St.Mary's Reform School for Teenagers


New Member
So here is the App:




Grade (7-12):

Why were you sent to reform school:



Appearance (Can be description or photo): 
Name: Alexis Eisenhower

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade (7-12): 11

Why were you sent to reform school: Brought a knife to school intending to kill ex-boyfriend

Personality: She is very snobby and loves clothing which is why she hates the school because she has to wear a uniform. She also likes painting and photography. She also wants romance and get very desperate at times for it.

Electives: Art,Photography

Appearance (Can be description or photo):

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Erin Sierra Stonem





Grade (7-12):


Why were you sent to reform school:

Attacked a student brutally, sending them to the hospital after being called a 'dyke.'


+Kind(when she wants to be), Humorous(her attitude), Sociable; -Snarky, Judgemental


Art, Photography



BubbleDiamondz said:


Erin Sierra Stonem





Grade (7-12):


Why were you sent to reform school:

Attacked a student brutally, sending them to the hospital after being called a 'dyke.'


+Kind(when she wants to be), Humorous(her attitude), Sociable; -Snarky, Judgemental


Art, Photography



Accepeted !
Torck said:
So here is the App:
Name: Cupicake, Nessa

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade (7-12): 12

Why were you sent to reform school: For consistently skipping school.

Personality: She is carefree, funny and acts childish.

Electives: Drama and music.

Appearance (Can be description or photo): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/babygoth.jpg.66c4d8337561bd60e6cd09123a24f553.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15722" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/babygoth.jpg.66c4d8337561bd60e6cd09123a24f553.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Name: Elena Lesterway

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Why you were sent to reform school: Her parents wanted to prevent bad behavior which her brother possessed and still does

Personality: Caring, clumsy, funny, smart, loves music

Electives: Drama and music


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/5.jpg.e42242dc071a139d4bcbfeca3dc06357.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/5.jpg.e42242dc071a139d4bcbfeca3dc06357.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vampirelovee said:
Name: Emily Lesterway
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Why you were sent to reform school: Her parents wanted to prevent bad behavior which her brother possessed and still does

Personality: Caring, clumsy, funny, smart, loves music

Electives: Drama and music


View attachment 46320
Accepted !
Name: Evan Mills.

Age: 15.

Grade: 10th.

Electives: Religious education, Art.

Reason for being in reformed school: got errornously convicted of being involved in the harassement of an old, demented lady in his neighbourhood. Whilst he did have a minor quarrel with her, involving him calling het an "old cow", he had nothing to do with the two teens who broke into her house and robbed her. His strict patents however felt like they were losing control over him and sent him to St. Mary's.

Character: Evan is rather upset at being treated so and instead of working hard to get out of this hellhole, has only displayed a disastrous ability to get in trouble. Though not particularly loud, he will make his voice heard, unless it comes to love. Secretly, he has a crush on a girl in one of the grades above him...

Appearance: Standing about 5"8 tall, Evan is of average height for his age. His short, slick black hair barely touches his forehead and his blue eyes seem to lay deeper in his skull because of his high cheekbones. Even though there is little time for it, Evan does put some effort into looking fashionable.

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Macaberz said:
Name: Evan Mills.
Age: 15.

Grade: 10th.

Electives: Religious education, Art.

Reason for being in reformed school: got errornously convicted of being involved in the harassement of an old, demented lady in his neighbourhood. Whilst he did have a minor quarrel with her, involving him calling het an "old cow", he had nothing to do with the two trends so broke into her house and robbed her. His strict patents however felt like they were losing control overt him and sent him to St. Mary's.

Character: Evan is rather upset at being treated so and instead of working hard to get out of this hellhole, has only displayed a disastrous ability to get in trouble. Though not particularly loud, he will make his voice heard, unless it comes to love. Secretly, he has a crush on a girl in one of the grades above him...

Appearance: Standing about 5"8 tall, Evan is of average height for his age. His short, slick black hair barely touches his forehead and his blue eyes seem to lay deeper in his skull because of his high cheekbones. Even though there is little time for it, Evan does put some effort into looking fashionable.

(I will find a picture soon! )
Accepted !
In case it is needed, I can take on a few teacher roles as well. Perhaps, I was thinking, there could be one teacher who isn't as bad and actually helps his students out in small ways. @Torck thoughts?
Name: Melody (Millie) Donovan

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade (7-12): 10

Why were you sent to reform school: After the diagnosis and death of her younger sister, Millie was caught four times stealing from multiple stores. She also got tattoos and piercings without permission, staging her older friend as her parent. Knowing that her sister was most likely the cause of her acting out, her parents didn't feel comfortable actually punishing her, so sending her to reform school was the easiest way to "help things along" with her healing process.

Personality: A strange sort of apathetic, though she doesn't care about a lot of things, she cares deeply for close relationships. Things like school and drama, which she used to be very interested in, now seem very far off. She likes to laugh and is very playful. She's smart, but she doesn't like to admit to it. She tries to be cool tempered, and most of the time it works. She also tends to take things that aren't hers since her sister died, which was the main problem to begin with.

Electives: Photography, Cooking

Appearance (Can be description or photo): Tattoo on her wrist reads: "All things must come to pass." Three piercings - Earlobes, Industrial on right ear, and naval.

Name: Riley Mervile

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade (7-12): 12

Why were you sent to reform school: antisocial behavior, smoking pot, doing drugs, and getting into fights.

Personality: absolutely loves 2 things music and her laptop. Very antisocial, yet somewhat of an attention seeker. It's a conundrum that she doesn't even understand herself. She's known to everyone as that weird indie chick that likes obscure music and unusual hobbies.

Electives: Computers and Photography.

Appearance (Can be description or photo):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/bobbieM.jpg.e954b8f85cfaa26d4556e9b4c1c0613a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/bobbieM.jpg.e954b8f85cfaa26d4556e9b4c1c0613a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ziv Allen Nash

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade (7-12): 12th

Why were you sent to reform school: He was sent to reform school after he got kicked out of his old school when he was caught taking exams for other students in exchange for money. After he was expelled, his mother thought best to send him to a strict learning place – even though they don’t have much money, she tries to do the best for her kids.

Personality: He has the type of confidence about himself that makes him mainly indifferent to other people’s thoughts – this is one of the reasons why he does things that get him in trouble sometimes, he doesn’t really care about the way he’s perceived. He usually keeps to himself, why waste words with people he doesn’t care about? He loves his mother and his twin sister, and he was hurt by having to part from them. Doesn’t have “close” friends back at home, but doesn’t mind it. He’s a smart kid and he likes discussing ideas and concepts and he reads deep books – most people don’t know that last part, not because he hides it, just because he doesn0t brag. He’s respectful towards others as long as they don’t mind his business. His dad left when his mom was pregnant, and he also has a hard time trusting people. He’s a wasted talent kind of person, and good at many things – although he thinks his just going to wind up in jail anyway.

Electives: Computer Programming, Art

Appearance (Can be description or photo): Two rings on the left ear, blondish/light brown hair as seen in the picture and hazel green eyes. On the short side - 5'7.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0511fc5_SCOTTTERRALL.jpg.a88afff9a42a9568813f3f74b713870d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0511fc5_SCOTTTERRALL.jpg.a88afff9a42a9568813f3f74b713870d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Diana (Die) Josie Vance

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade (7-12): 11th

Why were you sent to reform school: Her parents thought that her social life and her boyfriend at home were distracting her from her dance – she started doing ballet when little and has moved on to be a jazz dancer. Since she was small she’s been practicing to be a part of a dance company. They thought she would never get ahead of the other girls and get a job as a professional dancer unless she was at a place where she would have to be applied.

Personality: She’s a girl with a mysterious vibe, although she talks a lot – she manages to keep a charm of unpredictability that makes you never know what she will do next or what mood she’ll be in. She’s always a top student at most subjects because she studies a lot, even though she doesn’t pay attention in class. She’s an only child to parents who have a significant amount of money – they overprotect her. She takes life lightly and laughs a lot, even though she’s a sarcastic darkish person on the inside. She’s extremely good at manipulating people and at making them feel like they’re her best friends – even when they’re not at all. Hardly ever worries – and never ever shows it. At home, was very popular and had a string of lovers – she tried constantly to rebel in a nonchalant way, so although she always looked like a little girl to her mom and dad, she drank, she smoked, had relationships, had sex and wasn’t naïve at all.

Electives: Gym, Art

Appearance (Can be description or photo): natural hair color, a skinny girl by nature and by exercise, hidden navel piercing, elbow long hair and seaish-blue eyes. Also 5'7.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/16.jpg.ec6eb1a6bab97c52a276be6db9a607bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/16.jpg.ec6eb1a6bab97c52a276be6db9a607bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jamie Stonefall

Age: 16

Gender: male

Grade (7-12): 10

Why were you sent to reform school: Stole the principal's car and did donuts in the staff parking lot.

Personality: Rebellious, social, Athletic, Artistic

Electives: Gym, Art

Appearance (Can be description or photo):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-29_12-42-18.jpeg.86816203f083e4e088bd266642d3cbf5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-29_12-42-18.jpeg.86816203f083e4e088bd266642d3cbf5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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