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Fandom Star Wars AU Timeeee

Villainous Things

Brandy and vengeance and everything pain-laced.
Well howdy folks! It's time for another search for a roleplay! And, today I'm gonna try and pitch an idea I've had for quite some time, but haven't been able to fully work out writing it. I'm hoping that will change soon, because I really like this idea! Let'sssss gettttt startedddd!!

alrighty, I would like to first start out apologizing for the awful explanation that's about to come forth. I'm horrendous at these sorts of things, but I'm hoping someone will be able to see past my incompetence at explaining my ideas XD Basically, my idea is set in the new Star Was universe. I'm aiming for pre-The Last Jedi, but post- The Force Awakens, but I'm totally flexible on that. Now, on to what my idea is which is where things are gonna get a little choppy. I have this idea, bare with me, that Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) had a really good childhood friend before he was influenced by Snoke, or, before he went over to the dark side. I really would love to explore a situation where somehow they meet during the war, and see the differences of what they've become, if that makes any sense. I'd like to use an OC of mine, and I'm hoping to find someone to play Kylo/Ben. This can be fluffy, or angsty, I'm good with anything. So, if you're interested, comment or PM me!

Here's a few things about me and my writing style! I know a lot of people like having this information because it helps them decide whether we'll be a good fit or not!

° I got doggos, fam! And, most likely, I will send you pictures if they do anything cute. Fair warning!

° I am a pretty upbeat person, I use a ton of exclamation points!

° My favorite food is mac 'n' cheese with ketchup!

° I have Celiac, so if you're gluten free at all, I'm happy to chat about that and share foods/recipes!

° Most importantly of all, I do this to make friends as much as I do it to write. Though I stay focused on the roleplay, I would really like to have some side banter when it makes sense! If this doesn't work for you, I'd steer clear! I mean, I'm not expecting besties, but I do want a small amount of connection.

~Me as a writer~

° I'm semi literate! And often send multiple paragraph responses. Though, that's no pressure for you! As long as you're putting in more than one line, I'll be good :D

° My writing style is nothing like my talking style. I'm quite somber at times, and I'm far less cringy!

° I can write on here, Kik, and Discord.

Now for my boring rules, I promise there are only a few!

° I prefer responses that are five to seven lines long at least, that being said, as long as you're putting in effort, and aren't sending one liners, I'll be fine.

° If you're wanting to include a touchy, trigger warning worthy subject, please run it by me first! And, if I decline it's use, please respect that. I'll do the same.

That's all! Have a great day/evening! <3
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