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Futuristic star Relic


For the greater good!
A simple rp where three races are fighting for a mysterious relic, for personal reasons. Each person will have a certain amount of points, to make their fleet. I am posting ships and races later.

Human- Average humans. Very good with close combat, and powerful ships.

Kholdian- Ancient Psionic Race. Fast ships, with long ranges.

Sodinar- Parasitic race, with unusual ships.


1. Only up to 7 warp points of your squad.

2. Only one warp per day.

3. All battles will be done by a simulator. If you die, you die.

4. Have fun...

5. There will be different taps for RPing, and combat.

Human ships:

Fighter- Simple ship, very sturdy, but horrible combat skills. 1 Warp point

Logistics Ship- Repair ship. Very fast, but no attack. 1 Warp point

Missile Frigate- Good armor, and damage, but bad speed. 3 Warp points

Defense Platform- Great armor, and Amazing damage, but bad range and speed. 4 Points

Juggernaut- Amazing armor, and amazing damage, okay speed, and good range. 7 Points

Kholdian Ships:

Aura- Fast ship, also ranged. Low HP. - 1 Warp point

Ion Core- Slow, but long ranged. Low HP. 1 Warp point.

Singularity- Fast transport. Is armed with a turret. 3 Warp points.

Phaser- Teleporting ship. Damages all enemies around. Good HP. - 5 Warp points.

Mothership- Large, and deadly ship. Fires in all directions. -7 Warp points.

Sodinar Ships:

Probe- Bad in all aspects, but supports some other ships. 1 Warp point

Nexus- Frigate with a AOE attack. Low HP. 2 Warp points.

Pulsar- Strange ship, that has no attack, but leaves fields of radiation. 3 Warp points.

Starcore- Gravity Well that messes up the field. Long ranged, and great HP. 4 Warp points.

Quasar- Special ship. Low attack, but the more probes, the more attack. High HP 6 Warp points.

Decide which ships you want. If you want exact stats, PM me.
Can I have a mix of all three race ships?

If so, then I would like two Ion Cores and a Defense Platform.
Oh... Well that ruined an otherwise fantastic combo. Now, let me see here. I'm a power and defense guy, so humans... How about four frigates and three logistics. Yeah, that should do it.
Easy? EASY!? You try defending against a fleet twice your size, you only having one capitol and a bunch of frigates and they have two with a wide variety of things that wanted my fleet to be a floating cloud of scrap metal. And the only warhammer game is Dawn of War, Dark Crusades.

And Blood Bowl I believe.
Personally, I only build carriers, and frigates. Battleships are overrated... I mean the warhammer 40k tabletop.

Try 1v7. My friends raged so much...
That's the only way to play. If I remember right, there was this one planet on a map that only had one connection, and that was an asteroid belt. I put so many turrets at the jump points, and two defensive fleets stationed there. It was beautiful.
I'd be very interested! But a question first, will there be interpersonal RP too? Like, will I have a character as captain of a squadron who would interact with the other captains and such?
7 Auras please

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-8_14-43-13.jpeg.be5bbc386dc5efc6d8bf041d873c1fc7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-8_14-43-13.jpeg.be5bbc386dc5efc6d8bf041d873c1fc7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Careful for asteroid fields! :3 Good, I'll make the thread. It will take a while, as I have an entire lore to this.

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