Spirit Shells


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Character Sheet:

Human CS:







Occupation(If any):

Spirit CS:









Spirit Abilities:

Spirit Ball:

Spirit Weapon:

Spirit Buff:

Spirit Transform:

Secret code:
Human CS:

Name: Jason Caine (usually called JC)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: 6'3, green eyes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed9bb09b_images(2).jpg.25f09b39a94096561d5b1e5fe71667d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed9bb09b_images(2).jpg.25f09b39a94096561d5b1e5fe71667d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Jason is the quiet, wary type of guy. He's hard to trust anyone, but once he does, he's very loyal.

Background: Jason comes from an ordinary family, with ordinary friends. Except for one thing: Jason was dead the moment he was born due to a rare undetected heritant disease. But at the moment he died , another soul joined him, powering him up enough to fight off the symtomps until the doctors could find and treated. It was only for 21 minutes, but he was saved, becoming a miracle, the only kid that survived the disease. Growing up, Jason found out that he had an unique physique, stronger and faster than most. He becomes very good at basketball, baseball, mixed martial art and parkour.

Occupation: College student

Spirit CS:

Name: Lorus Derian

Gender: Male (Or appear to be)

Age(Physical): 24

Appearance: 6'7

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/kostja_ullmann_handsome_guy_61243-1600x1200.jpg.330f2da6547bb785a74e5d91263610a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/kostja_ullmann_handsome_guy_61243-1600x1200.jpg.330f2da6547bb785a74e5d91263610a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: If Jason is watchful, then Lorus takes paranoid to the next level. He always watch and prepare for danger around every corner, and even though he doesn't always whispering to Jason about those potential threats like a creepy ghost, Lorus was always ready to act at a moment's notice. Beside that he's quite a pleasant company, humorous and sympathetic at the right moments, and is a very good listener.

Background: Lorus was a minor officer in the Roman Legion. When the area of his Legion was attacked and all the other officers were assasinated, he took control of it and lead his men against 10 times the numbers of rebels, holding them off for 6 days. He was killed by cross fire on the seventh day, which led to the Legion falling apart and was over run.

Origin: Lorus was born in roughly 34 BC to a small noble family in the Roman Empire

Lifetime: He walked the planet for almost 2000 years, learning and exploring all cultures. He's Jason's greatest teacher and the source to cheat History class from. He also taught Jason the unique type of combat technique that he came up with, combining the arts from all over the world, but teaching through learning without a real body to make examples proved to be troublesome.

Spirit Abilities:

Spirit Ball: A Swirling ball of silver mist, resembles a Legion shield.

Spirit Weapon: Depends on the situation. It can be this: A Gladius that can cut through even metal. If Jason wishes, it can cut the soul itself without damaging the flesh.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/All_black_tactical_Gladius_by_GageCustomKnives.jpg.8a540245896a60acf0bc19742b059e76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/All_black_tactical_Gladius_by_GageCustomKnives.jpg.8a540245896a60acf0bc19742b059e76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

or this: A Legion Spear and shield. Jason can use the old Legion military tactic, shielding and attacking, and can switch back and forth between both in a second. The spear can change the length and size to near a match or as long as 15 feets. The shield can withhold both physical and Spiritual attacks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed9d1a78_tixung.jpg.744796b782632691d574606fd1c9f860.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed9d1a78_tixung.jpg.744796b782632691d574606fd1c9f860.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images.jpg.ad5dc6457c59d18051daf0762734a03f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images.jpg.ad5dc6457c59d18051daf0762734a03f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spirit Buff: Jason's hands becomes the weapons, when his reflex and combat skill are enhanced to inhuman level. The side of his hands become the blade, his forearm become like the shield and his index fingers and punch through objects like a spear.

Spirit Transform: Lorus is the ultimate master of all of martial art types, which he combine to make into his own. But Jason's body is not strong enough to exert all of its potential. In this form, Osilus becomes invincible, doesn't matter if his opponents are stronger, faster or inhuman, Lorus' skills is perfect and it alone can overcome all other advatages. This put great strain against Jason's mental and physical strength afterward, making him unable to move for at least half an hour.

Secret code: 118 something.



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Lily Tanner






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Pixiv.Id.379667.full.1269247.jpg.aff602973c9c90a062d35b9d4ea66b56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Pixiv.Id.379667.full.1269247.jpg.aff602973c9c90a062d35b9d4ea66b56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lily is a outgoing young woman. She loves to have fun and make friends. Lily can be overbearing but she can always put a smile on anyone's face. She likes to make people happy which in turn, makes her happy. Her happiness is a 'disease' and she intends to spread it everywhere. However, always be on guard. If you make her mad, her sweet personality can become a murderous one.

Lily prefers not to get angry and is very good at controlling her emotions, however there are certain subjects that can set her off although there are very few. What usually gets her angry is when you mess with her friends, or if you're just a 'meanie beanie' (In her own words). She'll put on a smile she reserves just for jerks like those and you'll see that smile as she stabs you repeatedly in the chest with a blunt knife.

She can be your best friend and ally. She can also be your worst enemy. Try not to let that happen.

"I'd hate to have to do something to you! <3"


Lily is the youngest daughter of Vanessa and Charles Tanner. She is the sixth child and the last one to leave the house. Her childhood was a happy one. She has four older brothers and one older sister. Her sister was the eldest child and was already out of the house when Lily was born, however she visited often. Lily, other than her mother, was the only girl in the house so she mostly did activities with her athletic brothers.

Her father home-schooled all six of them while her mother worked as CFO for a large company in New York. She enjoyed being home-schooled and despite what many people think, she did have a lot of friends. All of her brothers excelled in a certain talent. Lily however, did not have a special talent and was more of the 'jack-of-all-trades' girl. She was average at all, excelled at none. Lily didn't mind this. She was doing well in school, getting A's.

A college that was near her home, allowed homeschoolers to be able to go to their college two years earlier so Lily was attending college at the age of 16 just like her other siblings. Her major is in accounting and is doing very well.

While attending this college, she started to discover her Spirit. She heard a voice and was deeply troubled and scared by it. However, her spirit explained what it was and calmed her. Surprisingly, she adapted quickly to the change. Discovering her powers was quite a story. She always knew she had a 'power' but she did not discover it until she was almost 19 and had just moved into an apartment. Unfortunately her apartment did not take kindly to the blast of power and she had to pay to fix it.

Lily is now working hard to control her powers (Which she also quickly was able to adapt) and college. She understands there are other Spirit Shells but she has yet to find another and looking forward to finding another and hoping to seek advice or offer her own.

Occupation(If any):

Part-time college student

Part-time waitress

Full-time Spirit Shell :3


Aeron, Overseer and Keeper of the Fox






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Fox.User.Izuna.full.1368941.jpg.646af4d211f030fdeec33701b0ce8ee6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14266" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Fox.User.Izuna.full.1368941.jpg.646af4d211f030fdeec33701b0ce8ee6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aeron is a calm and composed fox keeper spirit. His job before he died was he kept care of fox spirits (Foxes who had died) and help them cross to the other side. He is very kind and always offering advice. While with Lily, he was easily able to put her mind at ease when she discovered him as part of her. Aeron is also mysterious and has an 'ancient' aura around him. Someone who has lived for many years and has seen many things.

When he talks to Lily, he is quiet, calming, and composed. He has never lost his composure or temper. Aeron seems to know how a person is and immediately say the right words to put them at ease just by observing them for no more than ten minutes. He is content being a Spirit but likes to reminisce about his time when he was alive and has entertained Lily with his many stories.


Aeron's birth is unknown but it is rumored he was a fox before being granted a human body. He is a 'fantasy' being, unknown to humans and only exists in legends and myths. However he is real but also not. More or less, he is real to fox's yet humans have absolutely no concept of him.


Aeron is a Keeper and Overseer. A Keeper was to watch over the spirits of animals who had died and help them come to grip of their death and eventually help them travel to the other side. His nationality is not known nor is it known if he had any family. It is said that Aeron was a wise fox before he was given the gift of becoming a Keeper and granted a human body.


He had lived for nearly a thousand years before he disappeared mysteriously. Aeron's actual body was never recovered but it was confirmed that he had died. He had been wandering for only about a hundred years before resting on Lily's mind which would've made him about 1087 years old.

Spirit Abilities

Spirit Ball:

Aeron's Spirit Ball is a blue ball, almost like flames. The 'flames' are always moving and beautiful to look at. You can distinctly see fox ears on the ball but almost nothing else. Aeron's eyes are small and slanted, making him look evil or angry but he is not. The ball itself is a dark-ish blue but the eyes are a light blue to help distinguish them. When he talks, it sounds like an echo almost but perfectly understandable.

Spirit Weapon:


The weapon that Aeron can transform into is a long spear. Its used to keep back enemies and for ambush attacks. Unlike other weapons, it is not a front-line weapon. The spear is used to keep back enemies and keep them back but it is not wise to use it for a frontal attack as the wielder can be extremely vulnerable.

Spirit Buff:

Aeron's Spirit Buff gives Lily a good amount of agility but it's main power is that it gives Lily an exceedingly amount of cunning and wit. The buff allows Lily to see any enemy attacks and able to counter them before they even strike. It also allows her to read any kind of movement, not just attacking. It's most useful for defending and retreating. It can be an offense buff but is primarily used as a defense.

Spirit Transform:

When Aeron takes over, he becomes increasingly fast and switches from defense to offense. His counter-attacking style can now be used for attacking and can throw back enemies easily. His attacks are not strong but they are very swift and he can dodge almost every attack as he can read enemies movements before they even make them.

Secret code:




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My Character:

Human CS:

Name: Andrew Fraude

Gender: Male

Age: 17


Personality: Andrew is more of a quiet type than anything else. He's a little bit selfish and doesn't do anything that doesn't interest him. Anything he does - he does it for himself and only himself. He doesn't sacrifice his time for people who he thinks don't deserve it. But if he makes a friend that he thinks is good and can be trusted - he'd sacrifice himself for they're happiness.


Andrew doesn't know his real parents. He was adopted at the age of five. Although he did not like his fake family. An older brother always hit him and made him do all the chores, his parents held him as a hostage more than a son. He couldn't leave his house even if he wanted to, he was forced to study, but he didn't. He would sit quietly in his room and play with his ball or scroll through the internet for anything of interest.

His fake parents forced him to attent the local High school, and as much as he refused it was inevitable. He was forced to go to high school. And what did that give him? He dropped out at the age of sixteen. He was too selfish, didn't study, didn't talk to anyone, so he was expelled. That was the point he lost the memory of home. That was the time he refused to accept the fact that he had a fake family. He said to himself "No. I don't have a family. I live alone. I live outside."

His fake family never saw him again until two months later when cops found him loitering around with a group of friends in an alley between two tall buildings. They wanted to take him back to his family, but he refused. He refused to go. He tried to shove the cops off who were trying to cuff him, he was struggling to run away when his friends had already betrayed him. That was when he discovered his power. The spirit's body took over and killed the cops that were bugging Andrew. The cameras and the people around only saw the face of the spirit, so Andrew was safe from conviction, but now he can't switch to the spirit's body because he will be caught. That was the moment he became wary of people. He didn't want to kill anyone else. He never heard from the thing that was inside him again.

Occupation(If any): Highschool drop out. Homeless. Runaway from the police.

Spirit CS:

Name: Calvin Mess

Gender: Male

Age(Physical): 23


Personality: He's a crazy scientist. Literally. He makes explosive stuff just to blow stuff up. He finds everything funny, even the saddest stories. He used to talk with himself, do random stuff when he'd be around people. He's literally crazy.

Background: During the Soviet occupation in Lithuania, the partisan war, some went out to fight, some stayed at home, and some, like Calvin, stayed underground in the partisan bunkers and studied, learned stuff. It was that time when Calvin was shining. He would make weapons for the partisan warriors to defend their country with against the Soviet Union. He made all sorts of weapons from guns to chemical ones. The stayed in one bunker in Rumšiškes for three years, before he decided to go out himself into war. That was the worst mistake he ever made. He was killed in a battle not far from Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and thus became a wandering Spirit for over 30 years.

Origin: He was born to a farmer family in Lithuania, but studied science more than plowed land. And it became the advantage he had over anyone else - he was smart and literate.

Lifetime: He lived in the early 1970's.

Spirit Abilities:

Spirit Ball: A dark purple ball of soul energy slightly illuminated when lit in darkness. It doesn't have any specific features except for two smaller orbs orbiting around it and a weird symbol in the middle that resembled japanese letters, but wasn't one.

Spirit Weapon: A steampunk pistol that shoots Soul Bullets. It requires a charge before it can shoot, which takes two seconds, but in return it doesn't use ammo, and has an acid-like effect. Although it only works on materials other than human skin. When in contact with a human skin instead it leaves a dark purple spot which causes pain, but doesn't go through the skin. If shots are fired too quickly, the weapon overheats and needs at least ten seconds to cool down.

Under the barrel there's a blue knife attached made out of a rare material. This knife is made for close-combat.


Spirit Buff: When buffed, Andrew gains Spiritual Power in his body, allowing him to jump farther/higher, run slightly faster, and hold his balance perfectly.

Spirit Transform: When Andrew turns into his spirit, he becomes it, and thus gains it's abilities and gadgets. His goggles let him see further and inspect his targets, his headphones let him hear better, and along with the Spirit Weapon, he gains three vials of different colors:

Blue Vial - when broken spills a liquid which restores the spot to it's original state. Can be used to deconstruct something, or to heal wounds. If spilled on something crafted, i.e. tools, weapons, it deconstructs them and turns them into the material they were made of.

Red Vial - when broken spills a liquid which sets the area on fire. This vial is bigger than all the rest, so can light up a spot the size of a bedside table.

Green Vial - when broken spills a gel-ish mass that sticks to anything. It can be used to hold things together, or hold a person to a certain place. I.e. glue a person to the wall.

Secret code:
Human CS:

Name: Seagram Brun

Gender: male

Age: 22

Appearance: about 5'8". kind of a mess most of the time when he's not at work (although he's a mess sometimes there too). scruffy and on the skinnier side. dresses remarkably like a beach bum most of the time, sans sandals as he prefers worn-out tennis shoes. has a mermaid tattoo wrapped around his left forearm, with the flukes of the tail extending onto his hand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/seagram.png.09ddd101b8ac8dcdc22d31b8ad56f25c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/seagram.png.09ddd101b8ac8dcdc22d31b8ad56f25c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: keeps to himself when among strangers since his social skills are less than stellar. he's very empathetic and tries to comfort people who need it but his awkwardness makes that difficult. he's loyal, but it can be hard to tell if you're really friends sometimes since he tends to wander off and isn't all that expressive.

he worries a lot and leans towards the paranoid side sometimes, but nothing too severe/extreme.

he adores the sea and grew up practically on the beach, but he can't afford to live out there so he mostly just pines for it.

Background: dropped out of high school because he felt too cooped up there and wasn't doing so hot anyway. not very close with his family and doesn't really have any friends to speak of since he left high school and moved to this city.

Occupation(If any): shifts between bellhop and housekeeping as needed at a local hotel. sometimes teaches swimming classes at the nearest natatorium for extra cash.

Spirit CS:

Name: Donna

Gender: female

Age(Physical): 31

Appearance: about 6'1". thick build, very strong.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Donna.png.717f07f559f5829f44e046f777c0b5c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14321" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Donna.png.717f07f559f5829f44e046f777c0b5c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: upbeat and bold. a little temperamental at times but at the end of the day a kind woman (very tough-love). fairly can-do about most things.

Background: moved around the southern united states doing field work and animal husbandry. shot and killed by her brother in a bid to seize the rights to the valuable family property after their father died. mostly wandered the wilderness in death, observing flora and fauna and increasing her knowledge. (she uses this knowledge to help Seagram maintain his mini-garden in his apartment, a hobby they can share.)

Origin: Southern USA, 40s-50s era. born in texas but moved around once she was old enough.

Lifetime:about sixty years.

Spirit Abilities:

Spirit Ball: bright, peachy orb that flickers much like a flame and gives off distinct warmth. flares to red and orange when she gets mad.

Spirit Weapon: a long spear, reminiscent of something she read about as a child in a fictional story. it's more suited to Seagram, who is not as strong as her but lighter on his feet.

Spirit Buff: her buff grants Seagram her immense strength, more than his skinny frame could normally achieve. he's usually very sore the day after using it though, since it puts a lot of strain on him.

Spirit Transform: the transformation makes Seagram take on Donna's bulky form and amplifies her already great strength. The spear also grows in size and striking it into the ground can divide it if they put enough force in it. It wears both of them out and Donna might not talk for a day or two afterwards.

Secret code: about 4 :o



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