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Fandom Star Trek - Starfleet Academy - Accepted Characters

Golden Spider

New Member
Accepted Characters

Player Name: Golden Spider
Name: Celene Tal
Age: 21
Species: Trill (Joined)
Gender: Female
Home Planet: Trill
Sexuality: Omni-sexual
Appearance: Celene is a brunette with long brown hair that matches her signature trill spots visible on her face and neck, she typically wears her hair down, but does the occasional braid when she's working with something that may catch it.
Personality: Celene is dedicated and energetic, She is all about new experiences and sensations, and had always had a wanderlust in her heart, but also a desire for knowledge, those traits have just been heightened since she was joined with the Tal symbiote
What major are you thinking of pursuing: Double major of Xenobiology & Xenolinguistics
Faceclaim: I honestly don't know, I've used this pic for ages (with now some slight edits to adding the Trill dots) and not even google lens can find a name for her

and attached along with it, the short essay that the application team required about yourself

Bio: Celene had always been a wickedly smart kid fascinated with the galaxy around her, even from a young age she had been secretly selected for the joining process when she had come of age, pending of course how she did in her studies. Her fascination with all the various species of life and cultures of the Federation led to her being fluent in Ancient Trill, Federation Standard, and even Klingon by the age of 10, something that a lot of people attribute to her symbiote, but that was 100% Celene's doing. Now that she is Joined and has been for a couple years, she decided to go off and explore the galaxy, to satiate her own desire to learn whatever she could, but also the Symbiote's desire to do the same. Yet at the same time she also wanted to help people, so signing up for Starfleet Academy was an easy choice, The fact that attending such an illustrious institution was also going to be a novel experience for Cel just made it better.

As the great Jadzia Dax once said on Deep Space Nine; "I have intimate memories of being a man, a woman, a father, and a mother" Celene with the Tal symbiote is much the same, so her sexuality is very fluid, she is not attracted to any one specific biological gender, but to anyone and everyone.


Player Name: Darkish.Light
Name: Phoebe Monroe
Age: 20
Species: Betazoid
Gender: Female
Home Planet: Betazed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Similar to the picture above, Phoebe is dark-skinned with black pupils. Phoebe’s curly hair is a mix of brown and black that hangs just below her shoulders. While on campus, her hair is usually tied up and is rarely down. She can be seen wearing large round glasses from time to time.
Personality: Phoebe Monroe is an adventurous and ambitious person with a deep love for old technology. She’s always exploring new ideas and is fascinated by vintage gadgets. Her rebellious nature means she often challenges authority and traditional rules. Driven to succeed, Phoebe uses her curiosity and determination to carve her own path. Humans may consider her brutally honest or blunt since she doesn’t understand why one would lie to spare others' feelings. She is not particularly social and constantly tries to block out other’s thoughts or emotions.
What major are you thinking of pursuing: Engineering
Faceclaim: @jasmeannnn on instagram

and attached along with it, the short essay that the application team required about yourself

Bio: Phoebe is one of the rare betazoids who are born with innate telepathic abilities and as such she is extremely gifted. However, she still struggles to filter out the commotion of other people’s minds when she is in crowded spaces. Due to this, she inspires to become a starship engineer, where it is easier to isolate and get things done. Phoebe greatly enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together as a child. In her adolescence, she frequently visited Earth because her mother was an ambassador. During these trips, she became fascinated with old Earth technology and tore apart any old tech she could get her hands on to understand how it worked. Then, she would try to put it back together. She got better at it as she got older, but not without a few monumental failures. Due to her mother’s influence, her innate telepathic abilities, and her impressive track record of fixing what could not be fixed, she was an easy pick for Starfleet Academy.


Player Name: Lost Martian

Name: Cr’asii

Age: 22

Species: Caitian

Gender: Male | He/Him

Home Planet: Cait

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance: Standing at 6’2’’, Cr’asii is taller than most humans, with a bulky build supported by a lifetime of exercise. Cr’asii’s entire body is covered in fur, mostly black in color, save some white patches. His face is clearly feline like, with triangle ears, whiskers, and the blue eyes of a hunter. While Caitians have similar hands and feet to Humans, they are able to go quadrupedal and run on all fours. Cr’asii also has a tail, one coated in black fur except for the white tip.

Cr’asii’s years on the fringe of society has left him with some remnants. These include dark tribal style tattoos that cover most of his body, piercings on his ears, and various scars or other marks left by combat. When not wearing his Starfleet uniform, Cr’asii tends to dress in basic clothing, suited for whatever task he is doing. So a lot of black, whites, tans, and grays.

Personality: Cr’asii is an exceptionally bright young man, but he is still naive about certain aspects of the universe. He is led by a burning need to pursue knowledge, regardless of what lengths he needs to go to to obtain it. This vast pool of knowledge does make it so Cr’asii can easily strike up a conversation with someone and have something to talk about. The issue for this is when a conversation turns to emotions or other more intangible concepts, Cr’asii has a hard time maintaining the conversation.

Cr’asii’s years spent with the shadier elements of the galaxy has left him with some fears about a lack of control. This can manifest in both him viewing the Federation as a needed means of control in the universe, as well as Cr’asii trying to maintain as much control as possible over his own life.

Cr’asii can also be clueless to certain social cues, missing out on irony, sarcasm and things like that. Part of this clueless nature is with his sexuality. Cr’asii just seems to assume that he’s never met the right partner, even though he has literally never been attracted to anyone or felt the need for such experiences.

What major are you thinking of pursuing: Exo-archeology

Face claim: Art by Ti-R on Deviantart

Bio: Born one of the rarer black furred Caitian breeds, Cr’asii would be raised in a small village far away from the capital city of the planet Cait. Both of his parents were science officers in the Federation’s Starfleet, their expertise being in both archeology and anthropology. However they had taken a leave of absence to return to their home world to raise their young, as was tradition in their region of the planet. From a young age Cr’asii would be interested in his parents’ work, reading up on various cultures throughout both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. It wouldn’t be too long before Cr’asii wanted to leave Cait and explore the stars.

He would get the chance when his parents deemed him old enough to be able to live aboard a starship. Returning to Starfleet, Cr’asii’s parents would be assigned to the USS Galileo, a science ship that researched potential planets to join the Federation. Naturally Cr’asii would be brought along, immediately getting along with other kids of crew who were on the ship. While Cr’asii would love this life, he would eventually view the Federation as too hands off when it came to understanding cultures of interest. This eventually led Cr’asii to decide not to enroll in Starfleet when he came of the age.

His parents didn’t take the news well, as they had both envisioned Cr’asii following in their steps. So when he turned eighteen Cr’asii would leave the USS Galileo, initially heading to Earth. Once there Cr’asii would find himself a position as crew aboard a deep space hauler. Cr’asii would try and use this opportunity to discover new worlds and learn as much about them as possible. However, his idealized vision of traveling the universe was soon shattered by the realities of these less than legal ventures.

In only a few short years Cr’asii would see many terrible things done as he existed in the Alpha Quadrant’s shady underbelly. Eventually he would have enough of it, and would reevaluate the Federation as not so bad. Once he got the chance Cr’asii would jump ship and hitch hike his way to Cait. Once there he would reconnect with his parents, who were thrilled to see him. However they did notice a change in him, and not just a physical one with his tattoos, piercings, and scars.

Eventually Cr’asii and his family would decide that he still had a chance of being a part of Starfleet, as he was still the smart Caitian of previous years, just a little more jaded. Nervous at first, Cr’asii would eventually go through the application process, receiving surprise help from a former officer aboard the USS Galileo who acted as a reference. Cr’asii would be pleased to find himself accepted, before jumping on the next ship to Earth, not wanting to wait any longer for this opportunity.
Asra Tek
Asra Tek

23 (Asra) / 510 (Tek)


Joined Trill

Home Planet


Brianna Hildebrand

  • More Basic Info

    Asra’s lithe frame contains a fair amount of wiry muscle thanks to her interests but no considerable muscle mass. She bears dark brown Trill markings starting over her eyebrows then down over face, sides, and hips before splitting into two thinner streams that extended down the sides of her legs. She keeps her hair relatively short and in a semi-tame nest a top of her head. She also possesses a helical stud piercing on her left ear.

    Major: Major in Engineering with a Minor in Astrophysics (She’s mostly here for the more basic courses but is jumping on the chance to study more at the same time.)


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