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Fantasy St. Lucifer's school of the gifted


The fallen angel.
Character sheet




Race of monster:

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):




Year in school:


Any other important details:
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Name: Elch

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race of monster: Angel born in oblivion

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well): 6'1 173 pounds

Personality: Kind, headstrong, and overall a smartass

Sexuality: pansexual

Stereotype: rule breaker

Year in school: 1

Bio: An angel born in the realm between heaven hell and Earth. He was raised by no one and found by a group of demons who brought him here.

Any other important details: none
Will Add BBCode later.


(You did say realistic correct?, Anyway she's the one with the hat.)

Name: Dianna Lo'Kale

Age: Technically she is 11, Like her sister.

Height: 4'8 Weight: 86 LBS

Race: (Demon) Twin Terrors

Stereotype: Book Worm/Nerd/Loner.

Year in School: One


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: Two Way Telepathics: Can talk to each other mentally and only each other.

Can change their age from 11 to 17.

(The one with the Black Bow.)
And her power that she does not share with her sister is the ability to transfer her power into other objects such as stones or gem/Jewels.



(You did say realistic correct?, Anyway she's the one without the hat.)

Name: Opal Lo'Kale

Age: Technically she is 11, Like her sister.

Height: 4'8 Weight: 86 LBS

Race: (Demon) Twin Terrors

Stereotype: Social Butterfly.

Year in School: One


Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers: Two Way Telepathics: Can talk to each other mentally and only each other.

Can change their age from 11 to 17.

(The one with the green hat.)
And her power that she does not share with her sister is the ability to create swords out of thin air and control them.


(I hope this is okay?)
Character sheet




Race of monster:werewolf

Description(Realistic,height,weight as all):5'0,120 lbs<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.10101f4cf7c584388fcf5967534137c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg.10101f4cf7c584388fcf5967534137c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Outgoingly shy shes very shy at first but once she gets to know you and start talking she doesnt stop. Shes sweet but sarcastic and snappy when she's upset,very fun loving and acts childish sometimes when shes excited, gets really hyper sometimes for no reason as well.


Stereotype:Sweet pushover

Year in school:Senior

Bio:Echo was born into the Black oak pack which was normally the wolves in this pack are midnight black but unlike the rest of her pack she was a snow white wolf with blue eyes, as it was unnerving to the other wolves she was sent to this school unlike the rest of her pack who study at home. She is the alphas daughter as well which means that she has different powers unlike the rest of the pack as well.

Any other important details:she can turn herself into a wold at will and can telepathically talk to other wolves around her also very good with animals.

any other important details:
this is her wolf form which is smaller than most shes much different in her wolf form shes more aggressive then she usually is.



  • tumblr_n6ielt3JI21qeo244o1_500.jpg
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LilyannaGaming said:
Will Add BBCode later.


(You did say realistic correct?, Anyway she's the one with the hat.)

Name: Dianna Lo'Kale

Age: Technically she is 11, Like her sister.

Height: 4'8 Weight: 86 LBS

Race: (Demon) Twin Terrors

Stereotype: Book Worm/Nerd/Loner.

Year in School: One


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Powers: Two Way Telepathics: Can talk to each other mentally and only each other.

Can change their age from 11 to 17.

(The one with the Black Bow.)
And her power that she does not share with her sister is the ability to transfer her power into other objects such as stones or gem/Jewels.



(You did say realistic correct?, Anyway she's the one without the hat.)

Name: Opal Lo'Kale

Age: Technically she is 11, Like her sister.

Height: 4'8 Weight: 86 LBS

Race: (Demon) Twin Terrors

Stereotype: Social Butterfly.

Year in School: One


Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers: Two Way Telepathics: Can talk to each other mentally and only each other.

Can change their age from 11 to 17.

(The one with the green hat.)
And her power that she does not share with her sister is the ability to create swords out of thin air and control them.


(I hope this is okay?)
exactly what i wanted accepted!
Nathan22 said:
Name: Elch
Age: 17

Gender: male

Race of monster: Angel born in oblivion

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well): 6'1 173 pounds

Personality: Kind, headstrong, and overall a smartass

Sexuality: pansexual

Stereotype: rule breaker

Year in school: 1

Bio: An angel born in the realm between heaven hell and Earth. He was raised by no one and found by a group of demons who brought him here.

Any other important details: none
Accepted but can you find a more realistic picture?




"I may look calm. But in my head I've killed you three times."


Cold, calm, and totally an awkward turtle are perfect ways to describe Wren. She keeps an indifferent mask close and tends to hide behind a sassy attitude and witty remarks. Her tendency to act childish gets her into constant trouble and her own icy exterior sometimes only adds to her list of problems. Wren has a bit of a temper and is easily frustrated despite her original appearance. While maybe a bit hard to approach, Wren is generally a friendly person and does not mind going out of her way to help others. Her past experiences, however have kept her closed off to other people.

When Kathryn Mikhailov was less than fourteen years old, she was involved in a major car accident. By the time anyone noticed, it had been around 6 hours. During those 6 long hours, Wren's father slowly died from internal bleeding while her mother had been instantly killed on impact. Traumatized by the event, Wren was left with some emotional scaring that caused her to avoid getting to close to people in fear that they would leave her. A family friend and her adoptive father, took in the distraught teen and did their best to raise her as their own. When Wren was fifteen, she had a incident at school with another kid. As a result her abilities as a Witch manifested themselves to an extent that she couldn't control. It was also around this time when Wren began to notice how different she was from the other kids her age. And it wasn't until her forced enrollment in St. Lucifer's that she was told of the other races besides humans.



Full Name: Kathryn Harper Mikhailov

Age: 16

Year: Junior

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Supernatural Creature: Witch

Stereotype: Ice Queen

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 150 lbs





Ends declarative sentences with an interrogative inflection?

Makes up random lies about unimportant things for no reason.

Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.

When stressed or lying, speaks from the corner of her mouth.

Draws random doodles on anything in front of her and always carries a pen or pencil to facilitate this habit.



L I K E S & D I S L I K E S


Likes/ Dislikes:

Marshmellows / Tomatos

Dogs / Cats

Rain / Thunder

Coffee / Tea

Adventure / Boredom

Drawing & Music / Dancing





Being left by those she loves






  • OKwyh7n.jpg


    Aeryn Keller





    Race of monster:





    60kg / 9.4 stone


    Aeryn, for the most part, is a quiet individual. She tends to keep herself to herself, but her sister tries to conquer this and bring her out of her shell. Aeryn is also intelligent, as well as devoted to music and the art of spellcraft. She enjoys crafting spells and altering typical elvish magic to suit her own tastes. She's naive, almost childlike, and innocent. She's as pure as she appears to be. Although she's been perceived as beautiful by many, Aeryn doesn't see this. Aeryn is also devoted to the studies of healing and magic. Her biggest hobby is reading poetry and literature, but she only reads classical literature as it appeals more to her. This is followed by music. Aeryn plays guitar and piano, as well as singing. She tend to carry her guitar with her everywhere.


    Bisexual, prefers same sex.


    Music Nerd/Band Geek

    Year in school:



    Aeryn's parents were both druids, but they were very low down. Their children were raised in their druid ways, and as such Aeryn became a druid bard, despite being an elf. Her father was an elf, and mother was a nymph. As such, Aeryn got more of her fathers elvish genetics, thus resulting in her being an elf. When she was being raised, Aeryn showed a natural affinity for music and poetry, thus resulting in her becoming a bard. Everything she learned as a druid she stores in her memory, having learned everything from oral teachings.

    Any other important details:

    As a druid, Aeryn has magic. However, she uses her magic through song. She sings enchantments, healing spells and anything else she knows, besides reciting poetry and other works of art that take her fancy.

    Aeryn always carries around a copy of Leaves of Grass, as well as an thick volume of ancient elvish spells, enchantments, potions, and medicines.

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Hell0NHighWater said:




"I may look calm. But in my head I've killed you three times."


Cold, calm, and totally an awkward turtle are perfect ways to describe Wren. She keeps an indifferent mask close and tends to hide behind a sassy attitude and witty remarks. Her tendency to act childish gets her into constant trouble and her own icy exterior sometimes only adds to her list of problems. Wren has a bit of a temper and is easily frustrated despite her original appearance. While maybe a bit hard to approach, Wren is generally a friendly person and does not mind going out of her way to help others. Her past experiences, however have kept her closed off to other people.

When Kathryn Mikhailov was less than fourteen years old, she was involved in a major car accident. By the time anyone noticed, it had been around 6 hours. During those 6 long hours, Wren's father slowly died from internal bleeding while her mother had been instantly killed on impact. Traumatized by the event, Wren was left with some emotional scaring that caused her to avoid getting to close to people in fear that they would leave her. A family friend and her adoptive father, took in the distraught teen and did their best to raise her as their own. When Wren was fifteen, she had a incident at school with another kid. As a result her abilities as a Witch manifested themselves to an extent that she couldn't control. It was also around this time when Wren began to notice how different she was from the other kids her age. And it wasn't until her forced enrollment in St. Lucifer's that she was told of the other races besides humans.



Full Name: Kathryn Harper Mikhailov

Age: 16

Year: Junior

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Supernatural Creature: Witch

Stereotype: Ice Queen

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 150 lbs





Ends declarative sentences with an interrogative inflection?

Makes up random lies about unimportant things for no reason.

Writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.

When stressed or lying, speaks from the corner of her mouth.

Draws random doodles on anything in front of her and always carries a pen or pencil to facilitate this habit.



L I K E S & D I S L I K E S


Likes/ Dislikes:

Marshmellows / Tomatos

Dogs / Cats

Rain / Thunder

Coffee / Tea

Adventure / Boredom

Drawing & Music / Dancing





Being left by those she loves





Kaera said:

  • OKwyh7n.jpg


    Aeryn Keller





    Race of monster:





    60kg / 9.4 stone


    Aeryn, for the most part, is a quiet individual. She tends to keep herself to herself, but her sister tries to conquer this and bring her out of her shell. Aeryn is also intelligent, as well as devoted to music and the art of spellcraft. She enjoys crafting spells and altering typical elvish magic to suit her own tastes. She's naive, almost childlike, and innocent. She's as pure as she appears to be. Although she's been perceived as beautiful by many, Aeryn doesn't see this. Aeryn is also devoted to the studies of healing and magic. Her biggest hobby is reading poetry and literature, but she only reads classical literature as it appeals more to her. This is followed by music. Aeryn plays guitar and piano, as well as singing. She tend to carry her guitar with her everywhere.


    Bisexual, prefers same sex.


    Music Nerd/Band Geek

    Year in school:



    Aeryn's parents were both druids, but they were very low down. Their children were raised in their druid ways, and as such Aeryn became a druid bard, despite being an elf. Her father was an elf, and mother was a nymph. As such, Aeryn got more of her fathers elvish genetics, thus resulting in her being an elf. When she was being raised, Aeryn showed a natural affinity for music and poetry, thus resulting in her becoming a bard. Everything she learned as a druid she stores in her memory, having learned everything from oral teachings.

    Any other important details:

    As a druid, Aeryn has magic. However, she uses her magic through song. She sings enchantments, healing spells and anything else she knows, besides reciting poetry and other works of art that take her fancy.

    Aeryn always carries around a copy of Leaves of Grass, as well as an thick volume of ancient elvish spells, enchantments, potions, and medicines.




Race of monster:Faerie

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb702f8ce_redhairgirl.jpg.384382f85e49c77c50455e9a7b0fd5ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140290" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb702f8ce_redhairgirl.jpg.384382f85e49c77c50455e9a7b0fd5ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 5'3, 117, her eyes being almost the color of glass

Personality:Due to her origin of her being a faerie she is known for her beauty of the angel and her maleviolence of the demon,while she always exactly follow the letter of any promise she has made, she delivers her results of her promise with great irony, and often uses clever wordplay to her advantage in order to create loopholes. she uses her cunning and cruel sense of humor to her advantage to trick other people for fun or just a good laugh,she frequently seeks to make a deal with someone offering someone their heart's desire but failing to mention that the desire comes with a terrible cost,she is also unable to lie due to being half angel. She may, however, tell what they believe is true, even if it is not. She may also expertly weave lies into sentences by using methods such as not telling the whole truth, letting others assume things, or not correcting the people with whom She's speaking. She is occasionally rude but very outgoing shes a sarcastic and witty person but doesnt care much about her grades or other peoples feelings.


Stereotype:liar, bends the rules to her will but acts seemingly sweet, rulebreaker but usually gets away with it

Year in school:1

Bio:because her mother and father were never around due to her father being an angel and her mother a demon she grew up around other fey(nick name for the fareies also known as fare folk) therefore was taught to be just as manipulative as them, she looks a lot older than she really is because she is able to change her form at will keeping only her hair color, eyes, and pale skin which can not change even if she tried.

Any other important details:She does not turn tiny! sorry just thought i should add that

Any special things about her:She is terrified of peace and calm she needs chaos or it irritates her and shes extremely scared to fall in love with someone.



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Nathan22 said:
I'm still waiting for approval from rpn on my pic. Sorry(>:<)
okay well youre welcome to start posting until then, i only need the realistic picture so i can get more of an idea of what youre character looks like


Ashley Ven





Race of monster:


Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):






Usually goes as high as 5'2, but the full body length is approximately 19 feet.


About 440 lbs


Um...teenage girl...Yeahhhhh. Usually wanting to attack you instead of talking it out, likes being in power. She never hurts her friends though, in fact she's really nice if you get to know her better.




That one edgy girl.

Year in school:

First year

Bio: Well her life in school wasn't easy, with her race being one of the most hated out there. She didn't do all that well gradewise and almost didn't make it to the high school. Not much else is known about her past other than a caring mother. She found the high school as "the only place safe for her" even though that might not be true.

Any other important details: Yeah I couldn't find any more realistic lamia pictures(Hmm I wonder why). Well at least it isn't a description with 7 essays describing everything. She doesn't have any powers other than what she can do with her body(Half snake).

And props to you if you know who the girl really is.
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Name: Kuro

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race of monster: Vampire

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well): 6'0 150 lbs

Personality: Kuro is generally a composed person, though he can be very protective of his friends. He sports a scary aura that makes most of the students wary of him. Kuro can also glare in a way that even toughest of students call scary. Being the genius he is, he doesn't see the point in doing work or paying attention, and is often seen in detention for telling the teacher just that. However, his innate nature is to others, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance. And even though he seems like a cold person, he is a big softy at heart. Kuro even resorts to eating tablets and sucking the red out of things so that he doesn't have drink blood. Despite his efforts, Kuro can't resist his urges to suck blood all of the time.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Bad Boy

Year in school: Senior

Bio: Kuro comes from a family of really strong vampires. His family is arguably the strongest family of vampires out there. Because of this, Kuro's parents always forced him into being the perfect vampire. He had to always be at the top his class, he had to do extra homework and training to be a proper vampire. Kuro's parents shaped him to be the best vampire to ever live, but there was one thing that was stopping him. He wouldn't drink blood unless he was being starved or his urges to suck blood became to much for him. Kuro's parents were ashamed of him for that. And when it was time for him to prove that he was the best vampire, he wouldn't suck blood so his mom sent him off to the school so that his dad didn't have to see his disappointment of a son anymore.

Any other important details: Kuro's eyes turn blood red when he succumbs to his urges to suck blood.
Name: Dave Crooked


Gender: Male

Race of monster: Half Human, Half Shadow

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well): 5"11, 154 lbs.

Personality: Pretty cheerful, usually is the first one to talk to you when you're the new kid around. Although still haunted by his past, he tries to make the best out of life, and give everyone the happiness he just can't fully grasp. Is usually pretty nice but with a big mouth, which may cause altercates with his friends given he takes mostly everything as a joke.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but can appreciate every person's attractiveness.

Stereotype: Sarcastic witty character

Year in school: Sophomore

Bio: Dave was a normal kid, a happy guy who went on his business while trying to be nice to everyone. Everything changed when, during a party he agreed to be part of a dark ritual, which took a wrong turn and caused his inner demons to take a physical form and him blacking out. When he woke up in a pool of the guest's blood, he knew he had to escape this city and leave everything behind.

Trailing around the world, he was drawn into the school, where maybe he would be able to put "Umbra" to good use, and control it's murderous intent.

Any other important details: He's followed around by his shadow "Umbra", which given the situation can bring out the worst in him, coming as far as to him randomly wanting to see his friend's insides, it is also his main form of attack.

He won't show his face until he feels he's redeemed himself for Umbra's senseless murders at the party way back then.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/198967-40167.jpg.366243e68dcb8598543c5b8c4032b0fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/198967-40167.jpg.366243e68dcb8598543c5b8c4032b0fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TheOnlyCatbug said:


Ashley Ven





Race of monster:


Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):





Usually goes as high as 5'2, but the full body length is approximately 15 feet.


About 230 lbs


Um...teenage girl...Yeahhhhh. Usually wanting to attack you instead of talking it out, likes being in power. She never hurts her friends though, in fact she's really nice if you get to know her better.




That one edgy girl.

Year in school:

First year

Bio: Well her life in school wasn't easy, with her race being one of the most hated out there. She didn't do all that well gradewise and almost didn't make it to the high school. Not much else is known about her past other than a caring mother. She found the high school as "the only place safe for her" even though that might not be true.

Any other important details: Yeah I couldn't find any more realistic lamia pictures(Hmm I wonder why). Well at least it isn't a description with 7 essays describing everything.

And props to you if you know who the girl really is.

Hello there. I understand it would be hard to find such pictures, but im sure you should be fine ;~; . but for the sake of others could you please specify the powers you have? i mean im not Gm or anything, but it makes things easier for those with powers for everyone to know. So theres no random " SHe conjured a fire ball and the later "She shot a bolt at lighting at the boy"


Personality: Kuro is generally a composed person, though he can be very protective of his friends. He sports a scary aura that makes most of the students wary of him. Kuro can also glare in a way that even toughest of students call scary. Being the genius he is, he doesn't see the point in doing work or paying attention, and is often seen in detention for telling the teacher just that. However, his innate nature is to others, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance. And even though he seems like a cold person, he is a big softy at heart. Kuro even resorts to eating tablets and sucking the red out of things so that he doesn't have drink blood. Despite his efforts, Kuro can't resist his urges to suck blood all of the time.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Stereotype: Bad Boy

Year in school: Senior

Bio: Kuro comes from a family of really strong vampires. His family is arguably the strongest family of vampires out there. Because of this, Kuro's parents always forced him into being the perfect vampire. He had to always be at the top his class, he had to do extra homework and training to be a proper vampire. Kuro's parents shaped him to be the best vampire to ever live, but there was one thing that was stopping him. He wouldn't drink blood unless he was being starved or his urges to suck blood became to much for him. Kuro's parents were ashamed of him for that. And when it was time for him to prove that he was the best vampire, he wouldn't suck blood so his mom sent him off to the school so that his dad didn't have to see his disappointment of a son anymore.

Any other important details: Kuro's eyes turn blood red when he succumbs to his urges to suck blood.
Ahh Vamps. Could you specify any inhacement's your race has? Such as agility or speed?

SmokedTowers said:
Name: Dave Crooked

Gender: Male

Race of monster: Half Human, Half Shadow

Description(Realistic,height,weight as well):

Personality: Pretty cheerful, usually is the first one to talk to you when you're the new kid around. Although still haunted by his past, he tries to make the best out of life, and give everyone the happiness he just can't fully grasp. Is usually pretty nice but with a big mouth, which may cause altercates with his friends given he takes mostly everything as a joke.

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but can appreciate every person's attractiveness.

Stereotype: Sarcastic witty character

Year in school: Sophomore

Bio: Dave was a normal kid, a happy guy who went on his business while trying to be nice to everyone. Everything changed when, during a party he agreed to be part of a dark ritual, which took a wrong turn and caused his inner demons to take a physical form and him blacking out. When he woke up in a pool of the guest's blood, he knew he had to escape this city and leave everything behind.

Trailing around the world, he was drawn into the school, where maybe he would be able to put "Umbra" to good use, and control it's murderous intent.

Any other important details: He's followed around by his shadow "Umbra", which given the situation can bring out the worst in him, coming as far as to him randomly wanting to see his friend's insides, it is also his main form of attack.

He won't show his face until he feels he's redeemed himself for Umbra's senseless murders at the party way back then.
It looks good to me. Wait until the GM accepts you. Though when you say 'demon' would you specify it? is it a mental form? Can others see it? How does it act? simple description.
LilyannaGaming said:
Hello there. I understand it would be hard to find such pictures, but im sure you should be fine ;~; \. but for the sake of others could you please specify the powers you have? i mean im not Gm or anything, but it makes things easier for those with powers for everyone to know. So theres no random " SHe conjured a fire ball and the later "She shot a bolt at lighting at the boy"
Um...can she have NO powers. I would've said if she did...but if you insist.
LilyannaGaming said:
Hello there. I understand it would be hard to find such pictures, but im sure you should be fine ;~; \. but for the sake of others could you please specify the powers you have? i mean im not Gm or anything, but it makes things easier for those with powers for everyone to know. So theres no random " SHe conjured a fire ball and the later "She shot a bolt at lighting at the boy"
Ahh Vamps. Could you specify any inhacement's your race has? Such as agility or speed?

It looks good to me. Wait until the GM accepts you. Though when you say 'demon' would you specify it? is it a mental form? Can others see it? How does it act? simple description.
Ah! Sorry if I sounded too confusing. So the gist of it is that his shadow can sometimes take a physical form, usually when he has a very strong emotion. Yes, others can see it. Now my original idea was that Umbra (the shadow in it's physical form) was going to be sort of a very exaggerated and sometimes downright nasty version of himself, but I'm kind of new to this whole roleplay thing and I don't know if that would be against some rule or something? So right now it's just a mute form of attack. The shadow has two big white eyes and a huge smile at all times.

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