Star Wars: An Old Republic RP


Doujin Expert


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<img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" class="ipsImage" alt="embed.php?text=Star Wars:
The%2" />
<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:10px;">Hello adventurers, RPers and scum of the galaxy! As you can see by the title, this is a Star Wars RP, it will be set in the Old Republic Era, ten years after the events of the Eternal Empire attacking the Galaxy. The Republic and Empire have called a truce in order to rebuild after almost being annilated by Arcann and the Eternal Empire. Valkorion, or better know as the Emperor, even in death, has fled from the Galaxy, to where, no one knows. A new threat is on the horizon though, and a old and rouge force user has decided to call upon the best fighters in the galaxy. Normally you would call them Heroes, but not all of them are good guys. </span></span>
<img src="<___base_url___>/attachments/upload_2016-8-4_13-56-16-jpeg.328564/" class="ipsImage" alt="upload_2016-8-4_13-56-16-jpeg.328564" />
<span style="font-size:10px;">1. Follow all RPN rules and such. 2. This RP will be a bit more mature, but please no overly erotic or gorey stuff. 3. Try to have decent grammar and spelling, if English isn't your first language I can understand 4. No Mary Sues or God Modding, if so you'll be kicked 5. Post at least one paragraph, and try to post once a day. 6. Try to be creative with your characters, it is Star Wars so the options are almost limitless 7. Listen to me or the co-GM, if you have an idea or question ask me and I'll decide if we go with it or not. 8. Have fun, and don't forgot, trust in the force. </span>
<img src="<___base_url___>/attachments/upload_2016-8-4_13-55-24-jpeg.328563/" class="ipsImage" alt="upload_2016-8-4_13-55-24-jpeg.328563" />


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