Spitekill Characters


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~~~ Name

~~~ Age

~~~ Gender

~~~ Bio (Small bio required.)

~~~ Personality

~~~ Spitekill ability (must conform with bio.)

~~~ Description or image

~~~ Extra

~~~ Athletic/Scholar (Melee or magic fighter)

~~~Example (Also my character)~~~

Artemis "Blinder" Reave


PINEAP- Not what type of fruit he is? Oh. Okay. Male.

Born and raised in a way that was good for him, when he was eleven, his parents started controlling him, becoming overbearing. He resented them for it. He found, one day, he had the ability to control light. He used this, one day, while he was escaping. He left a blinding flash of light as he left with Artemis Creole, when he was twelve. He has been training as a Scholar for the past three years.

Always calm and conservative, not much of a talker. Few friends, prefers his books over people.

Ability to control light/make books that allow people to control light like him for short periods of time. The books wear out over time.

Generally wears black shorts, that fall just above his knees. The have white and red designs of intertwining serpents. Wears matching black shirts, often designless, though sometimes he will wear a Volcom shirt or a Warriors cats shirt. Has longish black hair, falling around his shoulders, however he often puts it in a ponytail, so as not to get in his eyes. When he's wearing it loose, don't get in his way, or else you might just get that crazy flash of light in your eyes. Wears grey and black hightops with red laces. Also wears a fedora.

Left handed.


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