• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Spellblade


By creating a character in this RP, I accept there rules:


1. Respect each other!

2. If you're going to leave, tell me so I can arrange for your departing scene and open up a spot.

3. If you're going to be away, tell us so we can have either myself or someone post in your stead!

4. If you're going to kill someone major (players, important NPCs, etc.) ask permission!

5. Don't make an OP character that can't die and is good at everything and blah. It's not fun :(

6. Have fun dammit!

Character sheet: (If you have a preferred format/BBCode, feel free to use it!)

Name: First and last name. Middle name and nickname optional.

Gender: Self explanatory.

Race: Are you human? Elven? Something? You may create a unique race if you want!

Age: Your choice, but be reasonable. Non-human races may be different.

Class: Spellblade? Healer? Wizard? Your choice, though I'll accept Spellblades first.

Abilities: Nothing too OP, and not too many. 3 should be a good number, but more or less is okay, depending.

Appearance: Either a picture or short description is okay! I'm also not picky about what kind of picture.

Height and weight: Also self-explanatory.

Personality: What are you like?

Likes and dislikes: Stuff.

Background: Why is your personality the way it is? Do you have any specific beliefs? Why did you become a Spellblade?

Equipment: Armor, potions, books, and other stuff goes here!

Weaponry: Pictures and/or short descriptions will do!
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Mia Luna Ardon










Telekinesis, the ability to lift and move objects she could also lift physicslly with her mind.

Braveheart's strike, a combination of 6 hits that can be high, middle or low, the order may be varified. If the initial hit, a sword upper cut, hits, the rest cannot be dogded.

Thunderlords Decree, the ability to passively make a lightning come down on a target she hits three times, six times, and so on. Works with the Bravehearts's strike.

Height and weight

5'6, 100lbs


Mia is a very kind hearted person, she will jump in to protect anyone right away, no matter who it is. She is a very honorful girl and her honor means a lot to her. Mia is polite and friendly, but it is still heard to become her friend, since she has the fear to lose anyone close to her and therefore never lets anyone get close.

Likes and Dislikes


Sour and bitter food

Honorable People

Honorless people



This is to be kept more of a mystery, being found out through interaction with her. What can be revealed is, that she is daughter of a mage and a knight and therefore had the abilities to become a spellblade.


A block full of blank paper, a diary, the symbol medal of her family.



Her sword as well as 6 reforged spear tips (visible on appearance picture), which now are more of blades. She uses them with her telekinesis, charging them at enemies to distract and open up their defense.
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William & Strad

-"Hey Strad, let's do something crazy!"










Besides the picture, there's a bit more to William. His hair is a bright blond, and he always has a happy, energetic smile plastered across his face. Of course, William's not found wearing just what he has in the picture. Imagine a scruffy brown tunic and greenish nature-oriented fetishes along with that, and you've got him!

The Deep Stuff

Though William is a healer, his personality suggests otherwise. Instead of a calm, cool demeanor, he's energetic, bubbly, and quick to the point. He's optimistic and cheerful, never one to get down. He's also got a sense of humor, and is constantly calling Strad old or surprising his companion, much to the dragon's chagrin and William's amusement. The young man is also very nerve-driven and jittery, not a guy you would want pulling a sword from your back or sealing your wound. However, even with his nerves, he's always trying to be nice to his patients. If you're not a patient though, make sure to bring a few earplugs - he'll talk your ear off, and then some.


Music, especially Strad's music.
Talking. By which I mean a lot.

Dreary people. No thank you.

Large bodies of water (ie. Oceans, Lakes)


William was born William Johnson Brigid, second child of three children born to two apothecaries in traveling merchant group. Every season, the group would complete a circuit, giving William an experience not many other children would get. At the age of six, his parents started him on the long road of herbalism. Granted, a humble herbalist was all he would have been if he had not met Strad. After his first encounter with the dragon (elaborated in the other section), William's small pool of magic was tapped into, and a whole new reserve of energy and knowledge accompanied him even after he left Strad. His new ideas, planted by Strad, brought his family a new type of fortune, through magic healing combined with plants. Every month, when his family passed by Strad's forest, he would secretly stop by for a night to try and learn even more. By the age of eighteen, he'd earned enough respect from his elders to set out on his own. However, instead of setting out as a merchant, he settled down around a certain forest in... inhabited by a certain dragon. For six years, he's studied herbs and magic under the tutelage of Strad. On their adventures, Strad and WIlliam have taught each other a lot, like caution for William or the feel of adventure for Strad. It's a wonderous discovery and re-discovery for the both of them!

Eventually, they've wound up here, as a healer in the employ of spellblades. Who know what adventures William and Strad will have next?

The Dragon Stuff - I mean, Strad

Dragon's name:

Unknown, nicknamed "Strad" by William.


Somewhere around four hundred years old.




Strad is a perfect foil to William. While the youth is still hot-tempered and refined, Strad's had enough years on the earth to set him in his place. He's always the cool temper of the two, keeping William from doing anything too rash. While Will may see them as equals, Strad feels more like a teacher to the young man.

As a dragon alone, Strad is extremely old. He barely remembers anything past this century, and the only memories he keeps are ones about plants and music. He's not quite wise, but he is cautious and knowledgeable.




While the usual dragon breathes fire, Strad has a different type of magic. Instead of a torrent of flame, the dragon instead weaves magical music with special properties. Some cause battle rages, some lull people to sleep, others even remove pain! William's favorite is a song that causes certain plants to appear based on the final notes. His back has a sod-like property that allow plants to grow on it.

How William met Strad:

Eighteen years ago, a young boy stepped, foot by foot, into a lush, winding green forest. The boy in question was William, of course. The small, then seven-year-old was attracted by a beautiful low humming. When he first encountered Strad, the dragon gave him a quick look before going back to humming. William only got closer to the dragon, his youthful curiosity overwhelming every other instinct telling him to run. He sat, listening for a full hour, before Strad decided to stop. The dragon and the small boy exchanged only a few words, but they were powerful ones. Powerful enough to stop a dragon from hurting the tiny human boy in front of him. No one besides the two will ever know what these words were. Before William decided to look for a way home, Strad tapped his head, implanting a vast knowledge of herbs, an affinity with plant magic, and directions back to his forest. Whatever words were exchanged there, they secured a steadfast friendship for years to come.

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  • Name: Austin Ravine

    Nickname: Old man

    Gender: Male?

    Race: Human?

    Age: Old?

    Class: Elder Spellblade

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The Gentle Spellblade


Name: Teiren Valais

Nickname(s): Tei, Quickblade, The Gentle Spellblade

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Demon Fusion

Age: 22 (126)

Class: Spellblade

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 220lb

Hair Color: Dark Blue (Blood Red)

Eye Color: Blue (Golden Yellow)

Teiren is a decently built man who's build focuses more on speed than strength. His long dark blue hair is usually the last thing his opponents see. Should he be pushed beyond his calm exterior, the true demon within him is released.

As his hair and eyes change color, horns sprout from his head. In this form, he does away with his swords, preferring hand to hand combat.

  • Personality

    Teiren is a calm, calculating man and would overall prefer to enjoy a nice book than fight, though he does enjoy training with his swords. At the same time, he enjoys helping people which is part of the reason he became a Spellblade in the first place.

    Surprisingly, in battle, he can be quite ruthless when it is called for. Due to his kind nature, if he intends to kill, he kills as quickly as possible, in as few strikes as possible. This garnered him the nickname "The Gentle Spellblade"

    Likes and Dislikes


    • Reading
    • Sweet foods
    • Sparring
    • People Watching


    • Demon Form
    • Spicy Foods
    • Having his quiet time disturbed.
    • Killing.


    Teiren was not born into the world, he was summoned by an old good natured summoner, one who hoped to use demonic powers to help the world. However, he underestimated how evil beings from another plane of existence could be.

    This demon was Teiren and he was cruel. The summoner hadn't taken all the proper precautions allowing Teiren to capture and torture him for days. The problem was, Teiren underestimated the mage. He weaved together a spell, one so powerful that it tore both of them apart.

    Then he woke up, lying on the floor. Looking in the mirror, he found that he was young once again, or was it that he was human? Memories and thoughts swirled in his head, making it hard to discern who he was. Was he demon or human? Perhaps both? He felt remorse for the torture he'd inflicted on himself.

    He didn't have much time to think about it as the village he'd been living in was suddenly attacked by bandits. It was with their arrival that he remembered exactly why he'd tried summoning a demon in the first place. He'd wanted to help people.

    Now that he was young again, he could help the people of the village.

    Things didn't go as planned...or maybe they did, but it didn't end well with him. On confronting the bandits, he found that his magic didn't work properly and he couldn't remember half of the spells he'd originally learned. On the other hand, he found that his reflexes and physical strength had increased, the bandits were much slower than him, moving like they'd been hit by a slow spell.

    Unfortunately, he was so caught up in the new/familiar sensations that he didn't notice one man until he'd already been cut. A rage he didn't know he had filled his mind and he saw red. He was a demon, how dare these mortals cut him!

    Then he calmed down and found that he was surrounded by the corpses of the bandits, his hands drenched in their blood. It was then that he realized that he was a danger to anyone close to him, he was neither human or demon, but a mixture of both. That very night, he gathered his things and left.

    He decided to learn a martial art to temper his demon side's anger, to allow himself to stay in control. It was how he came to use a sword, at the same time he began to relearn his magic. It was fun to learn new things.

    He also came to learn that he no longer aged, at least he didn't age at any rate that was noticeable. It has been over a hundred years since he and the demon first became one. Since then, he has traveled around lending aid to anyone, as well as keeping up in his training.

    Despite his advanced age, he has only recently become a Spellblade. He'd heard about them helping any country, regardless of alliance and found that it resonated with him well.


Gareth yr Aderyn

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Age: 237

Class: Spellblade


- Skilled at elemental magic, as well as some experience in countering curses and hexes

- Extensive knowledge of alchemy, horticulture, and botany

- Weapon Proficiency

Height: 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m)

Weight: 177 lb (80 kg)

Personality: Sensible and determined, fairly serious and eloquently formal. He's not one to make or take jokes, but when Gareth does display any humor, it is generally subtle and understated. He's fiercely loyal to the Order and holds to such beliefs as being honorable and obeying the law. He's never had any problems staying organized or on task, although he has little patience or understanding to offer those more scatterbrained than him. Gareth isn't particularly short-tempered, but he is prone to make snide remarks when stressed. Despite this, he's usually fairly friendly, if a bit reserved, and he enjoys telling a tale or two, especially over a glass of wine.

Likes and dislikes:

  • Reading
  • Art
  • Nature
  • Laziness
  • Shoddy Work
  • Criminals

Background: Gareth was born into a remarkably wealthy family, living in the great sylvan city of Dinas Athfort. His father was an agent for Urdd y Draig Wen, or the Order of the White Dragon, the Elvish branch of the Order of Knights. His mother was a herbalist and physician, who owned a small shop down in the Understory District. As a child, Gareth was eager to follow in his father's footsteps after hearing countless tales about the noble deeds of the Order of Knights. At the age of 36, after passing numerous trials, he was entered into the Order of the White Dragon.

Gareth underwent extensive training and ruthless mental and physical conditioning to steel himself for duty. For the next century or so, hunting monsters, enemies of the state, and keeping stability throughout the Elvishlands. At the age of 143, Gareth qualified for the position of Spellblade, and he was awarded that position after passing the arduous Spellblade Trials.


- Light Ranger Armor

- An amulet with little motifs of all of the Elvish gods

- Bandoliers to hold various tools and miscellaneous items

- 4 healing potions on his belt at any given time

- Bandages & Dressing

- Satchel filled with alchemist's tools, a few empty glass vials, and various commonly found ingredients and herbs.


- Crossbow w/two dozen bolts, half-and-half steel and silver-tipped.

- Silver Longsword

- Steel Longsword

- Poniard hidden in his boot
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Alexandria Antoinette Marie

Is it just me or... is your presence in this room the reason why I'm suddenly in a bad mood?
Alexandria Antoinette Marie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9c06a1e1e87b380584ac4d0c4ce0e792.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9c06a1e1e87b380584ac4d0c4ce0e792.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Nickname: "I am known as Andria, and as the Queen of Sarcasm."

    Gender: "What's wrong with you? I'm a female!"

    Age: "It's rude to ask a lady her age, dumbass! I'm 19, though."

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.3ae2882518beb2ed0c48d0b0740791bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.3ae2882518beb2ed0c48d0b0740791bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Appearance: "I'm incredibly hot and have curves to die for. On your face, peasants!" Alexandria stands at 5'7" with has pure, snow white hair and eyes that change colour uncontrollably with her mood. She has a slender, curvy build with smooth, pale skin that would have remained unblemished if not for scars from her life as a Spellblade. Her canines are longer and sharper than that of an average person's.

    Height and weight: "First you ask me my age. And now you're asking me my weight? Screw off!"

    Personality: "Ah, I have been described as 'bitchy and sarcastic'. And I'm proud of my reputation for being just that." Alexandria is a rude, snarky female, with a non-existent filter between her thoughts and her mouth. She always has a sarcastic comment to make, and is probably the female version of Satan. She's a softie underneath that cold exterior though, just too afraid to get close anyone.

    Likes and dislikes: "I like... Dead opponents, music, reading and anime. I dislike you, and other people in general, for being so bloody curious."

    Background: "Haha, you think that I'll actually tell you what my life story is. Well, no."



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  • Name: Velles Sedin

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Age: 26

    Class: Spellblade

    Height and weight: 6 feet, 150 pounds

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MR and MRS MEPTHES (still a wip)


  • Name: Marthin Mephtes

    Gender: Male





    • Healing: Mends wounds of all types, though illnesses are beyond Marthin's skill to heal.
    • Barrier: Summons a powerful magic shield covering a wide area or a single direction that can repel all but the mightiest of attacks.
    • Defender: Enters a state where magic power increases dramatically, allowing Marthin to imbue someone's very flesh with rapid regeneration and barrier armour magic, rendering them virtually invincible at the cost of sending Marthin into a comatose state upon returning to normal.

    Height and weight:
    1.78m or 5'8'' and 68kg or 149lbs


    Likes and dislikes:


    • Tyra
    • Sunrises and sunsets
    • Knowledge
    • Beer
    • Spicy food


    • Anyone or anything that hurts Tyra
    • Mosquitoes (with a passion)
    • Dark places
    • Wild cuisine
    • Monsters




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Name: Mion Hazy

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25

Class: Spellblade Lancer

Abilities: Slow Blind Spell (50 ft. radius, lasts for a few minutes), Gather (pulls enemies to a point and anchors them there for a few seconds), Freeze (30 ft. cone, stuns for a few seconds), Snow Owl (ethereal flying spy), Mind Link (telepathic link to willing targets, allowing us to communicate with our minds and use the senses of others), Combat Riding. Mion doesn't have any damage-dealing spells. He has a spell range of 100 ft.

A laid back intelligent man with short black hair and warm brown eyes. He looks stocky with a broad back and big shoulders. A couple of scars stretch across his tanned skin and on his back is a large tattoo of the Spellblade Emblem.

Height and weight: 6. ft., 200 lbs.

Mion is humorous around guys, but reserved around women. He prefers to observe and listen rather than talk. But he loves the company of horses most of all. He wakes up at four in the morning everyday to take care of all of them, then goes out for a morning ride. After that he dedicates the rest of his day mastering his art.

Likes and dislikes: Loves horses, loves his spellblade brothers-though he won't admit it, racing, jousting, and ice magic. He doesn't like spicy food, bums, and spiders.

Mion came from an all-warlock family in one of the major trading cities who have served the King for generations. He became a spellblade to honor his family's name, but inside all he wants is to work with horses in his own farm in the mountains, live a peaceful life, and maybe even have a family. But he doesn't want to disappoint his folks who want their son to be the first spellblade of the family. Until now he silently struggles between what he wants, and making his family happy.

Equipment: Scale-mail Armor, Cavalry shield, Warhorse, Ring with the Hazy Family Crest, Bag with horse treats and a brush, and Survival Gear (rope, flint, rations, etc.).

Weaponry: Lance, Longsword, and Javelins
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Name: Stork Wilkman

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: More of a private eye.


-Cellular adaptation



Height and weight: 6 ft 2 198 lbs.

Personality: Concealing, quiet, and suspiciously interrogative. Often making up personalities to conceal his identity and for detective reasons.



Dark humor

Formal parties


The law


Background: Want to reveal in RP.

Equipment: Light armor set, grapple hook.

Weaponry: Knives, and a long sword.
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Character sheet

Name: Marth Flames.

Gender: Male

Race: He is a Elf/Neko/Human

Age: 5

Class: Support

Abilities: Marth is good to talk too, even if he may not understand. He can cheer people up easily but not everyone.


Height and weight: 3ft 4in

Personality: Marth is very sweet and caring. He may not understand the severity of things but he can make them seem more... hopeful.

Likes and dislikes: L: Kittens, Swords, Pocky. D: Being yelled at, getting hit

Marth had been told his parents went to sleep for a very long time. After that he was taken to a foster home where he ran away from on accident due to chasing a cricket into the forest, then a butterfly.

Equipment: A stick.

Weaponry: Skinny, birch wood stick.

Name: Ea Xylia (pronounced E? Zy-lee-uh). Ea has a true name but will keep it a secret since it would allow someone to have power over him

Gender: Male

Race: Half-fairy, half-human

Age: 40 but physically 20. He ages at half the rate that normal humans do

Class: Wizard


Basic Elemental Spells: He is able to conjure wind, fire, earth, and water, and manipulate them to his will. He is also able to mix and combine them (such as mixing water and fire to create steam) for various uses. However, it is easy to over exert himself and if he pushes himself too far it could have dire consequences.

Illusions: Has a slight proficiency with creating illusions because of his fairy blood. It's nothing too powerful.



With flaming orange hair and a brilliant green eye, Ea is the picture of vibrance. His build is a little lanky, due to years of studying rather than training but otherwise he has the body of a healthy young man. Ea also has a pale white right eye, almost translucent in appearance thanks to his mother's fairy blood. It often unsettles people so he covers it with an eyepatch. Ask nicely and he'll have no problem showing it though.

Height and weight: 5'11 and 160 lbs

Personality: When most people envision a wizard, they see a fairly studious and serious person. However, Ea is anything but. An easy-going young man, Ea is a bit of flirt, always with a quick smile or joke on the tip of his tongue. He has trouble with acting serious at times and will always try to lighten the mood with a joke whenever he feels uncomfortable.

Likes and dislikes:






Complete silence

Formal occasions

Background: Ea's father is a human wizard who, having gone into a forest near his city in order to study the wildlife, ended up meeting a fairy woman. After some time and quite a few meeting later, the two fell madly in love, resulting in Ea being born. However, due to her nature, Ea's mother felt uncomfortable living in the city and away from nature, so his father complied in building a small cottage in the forest they first met to raise Ea. It was in this peaceful environment that the young boy grew up in. He spent a good portion of his childhood playing in the forest, led on by his love of knowledge and nature. Their cottage was close enough to the city to travel there and back within a day so as Ea grew older and the city also began to appeal to him, the boy often accompanied his father whenever he traveled to the city to do work. It didn't come as a surprise when Ea proclaimed his desire to be a wizard. Thanks to his background, it didn't take him long to catch on to the art of magic, having shown a proficiency for spells at a young age. Now he works as a sort of field wizard, traveling around as he does research on wildlife and plants--and really anything else that may catch his interest.

Equipment: He carries no iron on him-- while the metal won't burn his skin like it would a full-blooded fairy, it still feels uncomfortable and almost painful to the touch. He has the basic traveling supplies with him, such as medicine, food, and sleeping supplies. He also has various books, pens, and field journals to write his findings in. He's weighed down by so much research equipment, it's a miracle he can move. Ea himself prefers to dress casually, figuring that the flashy wizard robes will draw too much unwanted attention on the road. He's dressed in sturdy black boots, a long sleeved black shirt, and tan cotton trousers. On a silver chain around his neck is his family ring and the ring he was given when he became a wizard, but he normally keeps it tucked inside his shirt.

Weaponry: His magic is his weapon but he carries a few steel daggers hidden on him, just in case.
  • Name: Kujari Xen

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Age: 23

    Class: Spellblade

    Abilities: Wind Magic

    • Gust: Kujari can use his wind magic to increase the amount of and the intensity of the air displaced by his movements. With a swing of his blade he can create gusts strong enough to set someone off balance, past that he can also use the fan he carries in conjunction with this ability to create powerful gusts of wind capable of knocking people off their feet. These gusts in and of themselves are not truly strong enough to cause damage, though they make for a strong combo ability.
    • Air Sense: When he focuses Kujari can feel the currents of air in an area around him, granting him the ability to see where attacks are coming from and more easily avoid or block them. This combined with his Wind Dance ability can make it hard for a foe to land a hit on him.
    • Wind Dance: Kujari uses his magic to enhance his movements, increasing his speed and agility. When pushed, this ability allows him to move at great speeds, though doing so takes a great toll on his body and his magic.
    • Wind Slash: Kujari in his past was able to use his wind magic to create gusts of wind that could literally slice at his opponents. This ability requires the user to have a strong killing intent and due to a key event in his past, Kujari usually cannot muster the level of killing intent needed to use this ability.
      (When going all out, he runs out of energy quite quickly, so he prefers to battle as efficiently as possible and will only go all out when he's sure it will work out favorably or when he absolutely has to.)



    Other than this, Kujari has a lean, muscly build suited to his swift and precise way of fighting. He prefers the local style of clothing and armor over the one from his homeland. His green jacket extends down to cover the tops of his legs about halfway down to his knees.

    Height and weight: 5' 6"

    Personality: Kujari more often than not comes off as cold and calculating, though professional when it comes to dealing with people he isn't close to. Although he is at his core a kind and protective person, this side of him is more often than not shown through his actions rather than his words. Emotionally he is still recovering and may never truly heal from the events in his past. He readily gives aid when asked, especially to his brother Shin.

    In combat he moves with grace and speed, though it almost like a machine is fighting instead of a person... that is unless the life of his brother or the lives of innocents are on the line. In that case he has been known to fight like a man possessed.

    Likes and dislikes:

    Being prepared


    Combat and Magic Manuals


    Unnecessary pain, death, and those who cause it


    Dishonorable actions[/check[

    Equipment: For armor, he has modified the jacket he wears has small plates of armor sewn in-between the inner and outer layers (a jack of plates). He will also sometimes equip additional armor in the form gauntlets and leg armor when the situation calls for it, though nothing heavy enough to impair his movements. Kujari is loathe to wear a helmet as it blocks his field of view and interferes with his Air Sense ability.

    Weaponry: Kujari carries a katana/wakizashi pair, as well as a dagger and a buckler for extra off-hand defense just in case. He also carries a custom made fan with metal panels for use with his Gust ability.




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Name: Nieves Remedios Pozorrubio

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 20

Class: Spellblade


Tunoksatilas - Gives a series of strikes that leaves the opponent feeling pain in increasing degrees as time passes before the wounds fully appear. While it takes time, she continues to fight to make the effect more painful.

Haitsaulan - uses magic to make herself faster that lets her quickly delivers a series of blows that lands like rain in strong winds against one's face, just much more lethal.

Dugai ug Ovug - Using each of her twin sword, she uses calculated slashes and swifts to create a deafening shockwave with one blade and

Appearance: Straight long dark hair framing a tanned, soft, youthful face. She wears loose, colorful clothes (often a long sleeved yellow shirt and blue pantaloons with slippers) which hides a strong slender frame.



Height and weight: She stand at 5'5" and 120 lbs

Personality: Nieves is a dutiful person who's main goal is to travel the world. Hence she took a job which allows her to travel and collect as many things as possible. Friendly and Trusting, she often finds herself in situations that could have been avoided. She also sticks her nose into other people's businesses again landing her in trouble. However, if she lacks sleep she finds herself not caring and is quite irritable and grumpy.

Likes and dislikes:



Stewed Meats

Exotic things


Expensive Things

Not getting her own way.

Her bag getting stolen.

Background: The 18th child of the 9th son of the Pozzorubio, Nieves was given a different role in the family. When every child is born in the Pozzorubio, an old woman -one who claims to have been saved generations ago by the matriarch of the family- comes to the front of the house and upon seeing the child, can see three paths. These paths are the child's future, and each one has a potential that can bring the family glory. The potential path is the one that the old woman would prophesize. While the children can ignore these prophecies, many of them follow and it has often been successful that the family will devote their resources to each child to enhance their skills. The old woman, upon seeing Nieves, declared that she would become the sword of the family. One that will make the family name resound and echo throughout the lands, and passing whispers carry the wind and return to the family. A spellblade, she should be, and a spellblade she should pursue.

The family wasted no time and began to plan her training. Growing up, Nieves was treated like a soldier during her training, but in order for her not to be resent it all, she was allowed to enjoy a social life. This worked well for her, as she enjoyed the path and looked forward to travel. She grew skilled, her sword and magic elegant and efficient like the workings of nature. She grew strong, that she could hold her own and much more. Once she was of age, she left her town to join the order and follow her destiny.

Equipment: She carries a big bag that holds many precious things she has collected from around the world. A bilao she sometimes uses.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Anceril.Sacred.600.1008759.jpg.4091d0f31395d0b20e2f4159104381cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Anceril.Sacred.600.1008759.jpg.4091d0f31395d0b20e2f4159104381cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Michi Okanza




Camion Humanoid, Camions are Immortals that do not die from age or disease. Their bodies do not age past a certain age. They only die from battle. They can even regenerate limbs, although it is a painful


Looks 19 but is actually 378


SpellBlade Brute


Regeneration of Limbs, Unable to die from poison/age/disease

Height and weight:



Friendly, Childish but can be serious at points, Loves food.

Likes and dislikes:

+ Friends

- People who wish to harm others

+ Food

- Being Hungry


Michi has figured out that, unlike hers, Humans lives are short. She has dedicated her life to helping them live it to the fullest, and if that means dying she will do it. She will even give her food up if that means she can save someone(She can't die from hunger anyway.) She has found out the only way a Camion can die is from battle. Although she can regenerate Limbs, she saw other Camions slaughtered. Camions can not regenerate heads and hearts. She decided, being the last Camion, It was better if she were to go out fighting then cowering in the corner like a child

Equipment: She does not wear any armor besides a helmet and nec

Weaponry: It is her Large Broadsword.(I can't find a pic but it is in her picture)



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Misty Hanabusa


Race: Misty's kind are known as shells. They're soulless humans, typically mute, pale, and cold to the touch. They are resurrected humans. They were resurrected too late, and came back with peculiar powers.

Age: 52; Misty ages slower than most humans, due to not being "alive".

Class: Spellblade

Abilities: Shells are mainly looked down upon for their abilities in blood manipulation; controlling humans and animals forcefully. It is known to be very painful for the victim, and usually causes death by internal bleeding. Misty has perfected this art, earning her a cruel and hated image.


Height and weight: Also self-explanatory.

Personality: What are you like?

Likes and dislikes: Stuff.

Background: Why is your personality the way it is? Do you have any specific beliefs? Why did you become a Spellblade?

Equipment: Armor, potions, books, and other stuff goes here!

Weaponry: Pictures and/or short descriptions will do!

Arelynn said:
By creating a character in this RP, I accept there rules:

1. Respect each other!

2. If you're going to leave, tell me so I can arrange for your departing scene and open up a spot.

3. If you're going to be away, tell us so we can have either myself or someone post in your stead!

4. If you're going to kill someone major (players, important NPCs, etc.) ask permission!

5. Don't make an OP character that can't die and is good at everything and blah. It's not fun :(

6. Have fun dammit!

Character sheet: (If you have a preferred format/BBCode, feel free to use it!)

Name: First and last name. Middle name and nickname optional.

Gender: Self explanatory.

Race: Are you human? Elven? Something? You may create a unique race if you want!

Age: Your choice, but be reasonable. Non-human races may be different.

Class: Spellblade? Healer? Wizard? Your choice, though I'll accept Spellblades first.

Abilities: Nothing too OP, and not too many. 3 should be a good number, but more or less is okay, depending.

Appearance: Either a picture or short description is okay! I'm also not picky about what kind of picture.

Height and weight: Also self-explanatory.

Personality: What are you like?

Likes and dislikes: Stuff.

Background: Why is your personality the way it is? Do you have any specific beliefs? Why did you become a Spellblade?

Equipment: Armor, potions, books, and other stuff goes here!

Weaponry: Pictures and/or short descriptions will do!
Misty Hanabusa


Race: Misty's kind are known as shells. They're soulless humans, typically mute, pale, and cold to the touch. They are resurrected humans. They were resurrected too late, and came back with peculiar powers.

Age: 52; Misty ages slower than most humans, due to not being "alive".

Class: Spellblade

Abilities: Shells are mainly looked down upon for their abilities in blood manipulation; controlling humans and animals forcefully. It is known to be very painful for the victim, and usually causes death by internal bleeding. Misty has perfected this art, earning her a cruel and hated image.

Appearance: Misty is small in stature, dressed in a dark navy dress, with boots of black, and stockings of navy lace. She wears navy gloves, to avoid giving away her cold, dead touch. She has long hair, which is black as ink, with eyes deep and blue. Her skin is the same pale shade of white as the moon. She looks to be no older than sixteen, but her maturity and aged, sad eyes betray that.

Height and weight: 5'4 102 lbs

Personality: Misty enjoys silence. She enjoys the cold, and she enjoys the snow. Other than that, life really has no purpose. She can't remember anything before she was brought back, so she has no memory of life before being a hated shell.

Likes and dislikes:




-history books


X people

X loud noises

X dancing

X social events

X tall men

Background: Misty was resurrected in the midst of a battle. All she knew from then on were screams, blood, fear, and then the inevitable silence. She keeps to herself, and enjoys combat. It takes her mind off the emptiness. She died a spellblade; one renowned for her skill and kindness. She now lacks any kind of emotion or empathy, and she is hated. She doesn't lack in skill, however, and that has made her dark, and inevitably, evil.

Equipment: Misty fights with her blood manipulation if she sees a fight as beneath her, or too easy, but she will use her blade, apply named Silencer, if needed.

Weaponry: a solid black sword with sharpened silver on the blade; inscribed in it is this:

"I am sorry".
Name: Sunder Falls

Gender: Male

Race: Cyclops


Height and Weight: 6'11" 472

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c13a7fde73b0009cf7805cbd6dd5a2fb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.c13a7fde73b0009cf7805cbd6dd5a2fb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: Spellblade defender

Personality: Pragmatist, Straightfoward, usually never seen smiling. Is somewhat loyal to the strongest in the group, but always willing to leave the weak behind.


Likes: strong people who are willing to

fight, food

Dislikes: the weak, backstabbers, hunger, overly trusting people, pickpockets, guns


1. Iron skin

Sunder has refined and tested this skill to the extent of his ability. He can take a cannonball square to the chest and not even flinch

2. Super strength

Having always carried around heavy objects to train, Sunder wields incredible strength. It helps since his expanding gauntlets always weigh as much as two giant shields

3. Intimidation

With his powerfully booming voice and iron gaze, Sunder can make his opponents cower in fear through whatever means necessary

Equipment: set of heavy armor, rations

Weaponry: heavy expanding gauntlets <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.528a8649a87ab6fb127ff7cd7fe9190f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.528a8649a87ab6fb127ff7cd7fe9190f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Sunder was alone for his beginning years. As a good many cyclops parents do, Sunder was left behind as a child. As he wandered from place to place he started to feel Fearful of everything. He was an easy target for pickpockets, being as weak as he was. One day, he set his exausted eye on the most beautiful sight that he had ever seen. A grandious ship was docked with a clear enterance. Sunder never paused to think of the consequences. He crawled onto the ship and collapsed. He later found himself in the sick bay tended by a man who would later be introduced as he captain of the vessel.

Sunder would remember the next few years as the best of his life. The capitan took him in as a son, and for the first time Sunder had a father figure in his life. The capitan became a role model for him, with his noble nature and protective aura inspiring the young Sunder. In addition, the man would always comfort him during times of panic. The capitan always treated the crew like his own family, and around him they all felt safe. However, as most stories go, things began to get worse. They were boarded by a government ship, and even though there were no losses, some of the crew began to feel suspicious. The capitan would often be found in the crew's quarters late at night, accompanied by muffled screams. The next day, any crew members that voiced suspicions, and then some, were gone. The capitan acted as if they never existed, but that just worried Sunder even more. After weeks of terror, Sunder finally gained the courage, and confronted the capitan. As he walked down the hall to the capitan's quarters he heard anguished voices begging for mercy echoing across the hall, which only added to his terror. As he ascended the steps to the capitan's room, each step seemed to resonate with an incoherent plea, or a quieted scream. When he opened the door, he saw the capitan looking out over the deck with a broad smile of satisfaction. As he nervously stood in the doorway, the capitan turned around and said, in an unnaturally happy tone, "Look out there Sunder! You see this? This is true beauty! True poetry! This is art!" Sunder only shook his head in disgust. The capitan noticed this, and his face visibly darkened. He said no more words, pushing Sunder outside and shooting him in the back of the head. The last Sunder remembered was falling overboard, a sense of betrayal seeing into him as the darkness closed in around him.

And then, a second chance. A salvation from his salvation. Sunder had the luck of washing up before an ailing hermit. The hermit tensed to his wounds, but when Sunder regained conciousness, he flew into a blind rage, killing the hermit with one vicious blow. Absolutely mortified at his actions, and horribly scarred from the captain's betrayal, Sunder promised himself one thing: He would become stronger. And with that vow, he set off to refine his powers. As he aged, Sunder worked harder and harder, pushing the limits of his body to become stronger. As he continued, he never showed weakness. He fought other monsters, plowed through miles of ice and snow, and even got himself struck by lightning, in an attempt to steel himself. Eventually, he considered himself strong enough to join the esteemed Spellblades. However, the ghosts of his past always and will haunt him. The weak cyclops orphan, the traitorous captain, the dead hermit - all of these pushed Sunder to become the cyclops that he is now, a powerful, no-nonsense fighter with nerves of steel.



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Name: Hime Pronounced (he may) *Mistress, Master. REAL NAME: Lillian Phoenix

Gender: Female

Race: Unknown

Age: Looks 20, Real age is unknown

Class: Dark Magic user

Abilities: She is very good at tortureing anything. She can also shapeshift slightly and is good at acting


Height and weight: 5ft 9in, 140lbs

Personality: She is very kind and caring. She is quick to help others as well. Unfortunately this is false as when she is not around others she is sadistic, cruel and heartless.

Likes and dislikes: L: Cake, Screams of pain, Death, Tortureing others. D: People who find out about her darker side.

Background: Classified!

Equipment: None until she dawns it. (puts it on)

Weaponry:She uses a nice dark sword with a dragon's eye for a pommel along with a chainsaw.

Other: She is Marth's Mistress and owner. She also owns a rest area called the jade rose.

GoldenChari said:
Name: Hime Pronounced (he may) *Mistress, Master. REAL NAME: Lillian Phoenix
Gender: Female

Race: Unknown

Age: Looks 20, Real age is unknown

Class: Dark Magic user

Abilities: She is very good at tortureing anything. She can also shapeshift slightly and is good at acting


Height and weight: 5ft 9in, 140lbs

Personality: She is very kind and caring. She is quick to help others as well. Unfortunately this is false as when she is not around others she is sadistic, cruel and heartless.

Likes and dislikes: L: Cake, Screams of pain, Death, Tortureing others. D: People who find out about her darker side.

Background: Classified!

Equipment: None until she dawns it. (puts it on)

Weaponry:She uses a nice dark sword with a dragon's eye for a pommel along with a chainsaw.

Other: She is Marth's Mistress and owner. She also owns a rest area called the jade rose.

That just got..... "Dark"
Name: Josephine Adelaide Generoux

Nickname: Killian

Gender: Female

Race: Half human/frost elf

Age: 25

Class: Smuggler (To non-clients, simply a maritime merchant.)


Where Did That Come From?

"I can get you anything you need--anything at all--into the shop within a month's time, maximum. That is, if you have the money for it." She'll say with a glint in her eye. Sometimes, not even she'll know where she gets the stuff she sells.

Oh Captain, My Captain

Due to experience, she can steer a ship through pretty much anything short of a cement wall. In fact, there's a funny story about that she likes to tell when there's rum and good company.

Chill Out

Looks aren't the only things that Killian inherited from her mother. While she missed out on the longevity, she can manipulate the temperature near her to be below freezing.

Cold Steel

While she's no Spellblade or Knight, she can handle herself very well in sword combat. Using a dueling style she learned overseas, she specializes in quick flurries of thrusts and jabs and counter-attacks to quickly dispatch opponents.



Height and weight:
5'8" 159lbs

Killian can be described as flamboyant and very loud. She can also be quite overconfident, finding herself gambling far too often, be it with money or her life. But she isn't all talk. Get her angry and you've got hell on your heels. She can hold a grudge, and that grudge is pretty much guaranteed to never die. She's pretty wild and unpredictable, but she's also resourceful and a lot smarter than she leads on. If she's set on something, she'll make sure it happens. Even though it's very obvious that she likes money, she also goes out of her way to help those without much.

Likes and dislikes:





The cold

Lazy people

Getting angry


Background: She was born to a human father and a frost elf mother. Her father would travel a lot, while her mother stayed at their home in the snowy mountains to raise her. During the times her father was home, he taught her things he learned about the world and told stories of his travels. Killian's mother would also tell her about times when she and her father would adventure together. This led her to want to travel and have daring adventures just like her parents. Unfortunately, that time came sooner than expected.

Her father had not come back for a long time, and her mother began to worry. Cloaked men came to the village where she lived, searching every single house. Her mother gave her a sword and hid her in the attic. When the men came, they demanded to know where Killian's father was. When her mother refused to comply, they killed her and left one man to search the house. Killian, bursting with fear and anger, came down from the attic with the burning desire to cut him down. Catching him off-guard, she managed to run him through the chest, though not before getting a deep cut across her right cheek.

After that, she fled the village with nothing but her mother's sword and a ruby necklace her father gave her on his last visit.

(The reason she hates Spellblades is currently unknown. In fact, you aren't even aware that she hates Spellblades. Oh nos.)

Equipment: Various miscellaneous items and a ruby necklace.


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  • Name: Willow Eshin

    Gender: Nil, prefers female form

    Race: Will-o'-the-wisp

    Age: Eight, they grow up quickly

    Class: Spellblade

    Other: She is a mute and cannot speak

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