Spitekill Info/Story


New Member
Once a year, Artemis Creore collects everyone with the ability. "Spitekills", they call themselves. They are children who are abused, both verbally and physically. Their mind develops abilities to defend against this - Creating clones to take the abuse, and only the image appears on the real body, or being able to do things in a trance-like state to defend against the words. Artemis Creore believes the reason children develop these abilities is because they are supposed to be great. He teaches them, and they go off to do whatever they do in life. They have all become great people. However, one day, a mercenary group from another land hears about these Spitekills and they believe it is witchcraft. And all witchcraft must be exterminated. You must defend yourself from this mercenary group, known as the Shield of Chromacy.

It has been years since the initial attack. Both groups are at an even - the Shield of Chromacy has better training in combat, but the Spitekills' abilities make that moot. However, the Spitekills have a secret weapon, one they've hidden since the first day: Artemis Creore. They lead the Shield to believe they were a society of runaways, pickpockets and thieves. Artemis Creore has an ability like none other: Umbrakinetic. His parents, having been thieves, forced him to do dirty work for them. He developed umbrakineticy, and one day, just hid. While he should have been in plain sight, the shadows folded, they hid. They hid Artemis. Artemis plans to enshadow the entire force, get them into the Shield's headquarters. From there, though - nobody has any idea what will go down.

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