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Fandom Star Wars: Clone Wars (Accepting!)


Heaven's Prettiest Demon
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Age: (Remember Clones develop x2 faster)


Master (If Jedi):





Clone, Jedi Or Senator:

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Name: Nex (NX-0118)

Age: 34

History: One of few surviving members of the 91st scout squadron from the battle of geonosis. Now serves on Coruscant as a political and Millitary engineer and vehicle drive.

Likes: Vehicles, Weapons

Dislikes: Droids, Wild animals

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Clone, Jedi Or Senator: Clone

Name: Commander Jax (JX-1189-04)

Age: 39

History: Jax isn't usually one to share his background. He is a clone, that's for sure, but anything other than that he is reluctant to share. His files say that he served in the 501st for quite a while until he was transfered to be a Commando. He was the leader of a small Commando squad for a while until a mission went astray, costing the lives of his entire team. He hasn't been the same since; he still hears their cries for help in the back of his mind, and sometimes, when he thinks he's alone, you can hear him crying.

Nevertheless, he is still an extremely capable soldier the Republic couldn't afford to lose, and so sent him back to the 501st and promoted him to Commander. He is being shipped out to the front soon...


Working as a team

Heavy weapons


Decent meals





Annoying people

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Clone, Jedi Or Senator: Clone

Other: N/A
Name: Rahm Kota

Age: unknown


Rahm Kota is from a unnamed, war-torned planet. He was 10 when he fought in the trenches of his homeplanet. At the age of 18, Kota met Windu who came for peace negotiations. Windu found out the boy was Force sensitive and brought him to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Kota was trained in the Force by Yoda. During his training, his gruff and forthright personality earned him few friends. After attaining the rank of Jedi Knight, Kota often questioned the Jedi High Council's decisions and voiced his opinion that the Order should adopt a more forceful approach when dealing with criminals or negotiating treaties. Yet, no one doubted Kota's commitment and loyalty to both the Republic and the Jedi, or his courage, as he always chose the most dangerous and hazardous assignments. During the Clone Wars, Kota was made a Jedi General. However, he did not take a single clone in his squad. In stead, he relied on his own militia, made entirely of volunteers.

Master (If Jedi): Jedi Master, Jedi General

Likes: Bringing stability to the Republic

Clones in his squad (he didn't trust them and thought they were unfit for battle. Also, he did not believe that clones could be as creative or as intelligent in the field as non-clones.), people who disrupt law and order

Sexuality: -

Gender: Male

Clone, Jedi Or Senator: Jedi

Other: Uses an own militia which exists out of local planetary militias, mercenary groups and Seperatist POW's (Prisoners-Of-War). Unlike most Jedi, he has his lightsaber on his back in stead of his belt.
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Name: Altaynna Coltan

Age: 23

History: Altaynna has always been a wonderful Jedi, quick and attuned to the force, Being one of the few female media in history. She was found at the typical and young age, being brought to the temple to learn the aspects of the Jedi. She grew up learning and it is her main mindset now, she hardly remembers the barren wasteland she grew up on. She has since become a master Jedi.

Likes: Training, the force, order, drawing

Dislikes: face paint, bad food, undercooked food, people judging her drawing

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: female


Clone commander: Ace
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Name: Clone AY-741327 (Ace)

Age: 22

Ne passed with flying colors and is now general and commands with the Jedi Altaynna. He started off with his command on a battlefield, and while he turned the tide and saved the day, he can still remeber the terrors of war, the blood and the yells. It has toughened him, leading him to have a no nonsense attitude.

Likes: Order, training, efficient troops, winning

Dislikes: Jokesters, new recruits, people who don't take war seriously

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male
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Age: 12


A Clone Commando trained under Marth Darkah, a member of the Cuy'val Dar, RC-098, later named Pyre,

would be molded into a deadly machine built to serve the Republic. Given a blaster to hold at the biological

age of two, Pyre is a naturally skilled shooter and combatant, preferring the use of martial arts and his vibroknife

over all else. He and his comrades would form a strong parental-like bond with their Mandalorian trainer, who

later went on to adopt Pyre and a few others through Mandalorian tradition.

However, they went their separate ways as the call for war rung with the preparation for the Battle of Geonosis.

Met with an unfamiliar master, the Grand Republic, and led by the strange Jedi Order, Pyre's confusion during the massive

battle was only amplified by the fact that he'd likely never live to see Marth again. His team, Uniform Squad, were

sent in to eliminate a Dark Jedi assassin working for the Confederacy. They landed a klick or so away from the heavily defended

bunker the force-user had resided in, luckily making their way to the base without losing a single man. They'd reach the

bunker and infiltrate it. Once they encountered the assassin, known as Varr Ross, the operation quickly went down-hill...

One of Pyre's brethren, Ghan, was cut down by the Sith during the confrontation, decapitated by a quick spin that the others

had luckily survived due to their commando armor. Next, Raza, their squad leader, was slain when they pushed Varr down

towards the caverns beneath the bunker. He was over-run while covering the rest of Uniform Squad's back by Geonosians.

Varr collapsed parts of the cave and various structures within the hollow cavern, successfully ending Pyre's final comrade,

Flyn, who managed to save Pyre from a collapsing tower before he met his perilous end.

Pyre engaged Varr in one-on-one combat within the meditation room the assassin often spent his time in. Ross toyed

with Pyre, cockily throwing the clone commando around and only angering him with comments on his dead brethren and

the pitiful fate of the Clones. Pyre went in for a final blow, stabbing at Varr's chest with his vibro-knife. The Dark Jedi

easily grabbed Pyre's hand in response, only to realize that the clone had activated a thermal detonator in his other. The

explosion incinerated the unarmored Separatist, and Pyre was left heavily injured within the collapsing cavern.

Eventually rescued around a week later by Master Val'Narra Rayza, Pyre spent two months recovering within the Jinn Memorial Hospital

on Coruscant. The commando would later return to duty, working as a lone soldier instead of being assigned to a new squad, like many

of the other clone commandos who managed to survive Geonosis. RC-098 was specially tasked to serve as Master Rayza's bodyguard,

accompanying the Twi'lek on many missions before just recently, when the Master was blasted by the young daughter of the Separatist

senator Kailo Vale. Pyre attended Master Rayza's funeral at the Temple and spent some time there before being assigned to yet another

special task.





Talent and Skill.


Displaying his skills.

Mandalorian Culture.

Pastries and Meat.


Intelligent / Rational Thought.


Mindless Loyalty.

Risking the lives of those he cares about.

Most Mongrels.



Being called by his clone ID.


Light Combat Armor.






Clone, Jedi Or Senator:



Pyre stands at 1.83 meters, possesses an athletic build, and has various

scars that detail his body like tiger stripes. Pyre has a slightly jagged nose,

due to it being heavily damaged during a skirmish on Endor. His hair is kept

at a military-standard shortness, and he grooms his facial hair into a light

5 AM shadow. He has various cybernetic parts within his body due to several injuries,

making him, technically, a cyborg.

Name: Arrono Savagai

Age: 25


Arrono is the first son of Jus Savagai, who is a son of the Tribal leader Has Savagai. Arrono started with his Zabrak training at the age of four. The Clan was located at the northern side near the nightborder in a Canyon. The Clan grew various spices and made weapons and medicine which they traded on various planets like Nar Shaddaa, Rishi and the nearby located Ord Mantell. Arrono grew up and at the age of eight he was sent to the fighting academy. When he was ten his mother died and Arrono was heartbroken. However he trained furter and he took his Res Selenoren at the age of 12. During the Rising Festival he got his Zabrak Tatoos. A month after the Rising Festival he passed the exams of the Fighting academy. A Jedi Master visited the Academy at the same time and discovered Arrono's force sensitivity. After a short discussion with the teacher and his father Arrono was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. After a day of Hyperspace traveling Arrono and the Jedi Master reached Coruscant. Due to his age Arrono was put in a clan with some other initates who were also of the same age and were just brought to the Temple. Together they trained and studied all day long. Arrono was fasinated by the Force and secretly trained his Telekenesis on his own.

During one of these nights Arrono was followed by a Jedi Knight. When Arrono was just outside the temple he sat down and meditated. The young Zabrak tried to move some rocks which lay around him. He moved his right hand up and the rocks started to float. The Knight sneaked towards Arrono and sat down quietly. Arrono moved his left hand next to his right hand and some other rocks also floated. The Knight watched him and moved one rock towards Arrono's hand and lay the rock down on Arrono's hand. Arrono felt the rocks on his hand and he lost his focus and all the rock fell to the ground. He saw the Knight sitting in front of him and blushed. He recognized the Knight, it was the Twi'lek male who had been following him for nearly two weeks. The knight opened his mouth and said "Hello Arrono, I see you are training hard." Arrono looked at the Twi'lek and said "Yes Master. I want to train hard so that I can become a Jedi Knight one day." The man smiled and said "Come to my chamber tommorow, if you want to become my padawan." The Twi'lek stood up and walked away before saying the last words "Arrono, you'd better stop training and catch some sleep" and walked to the Temple. Arrono sat at the ground confused for a few minutes before walking back to the sleeping rooms. The next day Arrono became the padawan of the Twi'lek Knight. The Knight taught him about the code, Jedi philosopy, Lightsaber combat and various other things. Arrono was very interested in the ways of the Sith and how to destroy them. That didn't pass unnoticed and a select group of Jedi Masters were following the progression of Arrono carefully. After some years he passed his trials, not with great succes, but just normal. A few days after his trials Arrono was approach by a men from the Council of Knowlegde. He asked if Arrono wanted to join the Shadows and destoy the Darkside. Arrono had currently nothing to do so he joined them. His records were erased and he actually didn't exist anymore. He studied long days about Sith Artifacts and how to destroy them. He was sent on a small mission to destroy an ancient Artifact in the Malachor System. Arrived in the Malachor system Arrono found the Artifact and destroyed it carefully.

Master: Former, Hever

Likes: Training, studying

Dislikes: Sith Artifacts and Dark Side Things

Sexuality: Gay, however not able to love

Gender: Male

Clone, Jedi Or Senator: Jedi

Other: -

(( I have a lot of Experience rping Jedi Knights, so I'd like to skip the padawan part and take on one if needed))
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