Sad Boy Status
Short Plot
Hidden on a lonely planet lies a darkness. A darkness which seek to over throw the Jedi Knights and a new faction by the name of The Zemefiah Brotherhood (Pronounced Zem-e-fi) This particular brother hood are Jedi Knights and Dark Siths who protect those who can't be protected. They are dangerous and seen as enemies by most Jedi although they may be dark or traitors but they only have the innocent in mind.
The darkness however is threatening everyone and a war is on the horizon. Who's side will you choose?
Hidden on a lonely planet lies a darkness. A darkness which seek to over throw the Jedi Knights and a new faction by the name of The Zemefiah Brotherhood (Pronounced Zem-e-fi) This particular brother hood are Jedi Knights and Dark Siths who protect those who can't be protected. They are dangerous and seen as enemies by most Jedi although they may be dark or traitors but they only have the innocent in mind.
The darkness however is threatening everyone and a war is on the horizon. Who's side will you choose?
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