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Active Spells, wizards, mages, and dragons?


One Thousand Club
This Rp happens following the events of
Location(s): Ryke
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Weather: Cloudy, with some snow flurries
Goal: Gain admittance to the academy

New Eris.png

F Grade Character

Titles: Monster, Human, Mundane, Student of Mount Cleartunt Academy E, Magic Graduate of Mount Cleartunt Academy F, Abomination

mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Mount Cleartunt Academy, tucked away in the mountains in Ryke, is a magic school that prizes itself on its primary focus of Lightning magic studies alongside the other small disciplines taught at the academy. The path up the mountain path goes into the mountain and stops on a cliff where several cable cars would take people the rest of the way, passing through the clouds. Upon getting past the clouds, the academy comes into full view, with a large white tree that sprouts out from the courtyard.

Upon reaching the landing platform, the doors would open, and several faculty members were waiting to escort the new arrivals up to the Great Hall. The path would lead up the stairs to the central courtyard, and several mages were shooting lightning magic at some targets, and thunder was heard rumbling over the school. There was a breeze bringing cool air from the west. Magic could be felt in the air as the many students moved about. At the far end of the courtyard was the Great Hall, where the smell of food was coming from.

Upon entering the hall, there were several rows of tables with benches on either side; food was floating in the air as it was placed on the table. Individuals all dressed in various clothing sat at the tables, indicating these were the examinees. At the head of the hall was another long table where several professors sat and ate food. Now was the time for one to stuff their faces of food and prepare for the exams that were about to begin. After about half an hour, a rather old-looking wizard who looked like they were about to turn to dust if someone blew on them stepped up to the podium. "Welcome all potential students, I'm headmaster Wilgrum Dourhand. Today, you will undergo a few tests in which your aptitude for magic will be tested; upon completion of the tests, and if you meet the requirements, you will be offered admission." Wilgrum spoke, but his voice didn't sound like one that would have belonged to a man of his age. However, it was yet to be seen if that was due to magic or something else. "Now, please finish your breakfast and one of our recent graduates who we have brought on as a trial professor will explain the exam and be one of the proctors," He explained as he stepped off to the side and walked back to his seat.

Eiru stepped out from the side of the room and walked to the podium.
"Thank you, Headmaster I'm Eiru and I will be one of the proctors of the exam today. You will have three tests today, first being primary magical output; simply strike the target with your most potent spell. Moving onto the second test will be a test of control, and magic is by its very nature chaotic and potentially dangerous. You don't want to overload a spell and level a city when you are aiming at a specific building for whatever reason. Then, the final test, there will be an exam, and upon completion of these tests you may or may not receive an admittance acceptance. Now as the Headmaster said enjoy the food and we will begin the exam shortly once we know all the attendees have arrived," Eiru concluded.

A sense of Deja Vu washed over Helena as Mount Cleartunt Academy came into view.

She cared nothing for lightning magic in this life. She cared little for engineering in the last. And, as she advanced, she wondered just how many people had come to this school with the intent of actually mastering the power of electricity. If nothing else, the young mage felt rather confident that the electives offered at this college might've actually proved useful away from the campus grounds.

At least in a fight, anyways.

Helena snacked lightly as she awaited for the exam to begin. She could've eaten more. In all honesty she should've eaten much more. Her nervous stomach wouldn't have done well with a full meal, though. The reality of her own ignorance quickly sat in as she took in her surroundings. Up until then, Helena had thought herself rather skilled. She'd developed the ability to summon creatures from distant dimensions with little more than practice and study. And, in her hometown, it was quite a feat.

But she wasn't in her hometown, anymore.

She was surrounded by others who'd likely had the same experience she'd had, and with no idea how she stacked up against them. She put her half-eaten plate of food down and sighed; physically shaking her head to try and fan away the creeping doubt in her mind. It was almost absurd how worried she was about embarrassing herself in front of a ground of strangers who would... probably never see her again if she did manage to make a fool of herself out here.

"Gotta start somewhere."

A bit of reassurance to ease her mind.

"Eh well. I'll definitely be learning... something from this, either way."

She leaned forward on her bench, rested her elbows on the tabletop, and surveyed the crowd in search of someone who looked about as nervous as she felt.

saxon saxon

The hall was buzzing with numerous people coming for the test. As an avid loner, Eeriel didn't like to mingle with the crowd, but she also couldn't afford just brooding in the corner like some edgelord. She had her own goal to accomplish, and she would needs some assistance for it. Walking underneath the tables, the cat looked around for someone who was alone and approachable. After walking for a few minutes, she finally found someone eating alone on one of the bench.

"Pssst, you look nervous. First time here?"
Approaching Helena, Eeriel jumped onto the bench next to her and sat on a comfortable loafing position.

"Ah, would you mind checking the foods on the table? Get me some meat pie if there's any. I can't see the food without jumping on the table." She requested.

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
New Eris.png

F Grade Character

Titles: Monster, Human, Mundane, Student of Mount Cleartunt Academy E, Magic Graduate of Mount Cleartunt Academy F, Abomination

mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Railgun Magic: biri-biri - Magic School Mount Cleartunt Academy - Lightning Magic E, Domain Magic F: Railgun Magic, Componentless Magic E, Lightning Affinity E, Magic E, Magic Range E, Magic Target E (Meta)Telekinesis F, Accurate F, Incurable F, Indirect F, Blight F (Shock) - Eiru uses her Telekinesis to pick up a small rock, focusing her lighting magic around the rock and launching it at a target within 100ft of her. Speed of target is reduced by one grade of effectiveness for 1 round. Shocking the target for one round - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Notes: Sorry for the delay guys worlds has take up a fair amount of my time XD

Once all the food was gone Eiru stood up and cleared her throat once again, "Alright with all the food done, every please follow me and you will be broken down into small groups for the exams momentarily as you pass through the portal you see on that door." She explained as she pointed at a portal door on the right side of the hall door, the other examinees quickly made their way through the portal. Eeriel and Helena would find themselves with 15 other students in their group and Eiru stood by the target dummy that the test was going to revolve around.

"Now that the group has been assembled, I will explain the test once again; this is a test of magical aptitude; simply use your strongest ability on the dummy, whether that be healing or slinging a spell at the dummy. It should be able to withstand any magic thrown at it. So don't be afraid to give it to you all now. It's time for a demonstration!" Eiru stated as she clapped her hands together, walked away from the dummy, and spun around to face the target.

"Biri-biri" Eiru muttered as a small rock was picked up from the stone floor as lighting appeared around the rock which was then launched toward the dummy. "Simply as that now go ahead and begin this portion of the test those anyone can withdraw at any point during the exam if they choose to do so. However you will be barred for one year before reapplying for the exam," She explained.

"Yeah, first time."

She replied to the talking cat. In any other setting, the experience might've bewildered her a bit more. But, given where she was, someone's familiar had probably taken some pity on her. Or, at the very least, wanted some snacks that their master wasn't interested in handing out. Regardless of whether or not the cat was actually a cat, it was cute. And it brought a bit of a smile to her face.

"Sure, why not?"

Helena stepped away for a few seconds and returned with a meat pie and a few meatballs for Eeriel to enjoy before the festivities started. She would've given her more, but Helena wasn't interested in pissing someone off by overfeeding their pet. She'd watch the cat eat for a brief while before Eiru announced the day's events. Things began with a simple test demonstrated with a bolt of lightning.

Strike the dummy with your most potent magic.

Simple enough.

She would find herself before the dummy not long after. The thought of summoning something for this task ran through the young mage's mind, but she deemed it far too unreliable for a task like this. Helena held up [The Book of Creation] in her left hand and opened it as she began to channel magic through it. The pages began to flutter in the wind as a glowing orb of pure mana manifested before the palm of her right hand just inches above the book's aged paper. With a flick of her wrist, she'd cast
[Magic Pulse] upon the dummy and strike it with blast of pure force. The spell was extraordinarily simple, but it would give the proctor an idea of her current magical aptitude.


Well, with basic offensive magic, anyway.

Actions (1/3):
1). Cast
[Magic Pulse] upon the dummy.

Magic Pulse- Magic E- Helena unleashes a wave of raw magic upon a target to deal damage and defend from damage- Range 5ft, Duration 1 turn.- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

Eeriel immediately began to devour the foods the moment Helena put it in front of her. Ahh, freshly cooked foods, she had only been eating her stash of dead rats and pieces of jerky on her way here. The taste of oil and baked pie reminded her of the sensation of being human, something that she had been forgetting these past few months. She licked her paws clean as the students were called to gather for their first test.

Having her stomach filled, she decided to silently follow Helena from behind and watched her magic pulse strikes the dummy. The book that the girl was holding piqued her interest, she knew that book, there's one copy of it in her master's library. Though she never bother to read the content since as far as she remembers, it was a novel, not some magic education book.

"That's an interesting choice for a catalyst. Are you interested in learning interdimensional magic?" She asked Helena.

The cat didn't seems to be interested in the dummy, though she did lazily stared at one of the dummy while chanting something in beastial language. Without any warning the dummy rattled as it was hit by an unseen force.

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi saxon saxon

1) Use Death Glare - Magic E, Magic Range F, Undetected (vision) F, Energized E - Glare at a target up to 30 ft away and harm them with magic. Grade E, 0 turn cooldown.

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