Melody Etterson


Watermelon king

Given Name: Melody 

Surname: Etterson

Middle Name (Optional): Spark

What is your official DWMA Nickname? (This is a codename. It is important!): Shock wave

Yearbook Photo:

Age: 15

Gender: (Female)

Height: 5'4

Hair Color: blond

Eye Color: blue


Are you an EAT or a NOT student?: EAT

Are you a weapon. yes.

If a weapon, what type of weapon are you?: Guitar(in pic.)

If in the EAT class and a meister, what is your rank? N/A

How long have you been in attendance at the DWMA? (If you are new, you cannot be EAT) 2 years

How do you fight?: when played she sends off a shock wave, the only problem is that its goes everywhere in front of her, so it will hit allies as well. she can also be used to clobber enimies if you con't know how to use the guitar part X3. Once she learns how to properly control it she will be able to send shock waves to directed placed though that might take time with both her and the miester. she does wish to learn how to fight by herself though.

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths? (Include at least 3): speed/running, music stuff(like guitar, of course), getting the hell out of here.

What would others say are your flaws? (Include at least 3): a little shy, physical strength, communicating what she wants.

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more: Melody is naturally a shy person. She has a hard, hard time being in large crowds, it reminds he of being in confined spaces, which she also is terrified of. although when she gets used to a certain group of people, she is able to relax a little, and becomes much more cheerful. She actually likes spending time with friends, but still doesn't know how to talk to them sometimes, and usually fails at inviting them over, or being able to tell them its her birthday.

Though at times when she becomes angry, its like she's a completely different person. Well actually she just freaks out when ashes angry or upset, and usually holes up in her room or a corner, (or a closet if its big enough for her to handle). Though basically she's terrible at communicating with people, unless its to do as told. She's good a doing as told, and its one of her 'highlights'. Now she doesn't want to die, like every else, but will accept it when it comes, as what else can she do? She is un-trusting, liking to strike out on her own, and doesn't feel safe to make friends after what happened to her 2 only friends.

What do you like?: Music, being alone, quiet.

What don't you like?: sudden loud noises, spooky stuff, crowds.

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography: Melody grew up in her home somewhere outside of death city, He father taught her how to use her 'power' better and since he was a weapon himself, though he was only a simple guitar, her mother was a lighting sword(idk). She had a simple life, she went to school, learned about meister's and weapons, and death. As she learned in school she usually was bullied at school because of how much she stood out, he bright blond hair, and her flashy clothes. Also because she was quiet and always was reading the strange books on DWMA and on soul collecting. She trained when she could, practicing transforming, and seeing what she could do without a meister. Eventually, she enrolled in DWMA, and here we are today. 

But that was just a brief overview, now lets go in depth. Melody in kindergarden, never really played with the other kids, he would just draw, it was the same threw grade school, though she would read as well once she learned how. She would read fantasy books, horror and sci-fi. She never was to interested in the other kids, they were just normal, and that made them boring. She also didn't know how to talk to  them, although eventually she did make friends, in middle school, but one day she was out with her 2 friends, she was on her way to show them DWMA since that's where she was gonna go next, they encountered a 'demon' as her friends called it, an 'evil human' is what they encountered. Since Melody hadn't been trained and only had a small grip of her mowers, one of her friends got killed, and another was dropped into a coma, Melody almost died as well. This 'evil human' had only just become that way, and hadn't been picked up by DWMA yet. ThIs has led her to be less trusting, to be more aware of surroundings/always on guard, and less open to making friends. She feels it was her fault though it really wasn't. SHe also despises the 'demons' as she now calls them.

Now that she get s to go to DWMA she has a higher chance of acting on her own when it comes to missions, and is likely for start ignoring her meister so she can go destroy the 'demons'. She now considers herself an 'angel' that will destroy the demons, and will use any methods to do so. She is determined to destroy anyone that helps the demons. She will push past anyone who tries to stop her. She  is still shy, yes, but determined.

How do you feel about the DWMA? "I like it."

Why have you joined the DWMA? "My parents said i should."

What motivates you?: "Helping people i guess, maybe my meister and friends?"

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?: "I'm not quite sure, but i hope to find out."


Personal Items: a book from her older brother. (he's just a sword with a harp handle(as he calls it) since the handle has a small area with strings to play music on)

Other Important Facts: 
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