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Fandom Star Wars: Clone Wars (Accepting!)


Heaven's Prettiest Demon
The halls of the temple were clear and gleaming, the clones marchcing and guarding the rooms. Over in the senate, many important people from all over the Galaxy talking about the future. The Republics future.

Palpatine looked up, being raised into the large council room. He coughed slightly, then starting his speech. "People of the Republic! I propose that we start a new system, We send many different divisions and battalions in our Venator-Class ships along with Jedi. We will also be sending a Senator per ship. I will be staying on Courscant but Senator Bail Organa has voulnteered to be first onboard!"

Cheers from the crowd filled the space of the hall, all in joy for the High Chancellor.

It was The year 20 BBY (Year before Revenge of the Sith) and thousands of Republic Carriers have went up into the Galaxy. Clone troops from Kamino being transferred everyday.
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"My code is NX-0118, my sqaudron calls me Nex. I'm a scout, genetically engineered at birth to withstand long periods of searching and constant vigilance. My Allegiance lies with Chancellor Palpatine and his government. After my previous squadron took heavy casualties on geonosis I and any other surviving members were re-stationed as city militia scouts. My job now is to pilot vehicles within Coruscant. I'm currently head engineer and pilot of Chancellor Palpatines Transportation. Wherever he wants to go, I take him." The glint of passing craft reflects off of the visor of Nex as he powers up the ion engines on Palpatines ship ready for a departure at any point.
Kota sat in one of the barracks with his militia, watching at the HoloNet about the Chancellor's speech. His men were preparing to deploy, and so did he. Weapons were checked and maintained, any damaged components were replaced. Ammunition was being replenished from earlier battles. Most were carrying blaster rifles, blaster pistols (DH-17 Blaster Pistols), thermal detonators and stun batons, but there were also some with rocket launchers and repeating blaster cannons. Even though his militia was small, it was effective. When the troops were done preparing, they all went towards the ships, preparing to be deployed.
General Plo Koon looked at the battalion, smiling slightly. "General Kota. Soon we are being deployed to a base on Hoth. We will be attacking a Sepratist Spy base." Plo Koon then walked off, to do more business with Wolf Pack @Donder172
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xScreaminGhostx said:
General Plo Koon looked at the battalion, smiling slightly. "General Kota. Soon we are being deployed to a base on Hoth. We will be attacking a Sepratist Spy base." Plo Koon then walked off, to do more business with Wolf Pack @Donder172
Kota nods towards Plo Koon "My men are ready, Master Koon. We're re-equiped, ammunition has been replenished and weapons maintained. I'll be waiting on board with my men for briefing." behind him around 65 men, 5 were equiped with repeater blaster cannons, 5 with rocket launchers, 20 with stun baton and blaster pistols, the rest was armed with blaster rifles and blaster pistols. The ones with stun batons and blaster rifles also have several thermal detonators with them. All of them wearing armor, though the elite troops, the ones with repeater blaster cannons wear heavier armor than the rest. Kota looks at his man "Get in and stay ready, we're leaving soon.", Kota's man then starts walking into the designated ship.
The holopad beeped quietly as Jax stared down at the information applied to it. Orders. New orders. It hadn't even been a month since his 'successful' mission on Geonosis and they were already sending him back into the fray. They gave him promotions, medals.....like they were supposed to justify the loss of life. The loss of good men.

The barracks was the only place he went to nowadays, and according to the data on this, he was lucky to be so close to the departing ships; they would be leaving soon. He contemplated just not showing up; who would really miss him? No.....what's the purpose of a Clone if he doesn't fight? He sighed as he swiped the information away on his holopad and tucked it into his waist pouch. He looked over to the helmet by his side; clean as the day it came from the factory, but still with his purple designs covering it. He picked it up gently and put it on. He let out a sigh as he stood and picked up his Heavy Repeating Blaster, which he had taken to calling 'Rosie', and strapped it to his back. He exited the barracks to hear the march of hundreds of other Clones all loading onto different ships. His fists clenched and he began his walk to his designated ship...
Altaynna strode through the temple, exiting suddenly as she entered the hanger, her eyes searching for the familiar black and red splattered helmet. As her eyes passed over the ships, she noticed a determined clone heading towards a ship. Debating on her mind, she sighed and approached him. "Clone...Jax, I believe? I don't suppose you have seen Ace around, have you?" She winced internally, hoping the clone didn't have a mission that couldn't be delayed a few moments. "I apologize for interrupting you as well." She folded her arms behind her back, her cloak fluttering in the slight wind.

Her gaze traveled around the hanger once more, before returning to Jax.

@Knight Nate
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@Knight Nate ^

The speakers turned on, frantically, as a familiar voice played through them "Attention! All troops board your ships we are heading to Nar Shaada. Failure to do so, staying after departure without Permission all count as desertion." The fleet voice said, slightly more rushed than usual.

@Knight Nate @Altaynna


Jax's stride was abruptly broken by an approaching Jedi. Odd. He didn't recognize her....

He stood at attention before answering her.

"No ma'am, I am afraid I haven't seen him. If you'll excuse me, I must report in."

He then turned and continued on the steel plated path. Upon entering the cruiser he gave another sigh, and began his trek through the winding corridors to find the Officers Barracks.
Pyre let out a grunt as he pushed past a few mongrels, what many of his kind called non-clones, and made his way towards a LAAT gunship. Of course, that's not what he called it. Ever since Geonosis, most clones absolutely adored the gunships, nicknaming them "lartys" affectionately. Pyre let out a sigh of relief as he boarded the ship next to a squad of standard clone troopers, obviously recruits due to their shining white armor. He didn't know if they'd manage to survive whatever this urgent mission was, but he'd definitely help them out along the way. They were clones, and that meant they were his brothers, even if they were the standard meat-cans that marched in the dozens. Pyre was taught not to discriminate... much.

The Commando would eye the other clones before finally breaking the silence, the gunship's doors shutting and muffling the sound of rushing troopers and pilots within the hangar. "Hey, how does getting off Kamino feel, shinies?", Pyre would ask the silent and still troopers. One would turn to eye him, breaking through his nervousness as he spoke. "Well, sir, it's been strange to not be drilling at Tipoca. We're Saberwasp Squad, demolitions and communications. We were put into service just a few weeks ago."

"Fresh meat," Pyre murmured to himself before speaking up once more. "And who trained you?", the Commando asked with genuine curiosity. It was always a guessing game with the clones. A different trooper from Saberwasp would speak up this time. "Llats Ward. Gray and Green beskar'gam, a touch of yellow and a mythosaur skull on the chest."

Pyre smirked with a nod. It was always good to find vode in the endless ranks, not that it was hard. Though, he couldn't help but feel that the aruetyc, non-mandalorian, trained clones were just a different breed altogether.
Arrono walked at the ship to the main deck. He looks at the darkness before him. At this side would be a saberstaff, and on his back a Zhaboka. His robes had slightly armored shoulders, someting nontraditional for a Jedi Robes.
Savagai said:
Arrono walked at the ship to the main deck. He looks at the darkness before him. At this side would be a saberstaff, and on his back a Zhaboka. His robes had slightly armored shoulders, someting nontraditional for a Jedi Robes.
He saw everyone arriving at the main deck and greeted them. He waited for General Koon to start this mission.
The General then got to the Mic, speaking into it. "All men, please board your LAATs. We are heading to Nar Shaada. We are destroying a Hutt Outpost in the Lower Levels. That is all."

@Savagi @Knight Nate @Donder172
Arrono looks to General Koon as he speaks "Master, this is suicide. The Hutts have an enormous fleet and the got the Seperatists as their allies!"
"Pfft. Sending in such a large force to do this job is a mistake. The General is wasting your lives, shinies. A good squad of commandos could carry out that op, especially a team of ARCs."

"Or this operation isn't as simple as you think it is," one of the clones in the larty replied, eyeing Pyre fiercely. "I have faith in the General, if he thinks we should engage the Hutts with a large force, then I am confident it's the right move to make," he'd continue on, walking towards Pyre only to be held back by one of his squad mates.

"Watch it, wasp, blind loyalty can only hurt you..."

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