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Fandom Star Trek: SS Garbage Scow (OC - Lower Decks)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

The year is 2417.

This is a serious RP inspired by Lower Decks. (Though, I DO love the humor from that show.) The members of this group will be lower ranking officers who have at best recently completed their first assignment (more likely had it prematurely terminated and the officer reassigned). You see, their assignment is the NCC 92569-B, SS Garbage Scow. Seriously, that is its name. But as one might guess, this will not be a pleasure assignment. The only good thing about the ship is that it just went through a refit.

Note the picture chosen for the Garbage Scow. Your ship DOES have a contour that is very similar to the Diligent, an upgrade from the Defiant. But this fact would also be easy to miss as it looks like … its namesake. I have included specs, however, the mission is more selective, and the crew smaller.

New Group members will be Ensigns. Ages will range from 20-24, assuming one started the Academy at 16 (which is rare, but each member of this group probably fit into this category). Keep reading, because this assignment will prove not to be the punishment you think it is. Or you can be a non-prodigy and have actually screwed up.

Rumors have it that its Captain upset some Admiral back in his Academy days. He had a reputation as a Kirk type persona with the ladies and apparently crossed paths with the Admiral’s daughter. One of his previous missions was spent hauling hazardous materials through the Briar Patch.

In essence, the Garbage Scow is a space tug. This saves time in actually loading and unloading freight - sometimes. Fun fact: you guys will likely have to take this duty. That’s right, each of you will receive advanced training in handling hazardous waste at the start of your assignment.

Fortunately, the crew is too new for there to be many traditions.

Command Crew
I will be handling the Command Crew - at least at the start. But here is a brief description.
Captain***********Commander James Rhand - Promethean(*)
First Officer********Lt Commander Ishka Reyga (Ferengi)
Science Officer*****Lt Commander Ele Rhand (James’ sister)

Security Officer****Lt T’konn (Vulcan male)
Medical Officer****Lt P'Ruuras aka Hairball (Caitian female)
Comms Officer****Lt Tolpryn (Barzan male - the first of his people at the Academy)
Chief Engineer*****Lt Kendor (Roylan male - the species of Scotty’s friend on the ice planet).

(*) There are only four Prometheans in existence, James, Ele and their parents.

Ishka Reyga (Ferengi), descendant of Dr Reyga, the inventor of metaphasic shielding. She is probably the best friend James ever had. Her latest inventions are highly classified. One is a metaphasic sensor designed for scanning in the Briar Patch.

The last four officers listed were more or less 2D, not fleshed out, but were part of James cadet squad at the Academy.

Ele is two years older. She was the perfect cadet, perfect career officer, a rising star. She was Daddy’s angel. (James hated the idea of being in his father’s shadow and almost ended up living like a Ferengi. His father wanted him to go into science.)

And Everyone Else
James handpicked his crews. Most of you have had a bum rap. You showed so much promise, but for one reason or another you ended up as Starfleet rejects being encouraged to quit. They probably think this assignment will do the trick. You MUST have redeeming qualities though. James sees promise in you.

Note: James is looking for a Klingon Tactical Officer - officially so he can tell him not to Attack every two minutes. But the simple fact is that the only Klingon he is ever likely to get is one like the young officer Worf’s son became when the crew of his ship considered him a good luck charm … an embarrassment to his family.

I have a Ship’s Counsellor created - but seriously … I am not certain that Starfleet could justify assigning her to this ship. I may have her assigned to a Starbase the ship frequents.

The Garbage Scow is a scout ship (translation: spy ship) working for them. Some of you may be briefed; some may not. James' mission to the Briar Patch was for them.

The Garbage Scow is a Q ship. It has … secrets. It is the second ship of its type, the first being the SS Prometheus (owned by the Promethean family). The Prometheus was woefully primitive, built back during the Eugenics War.

Cover Mission
- haul hazardous materials, waste, be Starfleet’s janitors. If there is a crappy detail you are likely to get it.

Real Mission - extraction of assets from deep cover, smuggling asylum recipients, espionage, scout missions to the Briar Patch or similar locations. I may set the first mission up to a Poll for type.

Other Main mission - investigation of missing ships or personnel. Also, reports of identity thefts, cases of people being in two places at once. Theories are pretty wild here, ranging from Clone Wars to the Terran Empire trying to invade.

3rd Person Past Tense

Literate to Semi-Literate. Please proofread your posts to make sure your autocorrect didn’t screw up your post, or your finger didn’t stray across the touchpad.

Multi paragraph (Personally, I tend to have posts at least a page in length. In something like this, very probably more.). The important thing is content.

I understand real life, but if you can’t commit, please don’t join. I’d prefer that all members be able to post no less than weekly. If you KNOW of an absence - like finals in college, military duties, etc, say something. We can try to work scenes around that. Or if several members all have the same issue, put the RP on a pause with plans to resume after. I used to run tabletop RPG’s in my college days. We all understood Finals Week.


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Definitely interested, although I will say in advance warning that I am very far from a Star Trek lore buff. I know a little bit about the setting, and greatly enjoyed a variety of random odds and ends from it as a kid, but I haven't seen much in a while. I honestly haven't really watched movies or shows of any kind in years.
No worries. I am, at best, a minor lore buff. It has been a long time since I watched many of the shows. The Main Mission I refer to will be in the background until folks start looking. That one was inspired by an old tabletop rpg adventure supplement for a non Star Trek game. Basically it is a covert invasion of the Federation not so different from how the Changelings tried to invade. Definite differences though.

If you know the basics you should be fine.
I have linked the CSs for two of the command crew. One may be run by a friend of mine. She's fleshed out a lot of my female characters.

Enlisted ranks would be NPCs. No cadets. Officers for you folks will be Lt JG or below.

Nebulous Stars Nebulous Stars Your engineer would likely be Lt or Lt JG. I almost wish the current Chief Engineer was a Betazed, rather than Roylan. (Caitians used to hunt Betazeds for meat.)

"Help! My 2nd Engineer wants to eat me!"
"What do you mean?"
"She's a Caitian!"
"She gave an Oath. Look, Hairball's a Caitian."
"Yes, but what if THIS one wants a promotion?"
"Good point. Do Caitians make good engineers?"
Mitheral Mitheral That would be funny, I caught that one when I was doing species research, but I had trouble finding a good layout for ranks thank you. If I'm reading what you said correctly, I will probably put her at Lt, given her history bare minimum makes the most sense. Honestly I feel like that could be extra funny with her because she is an orphan, so she might not even know until it's brought up to her face. Like, "Wow my direct superior smells really tasty. Let's just. Not think about that too much." Of course that might incidentally be even more alarming when discovered so maybe it's for the best. Unrelated, you might want to set up an OOC, plenty to chitchat about, and too many messages in the interest check can discourage interest sometimes.
Yeah, Roylan's rarely even leave their homeworld. Worse, they don't say much. James' squad was chosen for being NOT human ... species hard to work with. He was being challenged (set up to fail).

And agreed. I usually do. In fact, I may delete some of these posts after I do.
noil noil Not really too comfortable with the idea. Need to go back and read the description of characters design for this RP.

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