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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [CS]


D. Rex

Magic Eight Ball
CLASSIFICATION: Sith Warrior, Jedi Guardian, Mandolorian Medic.
TIER: (See Tier description in opening interest check post)

APPEARANCE: May use an Image instead of written description. But any differences between picture and char are to be described in written form here as well.

COMBAT STYLE: Describe how your character fights. This could be strategies or a list of what lightsaber forms they use.

WEAPONS: Here is where you will describe your armaments. Be they blasters, grenades, lightsabers, or darts. Please be descriptive, and list any properties they possess. Do not just say "blaster". Say "a short new republic battle rifle, modified with hair trigger, and has an underbarrel grenade launcher." Dont say "sword" say "beskar infused vibrosword made in traditional mandalorian fashion". Dont say "lightsaber", say "double bladed blue lightsaber with thin refined blades". You will also list any other properties your weapon might have, such as if your lightsaber uses ion charged plasma that was built to better destroy droids and its hilt is of mon cal inspiration.

If it is not listed here, it may as well not exist IC.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Please list any armor or attire you character commonly wears. Please be descriptive, especially should it concern armor.

PERSONALITY: Describe how your character thinks and behaves. Feel free to add any philosophies they may follow or how they view other factions. Motivations and ambitions would also be nice to see.

TRAITS: Use this section to describe any other notable traits, be they physical or habitual, that other players can use in describing and identifying your character. E.g. scars, prosthetics, colors, specific clothing, etc.

SKILLS: List notable skills your character has learned that play an important part to your character or are frequently used. Dont be the guy that can do everything, just list the ones you feel best define your character. Also, just because a skill isnt listed, doesnt mean you CANT do it, within reason.

FORCE POWERS: You may list specific force powers, but IC force is to be more broadly used and not like casting spells. This section is to help give others (and me) an idea of the capabilities of the character, as well as their area of focus in the force.

NAME: Vortiger
SPECIES: Shistavanen; Force Augmented, Borderline Feral
FACTION: The True Mandolorians and the Force Wardens
TIER: Knight Tier


Unlike your more standardised Shistavanen, Vortiger has undergone a similar transformation many feral, force adept creatures have gone through in their lives, giving him a distinct visual and size difference in comparison to other of his species. Standing at 9'4", the Shistavanen's claws, teeth and jaws became far more powerful than those of his kin and his musculature from years of surviving in the wilds and facing gruelling attempts on his life against other force adepts has become quite pronounced. While not always notable through his thick fur, Vortiger bears hundreds of scars ranging from blaster burns to imprints of the maws of terrible creatures.

Despite most of his changes, he retains the standard build and abilities of a Shistavanen, such as being able to run on all fours. His eyes maintain the common yellow that shines in the light at night.

COMBAT STYLE: Vortiger is an animal in combat. And not just as a dig at his bestial race. Mixing what one would expect from a brawler coupled with corded muscle, a wilderness honed intuition and survival drive, and his base Shistavanen claws, maws, and build, he tends to either act as an ambush predator when at disadvantage, or a hunter against minor threats. Between his rending claws, tearing teeth, and ability to bodily lift or pin most combatants, Vortiger also surprises many of the more intelligent adepts he used to combat against by surprising them with an abrupt usage of tutaminus to catch them off guard and make their lightsaber blows far less effective than what they would normally anticipate. He's also utilised this skill on occasion against blasters, though he's faced less blasters in his life than sabers. Ultimately, your best bet to succeed against Vortiger is to ensure he just doesn't get with in arms reach of you.

While he owns multiple sabers, his usage of them or any other melee weapon tends to fall in line with a toddler swinging a stick. Well, if a toddler could throw you 20 meters when angry.

WEAPONS: Vortiger carries an array of weaponry he doesn't seem to actually utilise. Namely because he's not trained in their usage. Despite that, he keeps them to remember his best hunts and fights.
  • Three vibroblades, one a full length blade, the other two being knives. They hang from his right hip.
  • One collapsible electrostaff, often utilised as a walking stick, or slung over his back.
  • Thirteen various simple lightsabers. Four double sided, one long hilt, six standard sabers, and two shoto sabers. The standard and shoto sabers are hung in a bandolier from his right hip to left shoulder, and the double sided and long hilts hang amongst the vibroblades on his right hip.
  • One cortosis weave axe.
  • A broken, heavily modified DC-15 blaster rifle. It was utilised by one of the adepts as a high impact, high range sniper rifle. It didn't fair well in cqc however.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Vortiger largely adorns himself simply. A leather kilt hewn from the same breed of Narglatch he has as a companion hangs from his waist, while a simple harness and errant bands of leather here or there adorn his legs and arms. Of interesting note, he has bone wrapped around his fore arms and lower legs, as well and a collar of bone. This bone is of the same type that the Felucian natives utilised in their blades, and are lightsaber resistant.

After his meeting and induction into Pack Ordo, Vortiger would later add thigh and upper arm guard, as well as chest and back plates of beskar to further protect him from incoming blaster bolts. Furthermore, he would add a layer of beskar chainmail over his kilt to increase its durability.

PERSONALITY: Vortiger can come across as almost painfully pragmatic and straightforward at times, but this is in large part due to how much of his life has been in an almost entirely based off of a predator/prey dynamic. This has had the side effect of causing him to view most anything that isn't a threat to him as a non-entity. This is never meant to be as an insult, but merely an observation that if you are no threat to him, he has no reason to be a threat to you. His kinship is hard earned, but as his 'packmate', a Narglatch he once bested and let live, can attest(or could if it could talk), the loyalty and camaraderie one can earn from Vortiger is nigh-unbreakable.

Having survived and spent as much time in the wilds as Vortiger has, however, has proven to have had a largely positive affect on his life in the long term. It takes a lot to truly bore the Shistavanen, and after years living in almost inhospitable surroundings, he can also find him4elf comfortable in almost any setting. This has formed a very easily contented creature, leaving him with little he aspires to other than his own passing wants and needs, such as food, shelter, and methods of offsetting his boredom and thrill of the hunt.

Despite this potentially laid back attitude, crossing Vortiger and putting yourself in his sights during combat quickly reveals that in such situations, he is every bit the animal one could say he appears as. His conscious mind seemingly takes a backseat to raw instinct and ferocity as he tears into his targets, but behind all the rage and bestial strength ever lies the mind of a skilled hunter, just waiting for you to over estimate your sensibilities, and under estimate his.

TRAITS: While one could just mention himself in general, there are some notable features of Vortiger. The right side of his neck bears a shape of a bite from when a predator attempted to tear out his throat, with deep scar tissue where one can notice his fur grows thinner. His back right shoulder also bears a burned patch of skin where he was struck with the same modified DC-15 he now carries. Outside of his physical features, one can often take note of how often he moves his ears about, as if constantly scanning for threats. Similar to this is his habitual checking of every entrance multiple times before settling down to sleep. Amongst animals, Vortiger has a worrisome habit of sizing them up as if he's going to eat them later.

SKILLS: Amongst his most notable skills fall hunting, brawling and tracking. The penultimate skills that allowed him to survive for as long as he did. Coupled with the set is general wayfinding and survival skills in the wild. He is a passable pilot, but far from the best. He can land a ship without crashing however, which is a big plus. He is a novice at chess still, but swears he will master it someday.

FORCE POWERS: Vortiger's force usage is almost all instinctual, and in line with his feral upbringing. His physique, reflexes and five sense are all extremely well tuned from force augmentation, and his attunement with the force often gives him a sixth sense of sorts that helps guide him along hunts, or to know if he is now the one being hunted. He seems to function alongside the Force rather than forcefully pull from it, though has learned to manifest Tutatiminus to great effect against both saber blades and blaster bolts.

BIO/HISTORY: Taken from his parents at a young age by the Imperial Inquisitorious as a potential candidate for their programmes for creating dark side agents, Vortiger was a troublesome being for them, often lashing out in the first few months of their attempts to train him. Their answer for this was to dump him onto a nigh-inhospitable planet they often used to test their fledgling agents early. To0 their surprise, the Shistavanen was not quickly killed, but instead flourished in the new environment, though they wouldn't learn of this until years later when they would lose their first adept to Vortiger's claws.

Much of his life continued along in simple means, surviving beast and adept both as he continued his life, collecting the weapons of his kills of the agents and adepts as he continued his life. During a near death encounter with a adept wielding a high powered sniper rifle, Vortiger nearly died beating down a lone Narglatch, but was not strong enough to finish it off before passing out from his wounds. This led to an understanding from the pack animal that Vortiger was now its alpha, and this relationship would continue as the Narglatch stayed by his side and aided in his hunts, including those against other adepts sent after him, until his escape from the planet.

Said escape would happen a few years after the fall of the Empire. With no more agents being sent to his home, inevitably the planet became a byway for smugglers and pirates. When a smuggler group found that Vortiger was spying on them one fateful day, they opened fire upon him, and in response he hunted down and killed them all before they could reach their craft and flee. In their craft was a beginners guide to starcraft piloting, and in another years time the Shistavanen managed to shakily pilot the ship to it's last recorded location.

After eventually learning more about piloting, and coming to find himself a place in this wider galaxy, Vortiger became a bounty hunter for a time. It was during this time he found himself put on jobs that had him run into Kal Ordo, or members of Kal's pack, with increasing frequency. While Vortiger held the hunting pack in respect for their capability, it wouldn't be until a few years later that he would find the respect mutual when Kal would offer him a place alongside the Mandolorians.

With an understanding that a mutual pack relationship to hunt down bigger and better prey was a boon for both parties, Vortiger agreed to the man's offer and quickly found himself inducted into and enjoying his new found place alongside Pack Ordo as they sought out more famed prey, and hunts that would be legendary when spoken of later.

A short while after joining the Mandolorians, Vortiger likewise began training with the allied Grey Wardens as well, in aims to increase his hold of the force.

OTHER: Vortiger has a Narglatch 'packmate' he calls Auk. It is a Narglatch breed that evolved to survive the planet they inhabited, and as such is slightly larger than the average Narglatch, and while they're build is almost entirely the same, they are a mix of grey, brown and red colors. They have a full mane of coarse quills, as well as quills running down their spine and tail. Unlike the fan/fin shaped tail of a standard Narglatch, Auk's tail has a sharp spine at the end that can utilised offensively. His hide is coarse, and even vibroblades seem to find their breeds skin hard to hew through, though not impossible.

After their induction into Madolorian culture,Vortiger spent a fair amount of the credits he'd acquired to fashion a suit of beskar combat barding for Auk, complete with a fitted helm in appearance of the mythosuar skull, complete with the downswept, sharpened metal 'tusks'.

SHIP: While Vortiger's original ship he'd 'acquired' had been a Kazellis Light Frieghter, he quickly determined he had little need for such a large craft, particularly since he wasn't doing anything with the cargo, he eventually found a buyer for both. While one would think he wouldn't've secured a good deal, instincts and intimidation happen to go a long way. In turn, he made purchase of a niche ship that had long been sitting and waiting for a new owner, as few had need of the unique role it offered., and it had been long gathering dust.

His current craft exists in the form of the 'Nexu', a heavily modified, and likely custom built, A/SF-01 B-wing. Its original owner had apparently created it for 'super-light' smuggling jobs in high risk locations, and it was half again as long as your typical B-wing. Its larger size afforded it a larger engine bock, and the S-foils of the craft had been shifted to sit on the engine block rather than beneath it as seen on the original model. In the block rested a high end engine and a class-.8 hyperdrive system giving the ship movements and speed that belied its size. Four twin ion cannons were mounted to the corners of the block as well.

Aside from the quad-linked ion cannons the ship bore four weapons packages; the two S-foil packages, the cockpit package, and the primary wing package. The S-foil packages consisted of twin light laser cannons coupled with a heavy laser cannon. The primary wing consisted of similarly twinned light laser cannons with twinned heavy laser cannons, and the cockpit package consisted of twinned auto-blasters and a retractable Z-6 rotary cannon.

Finally the cockpit of the ship was half again as long and wide as the standard B-wing cockpit, housing an interlinked droid system that managed the auto-rotation of the primary wing and cockpit so that the pilot wouldn't have to, as well as control over the retractable rotary cannon, using it in defense of the craft when the pilot wasn't around. It's larger cockpit also allowed for a single half-bed, and a small amount of storage space, which was the perfect size for small amounts of gear, or in Vortiger's case, the heads of his bounty targets.

Despite the vast armaments, the Nexu doesn't seem to have an operating shield generator, and furthermore, due to the power drain of it's armamanets, and Vortiger's lack of training, actually trying to put it through it's paces in any combat oparations is a moot task, as it can only maintain short service when using the weapons its current pilot isn't even trained for at the moment.

It does look intimidating though.
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NAME: Eberron Akios
FACTION: Force Wardens
TIER: Master

Eye color: Lavender

Hair style and color: White, short

Skin: Ashen white

Age: 26


COMBAT STYLE: Prefers Melee combat, but if it calls for it he will use a blaster with precision accuracy. Refused to build a lightsaber, and will instead use a phyical blade. Mastery in forms V Djem So and VII Juyo, along with hand to hand combat. Eberron will also channel force powers through his blade to further debilitate and inflict as much harm as possible.

WEAPONS: Bloodletter (Sith Sword Prototype/experiment.)

"The sword is rather peciliar in the fact it's an experiment of sorts. Perhaps the Students here were trying to infuse the blade with the force much like the Je'daii of old, while combining the proporties of their alchemy. Upon the Hilt and pommel there are two extremely rare Quixoni Crystal that seems to call to me. Whom evere forged this weapon spared no expense, as the edge seems to be forged of alchemically strengthened Cortosis.
There is a hunger to this blade, almost as if it is incomplete. Perhapse some meditation with it can fix that while I attune the blade to me."

⦁ Made up of cortosis and Rubat.
⦁ Two Quixoni Crystals on hilt and pommel
⦁ Has a Blood Red glow
⦁ Upon Bonding with the crystals Eberron's force abilities seem to have strengthened Allowing him some greater control of his force enduced rage.

"Upon Meditating on the blade and crystals, the weapon has fully bound itself to me. Curiously, the Quixoni crystals seem to have given me a measure of control when i'm in a force enduced rage.
Upon closer inspection of the blade, I found that it is was weaved out of Rubat crystals and was reinforced with traces of Cortosis. I also noticed three sockets on the ricasso of the blade for additional crystals. Perhaps they had learned the how to forge weapons like the Rakata of the Infinite Empire?"

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Custom armoured Warden Robes made up of Armorweave and Phrik Chestplate and gauntlets, Custom Mask made up of beskaar and Phrik based off of the mandolarian visor (Bonus diplomacy with mandolorians)

PERSONALITY: Cold, calculating, Sarcastic, Loyal to those who earn it, Vengeful, Open minded

TRAITS: Several scars and burns cross his body from his time growing up a slave on Mustafaar

SKILLS: Melee combat, Force training, Metalworking/smithing, tactician, piloting (Fair), robotics, inventing, Improvising

-Force Jump
-Force sense
-Force Choke
-Dark Rage
-Deadly Sight
-Force drain
-Force stealth
-Mind trick
-Force Lightning
-Breath control
-Detoxify Poison
-Force speed
-Drain Knowledge
-Beast Trick
-Force Armor
-Dark Healing
Signature Ability: Force Maelstrom

BIO/HISTORY: Eberron knew nothing of his parents. Abandoned as an infant on mustafar, Eberron was raised by the slave works on that world. When he was six, he was found by a Grey Force user, and purchased from the mustafaarian slavers and quickly whisked off into the unkown regions to the world of Zakuul, where he was to be trained as an Initiate in the Order of Force Wardens. Eberron was a Prodigy when it came to the Dark Side of the force, Inherent in his Valha Blood. Because of this, he advanced quickly in his apprenticeship. It was then, when he reached the rank of Warden, for his final test he willingly stripped himself of the force. For a year he was cut off from the force, but after a year of meditation he finally reforged his connection. Because of this, he became a wound in the force like his master, Like the General Meetra Suric, and like Darth Treya herself. Despite his affinity to the darkside, he is in actuality grey, both in the force and morally.

Homeworld: Zakuul
Language: Mustafarian, Galactic Basic standard, Zakuulan, some Mando'a
Voice: Outer Rim accent
Likes: Knowledge, Learning Force traditions, Corellian Whiskey, Nude bathing, Cute women/feminine males, Smooth jazz, Jazz Clubs, and Free Drinks
Dislikes: Jedi, Those whom seek to bring harm to his allies, Those who fuck with the balance of the force, killing innocents
Fear(s): His own death, Failure, Clowns (Will attack on sight)

Orientation: Bi
Relationship/Mate: None
Allies/Friends: Currently none
Rivals/Enemies: Whomever fucks with the balance/their protectorates
Organization: Force Wardens, Paladin
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NAME: Atticus Rolfschild Olie
SPECIES: Arkanian Off-Shoot
FACTION: Republican
CLASSIFICATION: Republican Admiral, 2nd Class, Director of Republican Diplomatic Services
TIER: Master

Captura de Pantalla 2019-11-15 a la(s) 9.16.11 a. m..png
COMBAT STYLE: Peace is after this man's heart. Atticus hasn't fought in years, and relies on his Republican Marines and Nek hunting dogs to defend him if necessary.

HSB-200 Holdout Blaster, Ivory Hilted from a Reek horn, this weapon won't do much to a Jedi, but is a hold over from days past in this man's youth.

6-2AUG-2 Hunting Rifle, used when hunting reeks, and other beasts of the outer rims with his old friends. While this weapon could kill a reek in a single shot, it is large and unwieldy, not very useful for combat.

Nek Hunting Dog Pack: Atticus and his friend Herman, bred this pack of hunting dogs to be force resistant, and impetuous in pursuit of their prey.
Related image

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Wearing a simple Flak Jacket, Atticus wears the creme uniform and black boots of his Republican faction.

PERSONALITY: Atticus is a robust old man, jovial and kind. What he lacks in combat prowess, he makes up for in leadership, and fleet and ground tactics. He can be puffed up and prideful, but has a tender heart for the downtrodden. A pursuant of the arts and sciences, Atticus finds himself deployed to a battlefield he thought he had seen the end of years ago. Atticus greatly mistrusts force users, and, his colleagues don't really blame him. Atticus has become embittered in his reading of holocrons and histories, believing that those who use the force are instigators of conflict and death. He has pondered over the question of what the galaxy would be like without these supernatural beings. For Atticus, he believes no more Jedi or Sith would lead to a much safer galaxy.

TRAITS: Atticus takes to smoking cigars and the drinking finest liquors Coruscant has to offer with his many affluent friends. An avid hunter and painter, Atticus enjoys philanthropy, and making donations as an alumnus to the prestigious Couruscant Colleges of Arts and Battlefleet Academy. Atticus also plays the space cello, the instrument is his pride and joy made from gas cap mushroom stems from his hunting trip to Felucia. Atticus has a myriad of scars on his left side where a systems control computer exploded 20 years ago in a fight with Zahn Consortium Pirates. He always stands with his left side to large equipment as if unconsciously working to preserve his other half from the horrific scarring. Atticus is loud and overbearing on occasion, but becomes quiet and clenched in situations he deems serious.

SKILLS: Leadership, Small Fleet Tactics, Large Fleet Strategy, Large Ground Strategy, Medicine, Economics, Diplomacy, Party Host, Knowledge: Hyperspace Lanes, Stark Hyperspace Wars, History of Jedi and Sith

FORCE POWERS: Heavily Force Resistant from Arkanian genetic engineering

BIO/HISTORY: Atticus was adopted into an Arkanian family of 12 who got rich off of Arkanian Off-Shoot Slaves. After moving planets to Coruscant, his affluent family quickly inserted their children into various positions and schools. Atticus's brothers and sisters are all minor diplomats, businessmen, and artists around the core worlds. Atticus has developed many fine friends over the years. Atticus became a hard man as youthful optimism was stymied with the dry cynicism of adulthood. Atticus sees the cyclic nature of death and destruction of the Jedi and the Sith in his studies of history. He is curious of the balance preached by the Grey Jedi and hates the destructive power of the Sith. Atticus goes everywhere with his friends, his retinue of Force Sensitives, Artisists, and most importantly, his Republican Marines. He also enjoys playing with his pack of force resistant Nek hunting dogs. Atticus and his wife were divorced 5 years ago after their children finished their terms at various academies. Atticus has nothing left but to pour into his history books, to search and understand exactly who these force wielders are, and how they can be brought to heel. Atticus is one of the most feared admirals of the period when he was in his prime, dismantling fleets that threatened his Republic. Now, he will be tested again, he can only pray that age has not slowed him down.
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NAME: Kal Ordo
FACTION: True Mandalorians
CLASSIFICATION: Mandalorian Warrior
TIER: Knight Tier


COMBAT STYLE: Kal is a very practical fighter, using a mixture of blasters, rockets, flamethrowers, and his lightsaber. He uses the Mandalorian doctrine of mobility, versatility, and overwhelming firepower to great effect, with a keen mind for strategy as well. When using his saber, he usually uses Form I, since he's mostly using it against non Force Sensitives. When faced with one, however, he switches over to modified versions of Forms IV and V, taking advantage of their focus on offense and physical ability to overwhelm his opponents.

Two modified Westar 35 blaster pistols, with improved heat sinks and hair triggers
Wrist mounted missile launcher and flamethrower, a staple of Mandalorian soldiers.

Modified EE-3 carbine, able to fire in both three round bursts of full auto, also features an uplink to his HUD.

Jetpack mounted anti-vehicle missile, though he prefers to use if only in emergencies.

Single, purple bladed lightsaber. A soldier's saber, it features little decoration, and features the ability to change the length of the blade, with a design based off of the Jedi of the Old Republic, with leather wrapping around the grip to increase his control of it.

If it is not listed here, it may as well not exist IC.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Traditional beskar alloy Supercommando armor, painted grey and gold, with a jetpack and built in HUD, rangefinder, toxin filter, and rebreather. The armor itself is quite old, being passed down through Clan Ordo for generations, being modified over the years by it's various owners.

PERSONALITY: As the current leader of Clan Ordo, Kal is often seen as very stern and serious, which he is. His duty is to his clan and to Mandalore, and there isn't much he wouldn't do for either. While his morals can often be...questionable, he follows his code strongly, and refuses to kill innocents unless absolutely necessary for victory. He is fiercely protective of his family, and uses everything in his grasp to defend them. His views of the Force are quite simple. It's a weapon, like a blaster or a rocket. It isn't to be feared as much as the one using it, and it must be used in service of his clan, and no one else.

TRAITS: He has a prominent scar going across his left cheek after killing a jaig when he was eighteen. As such, he has the famous jaig eyes on his helmet. He stands up very straight and upright, talking in a precise, disciplined manner. He also loves any kind of hound, and will befriend any he finds.

-Warfare and strategy
-Hand-to-hand combat
-Lightsaber combat
-Animal husbandry

FORCE POWERS: Due to his view of the Force, Kal uses it in a very pragmatic and practical way, focused on combat and utility. He is exceptional at using abilities that enhance his physical and mental capabilities, and makes prominent use of telekinesis, though he refuses to use Choke, as he sees it as cowardly. He is also adept at using the Force to pacify animals, and has been known to form strong bonds with his warhounds.

BIO/HISTORY: Kal, like many Mandalorian's, was not born amongst them. Born on a planet bordering Mandalorian space, his homeworld was ravaged by Darth Krayt's One Sith, who slaughtered and enslaved the world's people. Kal, then named Rylen, was able to flee, and was eventually met by a group of Mandalorian commandoes doing recon. Seeing potential in him, Jagen Ordo, leader of Clan Ordo, adopted the boy as his son, and gave him the name of Kal Ordo. Kal was exceptional, excelling at his lessons, and quickly becoming one of the Clan's greatest warriors. He was a devout follower of Mandalorian tradition, and took pride in fighting against Deathwatch, nothing but raiders and murderers with no honor, claiming to be the true Mandalorians. He married when he was twenty five to a fellow Mandalorian named Shisa Wren. The two have one child as of yet, named Canderous, after the Mand'alor of the same name. At the age of twenty seven, Kal became leader of Clan Ordo, after Jagen was murdered by agents of Deathwatch funded by none other than Krayt, in an attempt to weaken the Mandalorians for an invasion. This convinced Kal that a new Crusade must be declared, and thus began his quest to become Mand'alor, and unite his people once again...

Clan Ordo Forces:

Raider II Class Corvette, The Restorer, the Clan's flagship. It was picked up after the Galactic Civil War, after Clan Ordo commandeered an Imperial Remnant ship that threatened their sector. It has been painted and decorated, with the Clan Ordo colors, and the Mandalorian sigil. Has enough room for a platoon of Mandalorian's, plus a squadron of fighters and a few shuttles.

Crusader Class Corvette, The Uniter. Contains the Clan's three military land vehicles.

One squadron of Fang Fighters, one of them being Kal's personal starfighter.

Two modified Aka'jor shuttles.

3 Modified TX-130 Sabre Hover Tanks. The main modifications were improving the far outdated laser cannons, as well as the armor.

One platoon of True Mandalorian warriors, battle hardened and well armed with Beskar armor and military grade weapons. Contains one squad of Force Warden trained warriors, serving as commandoes/shock troops.

Their compound of Concordia, Mandalore's moon. Contains several important Clan artifacts, including Canderous Ordo's blaster, the remains od his Basilisk war droid, and his armor, though no one has used it in millennia.
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NAME: Buul Ba-Raz
FACTION: New Jedi Order
TIER: Master


COMBAT STYLE: Form II(Makashi), Form III (Soresu), Form IV (Ataru)

A master of Makashi and Ataru forms, favoring the former. For one who had studied the ways of a Jedi Consular, Buul is a highly aggressive and mobile duelist, Forms II and IV come together, combining aggression with patience and strategy. Like the form of his favor, Buul would rather disable an enemy than kill them. But woe be to one who tries to take advantage of it.

WEAPONS: A single one handed green lightsaber, built with a gungan aesthetic in mind. Modeling the innards off of gungan plasma technology, the lightsaber creates a very stable and smooth blade that was difficult to disrupt.


ARMOR/CLOTHING: Traditional brown jedi robes, short sleeved. Underneath he wears a humble dark brown sleeveless tunic. A standard jedi utility belt. Sandals.

PERSONALITY: Wise, compassionate, aggressive, practical.

An unusual specimen among the usually diplomatic Jedi Consulars. Buul has developed his own philosophy of the path, adapting the principles of confrontation into the way of peace. As such the saying "speak softly, but carry a big stick" comes to mind. While he is indeed diplomatic, combat is far from the last resort. Talk is cheap, if there is no value behind it. And peace is fleeting should it be incapable of fighting for itself. His philosophies has lead him to have a malleable view of the force. However, just because he has dedicated himself to the ways of the consular does not mean he is ignorant in the ways of the blade. Study of the Martial forms has given him much insight.

Buul is a man of wisdom, and unflappable as any Jedi should be. He is outwardly friendly, and is as quick to adapt as he is to overcome. A talkative one, should you have the ear to listen, and is more than happy to share his fondness of wit. Lastly, even though he is quick to meet combat, killing an opponent is a last result. He would much rather it end with dismemberment or incapacitation.

TRAITS: Mottled green skin. Minor scars one side of his face, faded by time. Two elongated whiskers. Speaks near fluent basic, with an accent that occasionally flares up.

SKILLS: Guerilla warfare, biology, lightsaber combat, hand to hand combat, philosophy, piloting (fair), diplomacy and mediation, language, hand to hand combat, strategy, Force Knowledge.

FORCE POWERS: Buul is proficient in the aggressive use of the light side of the force. Both in theory and practice. His powers of proficiency reflect such an ideology. Having studied extensively in the force, he has not chosen this path recklessly. (Will apply it in a broad sense, but used specifics to give an idea of his lines of force study, as some of these are unmastered.)
Alter Environment
Force Sense
Force Blinding
Force Light
Force Healing
Droid Disable
Force Stun
Jedi Mind Trick
Force Valor
Force Stealth
Force Projection
Force Illusion
Plant Surge
Force Barrier
Force Jump/Speed
Animal Friendship
Force Sight
Electric Judgement
Sever Force

BIO/HISTORY: Not but a slave once, rescued from a zoo by a jedi many years ago. The gungan is now one of the few remaining Jedi Masters left in the galaxy. He has set upon himself the mission of seeking out other jedi and force sensitive in the galaxy before the Sith can. Though he can not do it alone, for now he must.

Thankfully, his former pupil, Jedi Knight Galen has proven himself well. And has aided greatly in protecting those he finds, sending them to the old Sky Walker Ranch to be under the jedi knights care.

He regrets leaving Galen alone in such trying times, but Buul has great faith in his former student, and trusts him deeply.

Ship: BTL Y-Wing, unmodified
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NAME: Bunga Snaelt
CLASSIFICATION: Surgeon and Prosthetists
Tier: Mundane

Related image

COMBAT STYLE: Bunga is a man of low cunning and self-preservation. Augmenting his medical droids and surgery room with traps and weapons of all kinds, Bunga will never partake in a fair fight, and clings to the Sith as a means of protection so he can wring his cruel work.

2 Augmented 2-1B Medical Droids
2 Augmented FX Series Medical Droids
1 Torture Droid

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Bunga wears a filthy and bloody apron and bandoliers of syringes filled with medications and toxins.

PERSONALITY: Bunga is a twisted man, finding pleasure in inflicting pain in others. He craves stability and safety above all else and may find switching sides very easy if the right promises are made. Bunga is cowardly and underhanded, but enjoys creating things and making unique ways to solve problems. He derives greatest satisfaction from a job well done.

TRAITS: Bunga has a long beard under his prominent nose. While he is odd and sometimes cruel, he genuinely enjoys others' company and the chance to help solve problems. He enjoys being told he is useful and can even demand attention.

SKILLS: Master physician and surgeon, Prosthetist and augmenter, trap setter and amateur mechanic.


BIO/HISTORY: Bunga was once a poor boy living in a wealthy city in Corellia. As an adolescent, Bunga was beaten badly by some Corellian children for his odd features and strange mannerisms. Decrying him as a freak, the children inflicted lasting wounds on the young Yakora. The cranial trauma left him quite deranged and manic as he grew up as his brain developed. His poor family abandoned him to the streets. A volunteer medical organization adopted him as an employee and taught him much about medicine and prosthetics. When the medical institution was shut down, his coworkers and employers left him. Bunga has felt continually abandoned and left by his friends and loved ones. Bunga seeks stability and allies wherever he can.
NAME: Rel'tesi
CLASSIFICATION: Exiled Sith Warrior
TIER: Apprentice
COMBAT STYLE: Despite spending over two years as the Padawan to a great Sith Lord, Rel'Tesi heavily relies on the Niman form, as he could not fully master the extensive techniques of the other forms. Due to his confidence in his saber skills degrading during his time in exile, Rel returned to utilizing blasters as he was always a better gunslinger than he was a sword fighter. A crack shot with side-arms, Rel primarily uses his saber defensively in order to line up opponents for blaster fire. His aim is ostensibly his most dangerous asset, as the can be quite he dead-eye when given time, but constantly avoiding his blaster fire has allowed him to distract opponents from the threat that his light saber can pose when ignored. He'll almost never use his light saber offensively except when capitalizing on an opponent's stance, which is why he only utilizes dual-handed sword techniques against opponents who are able to consistently avoid blaster fire. When forced to rely primarily on his light saber, Rel will immediately incorporate more feints, misdirection, and the exploitation of the environment to gain an advantage, as he knows that even amongst other Sith Apprentices he never truly excelled with the saber.

WEAPONS: Rel's light saber has an extended grip allowing him to more comfortably switch from single handed to dual wielded attack patterns. The emitter is edged near the end, but this is purely a stylistic touch. The pommel of his saber actually acts as a counter-weight Besides his saber, Rel's added a few other toys into the mix since he went into exile. Since he never fully mastered saber combat, he's kept two different blaster pistols on his belt. The first is a standard SE-14C blaster pistol he uses in most close quarters scenarios when he feels his Light saber isn't enough. Utilizing the force to compensate for the recoil, its more than deadly enough at close range. The second pistol is an A-180 blaster he keeps around mainly to hone his weapon crafting skill. Due to its extensive modular capabilities, Rel will change the blaster if he knows what kind of fight he's heading for. Give him an hour of pre-planning and some work space, and he can swap this standard blast into a small ion launcher, or use it as the base for a sniper rifle provided he has enough components to work with.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Rel'tesi has no standard attire, ever since he went into Exile he's made a point to change up his outfit whenever he goes somewhere new. Usually pirate attire, or even the common wear of the average civilians. The only mainstay are the holsters often hidden under the rest of his attire, and the theme of hoods/masks keeping his facial appearance obscured to a degree.

PERSONALITY: Rel'tesi can be kindly labeled as cautious, knowing exactly what he's running from has made evasion a primary focus in his life. As such, earning any form of complete trust from him is similar to pulling teeth. Horrified by the capabilities of the Sith, Rel'tesi has almost entrenched himself under the cover of other conflicts in order to seek out a true method of relieving himself from the consequences of his actions. His rampant mistrust of people doesn't aid him in his efforts, but it has kept him ahead of the Sith and Bounty Hunters for the most part.

TRAITS: Rel'tesi has twitchy tendencies, moreso than usual for others. When he's not tapping a foot or flexing his fingers, he's got a case of shifty eyes or something similar. As an exile, he's taken to wearing hoods or masks to obscure his identity from potential bounty hunters. Since even before he went into hiding, he's been known to have dark circles forming around his eyes near constantly. He always habitually scans his environments constantly, and will tend to stand near doors or windows when able to.

Lightsaber Wielding
Escape Artist
Piloting (Basic)
Dead Eye
Force Training

FORCE POWERS: After going into exile, Rel's use of the force has turned almost primarily towards the detection of force sensitives, unwilling to get caught off guard by Sith. His other primary use of the force has been to bolster his already impressive capabilities with firearms, essentially negating recoil and steadying aim under pressure. In direct opposition to his master's use of Force Pull, Rel will often use Force Push to put distance between himself and threats. When his fear takes hold, he's prone to using the force to escape via jumping or speed boosts.

Sold into servitude to a minor gun runner on a backwoods planet, Rel'tesi spent the majority of his life as little more than the tool of an Ugnaught named Gurus Naks. Seeking to make a name for himself, Naks trained Rel in working on blasters young in order to help him set up a good stock. Surrounded by big boomy stuff led Rel to use the little free time he had to sneak off and fool around with some of the merchandise. So much of his early life had been steeped in firearms that the first time Rel'tesi had heard of Light sabers and the ones who wielded them, he wrote them off as ludicrous despite the stories.

That all changed when Naks reached higher than he should've, partnering with a faction of pirates that had been involved with a certain bout of sabotage. That eventually led a Sith Inquisitor to interrupt one of their deals, crippling most of the pirates and sparing Naks only when she realized that Rel was force sensitive during the chaos. Taking Rel in exchange for Naks' life, the Inquisitor immediately established their dynamic by putting a blaster in the young Twi'lek's hand and forcing him to help her torture information out of their captives. At first hesitant, the thrill of finally being able to use a blaster on someone with no repercussion was too tempting. Though he became enamored by the ways of the Sith, it wasn't long before fear took hold.

Despite throwing himself into saber training and trying his damnedest to impress his Master, Rel realized quickly that his affinity for the force was nowhere near that of other apprentices. When following along on missions, many times he forewent the force and relied on cunning alone to get a leg up. He'd break form constantly, often he'd suffer doubts that the more devout followers of the One Sith knew nothing of. These worries were compounded when he realized what his master was doing, what the underhanded deals she was making were actually for. Convinced that his master was marshaling forces to turn on the One Sith along with several others, Rel figured that he could use the pressure of their subterfuge to plan his escape. But during a series of meetings with several trading conglomerates, he noticed his master's interest in him waning. Never one to underestimate her awareness, Rel figured that she'd discovered his ploy already.

Having bore witness to her methods of punishment, Rel panicked and used the meetings to get in touch with several shadier individuals and hastily cobbled together an assassination plot against his master, thinking that if he set it right he could frame her as the instigator once she was dead. Even when outnumbered, cornered, and trapped on a ship set to explode, his Master still managed to slaughter the assassins and escape. Realizing she'd figure him out almost immediately, Rel didn't have the luxury of even thinking when he went into hiding. Now he lives on the run with information stolen before his exile, fearfully scouring the universe for the absolute best faction to trade it with for asylum from his former Master's wrath.​
NAME: Atora Homra
SPECIES: Human (Hynestian)
FACTION: New Jedi Order
TIER: Knight Tier
Age: Technically 23

Height: 5'3 standing
Weight: 103 lbs
COMBAT STYLE: Form III (Soresu), Form IV (Ataru), Form V (Shien)
They feel comfortable with both Shien and Ataru when in combat although they usually use Shien more often while Ataru is used when they are bursting with energy.
WEAPONS: Duel Purple Single Bladed Lightsabers with leather wrappings for increase control


Curious - They very curious and seek knowledge in all aspects of the force although they currently view the dark side to be a path of pain and self destruction.
Aggressive - When put into a fight they can be quite aggressive and will actully occasionally enjoy the thrill of battle although they try to not let it show.
Sarcastic - They can be quite sarcastic to people especially when they ask or state the obvious.
Humorous - They have a great sense of humor for all sorts of jokes including the dark ones.
Open Minded - They are open to all possibilities and options and will actully consider others words before making rash decisions although in the heat of the moment his emotions could get the best of him.
Skeptical - They can be quite skeptical of others especially those who have a bad rep or a unknown type of reputation and could express concern over it.
Idolizer - When he is not angry he can be impressed by things quite easily sometimes even occasionally showing respect or even looking up to those that can do things that impress him.
TRAITS: They will occasionally move into deep thought when thinking of things and can be quite unaware of their surroundings until something pops them out of their head.

Tactical Warfare Understanding
Lightsaber Combat
Tactical Thinking
Droid Building/ Electronics/ Programming

Art Of Movement
Force Speed
Force Listening
Protection Bubble
Force Jump
Force Stealth

Mind Trick
Force Travel
Force Valor
- Dark Side - (Only used when angered.)
Force Scream
Force Destruction
Force Crush
Deadly Sight
BIO/HISTORY: Atora was born on Hynestian and was taken in by the jedi at a young age for his strong connections to the force. WIP
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NAME: Satel Etè ( Given ) Darth Bellator ( Taken )
SPECIES: Gen'dai
FACTION: The Ebon Legion
TIER: Master

APPEARANCE: Satel is clad in full armor. There is none alive that has seen the Gen'dai in his natural state of being.
He stands at a formidable 6 foot and 2 inches with a lithe build. Voice is a deep baritone that resonates even in the thickest of busy cities.


COMBAT STYLE: Satel is a master in Shien/ Djem So style of lightsaber dueling and an expert in all styles excluding Ataru which he feels is beneath a civilised duel. That being said any and all aspects of his knowledge of dueling and the force will be employed during a fight.

WEAPONS: Dual wielded red lightsabers. One has a curved hilt and the other is a fairly straight forward standard looking hilt.
The crystals were stolen from his former master's sabers.
Retrofitted to ensure maximum energy output all while not sacrificing finesse.
The standard hilt saber was created to house 2 kyber crystals therefore creating a dual-phase blade giving it that extra bit of length.
Satel will not use both blades at the same time, but rather mixes between the two given the current state of the fight and to confuse his opponents to catch them off-guard.


ARMOR/CLOTHING: Black armor made of cortosis keeps him protected at all times while not sacrificing mobility or range of movement.
No one will ever see him without being fully adorned not even his helmet will be removed.

PERSONALITY: Quiet at times. Contemplative. Philosophical. Calculating. Tyrannical. Cold.
Sees the world in black and white. Respects power and strength.
Satel has existed for millennia and witnessed war after war being waged by the useless jedi and sith and has grown weary and exhausted at how incompetent both are. He has taken it upon himself to purge the galaxy of weakness and create a new world where power is the rule of law and only those that wield it in it's entirety without constraint will be the victor.

TRAITS: Tangible darkness that fills a room and soaks through the thickest of materials. Air becomes heavy and almost harder to breathe. Melliflous words that flow like a stream.

SKILLS: Cognitive persuasion. High intellect allows for easy manipulation of lesser intelligent beings via force manipulation.

Military prowess. Battle hardened by loss and victory has shaped his ability to govern militarily.

Lightsaber mastery.

This is by far not a comprehensive list of his skills, but rather gives a general idea of how varied his skill-set is.

FORCE POWERS: Pick a force power and he will have some varying degree of expertise with it, but a huge emphasis on battle force tactics and mental persuasion is key.

BIO/HISTORY: Time is a valuable thing, but time is measured differently when you live for thousands of years. Satel lived a fairly normal life for a Gen'dai never really pursuing much in the way of the force. That is until he witnessed a war between the sith and the jedi, and then a second.

These incompetent fools waged battle after battle after battle and nothing was ever accomplished. Bloodshed should have a purpose.
Want to wipe all Bothans from existence? Sure. If they proved to be inferior and lacked the capacity to defend themselves then so be it, and this became his mantra. Power beget respect and he craved said power.

Satel started out small. He sought out a known sith lord and fought for the right to become his apprentice by killing the lord's former student. His apprenticeship was around 10 years.
It was during a raid on a planet where he got the chance to betray and kill his master and rise above his shackles thereby unifying the planet Borra as his own personal training grounds. The local fauna were mostly non-sentient fodder, but a small collection of sentient villages proved to be his first encounter with enslaving a race under his rule.
The planet served as a base of operations for years upon years.
During this time he grew in power and in resources, but never to the point of drawing attention from the New Sith Order or anyone else.
They were his true target, but he needed to amass an army big enough to take them on properly.
The galaxy needed purging of weakness and he was the sole progenitor of a new era.
NAME: AS-9 (Azzy)
FACTION: Bounty Hunter
TIER: Knight

Azzy has two major setups appearance wise, the one pictured above is merely him when ready for combat. The Azzy most will see first resembles a non-standard Y66 model protocol droid custom only to lesser known planets in the outer rim. When in this state he has all the trademark mannerisms of a protocol droid including the stiff movements. This is merely a front to dissuade others of his capabilities, for his body is capable of undergoing several extensions at a near blinding speed that not only make him bigger, but allow him a range of movement jarring to the unprepared. He can choose to only extend certain parts of his body, but as his protocol-form is still hampered by the compact nature of his exoskeleton, it's usually one way or the other. In his heels are compact thrusters, but they're more for fall-management than flight. He may use them to aid him with jumps occasionally, but he's not built for flight.

COMBAT STYLE: Azzy is a hunter at heart, and will almost always start a battle with some form of ambush unless taken by surprise first. Due to the nature of his construction, Azzy's ability to fold his body out of the way of attacks is impressive even among assassin droids. Azzy has grown accustomed to using his exoskeleton to absorb small arms fire, but his hunting abilities have trained him to manage distance when facing opponents of superior strength. He will switch between blaster fire and close-quarters combat frequently and hastily, often trying to overwhelm opponents with a multi-directional assault. This is not his go to however, as he has no problem capitalizing on his stealthier attributes to confuse opponents and re-position himself, sometimes hiding and tracking for hours just to wear down a target.

WEAPONS: Azzy is capable of wielding the majority of weapons in the galaxy, and will often use those of his enemies when needing to diversify. This doesn't excuse him from having some tools on him at all times. His mainstay weapons are the high-voltage electrical conduits he's got built into his hands, capable of incapacitating the average humanoid and stunning other robotics. He can use these to buildup an ion charge capable of completely frying simple robotics, although the charge takes five dedicated seconds to build up. Compact Dur-24 wrist lasers were built into his forearms, hidden within compartments that can be slid open within a when needed. But Azzy's main weapon is his body alone, as it's sheer flexibility makes him difficult to outmaneuver at any singular point. May even use the thrusters in his heels to singe opponents when given the opportunity.

Though his endoskeleton is notable only for its sheer flexibility and speed, Azzy's exoskeleton was actually constructed from leftover hulls of wrecked star-fighters, providing defense against anything less than a high-powered blaster rifle.

PERSONALITY: While disguised, Azzy's got all the prim and proper tones one would expect from a protocol droid. The moment he steps out of character though, one would find no more a jovial huntsman in the galaxy. Azzy anticipates good prey, absolutely adoring the challenge of his targets and the thrill of the final kill. In comparison, fighting easier opponents actually leaves him dissapointed and sad about the far more amusing hunts he could've been engaging in. Unconcerned with the shackles of morals or other silly things that organics concern themselves with, Azzy's just the every day robot trying to track down and butcher some feisty targets. He's more than willing to converse in his downtime, but almost all of those conversations will inevitably be steered towards his next target. With a polite disposition that doesn't match his words whatsoever, Azzy's got the tone of a seasoned hunter who enjoys what he does, and encourages others to enjoy what they do as well. While his one-track mind has left him without many he could genuinely call allies, there are few who could name a more joyful Bounty Hunter.

TRAITS: Anyone with seasoned knowledge of droids used in the system will notice that Azzy's off-color from most Y66 models. While most are dark green, Azzy's bluish hew comes from his notably sturdy construction. He picked up a habit of tapping his fingers together from his first owner, who did it so much that Azzy just does it out of habit.

Close-Combat Veteran

Azzy's first owner was a solitary huntsman living in near isolation on a jungle planet filled to the brim with dangerous creatures and the occasional criminal seeking refuge from the law. The Huntsman Boor' Shanir spent his time hunting every vicious beast he could, determined to stay out of the numerous conflicts occurring in the galaxy and living only for himself. His lifestyle eventually caught up to him, leading Shanir to construct a mechanical companion who would pacify him for the rest of his days. Azzy was at first a mismatch of other droids put together in a barely humanoid shape, capable only of following the huntsman and giving garbled responses in order to communicate.

Taking pride in his robotic companion, Shanir built upon him over time, imparting his hunting knowledge on the only thing he could really trust. As Shanir grew older, Azzy began aiding more and more on his hunts until their roles ostensibly reversed. Now Shanir was barely able to keep up with the droid, who cared for him until he died of old age. With Shanir gone, Azzy tried to continue his legacy of the hunt, but without a companion found himself growing bored of slaughtering beasts. Soon he turned his attention to criminals who used the planet for their dealings, taking much greater satisfaction in hunting more Sentient beings. This eventually led to him to him turning a sizable portion of the planet into a graveyard of abandoned ships, which he claimed as his own once it grew large enough. Whatever cargo was found aboard those ships were used in his next hunt, until eventually he grew bored of pirates and criminals as well.

He finally allowed one particular criminal to live in exchange for passage off planet, this was a Rodian known as Nixer. A thief far greedier than capable, Nixer used his stint as a hostage to make a deal with the droid. Having seen how capable he was at dispatching the rest of his crew, Nixer managed to goad Azzy into explaining his intense thirst for greater prey. Seeing it as a business opportunity, Nixer eventually convinced Azzy to join him in bounty hunting. Desiring only good sport, Azzy went along with Nixer's game and pretended to be completely subservient to him. With Nixer claiming to be capable of crafting the deadliest Assassin droids, he took the lion's share of every hunt they went on. As Azzy was only good at hunting and killing with not much else to his name, he relied heavily on Nixer's greed to keep bringing him more targets.

Nixer made somewhat of a name for himself through his claims, even buying several other assassin droids with his earnings to more complete his image. Azzy's share went almost entirely into modifying himself, mixing the lessons of his original owner with the deceptive ploys of Nixer. This was their golden goose, their claim to fame, and it was a claim that brought Azzy all the hunting he could ever ask for. Unfortunately for him, the success he brought Nixer led the Rodian to covet more and more wealth. Eventually, his greed would lead him to hook up with Black Sun in order to gain access to a new bevy of contracts. Though this was good news at first, it was here that the duo eventually encountered Darth Zen. Only spotting the dark lord in passing while she was dealing with others far higher in the food chain, her Apprentice approached Nixer with an offer of immense rewards.

The only caveat was that he was requested to construct droid specifically for the task of helping eliminate Darth Zen. Knowing that the only way he could convincingly respond to that was to buy new assassin droids and claim them to be custom, Nixer initially refused. But then the Apprentice began accumulating other bounty hunters, ones that Nixer knew to be far more legitimate in their renown. Salivating over the size of the rewards offered, Nixer went along with the plan, intending to let the other hunters do the lion's share of the work while doing just enough to earn his portion of the wealth. Blinded by his greed, he didn't realize the scale of what he'd gotten himself involved with until it was too late. Cut down along with the rest of the would-be assassin's, Azzy's primary source of transportation and acquiring targets fell to Darth Zen.

Annoyed at how much more difficult his future endeavors just became, Azzy initially sought to hunt down Zen and enact his vengeance. But upon cornering the Sith, she managed to convince him that they'd both been taken for a ride by her Padawan. Whether it be fear of the sheer force he'd gone up against, or genuine rage over the damage that Apprentice's interference had wrought is unknown. What is known is that ever since that uncannily courteous meeting, Azzy has been carving a path through the galaxy in order to hunt down the Twi'lek Rel'tesi.​
NAME: Ror Vizla
FACTION: Mandalorian Deathwatch
CLASSIFICATION: Mandalorian Warlord
TIER: Master Tier

Minus the Darksaber.

COMBAT STYLE: Ror is incredibly aggressive, using overwhelming force and firepower to stomp his enemies into the dust. Though he received little formal training from Sith, his research with the various holocrons has made him adopt Forms I, IV, V, and VII, making him and incredibly aggressive fighter with little finesse or subtlety.

Ancient Sith lightsaber, once used by a Sith Lord of the Old Republic. It has been decorated with trophies of Ror's victories, from krayt dragon teeth to scraps of enemy banners. It radiates Dark Side energy, and it's crystal is like a wound in the Force.

Heavily modified Westar 35 blaster pistol, optimized for power over precision or heat efficiency.

Wrist mounted rocket launcher, flamethrower, tow cable, and poison dart launcher, the full Deathwatch package.

Jetpack mounted anti-vehicle missile, good for when Ror wants a lot of people really dead.

This armor is a heavily suit of Beskar alloy, made from the Vizla Clan's ancient armor. Much of the base features remain the same as other Mandalorian armors, though the rangefinder was removed, and the entire suit was painted black and red, with a long, flowing cape added as well.

PERSONALITY: Ror is a...troubled individual. Aggressive, violent, and sadistic, he savors combat in all it's forms, and enjoys crushing his enemies. He was always violent, but his heavy use of the Dark Side further corrupted him. Ror fully believes that he is the legacy of the Mandalorians, and that he will lead them to glory once again. He seeks this goal by any means necessary, often sacrificing his own men for personal power. Due to this, he's built himself a cult of personality, making himself seem like a reincarnation of Mandalore the Ultimate that will once again conquer the Galaxy, and silencing anyone who speaks up. He's often petty and self-concious, easily throwing out insults, but being unable to take them. Often he'll just kick someone down because he can, as well as to fuel his monsterous ego.

TRAITS: Ror is covered in scars from his previous battles, proudly displaying them as proof that nothing can kill him. He loves to wear black an red, in an attempt to copy the Sith Lord's of old.

Warfare and strategy
-Hand-to-hand combat
-Lightsaber combat

FORCE POWERS: Ror sees his Force Sensitivity as proof that he is to lead the Mandalorians, and has no reservations of using it whenever possible. As such, Dark Side abilities are not off his radar, and he especially loves using Force Choke to torture his foes and make an example of them. He fully embraces his emotions, using them to enhance his physical capabilities as he plows through his foes.

BIO/HISTORY: Born to a lesser Clan of House Vizla, Ror was the runt of the litter, the weakest, and the smallest. But most importantly for us, the most caniving. He believed that the strongest were the ones who obtained power by any means necessary, and that even the Deathwatch were weak and foolish. As he grew older, he had no qualms abusing his Force abilities, though he was exiled for it. He spent the next decade wandering the Galaxy, searching for knowledge of the ancient Sith. To him, they were God's, what Mandalorian culture should be. He eventually found an ancient Sith tomb, where he discovered an ancient lightsaber, and a holocrons that called out for him. He spent the next few years practicing in the Sith arts, assembling a group of bloodthirsty mercenaries and criminals, and eventually used them to overthrow the leaders of Deathwatch, and crown himself as the new Mand'alor. But there were still those that opposed Deathwatch. To cripple them, he worked out a deal with Darth Krayt of the One Sith, sending several assassin's to kill important True Mandalorian leaders, among them being Jagen Ordo. Confident that none would stand before him, he diverted his attention and resources to find the legendary Mask of the Mand'alor, which had been lost to the ages centuries ago. With this, he would truly be Mand'alor, and the Galaxy would be at his mercy.


Flagship: The Destroyer, a Kandosii-class dreadnought. Ror found this Old Republic ship through unknown means, though there's no doubt he killed whoever owned it previously.

Three Crusader-class corvettes, named The Basilisk, The Vindicated, and The Avenger respectively.

2 squadrons of Kom'rk class starfighters, which have been passed down through the ranks of Deathwatch for generations.
2 platoons of ground forces. The first platoon is Ror's personal army, featuring a squad of Force Sensitives trained by him. The first platoon is fanatically devouted to Ror, and will gladly die for him. The second platoon is made up of a mixture of Deathwatch and other Mandalorian's that have joined his cause. Most of the criminals Ror used to seize power were put into this platoon, and are used as cannon fodder for the Deathwatch soldiers.

3 modified Aka'jor class shuttles, armed with laser cannons, concussion missiles, and improved shields.

Base: A hidden compound on the planet of Zanbar, which was conquered by Death Watch centuries ago. Similar to other planets, they have enslaved much of the population, and exploit them for food and resources.
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last update [11/19/2019]
-- cleaned up some ideas, formatting, and rewrote her bio.

NAME: ellis jinn hond
SPECIES: human
FACTION: none (yet)
TIER: apprentice


ellis is a tell and thin figure, standing at about 5'7 and 115 pounds. she has a pretty yet undeniably malnourished appearance, notable by the dark circles under her eyes and overall slim stature. her eyes are a light green, which stand out against warm hued skin. visible up close would be several small scars which came as a result of her failed attempts at knife flipping. ellis wears a myriad of earrings concentrated to her right ear, and can be seen sporting a few jade beaded items as well.
×. FC: Zahara Davis

COMBAT STYLE: growing up ellis had to defend herself quite often, and as a result her fighting style developed into a messy, raw conglomeration of offensive moves. there is little she won't do when the only other option is to be at the whims of an attacker, or dead. due to her low body weight and taller than average height, she is able to move quickly, but lacks in physical strength and refined technique. several instances throughout her life have taught ellis how to channel her anger through her body as she fights, but this is mostly adrenaline-fueled, and exhausting for the long-term.

• a silver blade curved slightly as if to imitate the shape of an elephants tusk, about 6 or 7 inches long; inset into a brown wooden hilt, wrapped with leather and significantly worn where her right palm has gripped it; three small jade beads stacked atop one another, hanging from a black leather string which seems to have been tied through the base of the hilt. glue remnants are visible from her numerous attempts to repair it.
• two unassuming blasters of measly size, basic black in color and not very powerful when used against a human. almost like a BB gun, and works best at shooting rats, squirrels-- basically anything one can find scurrying through the streets

ARMOR/CLOTHING: el wears whatever she can find, but generally doesn't deviate from her usual. this being:
• a black cotton sleeveless top, worn over form fitting underclothes and tucked into her pants
• long sleeve undershirt on occasion
• bottoms are either dark brown or black, and tend to be tighter as opposed to a looser style
• a series of leather and cloth scraps are looped through her pants in order to hold them up
• sometimes wraps a gray shawl around her waist, or ties it diagonally around her shoulder. may use it as a scarf or head covering in colder temperatures
• jade beaded bracelets and a necklace, which are always kept hidden for fear of them being stolen.
• black combat boots

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PERSONALITY: ellis is a rough-around-the-edges type at first glance. she's never been afraid to speak her mind, especially when she feels things are unfair. this plays into an inherently resilient nature which has carried her through many trials. ellis lacks maturity to some degrees and is prone to being selfish, near-sighted, and impulsive. under all those layers is a steadfast and courageous individual who mainly needs guidance. she would benefit from an older figure who can lead with tough love rather than a more laxed approach.

• posesses many items with jade beads. these were gifts from her mother from her own bounty hunting days. ellis will wear them or keep them with her to remember her mother before things went bad. ellis secretly hopes her mother will get well again and come find her, but it's more likely that the woman succumbed to her vices long ago.
• her twin blasters were gifts from her father. though the man is absent, he still cares for ellis, but holds himself back from reconciling due to his own shame. el rarely uses these weapons, but keeps them with her for much the same reason as she does with her mother's gifts.
• loves watching performances and will sneak into theatres around the city to watch the rich people act and mingle. they fascinate her, and she simultaneously holds a burning envy for the high class
• dabbles in any and all work that will make money, but feels shame over jobs that she's taken part in.

• moderately skilled in combat with her dagger
• can aim and shoot her blasters fairly well (just good enough to where she can run away before having to actually use them with any sort of expertise).
• stealthy
• has a lot of practice manipulating people/swindling them into doing things for her
• easily adaptable

(Very minimal for now)
• telekinesis -- basic push/pull on small objects. amplified in times of stress.
• mind trick -- her natural ability of persuasion.

BIO/HISTORY: ellis was born 19 years prior on coruscant, to carson hond and leyfei jinn (not related to qui-gon); two bounty hunters of fairly well-known acclaim. her father was in and out, and she rarely saw him. if she did hear about her dad it was in passing on the streets, where gossip was rampant. he amassed a bad reputation on his home planet, but this was mostly confined to the locals who feared they'd be his next target. as ellis got older she saw even less of him than before, due to his negative standing in the community in which she and her mother lived, and their relationship suffered. her mother had been one half of the bounty-hunting duo before ellis was born, but decided to put away the profession after giving birth. Unfortunately odd jobs didn't pay as well as they needed to, and she struggled to provide for her child, and keep up with the rent in a shoddy part of the city. though carson sent money every few weeks it never seemed to be enough. by the time ellis was thirteen her mother had been gripped by a deep depression, and succumbed to addictive tendencies. this left ellis basically on her own. she left home shortly after things went bad and survived by, well, doing things no one should have to do. even now ellis refuses to revisit the subject and will only give generalizations to those who ask. in her short time doing such work she found company with what seemed like every sin imaginable, and still struggles to work her way out of the lifestyle. ellis is force-sensitive, and is yet to fully admit to herself of this fact. she has performed a handful of basic feats, especially in times of high stress, but has little to no control over her abilities.

Health Status
Mental [6/10]
▪︎ a bit traumatized but still manages to function within her means
Physical [4/10]
▪︎ blaster wound to the left shoulder, fresh

i had this idea that for now she can be a blank slate, open for anyone who would like to approach her IC and take her under their wing at some point. i think it would be fun to play someone whose not yet found their place, and is vulnerable to influence because of it. because of her lifestyle ellis would probably lean towards the dark side, but this is more of a result of her upbringing as opposed to her true nature. if anyone wants to plot smthn with her lemme know! i'm open to hearing pretty much anything you've got. [Minor Plot]
will have her interest sparked about the mandalorians, and she'll want to join them as a way to escape her current life. as a force-sensitive I imagine she'll run into another jedi/sith and experience personal conflict in regards to who she wants to be. [Minor plot]
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NAME: Darth Zen
FACTION: New Seperatist Union
TIER: Master Tier
COMBAT STYLE: Though proficient in most Lightsaber forms, Darth Zen seems to primarily utilize a mixture of Makashi and Soresu. Her stance is primarily centered around stalwart defense and powerful counter-strikes bolstered through her mastery of the Dark Side. In this way, her main offense is her mastery over the force. Pulling opponents off kilter in order to open them up for assault, flinging objects, lightning, all while pressuring the minds of the weak-willed and feasting off the negative emotions of battle. To simplify, her Lightsaber techniques are extremely reactive while her force abilities are extremely proactive.

WEAPONS: Due to her faith in the Dark Side, Darth Zen utilizes only a single lightsaber in battle. The body of the lightsaber is light, compact even compared to the emitter and pommel. With a vented crystal chamber and custom tooled emitter, the blade of the Light saber actually looks far larger than it actually is, mainly due to the excessive glow emanating from it. This is intended to both mislead enemies and bath her in a near constant aura of red in battle, a symbol of her devotion to the Dark Side.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Though her attire is mostly black robes, there are several pieces of armor built atop those robes. Despite it's appearance, the armored portions are mainly made from treated Durasteel. Her helmet is able to acclimate to low-oxygen or toxic environments.

PERSONALITY: Zen has surpassed the rage and passion of the Dark Side and entered into a state of focused malice submerged under a level of casual humor. Obsessed with the concept of the Dark Side due to the freedom it's granted her, Zen has spent countless years going over its history in order to further her bonds with it. This research has allowed her to accumulate a wealth of knowledge that she's quick to utilize to achieve her means. Despite how blatantly manipulative and vicious Darth Zen is, most find engaging with her directly to be completely at odds with her accomplishments. Given enlightenment from her obsession with the Dark Side, Zen expresses herself in a deceptively benevolent manner. No doubt corrupted beyond reasonable belief, it doesn't take long for one to realize that she's been driven to some intense form of madness through her research. However, her sheer capability and intelligence have left many unwilling to call out just how far gone she is.

TRAITS: Darth Zen's overwhelming indulgence in the Dark Side has made it nigh impossible for her to mask her presence from force-sensitives. Most will be able to feel it practically radiating from her. In conversation, she'll often hold her hands together in front of her. Though rarely seen without her robes, Zen's physical appearance has already started deteriorating due to her immense exposure to the Dark Side. She uses very slow, methodical hand gestures often in dialogue. She constantly seems humored by something, no matter the situation.

Mastery over the Dark Side
Lightsaber Mastery

FORCE POWERS: Darth Zen's mastery of the Dark Side is overwhelming. Able to tear up large chunks of her surroundings and send them flying towards foes. A large swath of offensive attacks like lightning and force pull are utilized regularly. Zen will use the force to buffer her physical abilities, allowing her to dart around and leap impressive distances. Zen's most notable use of the force is the mental pressure she's capable of exerting on weaker willed sentient beings. While those of greater wills or trained in the force are able to resist, Darth Zen can absolutely dominate the minds of others. What sets her apart from other Sith, is her ability to power herself based on the negative emotions of others instead of herself. Inspiring fear or rage in those near her can allow Zen to bolster her force abilities further through the act of feeding off the Dark Side.

With an unremarkable early life spent learning the mundane trade of transporting goods, one could be forgiven for expecting this random youngling to slip into obscurity. That all changed when Darth Krayt revealed the One Sith to the galaxy, and this young lady found her entire life uprooted. Her flying capabilities had her nabbed along with plenty of other prospective flyers to pilot one of the ships in the One Sith's empire. However, not long into her training, it was discovered that she was force sensitive. Immediately she was sent to be trained under Darth Wace, who quickly set to work awakening more of her abilities. Whoever Zen was beforehand, that all meant nothing the moment she truly began to feel the Dark Side. Whatever was before became meaningless in the face of such raw capability, something that she eventually saw to be her driving motivator.

Going from a relative nobody to a Savant of the Dark Side within mere months, Zen was practically guaranteed a rise to power facilitated far easier with Krayt's method of succession. Prospering far faster than Wace had anticipated, it was only a matter of time before Zen struck him down and supplanted him. Her thirst for knowledge of the Dark Side led her to scour the galaxy in the name of knowledge, seeking places and individuals steeped in the Dark Side and growing more powerful as her understanding of it flourished. These powers were put to use in the Sith Intelligence and Assassination sect of One Sith, where her scholarly aptitude made her more than capable of tracking down leads, and her mastery over the Dark Side was quite useful in squeezing information from prisoners. This was her contribution to Darth Krayt's empire, and it was here that she eventually came across her first apprentice.

Knowing that it was the way of the Sith to train an Apprentice, Zen had been considering putting aside her research in order to seek one out. But while tracking down a certain band of saboteurs, her Apprentice was practically handed to her. Try as she might, the Twi'lek never did seem capable of understanding the Dark Side to the extent that she had, and his apprenticeship soon became a passing attempt on her part. But it was during this time that she made her greatest discovery yet. While training with her apprentice, Zen was reached by a surge of the Dark Side that had immediately pulled her towards it. Leaving behind her Apprentice to seek the source of this power in her personal craft, Zen discovered a small wound in the force. It was there, surrounded by the purest depths of the Dark Side, that she was truly enlightened.

Darth Zen changed her angle completely from that moment on, serving the One Sith dutifully on one hand whilst utilizing her connections to begin assembling a force of her own. Through negotiations, information leaks, sabotage and dealings with forces both in and out of One Sith, she helped orchestrate the secession of several organizations from One Sith control. It was throughout this time-frame that Zen had become fully disillusioned with her Apprentice, and went about locating and beginning the training of far more capable candidates in secrecy. She figured her first Apprentice would take note of how thoroughly he'd failed her, so when the assassination attempt came she was more than ready to deal with it swiftly. In a move that actually managed to impress her, he went into hiding after pilfering knowledge of her dealings, forcing her to set a hefty bounty on his head while conducting her own investigation into his whereabouts.

It was partially due to this leak that she took a far more active role in assembling the New Separatist Union, having to publicly join its fellow leaders during the formalization of their independence. Since then she's been leading the Union in their fight against the One Sith, building more credibility over time. However, she never stopped her hunt for deeper enlightenment through the Dark Side, and continues to have her Acolytes sent out to acquire more knowledge and relics. After all, that Wound in the Force gifted her with a true goal to reach, one that both Krayt and the Jedi stand firmly in the way of.​
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NAME: Nirea Rollan
TIER: Apprentic
AGE: 22 (17)

In the last hundred years, in extremely rare cases, humans born on coruscant and other core sector planets have started to show signs of increased lifespan, with the average speed of development and cell decay decreasing in these children. Nirea is a part of this phenomena, causing her to look younger than she is. The cause of this process remains undiscovered.

COMBAT STYLE: Nirea was never good with her lightsaber, no matter how hard she trained, how much time she spent alone in secluded rooms of the temple, she would always fall short, only just being able to learn the second form.


Nirea’s lightsaber is noticeably shorter than most, as she felt it gave her more control. The blade is a very thin green

ARMOR/CLOTHING: A long weathered cloak is Nirea’s preferred attire, something she disappear into crowds with. underneath this cloak she wore the remains of her jedi robes with various other attire one would find in a desert climate, various belts and pouches strapped round her body.

PERSONALITY: Nirea is Eruptive, the smallest of issues can snowball inside her mind, leading up to an outburst. She is fascinated by the history of the jedi, finding herself lost in the holocron vaults. Nirea has a tendency to give up, instead of facing her problems head on, she cowers away, pretending they don’t exist.

TRAITS: Nirea has a lot of nervous ticks, from pacing around and muttering to herself, to sudden shouts and frantic head holding. She has a small scar on her left shoulder. Niera has a tendency to tunnel in on certain things, ignoring anything else present until she feels she’s satisfied with her original interest. A small metallic medalian hangs round her neck, the old Republic symbol engraved onto it.

Rudimentary Lightsaber Wielding
Silent Observer (fly on the wall)
Lateral thinker

FORCE POWERS: Nirea felt her connection to the force was weaker than all the other padawans she was around, this lead her down a spiral, her skills never developing past the very basics of control.

BIO/HISTORY: Nirea’s early life was about as mundane as you could imagine. being a force sensitive birth on coruscant, she was admitted into the jedi order just as any other child would. That’s were things deviated, as Nirea soon realised she wasn’t making any progress, as her friends around her improved, slowly but surely, she was left behind. Over time, Nirea’s mental state began to break down, her training grinding to a halt. And on one faithful night, she snapped, grabbing her lightsaber and disappearing into the bustling streets of coruscant, thinking this would be the last time she ever steps foot on this planet. Many years past, and Nirea watched as the galaxy slowly began to tear itself apart. She remembers hearing the news about the sacking of the jedi temple, and the fall of the order, wondering to herself if it would have been any different if she stayed. Nirea now works as a barkeep on a desert word so mundane, even she forgets the name, but she cant stop her mind from wandering, as the force she abandoned that night begins to grow in her mind.
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NAME: Galen Alder
FACTION: Formerly Jedi, the Jedi Remnant
TIER: Knight Tier

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COMBAT STYLE: Rylen was given a very traditional Jedi education, and this reflects I his fighting style. He primarily uses Forms I, III, V, and VI. As a Jedi, he is less focus on beating his enemy, and more on disarming them, or making them unable to fight. His strategy is usually to assume a Form III defensive stance, and tiring his opponents out before quickly disarming and subduing them. He often incorporates the Force in his style, hence his use of Form VI, and he is especially fond of Telekenisis and Push/Pull.

Single bladed purple lightsaber, intricately crafted and designed. This weapon has more history than most people, and has been passed down through Galen's family for generations. While the saber itself has been modified and changed over time by it's various owners, the crystal is extremely old, dating back to the time of Luke Skywalker, and being primarily used by Jaden Korr and one of his later apprentices, Rylen Alder, an ancestor of Galen's who fought in the various wars after the Galactic Civil War.

If it is not listed here, it may as well not exist IC.

Basic Jedi robes, with a combat armor chest piece, greaves, and gauntlets. When needed, he will add shoulder armor.

As the most recent member of a long line of Jedi Knights, Galen is a genuinely good, kind person. He tries to see the good in others whenever possible, even when it's obvious there's no hope for them. He's naturally curious, always looking to find secrets and intricacies in everything, from starships to the Force itself. He can also be quite objective, and has a naturally logical mind that balances out his more emotional side, though childhood trauma has led him to sometimes be extremely impulsive and protective.

TRAITS: He's almost always tinkering with something, as he can't stand to not be doing something. Whenever he's bored, he does the usual: bouncing his leg, biting his nails, etc.

-Lightsaber Training
-Jedi Knight Level of Force Mastery
-Excellent mechanic and starpilot
-Great negotiator and peacekeeper

FORCE POWERS: Galen, like most Jedi, uses the Force only when necessary, and tries not to overuse it. He posseses the incredibly rare Psychometry ability, allowing him to see the echoes an object leaves in the Force by touching it. The detail and length of these visions depends on how often the item was used, it's significance to it's owner(s) , and how strong the emotions associated with it are. He primarily makes use of Force Persuade to avoid conflict, and when fists do start flying, he uses Telekenisis, Stasis, and Push/Pull to help disable his opponent, occasionally using saber throws and Speed when need be.

BIO/HISTORY: Galen was born to a long line of Jedi, dating back to Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. The earliest his family can be traced back to is Rylen Alder, a young Jedi under Master Jaden Korr. Rylen turned out to be an exceptional Jedi, using his skill behind a flightstick, and his rare Shatterpoint ability to serve admirably in the Yu Zhong Vong War. Rylen eventually married a fellow Jedi named Brianna Rosebor, and their line would continue on all the way up to the present day. Galen was trained from a young age by his parents on Corellia, where the Alder family had originated and settled on. When Darth Krayt purged the Jedi, and conquered much of the Galaxy, Rylen was just a Padawan, helping his parents guide Younglings to Illum for their Gathering. They were intercepted by the One Sith, and Rylen was the only survivor. His failures to save his parents and the Younglings haunted him for years, and he swore to make up for his perceived mistakes. Honing his skills in secrecy, he eventually began taking young Force Sensitives in to be trained as Jedi, hoping that one day they would slay Darth Krayt. He hid them on the desert planet of Tatooine, hoping that such a backwater planet wouldn't attract any attention. He is still unaware of Darth Krayt's death, and still believes that he just prepare these children to face him one day.


The Outlander, Rylen's personal XS Light Freighter, used to transport him and the Younglings around the Galaxy.
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NAME: Soth Sev'een
FACTION: Sith, Ebon Legion
CLASSIFICATION: Sith Apprentice to Darth Bellator
TIER: Apprentice


COMBAT STYLE: Form II (Makashi), Form III (Soresu), Form V (Shien & Djem So)

Soth employees trickery and power to win. Combined with an understanding that she can not become strong if she dies, tactical retreat is never off the table. Her attacks are fierce, and carefully planned, and carried out with cruel efficiency. Like her Master, she favors Form V, but until she has mastered it, she will often employ many elements of Form III.

WEAPONS: Double-bladed Lightsaber, a blade of bright red. It is of simple design, at first glance, but its specifics say otherwise. The cylindrical casing of its innards are fashioned in thin beskar plate. While not invulnerable, it helps prevent the common mode of dispatching this class of lightsaber. Secondly, the lightsaber is equipped with a dual-phase emitter on one of its blades, able to increase the length of it by 50%, however to compensate only that blade can be activated when doing so, leaving it with a single blade. By using showing it off in combat, wise opponents will always keep their eye on which end of the blade is the extension... splitting their valuable attention. Though she will, of course, capitalize on an opponent not keeping track.


ARMOR/CLOTHING: Not yet worthy to sacrifice valuable cortosis on, Soth must make due with the barest of essentials. Simple black robes and a sith tunic.

PERSONALITY: Anger. Hatred. At her own weakness... at the weakness of others. A fitting drive for a sith. Fear. Pain. Intimate passions that know no end. Passions to be conquered. All but means to an end. Power.

To separate herself from the flaws of such passions is something she has yet to master. To steel her heart against weakness is what she strives to do. She must to follow in her masters footsteps. But for the time being, she must draw on them. A slave to them until she can conquer them.

Soth is an apprentice who puts her Master on a pedestal. The only being who she finds fitting to put her faith into. His ideology invades her, and she knows she must become worthy of him.

She is brash and emotional in nature, but following in his example, she seeks to tamp it down. One cannot win if they can not think. Attachments are worthless in her eyes if she does not earn them, they are the spoils of strength.

But in the darkness of her heart, there is still doubt on the path she is on. Very aware of the pain and suffering she has undergone. Nightmares of her past surface at random. Conflicted though she may be... so determined is she, that should she, she practically begs for punishment.

TRAITS: Grey brown fur, tainted with various scars of various ages. The tip of her left ear had been sliced off. Eyes beginning to show the taint of the dark side.

Lightsaber dueling
Persuasion, reason, and seduction
Stealth and infiltration.
Observation and spycraft

FORCE POWERS: A firm understanding of the basics must be achieved to be foundation for all else. Heavily trained she is in the kinetic use of the force. As well as body amplification methods. Her master has also given her extensive tutelage in feeling the thoughts of others and invading their mind, be it subtle persuasion or a psionic siege. Advanced dark side techniques elude her, but only for the sole reason that she is patient for when her Master is ready to teach them.

BIO/HISTORY: When she was but a young child, she lived happily with her family. It was on a colony in the unknown regions. A habitable planet that was going to one day be a great resource to the Republic.

Yet on one faithful, pirates descending from the sky. A great wave of fear rippled across the colonies... ships were shot down before any could flee. But only one of them landed. A pirate clothed in black, a lithe walking shadow. Cutting down every being in his path. Until he came to her. A weakling, she was. Crying girl, fearful of her life. And she could feel him. A coldness that brought ice to her veins. This pirate, he could feel the force in her. She was to be his spoils this conquest. He made her follow, while he finished his slaughter. He took the world for his own...

The girl, Soth, was to become his apprentice. Raised in the very buildings she witnessed the death if all she knew. Raised from a child to the young adult she is now. Many hardships he put her through. Personal training, and personal lessons. Much of his own time and energy he invested into her.

Much has changed about her sense her childhood. She has embraced this new life. And it is more than just fear that she looks upon her master, but respect.

Still young, she is. Especially so compared to Darth Bellator. But a promising apprentice she is.

Ship: Star Courier, The Brigeya
Modified with up to date systems, upgraded shields, weapons, and sublight engines.

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NAME: Sok Zummah
SPECIES: Nemoidian (Duros Subspecies)
FACTION: Zumma's Galactic Goods, Weapons and Manufacturing
CLASSIFICATION: Drug and Weapon's Lord
TIER: Mundane


COMBAT STYLE: Sok Zumma relies on his hired mercenaries, and illegal fleet hyperdrives to get him out of danger in times of need.

WEAPONS: Concealed EC-17 Hold Out Blaster

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Sok Zumma wears a myriad of audacious robes, and even more provocative headdresses depending on the occasion.

PERSONALITY: Sok Zumma is almost constantly high on death sticks and other hallucinogenics. He has a triad of Quarren doctors who are trained in using antidotes and reversal agents, as well as life support techniques such that they can support their drugged up boss. Sok has no perception of personal boundaries. Very foolishly, he does not seem to fear anyone. Sok is a churl and a cheat. Sok would gladly drown a poro if it meant he received a handful of credits. Sok sells weapons to the highest bidders. He sees this Sith civil war as the perfect chance for him to make money. He believes his weapons and drug trading is indispensable to all sides. If any of the Sith or other factions tried to do him harm, he would quickly slash prices on new weapons designs for other groups and sell exclusively to them. Sok and his brothers command a fleet, which is more like a galactic bazaar, of different weapons, drugs, and fuel ships. While most of their manufacturing is on Cato Nemoidia, they are quick to seize products from lesser planets. The Zumma fleet constantly blares beacon signals, hawking wares and advertising to any ships within the system. Death-Sticks sever the users connection to the force, and makes the user heavily resistant to force powers, and Sok uses them liberally before dealing with the Sith or Jedi.

TRAITS: Sok has a myriad of nervous ticks and broken sentences which mark his speech and interactions.

SKILLS: Tradesman, Drug Resistant, Escape Artist


BIO/HISTORY: Sok Zumma grew up in drugs and weapons trading. The Zumma family runs a proud illegal arms and war business. Zumma is glad to host malicious warlords at his brothers: Zumma Casino. Sok relishes wealth, and overstimulation of the senses. A man of vice and sin, Sok is eager to take his slice of the pie in this great war. Many a warlord has found themselves in need of Sok after a painful loss or a defeat of their army or fleet.
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NAME: Darth Raptid, Karkonthan (given)
FACTION: New Separatist Union
TIER: Master

Darth Raptid.jpg
Faded orange-red skin with black tattoos covering the body. Yellow-red eyes (dark side corruption). Dark hair flows inbetween the horns on his head and is joined in a braid at the neck. He stands at 6’1” and has a slim and toned build, favoring his agility.

Raptid is highly trained in Jar’Kai combat, since he usually wields two sabers simultaneously. His use of Jar’Kai has been adapted to his mastery of Ataru and Makashi, the two forms that he has largely devoted his training to. He is also an expert Juyo fighter, a style he used to favor, but has slowly moved away from as he has grown less furious. He’s also highly trained in Shii-Cho (as all should be ;).
All in all, Raptid’s fighting style is highly aggressive, relying on throwing off and overpowering his opponent as quickly as possible, making the most out of any mistake. When fighting he enters a sort of trance that makes it difficult for his opponent to distract him.

Two curved-hilt lightsabers with red crystals. Image below.

Under his black robes, Raptid wears jointed cortosis plate armor, which allows him to still move his limbs with full effect, keeping him agile. For some missions he also has a helmet, black as night that covers his whole head.

Raptid helmet.jpg
Armor and Lightsabers

Karkonthan used to be driven by fury and cruelty, but he has changed with the years adopted a more cunning and thoughtful persona. While he is a cruel and vicious warrior and leader, he is not without mercy. He can be sarcastic at times, rude to people he sees as below him, if they react by returning that rudeness they run the risk of angering him however. He appreciates jokes, when he is in the mood. He looks down on people who show weakness, placing personal power as the most valuable trait. He shows this in arrogance toward anyone who hasn’t proven to be of formidable power. He used to be very caring for his family, but has since the betrayal of his brother Karakhun been fairly absent in the life of his other brother, Kaproxa.

He has a habit of briefly taking out frustrations on his servants, before calming. This has led to choking, neck-snapping, throwing and other harmful acts. Nowadays he usually controls himself before any real harm is done.

Lightsaber mastery

Skilled pilot

Physical prowess. Extreme endurance and above average strength. Great agility.

Regenerative abilities. Darth Raptid regenerates after injuries in an accelerated rate, making him recover from injuries faster than most.

Raptid is adept with telekinetic abilities such as Force Choke, Push and Pull. He frequently throws his lightsabers and controls them with ease. He has varying degrees of expertise with most of the common force abilities.

Karkonthan comes from a family of force-sensitives. In his early life he lived and trained together with his parents and brothers, traveling around the galaxy as scavenging traders, never staying long in one place. This was until the age of 14, when his parents were killed after scavenging what seemed to be an abandoned freighter on Dantooine that actually belonged to a band of slavers. After the defeat, Karkonthan and his brothers were taken to be sold as slaves, but after Karkonthan devised a plan to escape the brothers took over the ship by blowing most of the slavers out the airlock. He then managed to land them on a red planet, a planet that turned out to be Korriban. Well there, the three were found by a group of Sith, among them was Darth Katharsus who stopped the others from getting rid of the children after the three showed off their force abilities. The three would be taken in by the One Sith, Karkonthan being trained by Darth Katharsus.

Two years later, Karakhun, the older of his younger brothers, would escape the planet in a stolen starfighter. This after having been appalled by the dark nature of the One Sith ever since their arrival. Karkonthan had battled him while trying to stop him, but he was pushed off a cliff after defeating him in the duel, thus Karakhun escaped. Karkonthan and his other brother, Kaproxa, stayed with the One Sith, fueled with even more rage after the betrayal.

The years went on and the fierce training saw Karkonthan’s reputation rise rapidly. The title of Lord was bestowed upon him at the age of 19 and his effectiveness against the Jedi impressed Darth Krayt and his fierce loyalty toward the One Sith would have him named Darth Raptid at the age of 26.
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NAME: Daeny'al'lyshiantarra "Day" Nia'anoondi'ieaal
SPECIES: Unknown Near-Human, closely resembles that of the known Jedi Master Fay.
FACTION: Nymaarien Affiliate, The Long Treader
TIER: Knight


Day, as her not-exactly-known race's classification implies, is very much near human, resembling them almost entirely save for her tapered ears and natural hair and lip colors, as well as eyes that glow in dim light, betraying her uncanny nightvision. Furthermore, Day is almost unnaturally pale, a trait picked up due to experimentation while among the Witches of Dathomir.

Physically, Day is fairly well toned, rigorous exercise keeping any excess fat from her body. Coupled with her lithe form is a compact build that leaves Day a small yet agile and dangerous target for those that may come after her. Finally, outside of the purple and teal paint she adorns her body with, Day's skin is entirely flawless. Not something one would expect from a fighter.

She stands at 5', weighs 117 pounds, and is 34 years of age.

COMBAT STYLE: Having grown among the Witches of Dathomir, as well as tutelage from a master of bygone years, Day has taken up a highly mobile, erratic and dangerous fighting style that is just as dangerous in wide open spaces as it is in close quarters. Melding many forms of dance with the saber styles of Jar'Kai, Ataru, Makashi, Juyo and, at the behest of her master, Trakata, Day literally dances amongst the battlefield as her opponents are left trying to find what tempo her body sways to and her feet step to as she closes in and around her opponents. While she isn't a pro at any one style, her seamless flow between what she does know, and how well she can work it together makes attempting to actually pin down her combat styles impossible

Furthermore, Day's choice to utilise Ghostfire crystals in her sabers makes her notably more difficult to pin down, as her blades emit silently, and the afterimages she leaves behind can confuse opponents unaccustomed to dealing with her speed and agility.

She's also a moderately decent shot in close quarters.

WEAPONS: Day's primary armament is a force infused ring of sharpened phrik, inside and out. An impractical weapon for most anyone to utilise, Day has come to dance with it masterfully, managing to handle the dangerous, razor sharp edges without coming to harm herself. Day's blade, the Risen Sun, is remarkably well attuned to her force signature, and the seldom few who thought they could utilise the blade against its dance partner often found themselves keeping the hand that lifted it.

Other than her ring blade, Day bears a pair of guard shoto. These dual-phase sabers actually initialise on the longest setting, meaning the shoto sabers actually cut there length down by half when the switch is flipped, the opposite of what most opponents would expect. Their hilts are made out of force infused Dathomirian Rancor bone, making them nigh impervious to other lightsaber blades as is expected of guard shoto hilts. Furthermore, both hilts house a pair of crystals, one Permafrost Crystal and one Ghostfire crystal. The mixed crystals and compressed emitters emit a remarkably thing, nigh translucent, near-white blade of the faintest blues. The effects of the Ghostfire crystal make Day's abilities remarkably difficult to combat, and the freezing effect of the Permafrost crystals only slow her opponents further. Similarly to her master's standard saber, Day's blades burn quite intensely due to the power put into them and due to this overheat far faster, igniting a automated shut down for safety.

Tucked away in her dancer's garb are a pair of pearl gripped, Westar-34/Concealed, customised holdout blasters.

Finally, Day carries a carved stiletto made from a force-infused Dathomirian Rancor tooth.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Having forgone the assassins garb of the Nightsisters she'd once been a part of, Day has taken to wearing dancer's garbs, the likes of which one would often expect more on a sleazy dancer than on a practitioner of the force, or trained warrior. This stylistic choice was made in emulation of the master that turned her towards true life. In addition to the dancer's garb, Day added sleeves with attached vambraces of cortosis woven durasteel.

There is a notable pride Day bears in her appearance, one that immediately sets her apart from the Jedi, but she likewise doesn't dote on the looks she knows she has, and in noting this, one can tell that she does not dote upon her looks with the vanity of some Sith. The way she carries herself offers a near ridiculous 'perfect' look no matter what scenario she finds herself in.

PERSONALITY: Often seen with an easy smile and a far away look in her eyes, Day never seems to be one that seems to be entirely preoccupied with any given task, no matter how dire, laid out before her. While there are many attributes she could attest are the reason for this, the honest and harshest truth is that when one has survived... or committed... as many atrocities that she has been a part of, literally almost anything in the vastness of the universe can be viewed as a much more enjoyable escape.

This unique mindset, however, was not one she discovered innately, and it took a long time and much meditation for her to come as far as she has. Striving forward, however, Day manages to keep a generally airy and lighthearted attitude no matter what she faces, and due to her unique stance in the balance she can find herself in many a situation without letting herself falter.

Often noted to make decisions on kindness and compassion, Day spends much of her time willingly aiding others, even if to her own detriment. While some may see this as a fierce weakness, it belies the great amounts of fortitude against hardships, emotional, mental and physical, that Day can endure unbroken and unbowed.

Unsurprisingly, when in combat, Day's demeanor remains as bright as a dawning horizon.

TRAITS: Aside from her ever present garb, never unadorned no matter what the temperature is like, Day can often be identified by either her various, ever changing body paint designs, or by her over all attitude and demeanor towards others. Also, more notably, she tends to have a giant metal ring hanging off a shoulder most of the time.

SKILLS: Day could easily be listed as one of the most accomplished dancers in the galaxy, much of her free time having been used to put much study and practise into her endeavors. Furthermore, she has tied her dancing into her combat skills as well, and she has become quite the accomplished duelist and combatant as well. As a secondary hobby she's taken up practising knife tricks with her stiletto. She's also developed a knack for understanding most droids, even if they don't speak her language.

FORCE POWERS: Unsurprisingly, utilisation of the force to augment her physical prowess and stamina is fully expected, and part of what's allowed her to become such an accomplished duelist. While she can utilise most standard skills a Jedi or Sith comes to learn, she has a tendency to aim to implement these skills unconventionally. She's also skilled with the Force Armor ability.

She can also harness the Nightsister's abilities, allowing her to make short range teleportations as she fades away in sickly green smoke before reappearing nearby.

Most notably is her attunement with each of her own weapons. Accomplished part ways via the creation process and part ways due to her intense meditation rituals involving them, where many view their weapons as an extension of themselves, for Day there is no cognitive difference. This is particularly notable with the Risen Sun, as the ring blade often seems entirely unwieldable to an other, and Day seems to be able to manipulate it with the force effortlessly.

Finally, as it is hardly noteworthy, but interesting, Day bears the ability to keep herself clean and highly presentable through the Force. While seemingly a trifling use of the Force, she does denote that she was once told; "What's the use of performing all your flashy moves if you come out of it looking like a half drowned womp rat dragging itself out of the oceans of Kamino." This skill often wicks away mud, dirt and debris she picks up through her travels and battles.

BIO/HISTORY: Having originally been the survivor of a starship wreck on Dathomir, Day was originally taken in by the Witches of the planet. Over time, the child, who had exceptional pull with the force and showed prowess in combat, was inducted into the Nightsisters in particular. As a member of the Dathomirian Witches, Day under went numerous dark side rituals and as permanently altered by Sith alchemy, which ultimately left her as pale as she is, though the increased physical prowess was a fair trade, as she still attests.

After surviving on Dathomir amongst the Witches for eighteen years, making her twenty one, the planet had an uninvited, and unwanted, visitor, and Day was part of the group sent out to bring down the intruder. What occurred, rather than a hunt, was a vicious battle between the Nightsisters, the intruder and the Sith Inquisitorious, who had been hounding the intruder. During the battle the Nightsisters were driven back, though Day had been wounded and expected to die as the Inquisitors descended upon her.

Instead the intruder came hurtling into the battle, lashing out and bringing low the assailants as Day fell unconscious.

While the Empire sent in more troops, and the Nightsisters found themselves unable to return for their fallen, Day was left at the mercy of the intruder, who would prove to be most instrumental in changing her life. Offering the girl a new path to follow, one of much more reward, and much closer following of the Force, Day initially only agreed due to wish for later revenge, and because she assumed refusal would mean death.

The next ten years of her life would be spent on her new Master's current homeworld, which had developed a peace with the Empire as it had existed, and found the good in all possible sides. It was a veritable oasis against the war like tendencies of the galaxy despite its own vicious storms.

During her training Day would truly embrace the nickname given to her, as well as this new lifestyle and path she'd been given. At the end of her years there, Day set out, first to her old world of Dathomir, then to a handful of other planets, collecting the required items before returning to her master and presenting them.

When Day next left her master's planet, it was with a full armament in tow, and a goal to set out and learn what she could of the people of the galaxy, before bringing the good she could find back home with her to her waiting master, and the amazing people she'd met while living there.

However, good luck getting the coordinates to the planet from her, as she used the Force to expunge the directions upon leaving, solely relying on the Force to guide her back again when the time comes.
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name: Alelo Ashla Kaashii
age: 27
nickname: Lelo [lee-low]
codename: Commander Kaashii/Lee/Lelo
birthplace: Shilli - the homeworld of her people
gender: female
species: Togruta
appearance: Alelo is a starkly coloured red and white Togruta female. currently, she stands at the typical height threshold of Togruta individuals. her body is slim and toned and at peak physical condition. her montrals [the hollow horns on her head] are very "sharp" and face forward, rather than backwards. like every other Togruta, they possess a form of passive echolocation, that allows Alelo to sense the proximity and movement of objects and individuals around her. it is extremely hard to sneak up on her. she has three waist length lekku [or head tails]. two of which cascade down her front, with a third down her back. her chest is on the smaller side, which she appreciates. it makes her form much easier to master, and not at all painful. unlike most other Togruta, Alelo's skin patterns are very bold and thick and cover almost the entirety of her limbs. they have changed in minute, yet noticeable ways as she has matured, and her lekku and montrals have also grown with her. the top lip of her mouth is red, while her bottom is an offset [but still very similiar] version of her base skin colour. Lelo's canine teeth are also extremely sharp.
height: 6.23 ft // 1.9 m
weight: 76 kg // 167lbs
eye colour: cobalt blue
hair colour: n/a
attire: besides what has been pictured. she also wears a Togruta Sash to accompany her robes, and an Akul-Tooth Headress gifted to her by her mother when she became a Jedi Knight. her field attire favours her very physical form//fighting style. when at the temple/between travelling she is usually wearing her cloak.
affiliation: Jedi Order//The Republic
of the Jedi Service Corps: the Exploration Corps - otherwise known as ExplorCorps
of the three distinct branches of Knights and Masters: a Jedi Guardian - following her knighting ceremony, Alelo acted as Temple Security. She worked on the ground while in this position, and lived exclusively on Coruscant. However, a couple of years passed before she made an appeal to the council, and after considering her potential, service and eagerness, they sent her to act as a Peacekeeper. She worked as a liaison [a bodyguard] on Republic worlds, for a couple years more before the council saw her potential for more [themselves that time] and she spent the next couple of years as a Commander and Jedi Warrior. She has since not left her position. The work, while heroic and action-packed, offers plenty an opportunity to reflect, and she always strives to uphold the ways of the force.
rank in order: Commander//Jedi Knight
residence: she has a permanent residence on Shilli, with family/clan members - she also has temporary living quarters within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant - besides these two places she is constantly on the move and unless she receives temporary accommodation, is living on ships and at campsites.

Personality: (3 lines minimum)
Biography: (paragraph minimum)

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 15,000
Signature Force Ability:
Force Abilities: (force leap, cruticorn, force push/pull, etc.)

Lightsaber Hilt: the hilt is silver/chrome and black, save for some scratches and notches and its internal pieces.
Kyber Crystal colour: green
practiced form:
besides the base Form 1, known as Combat, Alelo immediately went on to become extremely skilled in Form IV, known as Ataru. As well as these perfected forms, she has incorporated some aspects of Form V, Djem So, to create her own fluid and highly physical form which works in her favour. her movements are fast and though not always precise, are designed to disorient her enemies, and take advantage of weak spots, slow movements and exploit opponents potential fear in a duel. her fearlessness and speciality in offense, rather than defense, makes her a worthy opponent. as well as these forms, Alelo's approach to
other favoured lightsaber abilities:

- aside from Basic, Alelo can speak fluent Togruti and

clan [as a youngling]: The Bear Clan - as taught by Jedi Master Yoda
- a standard utility belt which houses a compressed-air grappling hook, A100 aquata breather, imagecaster, Jedi beacon transceiver, glow rod and nutrient capsules.
- she always carries a lightsaber repair kit as well. it is imperative if anything should happen
- due to her Guardian duties she must always have a set of wrist binders on her person. also in case of emergency
- less popular is possessing a smugglers scrambler. her old Master advised her on this, and she has not regretted following his advice since. it makes itself very useful in dire situations, and she has even encouraged others to find their own

Extra: (anything I missed? maybe you own a ship, have control over a fleet, have relationships with someone, etc.)
NAME: feyi or fey • [fay-yee]
SPECIES: human
TIER: jedi consular (healer)

APPEARANCE: 90dd334b1a97aafd3bca0c5a7f3bfa5b--psylocke-concept-art.jpg

fey has less expertise in the way of combat due to her main focus having been in healing work. she fights mostly using forms I-III. because of her experience in battle, fey finds form III to come most naturally to her due to it's heavy focus on defense, and emphasis on energy conservation for the user.

WEAPONS: feyi carries a single bladed lightsaber, colored with a teal kyber crystal. the hilt is slightly curved, and wrapped with green fabric in what looks to be intricate braided patterns for extra gripping. towards the bottom of the hilt one will notice gold detailing that looks to be hand painted.

roughly inspired by this:

ARMOR/CLOTHING: (same as in the first reference)

PERSONALITY: since her leave from the jedi temple, fey has shut off her true self. while a normally intelligent, friendly, and compassionste individual, fey is now more of a pessimist, and is reluctant to help just anyone. fey's experiences witnessing the cruelties of the sith have left her with a deep internal resentment, which has clouded her abilities as a jedi and as a healer. though she enjoys helping others her work is incredibly unsatisfying and thankless. her life differs dramatically from what it once was and this is also something feyi wishes were not so. her main motivations are to rejoin her people and put her skills to use where it trult counts.

TRAITS: feyi has what appears to be a blaster scar on the right side of her abdomen. it has had many years to heal, but it remains one of her biggest insecurities. a small geometric tattoo can also be seen on the inside of her right wrist, which she has had since early childhood. she believes it to be a mark from her birth culture/people, potentially designating her as one of them, but has never met anyone with the same mark.

• Jedi Combat
• Energy Healing
• Advanced First Aid
• Detoxify Poison
• Revitalize

FORCE POWERS: fey prefers to use her abilities through healing. she has a lot of experience with serious wounds and prefers to use the force as much as possible before heading for the suture kit (though something about non-jedi medicine does fascinate her). she will not fight unless necessary, as weilding a lightsaber does not feel as natural to her as she would like it to be.

BIO/HISTORY: feyi is a 25 year old jedi healer, born on the outer-rim ice planet of carlac. like most humans on her homeworld, feyi was born in the ming po village to a culture of the same name. her mother was a healer who, after being impregnated by a man allied with mandalorian terrorists, decided to raise feyi on her own. early in childhood it was clear that fey was more attuned to the force than most children of her age. tantrums would send objects flying around the room, and sometimes, even other children if a disagreement occurred.

sometime before she turned three a jedi visited her village and offered to bring fey to the temple. they assured her mother that she would be safe, and after very little urging, her new life began. feyi was naturally adept at the healing arts. once old enough she made a point to delve into the consular path as opposed to becoming a knight, and she couldn't have felt more at home. fey had a naturally inquisitive nature which allowed her to learn quickly. the thought of being able help the sick and injured made fey feel as though she was truly doing what she was meant to do. in social situations she could be serious, diplomatic, and receptive, and this did not go unnoticed by the council. at 18 she was urged to consider battle medic work. feyi had all the traits of a good healer, and her general jedi training made it so that any gaps would be filled by experience.

fey enjoyed working on the battlefield, but it shaped her into a more guarded individual. many friends and even leaders within the community fell at her side, and feyi felt helpless to change anything. conflicts with the sith grew to such a degree that it was no longer safe to operate as she had been. fey ended up breaking with the jedi before they were officially run into hiding. currently she picks up any jobs she can; usually offering her help to travelers who stop on tatooine.
NAME: Mirian Rollan
CLASSIFICATION: Coruscanti Entrepreneur
TIER: Mundane
AGE: 26

Mirian lives a very pampered life in the upper echelon of Coruscanti hierarchy. As such, she is very well groomed, making sure her outwards appearance matches the prestigiousness of her brand, not shying away from light amounts of makeup. Surprisingly, Mirian’s left hand has been replaced by a state-of-the-art prosthetic, a glossy sheen coating the exterior in the same light pale skin colour that adorned the rest of her body. From far away, it looks out of the ordinary, but becomes quite noticeable the closer you get.

COMBAT STYLE: Mirian doesn’t fight, in fact she actively avoids it, as of course, fighting is what she hires her guards for.

WEAPONS: Mirian is an almost fanatical collector of all things ornate and intricate, with her collection culminating to a lightsaber, one that took great lengths to acquire. Although she has never personally used it, Mirian sees the weapon as a symbol of the prestige she now commands in the upper Coruscanti society

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Mirian dresses in the finest designer dresses as one would expect of a woman with the connections she has. Mirian owns vast amounts of jewellery, as her main venture is into high class jewellery and accessories, with some of her most prestigious pieces selling for upwards of 500,000 credits a piece.

PERSONALITY: Mirian is incredibly motivated, willing to dedicate dozens of hours to the work she performs. She is naturally a perfectionist, not satisfying herself until she knows she has a product to the highest standard she can achieve. Mirian spends a lot of her time around high-profile politicians and is all too aware of the repercussions a tiny slipup can have. Because of this, Mirian has become very careful about the words she says, making sure no unwanted ideas leave her mouth accidently. Working in the higher profile markets led Mirian into the delicate art of bartering and persuasion, perfecting the art over the last several years. Mirian is a generous person, generously donating vast sums of her annual profits into the sector where her company is based, where she also takes up the role of chairwomen in the sectors health and living standards division. For all the good and morality, she broadcasts to the outside, Mirian is not without her faults. She is a very jealous person, especially of those close to her. Even with her fascination with the ornate designs and craftmanship present in many jedi lightsabers, due to a previous event in her life, she has a mortifying fear of the weapons, completely shutting down when in their presence.

TRAITS: Mirian is never the one lost in the crowd, in fact, it would be hard to lose her at all, as many people have claimed she resonates an aura around her. Not one of the force, but one of immense prowess and prestige. Mirian is attractive and can always be identified by her expensive clothing and out of place prostatic arm. This arm is state of the art in robotics and bio-robotics alike, grating her extreme precision in her left hand, being able to make the most minute adjustments possible.








FORCE POWERS: Mirian is not force sensitive and feels no connection to the force.


Ryan Rollan was one of Coruscant’s finest engineers, making his living designing the finest ships this side of the galaxy. From luxury pleasure ships to state-of-the-art fighters, you could almost definitely find a piece of Rollan engineering in it. Deciding that he had made his lifetimes worth of credits, Rolland settled down with Nabooian girl named Shiela Nere, in their 5000th level penthouse apartment. Mirian was their first-born daughter and grew up with all the lavishes you could expect from a prestigious family in the upper 1% of the galactic population. From an early age, Mirian was fascinated by her mother’s jewellery and her father’s many intricate awards and collection of relics from a bygone age. Mirian thought she had it all, and she did, until five years later, when Shiela gave birth to her second daughter, Nirea Rollen. At first, Mirian could not have been more exited about her baby sister, spending almost all her time with her. Thing changed however, when two strange men called round their apartment late one evening. Mirian had seen jedi before, she saw them almost every week, sometimes stopping to lean over the glass railings, staring in awe at the temple below, watching the small figures dressed in brown disappear in and out of the building. She sat on her mothers’ lap as she listened to men explain why her sister was different, why Nirea was better than she was. It wasn’t fair, she couldn’t choose how she was born. Nirea was accepted into the jedi temple, and Mirian continued he life just as she had before, a newfound emotion called jealousy beginning to build up inside her.


The two sister drifted apart, as Mirian grew older, she began to focus more on her exams, as she was expected to attend one of the various prestigious academies, all of which where very difficult to get into. Every time Mirian and Nirea met, it was clear the two were far gone from the two little girls they had once been. Nirea looked tired, she looked much younger, and was quiet and dismissive. On the other hand, Mirian had passed all he exams with flying colour, and was on a straight shot toward the ‘National Coruscanti Institute’, she was loud, the centre of attention, with a posy of friends from various high octane walks of life, to the way she walked and talked, she was a part of the elite, and she knew it. Mirian wanted what her sister had, she believed her sister was putting up an act, choosing to let her have the spotlight, she hated the thought, it was a nagging at the back of her mind she couldn’t get rid of. Once again, her sister would completely change the way Mirian viewed her own life. It was a particularly event filled day, Mirian had just begun walking home from a rather length end of exams party, slightly drunk, she took a more scenic route back to the apartment complex. As the WeatherNet started to spit small droplets of rain down onto the boardwalk, as she lent over the glass railings, looking once again over the ancient temple. Her eyes perked up as she saw a small figure running out from under the rounded building, and she could tell that messy blonde hair from a mile away.


Mirian lay in the rain for what felt like hours, clutching the stub of what once was her hand, she curled herself up until a ball, wavering in and out of consciousness. Things were different now; she was different now.


After that night, Mirian never looked back. Diving deeper into her passion for jewellery and engravement, she honed her skills, with help from her new hand, she was successful in launching a middling jewellery brand. She didn’t see any real success until the royal Nabooian wedding, where she was personally commissioned to design the queen herself a set of necklaces and earrings. After the wedding, the orders began to pour in, Mirian had never seen so many people desperate to buy her products, her brand. Over the next several years, Mirian’s Brand grew exponentially, with some of her most famous lines such as ‘Kyber’ and ‘Mandalorian’ capitalising on her expertise for jewel craft and her passion for galactic history. Now, Mirian stands at the peak of her career, she has influence, her name brings prestige, and her sizeable donations to the Sith government do not go unnoticed.
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NAME: "Sinclair", Thaddeus Harold Sinclair
SPECIES: Sullustan
FACTION: Nebula-Front
CLASSIFICATION: Inter-Galactic Terrorist
Tier: Knight

Image result for sullustan bounty hunter

COMBAT STYLE: Sinclair makes use of bombings, gas attacks, and hacking of security droids to cause havoc and strike against the one Sith, Fel Empire, Jedi, and other authorities.


Dioxis, Thermal Detonators, Fusion cutters, home-made bombs, and the PR-72 Hand Cannon, firing huge scatter shot or concentrated laser slugs, this beast of a weapon is devastating when used against crowds, or heavily armored foes.
Image result for shot gun starwar

ARMOR/CLOTHING: Explosion, energy, and impact resistant grey Orrodium plated body weave worn under his street clothes helps protect Sinclair from a horrifying amount of punishment. Scarred and old, like its owner, this armor is still kept almost obsessively clean.

PERSONALITY: Sinclair's soul is rarely happy these days, more typically, it is petty and angry. Years of betrayal and time spent living in a cold galaxy among colder people has made Sinclair cynical, and ill content. Deadened to many of his feelings, Sinclair really only cares for his nephews, but doesn't really know how to be a proper uncle or mentor after all of the crimes and horrible acts he's committed. Sinclair can liven up, but good days for him are few and far between.

TRAITS: Sinclair has many scars on his throat and back from hard living. Sinclair's left eye is a prosthetic from when one of his explosive ingredients went off in his face. Sinclair has inhaled much of his own dioxin when implementing it against Sith soldiers, though Sinclair survived, he routinely uses a variety of bronchodilators and muscarinic agonist inhalers, and other medications to keep his lungs open. Sinclair speaks so softly most have to strain to hear him.

SKILLS: Grand-theft-auto, arson, sabotage, quick drawing, peerless pistoleer, politics, tracking, stealth, subterfuge and situational etiquette, espionage, and speechmaking.

FORCE POWERS: Sinclair is angry, and disconnected from the force, having faced it often before, he has learned the hazards and is more than competent in avoiding force powers and is resistant to them.

BIO/HISTORY: Sinclair advocates for free inter-hyperspace lane trade routes without taxation for Sullust and outer core worlds, as well as independent and sovereign governance for all systems. After his terrorist organization, the Nebula Front was destroyed by the one Sith, he resorted to speech making and public displays. After he was almost murdered by some of his followers for his credit bounty, Sinclair became incredibly embittered. He began bombing and destroying public places near the core in order to harm Darth Kryatt.

Sinclair's one joy are his orphaned nephews on Sullust. Understanding he is far too hard a man to spend time with them, and that his explosive personality and reputation could bring them harm, he instead sends his bounties, and stolen credits to their adoptive parents, helping to furnish for his nephews an education and better living. He stays far away enough away to ensure the risks of his life do not endanger them. Desperate to do what little good he can for his nephews, and to keep his ideals and terrorist organization alive, Sinclair has joined with the Sith to collect lucrative bounties on force sensitives, and the few remaining Jedi...; already beginning to track one such to Tatooine through his myriad of underworld connections, Sinclair is ready to make good on some much needed credits, and light the galaxy on fire in the name of systems' rights.
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NAME: Chuka Struk
FACTION: Mandalorians
CLASSIFICATION: Mandolorian Warrior/Bounty Hunter
TIER: Knight

APPEARANCE: Average height for his kind with dark medium cropped unkempt hair, mostly due to being under a helmet most of the time. His hazel eyes tend to look through beings, not because he's trying to intimidate but as if he's trying to seem like he's paying attention. His features are weathered and tough from years of hard living, with some faint scars to show for it.

COMBAT STYLE: Chuka is generally a straight forward fighter. Preferring overwhelming fire power, mixed with speed, surprise and violence of action. Though this all depends on the target. Softer targets do not need to have a wall imploded when a stun round will do, but harder/heavily guarded targets will get grenades to the face. Followed by blaster bolts. He uses a similar approach when dealing with Force Sensitive targets, though they tend to get more flamethrowers and incendiaries and concussion grenades. But if it comes to close up work he has lightsaber resistant vibro double-blade and a Kal Dagger, which he will mix in with a slug thrower.

Mandalorian Assault Blaster Rifle with HUD linked optical/ranging sights.

Multiple grenade launcher.

Secondary: Manalorian Ripper

Vambraces: Flamer thrower, Blast repulsors, grappling line,

Melee: Vibro Double-blade (collapsible) and KAL dagger.

Misc: Jetpack, x3 Stun Grenades, x2 Breaching Grenades, x2 Thermal Detonators

Ship: Lancer Pursuit Craft: Akalenedat (Hard Contact)

With upgraded dorsal medium laser cannons, forward mounted ion cannons. The secondary cargo hold has been fitted with a carbonite unit for acquisitions that need to contained. And the hyperdrive was upgraded to a class 1 hyperdrive.

ARMOR/CLOTHING: A combination of Beskar plates and Cortosis weave underlay augmented by personal shields. With integrated thermal units to insulate against environmental extremes. Helmet is full seal for vacuum with full environmental filters and an encrypted comlink, optical scanner with weapon site link and HUD.

PERSONALITY: Chuka has a fairly dark sense of humor, but often will remain stoic, he just finds very few things funny. He is loyal to his friends, of which he has few. Mainly due to the job and how they tend to die, again due to the job. He may come across as gruff and confrontational, but he'll be there when you need him.

Describe how your character thinks and behaves. Feel free to add any philosophies they may follow or how they view other factions. Motivations and ambitions would also be nice to see.

TRAITS: Good tactical thinker, Expert Shot with a long and personal weapons, Handy with explosives, can multi-task. He also is fond of his bes'bev, otherwise known as a Mandalorian flute. He'll never make living as a musician, but he can play very well for for someone who spends most of their getting paid for more violent endeavors. Can get tunnel focused on an objective, otherwise known as being stubborn. He has an affinity to alcohol, which can lead to the aforementioned stubbornness. He doesn't want to trust so easily, but can be fooled by the right story. He is a decent pilot, but he won't last long in a dog fight against a fighter pilot.

Limited musical ability
Tactical awareness
Hand-to-hand combat
Knife fighting
Expert Marksman (not a sniper)

BIO/HISTORY: Having grown up on Concordia, he trained and worked with the Death Watch. He was willing to do whatever it took to prove himself and going on every mission he could, no matter how dangerous. Her felt compelled to the old ways of Mandalorian life, but he could no longer stand to follow the ways of Deathwatch and what he felt was their lack of honor. So he left to find a more honorable way to live among the stars and colonies. He put his training to good use and quickly became a very good bounty hunter, smart enough to know when you back off but aggressive enough to get difficult acquisitions.
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