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Multiple Settings Spider's Web of Words

Golden Spider

New Member
Hi! I am Golden Spider, Spidey, Spider, GS, or whatever you want to call me, as long as its respectful; a Man living in the Midwest US. I am a huge nerd, and love playing video games, reading, playing D&D,etc.

On games I'm really a mixed bag, I love slow burn romance, action/adventuret. I am also fairly... fluid in terms of the characters I play, I am AMAB if that matters to people, but lately have started to explore considering myself as genderfluid, so I can and am comfortable playing M or F, anything inbetween or outside M or F I don't have much experience in, but I am welcome to try

I will only play with people 18+ and 20+ is even more preferred

My general pairing preferences (with me as the bolded one)

I typically don't gel much with M/M but again i will be willing to try for the right prompt

General setting faves:
Modern Fantasy / Slice of Life

Fandoms (as time has gone on i find myself less and less being drawn to fandom RPs that arent OC heavy. but still hit me up if something catches your eye, I'll always at least be willing to hear you out) ((as always bolded are my absolute faves)
Harry Potter
Star Trek

Doctor Who

Avatar The Last Airbender
Superheroes in general (Invincible, Heroes, Worm, Completely new OC world.)
Mystery shows (Like scooby-Doo! Psych, etc. dont know how a RP like that would work but hey lets try it maybe)
Star Wars
The Witcher
Stranger Things
Pixelberry’s Choices (a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. But there are some books I would love to rp in or continue past end)
Detroit: Become Human
(Kinda falls under marvel but I love Spidey so much that it really is separate for me, could play Miles or Pete, or any other spider-people. Insomniac's Spider-Man, Spiderverse, etc.
Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West (love this world and characters so much, lets play OCs and worldbuild another part of the country, or explore what happens after Forbidden West and Burning Shores DLC!)
Destiny (Don't know much about the lore, but I find it really cool, will be willing to give it a shot)
Dying Light/Really any Zombies in general
Assassin's Creed
Until Dawn/The Quarry
Heavy Rain
The Last of Us (would mostly want to do OCs for this I think)
Prey (2016)
Baldur's Gate 3/D&D in general
Critical Role (would most want to do OCs in Exandria, any of the actual PCs or NPCs are the cast's characters and I find that a bit sacred)
Elder Scrolls/SKyrim/Fantasy in general
Life is Strange
Stray Gods
To The Moon/Finding Paradise

Plot ideas!!

A plot idea spawned by a character I once had in a group RP on another site that I really loved but never got the chance to fully explore, the major facets of the plot are open to be brainstormed but main points of it is that MC, mid 20s male, is a semi-popular author, but he has gone a bit recluse lately, prior promised book signings and readings had been unceremoniously cancelled without rescheduling and nobody has heard from him in about a year or so, nobody even knows if he's still writing. Unbeknownst to the larger public he is grieving the loss of his late wife. I have two major ways of going forward with this plot, one for a publicity stunt to promote his next book that is finally about to be published his publisher signed him up for a Bachelor/Love Island/etc -like reality TV show, maybe he can actually find love or a way to mend his heart among the competition? And Two, YC would just me a neighbor, or publisher's new assistant, etc. that decides to try to get into the cracks and get him to open back up and rejoin the world

* - Really craving this one, its fallen through so many times as a group game with path A, maybe we can try it solo

This one is one I have been wanting to do for a while but is way more open ended. core concept in that one of us (don't care much which) is used to be a Assassin/hit-person etc. One day their target was just another slimy politician, they don't even remember his face or his name it was that routine, until after the deed was done, and both the Politician and their spouse had been offed they hear a cry coming from another room, the politician had a child. and for some reason, something about this fact and this child, changed something in them. they kidnapped the child. quit "The business" entirely and fled to a small town to start a new life. the Other MC would be a member of their new home, and starts to grow closer to this burgeoning family not knowing the secrets they hold

Very open ended, very open to brainstorming how this would work with someone. maybe the other MC isn't just a member of their new small town, but another assassin sent to take care of MC1 after they quit the business, but they fall in love or whatever

This one is bit more esoteric, and is also a prompt that I've been wanting to do for a while

This would essentially be the story of our two characters, told in small scenes and Vignettes some shorter than others, some longer. but the stories of moments through these two's lives. from the inseparable bond of childhood, Elementary, Middle school, the butterflies and tentative first kiss of High school, Going off to college, coming home, getting married, starting a family, watching them grow up. to finally being elderly grandparents reminiscing on the life they've lived. I'm looking mostly for just a sweet story for this one

Also really wanting currently to play a Silk x Spider-Man plot.

My posting style really tends to match my partners, I can do first person, third person, anything, but I do prefer to do 3rd person

My posting length also greatly depends on my partner, If you give me a lot to go off of i can do a lot. typically no more then 2-4 paragraphs though. but if you give me a sentence you will likely get a sentence back.

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