Spirit: Tintanabula, Sixth Keeper of the Mistral

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Ten Thousand Club
Author:  emhache

Tintanabula, Sixth Keeper of the Mistral

Description:  Sometimes, when the stars conspire against the people of the great southern cities, an ill wind blows.  It rushes in from the oceans, sweeps up the mountainsides, and collects heat beneath the burning desert sun.  It then blows down the other side of the mountain and over the villages and cities below.  The people of the South know to stay indoors when the oppressive wind, called the mistral, foehn or sirocco, washes over them.  The hot winds foster an almost tangible feeling of dread.  Animals act strangely and men are prone to fits of lunacy.  What’s worse, the muscular winds pick up the desert sands.  Sandstorms invariably follow in the sirocco’s wake.

The Court of Seasons charges six wind spirits with keeping the southern wind and releasing it at times dictated by the Celestial Monitors.  When the Monitors deem it time for a mistral to blow, the spirits will gather the winds from the ocean, usher them up the mountains, and clear the clouds so that the sun will heat the air properly.  The six sisters then ride the sirocco on its destructive path, taking ecstatic joy in the wind’s power.

Tintanabula, the sixth keeper of the mistral, is perhaps the most tempestuous of a very rowdy family of spirits.  She delights in materializing when the mistral reaches the open desert and whips the sand around like tiny shards of deadly glass.  Mortals unfortunate enough to travel the desert during these times will see her translucent figure only by the space between the flying particles of sand, dancing like a whirling dervish in the midst of chaos.  She has the torso of a voluptuous but muscular woman with long, untamed hair that gets caught in the strong winds.  Her lower half is a cyclone that twists without end.  Her entire form has the appearance of being made of motes of dust and sand caught in a cyclone.  The places she materializes are invariably the most violent areas of the sandstorm, and thus mortals who see her rarely live to tell the tale, although their demise does not come from Tintanabula's ire.

The Six Keepers of the Mistral were well-known spirits in the First Age.  Although tempermental, they were obedient to their superiors and only unleashed their dreadful wind when requested.  For this reason Tintanabula was chosen to keep part of the Salinan Working.  She has proved a good choice, performing more or less the same role she has since the First Age.  Twelve words of power have been written into the core of her being, and she can teach the Terrestrial Circle spells Stormwind Rider, Empathic Wind, and Flight of the Brilliant Raptor to anyone who can deliver her favorite food: dreamstones filled with the memories of Imperial couresan-dancers.  If Tintanabula is slain, the sigils will remain for only a few moments before their mystical essences are spread to each corner of Creation.  In this even, the Storyteller should select one of the three spells listed above.  Canny sorcerers can listen to the whispers of the wind and discover the secrets to this spell with a Wits + Occult roll, difficulty 5.  They can then master this spell after the proper training time and experience expenditure.

Recently, a rogue Sidereal Exalted known as the spirit-catcher Koi managed to snatch Tintanabula into a shard of yasal and sold that shard to the Guild.  The Guild commissioned the capture of Tintanbula for the Perfect of Paragon, so that the oppressive winds might cease.  Unfortunately, the ship containing Tintanabula's yasal shard and various other precious gems was waylaid by the Lintha.  The Celestial Bureaucracy has been searching for this yasal shard frantically, for as long as Tintanabula is gone no siroccos will rise.  

Nature: Thrillseeker

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 6

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 4

Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 6, Awareness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 6, Endurance 3, Occult 2 (Sorcery +2) , Performance 3 (Dancing +3), Presence 4, Ride 1 (Wind +3), Socialize 3

Backgrounds: Backing (Celestial Bureaucracy) 3, Allies (The Keepers of the Mistral) 3, Cult 3

Charms: Affinity Element Control (Air), Element Control, Principle of Motion, Materialize, Hurry Home, Sandstorm, Gathering the Ill Wind

Base Initiative: 12


Punch: Speed 12 Accuracy 11 Damage 5L Defense 11

Dodge Pool: 12 Soak: 8L/16B (skin)

Willpower: 6


Health Levels:

-0 â–¡â–¡â–¡

-1 â–¡â–¡â–¡

-2 â–¡â–¡â–¡

-4 â–¡

Incap. â–¡

Essence: 5

Essence Pool: 86

Other Notes: If released from her yasal prison, Tintanabula will explode forth with a Sandstorm and then use Gathering the Ill Wind against the first person she sees.  She has the power to call her five sisters to her side and they can travel anywhere in Creation in a matter of minutes.  All Keepers of the Mistral will have statistics more or less identical to Tintanabula, aside from their Natures and Virtues.


Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: Five turns

Type: Simple

Minimum Valor: 3

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Element Control

This charm allows an angry spirit to create a vortex of sand and wind, 30 yards in radius, 10 yards high, centered around itself.  The spirit suffers no ill effects from this sandstorm but all others take environmental damage.  The sandstorm created by this charm is much more dangerous and focused than a normal sandstorm, having the following stats: Diff. 2 to resist, resisted 1L failed 3L, interval 1 turn.

Gathering the Ill Wind

Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Only the Six Keepers of the Mistral know this charm.  With it, Tintanabula can concentrate the wrath of the sirocco in a cone-shaped area of effect, 10 yards high and wide.  Those affected suffer from the intense power and heat of the wind.  They suffer a number of dice of lethal damage equal to the user’s Essence + Valor, soakable as normal.  They must also make a successful Stamina + Resistance roll with a difficulty equal to the user's Essence or suffer knockback.  This charm is powerful enough to power windmills or the sails of ships and is hot enough to melt ice.  Several Keepers of the Mistral can use this charm in concert, creating exponentially more devastating effects the more spirits present.  When all six Keepers collaborate on this charm, an actual foehn occurs.
Wow. That's one of the best flavor texts I've ever seen in a fan submission. Good job!


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