Eventually the sith lord found Kal's weakness, his wife. Kal told The Lord everything in exchange for his wife's life. The Lord killed his wife anyway and continued to torture Kal for six months for fun. Kal eventually escaped and has been hunting down The Lord ever since.

Aspirations (What goals do you want to achieve?)

Mkae his money and if possible avenge his wife and kill the Sith Lord who killed her.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries (What's the personal story you'd like to explore in this roleplay?)

Track down Lord Morbus, infiltrate his base, kill him and avenge his wife.

(Optional) Conflicts (Who or what do you have conflict with? Why?)

Here's yet another opportunity to add additional spice to your character. Your character may have ongoing conflict going on in his or her life, be it with an individual (a former partner, a rival, a sworn enemy, etc.) or with a group/institution (the Empire, a mercenary group, your family, etc.). You may add other details, like if you are mainly out to get them, or they you, or if the antagonism is mutual. If you choose to have a pre-existing or ongoing conflict, use the following questions to help you solidify the circumstances surrounded it.

1) Who or what do you have a conflict with? Lord Morbus.

2)Why does the conflict exist? What happened? Tortured Kal and killed his wife, his only love.

3) Why hasn't it been worked out already? Can it be resolved? Kal cant find The Lord, it can be resolved if he ever gets a lead in the man.

4) How do you think it will end? Killing a sith isn't easy so Kal may die.

5) What are your emotions surrounding it: hate, vengefulness, and grief



What are your greatest skills? You may choose a maximum of THREE areas in which you have great expertise in. Choose wisely! I will be keeping track of what your skills are. These choices only represent areas in which you are VERY skilled. I will assume you are average or worse in everything else

Hand to hand/ melee combat, Stealth, and a sharpshooter.

Specialization: Born Soldier
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  1. Jerrick Crane

    Jerrick Crane


    Jerrick Thomas Crane
    The Crane of Hoth/Crane
    Clone (humanoid)

    [*] *28
    135 lbs.
    Tattoo of bird on right hand
    Slim build and greasy hair

    Core Traits

    Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background
    Outlook: Distrustful and Realistic
    Integrity: Manipulative, Pragmatic, and Ruthless
    Impulsiveness: Deliberate and Disciplined
    Boldness: Intrepid and Confident
    Tolerance: Hypertolerant
    Interactivity: Candid
    Conformity: Freethinking


    Crane is a problem solver, and not always in a good way. To be Crane is to face any number of situations in a shrewd manner. He can solver a situation, though it may get a bit messy. Crane is surprisngly brutal for a paper pusher. His relaxed and Confident demeanor is a camouflage to his true ability. In short, a crane, some resources, and time is a very dangerous thing.
    Preferences: Chess, History, Interrogation, Knitting
    Peeves: People leaving doors open, chalk, dry paper
    Motivations: Survival, Vengeance, and Curiosity
    (Optional) Quirks/Habits: Eavesdropping, Insomnia
    (Optional) Hobbies: Telescope collecting
    (Optional) Disorders: Passophilia (adiction to suffering)
    (Optional) Sexual Orientation: None

    [*] (Optional) Sense of Humor: Dark, observational


    "Wouldn't you like to know?"
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Who were you raised by? What were they like?

    [*]"The workers, they were cruel and powerful, I suppose they were my first role model. That explains a good bit."
    3. How did your childhood affect who you've become now?

    [*]"I just told you, idiot. I had honestly suspected some level of intellgence. Is this your first interrogation?"
    4. Name at least one significant event in your life.

    [*]"Getting screwed over by Vasquez. I sincerely hope I am allowed the opportunity to shove his face into a meat grinder during our journey."
    5. How did you become involved with the Rebel Alliance?

    [*]"I was captured, I cut a deal, simple as that."
    Shoving Vasquez' face into a meat grinder, commanding a fleet
    (Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries
    Overcoming 'my' sadistic nature
    (Optional) Conflicts
    1. Who or what do you have a conflict with?
    "Vasquez, my old boss, and The Galactic Federation"
    2. Why does the conflict exist? What happened?
    The ***** **** ******** comprimised my safe house for 'disloyalty' practically gave me over to those **** rebels with a bow on top..........no offense.
    3. Why hasn't it been worked out already? Can it be resolved?
    "It'll be resolved when every one of Vasquez's men are decapitated"
    4. How do you think it will end?
    "I just told you, friend."
    5. What are your emotions surrounding it: hate, jealousy, vengefulness, grief, bitterness, regret, fear?

    [*]"I have no fear for that sniveling weasel, these questions are pointless."


    Negotiation, Strategy, and Torture/Interrogation

    [*] Specialization
    Perfect Spy (huehuehuehuehue)
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Sarith Corelli



Sarith Corelli

Items Acquisition Specialist




Dark Brown

Greeny Blue





Standing at 6.1ft Sarith is a tall human male with shortish unkept brown hair and vibrant bluey green eyes. He is of medium build with muscles that have developed through use rather than training. No matter his attire, which usually entails dark clothing which allows free movement, he will nearly always have with him dark black combat boots and an old blast resistant old flight jacket. Usually carrying with him a blaster pistol on his right hip he also on most occasions carries various tools which help him to infiltrate/ break into places. With hair that refuses to be easily moulded Sarith keeps it rough unless it needs to be changed specifically for a job. While he doesn’t really care for shaving Sarith keeps his facial hair short or non-existent for the sake of looking respectable enough to not be called out immediately when scouting out more upper class targets.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Sarith's outlook on life is odd to say the least. For while he is cynical of nearly everything, especially the intentions of those around him, he has a stubborn idealistic streak which colours his perception of life. If anything however it is a resigned idealism as the changes he believes should happen in the form of the interactions between people and more, are changes that he himself believes are ultimately impossible. Because of this stubborn streak of idealism however he will try to look for the good in people he believes aren’t completely lost.

Integrity: Sarith’s outlook on life is a huge factor in how he holds himself and acts. Sarith taking responsibility for his actions for the most part be they good or bad, as he tries to set himself apart from the rest of the criminals and thugs in the galaxy by having a mind for those less fortunate than himself and trying not to kill whenever possible. Sarith however was raised in the majority to a life of crime and can thus be deceitful in matters he doesn’t want to share and has a generally pragmatic application of his, for lack of a better word, moral code.

Impulsiveness: Unless a witness to something particularly outrageous to his morals Sarith has good impulse control. Being able to control one’s self being especially important for his line of work where one wrong word can blow your cover or get you detected, or just blasted. However while he will always be trying to control his actions, whether he cares to control his words depends on the situation and he can be quite hot headed if worked up.

Boldness: Standing before a situation that Sarith knows nothing about or very little, a cautious approach is taken at first, much like casing a job as Sarith will naturally try to find out more about what he will have to face and possibly how he will get around it. However once committed to a plan he will act with confidence. Situations with many unknowns and no time to plan frustrating Sarith, a strange mix of recklessness and caution his usual response.

Tolerance: Sarith’s tolerance for other people is shaped by his general low expectations of them in regards to moral and social responsibility. As a result he is tolerant of all manner of people due to the resignation that a vast majority of people will always put themselves before others in all situations, himself not excluded from this though he tries to limit its extent. Sarith’s tolerance only stretches so far however, and the open exploitation or harm of those who have none or struggle every day is a major point of dissension. People of supercilious nature also irritating him. His attitude towards new situations being cautious and curious depending on the scenario. His attitude to tough decisions depending on whether his idealistic streak is being played upon. The ‘greater good’ a notion that Sarith has issues with.

Interactivity: Depending on the company and situation Sarith can be talkative and outgoing though he nearly always holds a little of himself back in regards to revealing exactly what he’s truly feeling or thinking. On equal footing however he is often sardonic and can even be quite taciturn based on the company (and their moral integrity).

Conformity: Pragmatic, Freethinking



To be Sarith is to be someone caught between two worlds. The world of idealism and lofty minded morals and the dirty world of crime, corruption and greed. Sarith’s idealism curved by the reality that he has to live in and the actual expectations he has of that world. A big driver in Sarith’s personality being a desire to be different from the common criminals that operate throughout the galaxy only thinking of themselves. Thus he tries to differentiate himself by not simply committing crime for himself but for others in more need than him as well. Trying to look out for those weaker than himself in defiance of a world which dictates that the strong must dominate the weak.

Sarith therefore has an odd combination of possessing a very pragmatic view of the galaxy crossed with streaks of stubborn idealism that Sarith will try his hardest not to compromise. His reasons for having lofty ideals about how people should act and the like while not following them completely himself being the excuse that they are unrealistic expectations. Following them completely in the current galaxy simply leading to exploitation suffering with no see able benefit to anyone in the long run.

Unfettered by his idealism Sarith has great pride in his skills as an ‘Item Acquisition Specialist’ as he calls it and enjoys the thrill of the job, willing to take on nearly any challenge to test his skills. However, while he won’t simply risk his life for credits alone the sense of achievement that he feels from pulling off a difficult job is generally more reward than anything else that could be offered to him.

Sarith hiding doubts about himself, his integrity and difference from other simple criminals, behind an air of confidence and even gusto at times. Whether this masquerade is designed to fool others or just himself even Sarith isn’t sure.

Preferences: ‘Item Acquisition’, infiltration, peaches, watching theatre performances, podracing.

Peeves: The Empire, Hutts, unconditional selfishness, aloofness/arrogance, malfunctioning droids, Bothan spice tea

Motivations: Find a purpose/meaning to life, helping those less fortunate than himself, excitement.

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: Even when he isn’t on a job Sarith will compulsively case the place and people he is with, nail cleaning,

(Optional) Hobbies: Pazaak, parkour, ‘item acquisition’, watching podracing

(Optional) Disorders: Mild cases of kleptomania and Automatonophobia

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Dry humour, ironic, sarcastic, prankster (to a degree, though actually performing pranks is a rare thing).



Born on the sprawling planet city of Coruscant to Imperial scientists Johnathon and Medana Corelli, Sarith was raised during the turbulent period that marked the fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire. With this in mind he was brought up well and taught to value life and look for the best in people and the galaxy in a time where the strong and ruthless dominated life. His parents, having grown up during the height of the Republic and sharing its ideals found it hard to adapt, horrified at what had happened to the galaxy around them.

As a result there was friction between them and the new government, the legislation ‘encouraging’ humans to live away from other species who were seen as inferior in particular outraging for them. And while they easily found work with the Empire, their joint research on genetics and genetic manipulation in particular making them very attractive to the new government. Their ultimate refusal to move away from the mixed races quarter and the general defiance of the Imperial attitude costing them however. Sarith life at the young age of 10 shattered, being orphaned when his parents were killed in an explosion within their apartment. Sarith luckily surviving the blast as he, having had a dispute with his parents, rebelliously sneaked outside the building and ran off into the city. After a period of time he guilty returned home only to have a large section of the apartment block where they lived explode in flames before him.

The aftermath of the explosion seeing him flee for his life as he was chased by strange men who appeared at the scene. Sarith disappearing into the heart of Coruscant thanks to a lucky fall which saw Sarith tumble of a bridge and away from his pursuers, a sprained ankle and scrapes all he received for his trouble. The lower areas of Galactic City being where he lived and hid, surviving off charity and thievery for 2 years. This period of his life ending when he stole from a Bothan by the name of Vulk Wist’Fey who, upon discovery of the theft, tracked Sarith down. Only instead of punishing him he would for the next 5 years watch out for Sarith and teach him how to thrive in the underworld of Coruscant as a father like figure. Vulk himself, in classic Bothan fashion, being at the centre of a criminal web that supplied black market goods and information to the various gangs and criminal operations that were active in Coruscant. In conflict with the teachings of his real parents, Vulk taught Sarith the value of looking out for yourself and of taking advantage of others. His cynical and pessimistic view of the world rubbing off on Sarith who saw the world around him and how it was dominated by those who cared only for themselves, from the Empire its self to the members of the underworld.

However while the first lesson stuck, Sarith always struggled with the latter, seeing his rejection of the seemingly given right under the Empire to take advantage of those weaker as the point of divergence from himself and the rest of the scum and criminals that thrive under the Empire. This a major part of why he tries to avoid killing as much as possible. Preferring to steal from those who he sees as having enough to rightly share and dividing out amongst those who he thinks need it most. Vulk calling him a hopeless idealist on multiple occasions for this. By 18 Sarith had worked with and for Volk on a number of jobs, his talent for infiltration and thievery having only grown since his early youth. His successes and lucky escapes on multiple occasions having Vulk even begrudgingly say that he would put some Bothans to shame. His love for the thrill of the job lending him the air of mild kleptomania as he on occasions mixed business with pleasure, stealing from those he thinks deserves it simply because he can, giving the goods or credits on most occasions to random beggars or people who he think need it, doing this on many of his major jobs as well as he sees too much wealth and opulence as one of the biggest corruptors in the galaxy. Though having enough to live comfortably he thinks wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

Actual jobs Sarith has been issued through Vulk and his clients being not only vast, but varied. From the “acquisition”, as he calls it, of singular precious items, to the location and extraction of cargo from trading companies. One particular job of note being when Sarith was tasked to acquire a holocron that had survived the sack of the Jedi temple undiscovered. Managing to slip past the guards under the ruse of being part of a structural engineering team surveying for future maintenance, Vulk helping with identification, Sarith wandered the halls of the temple in awe. The grand architecture and majesty of the temple even in its raided state setting fire to his imagination as he pictured the people who must have walked the halls, the fall of the jedi happening when he was too young to remember aptly.

After finding the holocron, which he dismissed as a bauble not understanding its purpose, and exchanging it for payment he asked Vulk about the Jedi. His reply being that they were incredibly powerful people who had the means to truly change the galaxy but sat pondering greater mysteries while people suffered. But to Sarith’s surprise he also added, in an almost wistful voice, that while they appeared to do very little to the common person, they had been the greatest potential force for good that he had ever seen. Typical of an ignorant and uncaring galaxy that they had been turned on.

With the full implementation of Palpatine’s surveillance systems throughout Coruscant making it increasingly difficult in Sarith’s line of work he had his famous luck tested on multiple occasions as he was detected but managed to flee mostly unscathed from three major jobs. After these failures he spent time hiding out in the Factory district of Coruscant, waiting for the fallout in the form of fervent searches and disgruntled clients to blow over. It was during his time here that Sarith developed his mild distrust for droids as the feral robots that prowled the district, part of the reason for its lack of population, were ever a constant threat. It was during his months in the factory district however that he encountered a strange woman who saved his life when he ran afoul of a particularly nasty feral droid. The light brown haired woman pulling him to safety and stealing his last remaining credit chips at the same time.

Thankful and furious at the same time Sarith was determined to catch the woman and confronted her when he managed to find her again. Her reaction less than pleased as he had to chase her when she tried to flee until eventually- to Sarith’s surprise- she turned to face him. Beating him, as Vulk would later remark, “Like a Benwabulan gong.” His persistence however and surprised resistance lasting until a group of feral droids stumbled onto the scene. Both humans having to desperately run for their lives. Eventually, after another couple weeks of very active droids, Sarith and the woman fell in together. Both working to survive and even thrive in the urban wasteland. Sarith managing to convince Asha, Ash for short, to return with him and be his partner in crime, her fiery personality and exceptional skills as a thief making her an obvious choice. Throughout their time together Ash had always remained tight lipped about her past, her cynicism and pessimistic view of the galaxy denoting a harsh upbringing. However, while less than Sarith, she also possessed a quiet idealistic trait, wishing that people could be think more of others rather than be absorbed by selfish wishes and goals all their life.

For a year the duo went on a perfect spree of jobs, this run lasting until they were approached with a job to infiltrate the imperial palace itself and steal information pertaining to Imperial ship yards. While the job was initially successful, the information transmitted to the contractor (a representative of the fledging Rebel Alliance), Sarith and Asha were caught when Ash almost obsessively followed a rumour from one of the guards about a possible Jedi being held, Sarith and Ash both caught before being able to find out.

Taken away to be processed and sentenced the two were rescued by Vulk mid-transport and given a one way ticket to Nar Shaddaa to escape Imperial pursuit. Sarith and Ash working for various Hutts and organisations on the corrupt moon. Inevitably after working for a year on Nar Shaddaa for various organisations they fell afoul of one, and in a consequential ambush Ash revealed herself to be a force user. More specifically, an ex-Jedi Padawan from just before the fall of the Republic. The ambush being defeated as Ash desperately used the force to send the armed thugs tumbling off the walkway they were trapped on into open air.

Shocked by this turn of events Sarith demanded to know why Ash had never used her powers before, angry with how she talked about how the galaxy would be a better place if people were less selfish, but sat on what he saw as a power that could change people’s lives for the better. Ash’s excuse, among others, being that the time for heroics and good deeds, with the force especially, had passed with the fall of the Republic. It being better to forget about her abilities, which marked her out and threatened her with being hunted down by the Empire every day, and move on.

The Force being more of a curse than a gift in her eyes; and while clear that she felt ashamed with herself it was also a point of divide between Sarith and Ash. Sarith unable to accept her argument, countering that her ability to use the force gave her power and thus responsibility to help those weaker than herself, an unwillingness to do this making her just as bad as the Empire or any of the crime lords that abuse or squander their power. A desperate call for help from Vulk who had become the target of an imperial cleansing of unsupported crime, acting as the pivotal fulcum between Sarith and Ash. Ash unwilling to return to Coruscant and put herself at such a huge risk to help Vulk.

Going alone Sarith arrived too late to help the old Bothan as he was arrested by imperial agents, and could only track him as he was taken to a heavily guarded prison station that orbited the planet of Anaxes. Knowing that it would be impossible to pull off a rescue by himself, Sarith spent weeks thinking over and planning on how he could save Vulk. When inspiration struck he reached out to the Rebel contact that had given him the imperial palace job and laid out his plan to break into the space station, counting on the Rebels being more than eager to rescue prisoners held there and strike a symbolic blow. Many of the prisoners being political and sympathetic to the growing Rebellion. Luckily he was right and with a large team of rebels hijacked a prison barge expected to pick up prisoners from the space station.

Taking control of the large barge by disguising themselves as an inspection team and then seizing the bridge, using a modified lockdown protocol to trap the crew and block any communications. The plan being to masquerade as the official prison barge until they docked with the station, upon which- buying time due to the excuse of there being an outbreak of Corellian Tanamen Fever- Sarith would sneak aboard and break into the security systems of the station opening all the cell doors.

The resulting chaos allowing the rebels to rescue as many prisoners as possible. For the most part the plan was successful and the station descended into chaos. Unable to find Vulk however Sarith desperately searched the prisoner mainframe only to find out, to his horror, that Vulk had been transferred days before the break in. There being no record of where he was transferred to or by whom.

On top of this it appeared that instead of focusing on rescuing prisoners and escaping quickly, the rebels had planned instead to try and damage and even destroy the imperial fleet yard also in orbit around Anaxes using the facilities anti-ship defences. This action as a consequence indeed damaging the fleet yard, but quickly bringing imperial support, forcing the rebels and Sarith to leave the station with only a fraction of the prisoners they could have rescued.

With imperial ships about to arrive at the station and more jumping in the group used the barge to escape, ditching it after its first jump in a location where other ships were waiting to pick them up. Sarith disgusted by the rebel’s pitiful attempt to damage the empire when they could have saved more lives. Disenfranchised with the galaxy and himself as further searches for Vulk proved fruitless, Sarith has drifted from place to place for a year and a half. “Acquiring” the odd thing or two to sell, keeping himself busy and financially afloat. This drifting state Sarith’s life at the moment as he lacks purpose or drive like he once did. The thrill of the job not as satisfying as it once was with the failure to save the man who had introduced and raised him in this life weighing on his mind.


Find Vulk or at least discover what happened to him, find a job that is more challenging and exciting than the next*

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

Revelation- The bodies of Sarith’s parents were never found in the aftermath of the explosion, their ultimate fate unknown. Are they alive? And if so where are they? And while Sarith doesn’t dwell on the past in this matter, the truth, no matter what it is, would be of significance of him.

Reunion?- Sarith and Asha didn’t part on the best of terms, Sarith’s conceptions of what Jedi had been lending disgust to the fact that Ash would hide her gifts and not use them to help people. This on top of her refusal to return to help Vulk fractured their relationship. However she has always been at the back of Sarith’s mind, how she is and what she is doing questions that occasionally spring into Sarith’s thoughts. Her fate, as essentially an outlaw of the empire due to her powers, a fate that would have significant impact on Sarith emotionally, whether he would admit it or not.

Redemption- Vulk’s fate and the uncertainty surrounding it plays heavily on Sarith’s mind, his failure to save the Bothan who had been like a father to him and subsequent failure to even find out what happened to him a huge source of guilt for Sarith.

Purpose? - Sarith throughout his life has lacked a clear purpose or direction. His morals and idealism something that he tries to live by but not live for. His pragmatism and cynicism of the world not allowing this. Events however may shake his beliefs to the core, catalysing a change that may galvanise his ideals, or shatter them.

(Optional) Conflicts

The Empire- Having stolen from them many times and been hounded by them on multiple occasions the Empire is a constant source of conflict for Sarith, but also income when he plays his cards right and is successful in jobs. Stronger feelings arise however from their role in the imprisonment of Vulk and possibly his disappearance and also the likely role they had in his parent’s fate as well. These factors meaning Sarith feels a mixture of bitterness, anger and to a degree vengefulness when dealing with them.

Asha- This being a more ideological conflict than anything else as Sarith sees Asha’s force abilities as something that should be used for the greater good of others no matter what. His idea coloured by the high expectations that he placed on Jedi from the stories told about them by his parents and to a certain degree Vulk. The revelation that Asha was trained to be one a big shock and ultimate disappointment for Sarith as he saw how she hid from her past and powers, looking out for only herself. This conflict bring brought to an end if either party accepts the viewpoint of the other or if there is a compromise to be made. Sarith’s feelings towards this conflict being bitterness, disappointment and regret.



Slicing- In the age where technology is the conduit for nearly every facet of life, an ability to manipulate and hack technology gives the user great access to lots of places in the galaxy. Slicing an ability that Sarith has huge amounts of experience in having done it all his adult life when breaking into places across the galaxy.

Deception- Whether it be bluffing guards, opponents in card games or pulling off masquerades Sarith has had a lot of experience deceiving people throughout his life. This ability coming in handy just as much as the ability to slice in regards to gaining access to places and things.

Stealth- Be it simply hiding in shadows and out of sight or hiding in plain sight, Sarith is skilled at avoiding notice when he needs to be. Stowing aboard ships or infiltrating facilities or compounds his bread and butter.


Master Infiltrator




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Tyla K’avel



Tyla K’avel

Ty, Lael, Lala, Bounty (old Bounty Hunter name)

Human-Zeltron Mix



Blue dyed back

Crystal Blue


133 lbs

Nothing really other than her blue hair and a small tattoo at the base of her back.

Tyla is a young woman in her mid twenties who. She has fair skin and a slim hourglass figure, but is surprisingly extremely athletic and flexible, able to twist and flip around with ease. She has a excess of muscles hidden underneath her physiology. Her attire is standard, wearing a silver gray medical suit that is every type of resistant (heat, cool, ect). Wearing a brown medical pack and safety harness to keep her hands free for work. Accessory wise she wears a shining blue bracelet on her wrist that is a personal energy field, just large enough to produce a shield that protects her and her patient on the battlefield. During her Bounty hunter days she wore a amulet that repressed her telepathy but has since taken it off and only wears it for certain disastrous situations.

Like her Zeltron mother Tyla constantly produces a excess of pheromones unintentionally. Many of both the male and female persuasion find her alluring and approachable. She also can feel emotions much like her mother could which helps greatly in her job as a medic. She has long black and blue hair, which surprisingly enough, the blue is her natural hair color.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Upbeat, Trusting

Integrity: Responsible, Industrious

Impulsiveness: Thoughtful

Boldness: Audacious


Empathic, adaptable, altruistic

Interactivity: Engaging, Evasive

Conformity: Freethinking



Tyla is independent, friendly, humorous, sensitive, caring and kind. She comes off as naive and rather clueless at times, which is at odds with her exceptionally high intellect. She studies hard because she wants to save lives and eels personally responsible if she fails. Tyla is a diligent reader and almost always has some sort of medical procedure on the mind. She tends to zone out and lose track of what she was thinking or dreaming about. She has an over-active imagination and gets carried away thinking of implausible scenarios, such as everyone turning into Wookie babies and she having to take care of them all.

Tyla is perceptive when it comes to people's mental and emotional state, as she is able to tell what kind of driving force is pushing someone. She additionally has a crush on Atticus and later falls in love with him. She has exhibited traits that appear to have some connection with Atticus, such as the ability to detect Atticus by scent, sense his presence even when blindfolded, and an awareness of what mood Atticus is in, sensing his feelings of anguish, disappointment, or worry, even feeling pain herself when she sees Atticus getting hurt.

Regarding her past she hides her amnesia, by speaking cryptically and explaining very little. She does not recognize or remember many of the people in her past although tries hard to recall them. Her amnesia bothers her deeply, but she tries er best to hide it. Most of the time Tyla is laid-back and mostly seen smiling. But inside she has some dark emotions and traits string around. She envies people who have friends, skills, families, a past.

Preferences: Flying, Alcohol, Partying, Watching People, and Winning at Gambling.

Peeves: Simple minded jerks, people who think she's

Motivations: Atonement for her sins.

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: She likes to twirl around any sharp object in her hand from her old days.

(Optional) Hobbies: Studying, Clubbing, Drinking, Cooking.

(Optional) Disorders: Fugue

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Witty, Gleeful and Surreal.



Discarded Childhood

Tyla was born to a Human father and Zeltron mother on the planet Zeltros. From the ages of 1 to 5 she lived a happy normal life with her two parents. Her father was a pilot and her mother was a bounty hunter. Both parents settled down and had a happy loving life on a planet devoted to love and battle. Tyler's parents retired from their careers and bought a bar which they owned. Tyla learned much about life, love and fighting in that bar. Her parents and the customers taught her how to read, write and speak in various languages along with some rudimentary self defense. Everyone in that bar was like family to Tyla, she felt truly blessed. Her life was happy one, she had two caring parents, a whole community of friends and a bright future ahead of her. Until one day it all fell away leaving nothing.

Tyla's human father had parents that lived on the planet Kuat. They were distinguished shipbuilders, who were revered during their generation as the greatest inventors in history. Long since retired, they survey current projects and assure that each component is properly intact. Tyler's father didn't visit them much since Kuat is, as her mother would say, "a planet where fun goes to die." However, they left to visit her father's parents for their anniversary. They asked the family to join them so that Tyla's father could return a small cube that his father had given to her On the way there their ship was taken over by pirates and her parents were killed. She was dropped off at the closest planet and left to her own devices.

She was raised in a life of poverty and violence, and was surrounded by vulgarity. Orphaned at the age of six she was gulible like her people. She trusted a man who promised her food and shelterd, but instead was dragged into a child robbery system. She would steal along with the other children and give the money to the man in exchange for she her and food. The man who took care of them was a handaome yet weasly man. He used eveyone and was never afraid to beat the children if they misbehaved.

As a teenager, life got harder for Tyla. The man would take the older kids away for hours on end and they seemed to vanish or if they came back they would come back broken. She knew it was bad and her experience with it shook her to the core. After a year she couldn't stand living like this any longer, so she was forced to throw away her compassion and rely on her ruthless nature as a natural-born fighter—becoming a predator rather than becoming the victim of one. She watched fights and picked up on their moves. By hanging out at bars, she learned about the life of a bounty hunter and and how to defend herself so when they day came that she was taken by the man again she did what she had to.

From Ruthless Bounty Hunter

After her newfound freedom Tyla spent years honing her bounty hunting skills, while also enacting harsh retribution on anyone who crossed her. She bought a necklace that would inhibit her ability to sense the emotions of others. Once she had earned enough credits, she expanded her hunts off of the Republic capital and her reputation spread across the galaxy. As she continued collecting bounties, she was cited thirty-two times by local authorities for excessive force, wanted by authorities in seven systems, and her license to operate had been revoked in many planets.

She was a rebel in every sense of the word. She hunted those whoever had the largest bounty and was never afraid of anything or anyone who crossed her path. She was cold, calculating and ruthless when it came to her kills. Taking alive only those who requested it. She thought her life would never change until one day she realized what she was doing. It was on a hunt she was tracking a group of runaways wanted dead or alive. She had handled runaways before and had no problem tracking them down to a hidden base. She barged in guns blazing, killing everything that moved. At first they ran, but soon they turned around and attacked. She killed every last one b of them including the last that took her by surprise ripping off her necklace When the smoke cleared she looked down at the enemy that last attacked her only to see a young girl no older than five. She looked around and saw nothing bit women, children and the elderly. After years of blocking out her feelings it hit her at once, the cruel realization that she was just like those pirates who killed her family, mindless killers.

She could feel her emotions welling up, she was in a trance, trying to sort out her thoughts for the first time in a long time. Standing there in deep realization she was hit from behind and was knocked out. She woke up in the middle of the streets lost and confused not knowing where she was. Lost and scared she wandered the streets again hoping that someone would help.

To Rebellious Medic

She was taken in by the local doctor on the planet Brigia. There he diagnosed her type of amnesia as fugue and suggested that she stay with him until she was able to remember a little. Tyla agreed and moved her life in a different direction. She began to study medical procedures and anatomy, gaining small information from her past. Including various languages and the full knowledge of over 190 varying species. She spent most of her time studying medical manuals or watching the doctor who took her in, work. She was understanding much about medical procedures and was proficient enough to preform them on her own. In less than a year she became the most well known and successful medic of her time.

Hem caretaker and mentor was a ex-Imperial medic who was unjustly exiled after taking care of a enemy while in captivity. He lived in the peaceful and quaint town on a unknown planet. He cared for the girl like his own daughter and happily helped her with anything she needed. Tyla used her intensive knowledge of various alien anatomy to become a medic and help people. She quickly surpassed her mentor and began to preform impossible surgeries.

Tyla never took any of the credit for her medical successes, letting her caretaker take the credit. As his popularity grew so did the Rebel Alliance's interest in him. They sent men down with a request letter for the doctor to join the rebel alliance. However, the day before the letter arrived the doctor had a mild heart attack. Afraid that he would die if he joined, she stole the letter and went in his place. She's stayed with the rebel Alliance ever since.

At first the Alliance was cautious of this girl who claimed to be the doctor apprentice. However, her skill became evident after a few major surgeries they trusted her skill. To everyone Tyla was kind and caring to everyone in the alliance, especially her patients. She would take care of even the meanest patient and make them at least complacent. She was learning a lot from the others and from herself. Gradually she began to get flashes of her past life while she slept. Some were warm, but most were nightmares. She just avoided talking about her past, only talking about her time with the Doctor.


To Recall Her Lost Memories- Even if she can't remember much of her past, she feels like she needs to do something. She has waves of guilt during certain times and she's unsure why. The feeling is nagging her, and she has flashes that keep her up at night. If anything she wants to remember so she no longer can suffer through the guilt.

Find Out What is Inside That Cube- She still held onto the cube that her father gave her. After her Fugue state she still remembered it was important and kept it close to her.

(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries

History Revealed- Meet up with a past friend, possibly someone who can tell her who, she was before the accident.

Crack the code- Open the Cube and collect the information in it.

(Optional) Conflicts




Medicine, Munitions (especially guns), hand to hand combat


The Doctor

(I'll edit the background to be clearer. She lost her memories and altered her personality to become the kind medic she is today.)

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Alanyah Quar [ Al-ahn-yah Cor-ah ]

Alan | Anyah [ Very rare to hear ]







127 lbs

High cheekbones | Sharp gaze | Two black rectangular birthmarks [ Under right eye ; Above collarbone ]

Alanyah is young woman in her early to mid twenties. She has pale creamy skin, seemingly without blemish other than her two tattoo-like birthmarks, one beneath her right eye and the other above her collarbone. With silky waist length wavy black hair and delicate features, along with a slim and fit figure, Alanyah has never had much trouble trying to learn her enemies secrets.

Core Traits

Source: Ash's Guide to RPG Personality and Background

Outlook: Cynical ; Distrustful

Integrity: Industrious ; Pragmatic ; Manipulative

Impulsiveness: Controlled

Boldness: Confident ; Cautious ; Daring

Tolerance: Classist ; Open-Minded

Interactivity: Talkative

Conformity: Rebellious ; Freethinking



Alanyah is many things but bubbly is not one of them. She can be polite and nice upon meeting someone, but don't expect it to always last. She's fairly cold, but that comes from a focused hard-working life that has monopolized her time, leaving no room for bright social skills.

Alanyah is the type to do what she wants when she wants, and she does it well. She doesn't particularly care what others think of her, while most of the time her own self opinion is changing. She's confident and believes in herself to get her work done, but the methods she uses aren't always...moral. When forced to use rather unpleasant methods to work, or just having to do unpleasant tasks, her opinion of herself and the universe wavers, even though her opinion of the universe wasn't that high to begin with.

She hates being forced to do something, preferring to take control of her situation, which can definitely get her into trouble. Her rebellious tendencies don't help either. Her distrust towards many others is what causes her politeness to fade away after a quick meet and greet, leaving her good manipulation skills to get what she wants.

In short, when confronted with new people, Alanyah is fairly polite, maybe even nice, and definitely talkative. She isn't afraid to dive right in and get what she needs, even with no experience in doing something. She refuses to let anything stop her from achieving her goals.

There isn't really anything or anyone Alanyah hates, but she is often seen as indifferent or rude to some groups of people. She tends to refuse to interact with those who wield too much power and abuse others and similarly with those who have nothing and only sit and whine about it. Alanyah has made taking control of a situation and bettering her life her personal motto, and wishes that others could understand and do the same. Those who just sit aside and do nothing but complain of their situations or lie and abuse their ability to do something meaningful annoy her, causing her to view them in a different light than just hate.

Preferences: Food ; Music ; Rain ; Alcohol ; Winning

Peeves: Whiners/Complainers ; Rich People ; Slavers ; Idiots

Motivations: Live freely

(Optional) Quirks/Habits: Brushing hair behind ear ; Lip biting

(Optional) Hobbies: Humming/Singing ; Sketching

(Optional) Disorders: Cleithrophobia

(Optional) Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

(Optional) Sense of Humor: Sarcastic






(Optional) Personal Quests/Mysteries


(Optional) Conflicts




Infiltration -

Perception -

Survival -


Perfect Spy (+1 to all Deception Challenges)


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