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The one who made Aerth
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A group of strangers stand hidden from view in the moonlight. Lanterns light the cobbled stone streets yet these people stand in the darkness behind a large building. A library to be exact. These strangers all stand here because of one man. Waboe Dalla has a dream, to see his goal complete though he would need help. A great number of tasks and trials stand in the way of this dream.

To help make this dream reality Waboe has assembled a team...

Seren Verrall-- a half elf boy with mana capable of manipulating metal, more impressive is his capability to manipulate people. From what Waboe has seen His boyish charm and good looks have drawn the lust from women and man alike... The boy has a brain for scams, with some practice and coaching Seren could be a excellent thief.

Verna Dunkil-- a Dwarf or half dwarf more likely as she looks more like a cute girl then a gruff woman, though her attire suggests one of hard work more than attempting to look good. A decent smith and opportunistic pick pocket, Waboe has heard from associates and underlings about a locksmith who uses technique rather then mana to open doors. This is rather impressive to intelligent people of the underbelly.

Vivia Quinn-- the flying Amber is a skilled acrobat and cunning thief, using telekinesis subtle enough to steal and strong enough to support her own weight she has great potential. Her good looks and showmanship prove she can hold a crowd, it's not to far a step to hold a targets attention.

Relyea deissar-- daughter of a noble with a knack for mischief, her criminal acts are thought to be for fun more then profit. Her family's name is well known in most human kingdoms... if willing she could possibly be a vital part of plans in the future.
Waboe has only rounded up his top choices and not actually recruited them proper... But seeing as a bunch of unfamiliar faces wait patiently. Either making small talk with each other or looking for this Mr Dee character. Seeing as all have arrived is a good start yea? Not like people show up for a job at night from pure boredom.

A wooden door unlocks from the library and the mysterious man who has invited our hero's steps out from the darkness wearing his signature purple robes with a sword at his hip. The white hair easily showing who this was.
"ladies and Mr Verrall, thank you for coming. For now you can call me Mr Dee"
The man smiles sly as he looks at everyone present.
"I just have a quick thing to say before any of you can leave...except you miss Dunkil, once you deliver that artefact you may do as you please"
The smile offered to the dwarf was sweeter then honey but it quickly turned back into one of smug curiosity.

"I feel its safe to say everyone here is a criminal in some shape or form. Be it petty theft or taking a life everyone here is guilty, but I'm not judging you for that. I'm giving you all one chance to walk away... I offer dangerous work that only promises two things."
The man speaks with a patient kind inviting tone, as if addressing children who need to listen But not wanting to cause fear in their hearts.
"The first promise is rewards, power, riches and pleasures in whatever way that means to you. Working for and with me means your life changes drastically.

The second promise is death, as I said this is dangerous work.. and I personally murder anyone I believe has crossed me."

Probably to casual how he speaks of murder and his confession of it.

"So if you walk away now and never speak of me or what has happened here you can forget all about this... But if you want to learn more, gain those prizes i speak of. Stand right here awaiting my test.. you all have a part to play"
Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy EmWiley0816 EmWiley0816 eyyliner eyyliner Alvaris Alvaris
I just want to apologise for the wait, I had such a first post typed and ready but somehow accidentally cleared it all and typing what I had again last night almost makes me want to cry.
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Verna rested her hand over her bag as she glanced at the others waiting. She learned long ago that appearances mean nothing and she judged those with more formal attire even more harshly. Before she got a good look at the others, even through the darkness, a click sounded, catching her attention. Verna's eyes traveled toward the large building in front of her as a door opened. Out stepped the man from earlier. She couldn't forget those white locks or the fact he called her little.

Alright, Mr. Dee. She was curious about what he wanted and why he'd gathered this group. When he said her name and gazed her in direction, she felt a chill move up her spine. He spoke and smiled too easily and casually for her to feel comfortable. At his next sentence she patted her bag, no one would steal from her. She was pretty good at reading people...well, her naturally suspicious nature saved her a few times and would keep her safe from the other criminals around her.

She smiled at his promise of riches and power. The only times she felt powerful were when people wanted things from her. Hardly anyone noticed a half-dwarf.

Death. Danger. Murder. She nodded along as he continued. Riches and power AND death and danger. Verna paused a moment. Wait. He said murder. His calm demeanor nearly made her overlook the fact he admitted he would murder someone. This boy was something else. However, the idea of riches and power piqued her interest. Death and danger weren't a hindrance, since she feared neither.

Verna moved where he told them to wait. The promise of adventure, riches, and glorious power weren't something she felt inclined to pass up. She pulled the small pouch out of her bag. She didn't like being tested, but she wanted to know what his next move us. What had the sly Mr. Dee planned for each of them and why was this pendant so important?
Relyea Deissar
Interacting with: Open
DnD Characters - Imgur

Relyea sighed, fiddling with her nails. The other women and the young boy had caught her eye once or twice but ever since arriving, it had been a quiet affair. The eye contact had been brief and non-confrontational but she knew what sort of light shined in their eyes. She knew exactly who these types of people were. She interacted with their sort every night, enjoying their depravity and their eager spirits.

Finally, after what felt like ages, a white head of hair emerged. Relyea turned her head, crossing her arms and leaning back on her heels. She knew the man—he had never given her a name but she still recalled that vindictive smile. His tone was sweet but his words were cruel, dripping with intent.

After he had finished, Relyea straighted subtly and glanced about. She wasn’t going to leave. The man intrigued her too much. Whatever his angle was, she was invested. Death wasn’t optimal—however, in their line of work, it could be expected from those you double-crossed.


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