
Glad to see interest. I thought I had it all worked out, and then I looked at it and didn't quite like what I saw. It should be complete within a few hours.


M37 "Arbiter" Assault Rifle:

The Arbiter is the current generation of the Republic's assault rifle. Firing a 7.62 x 51 mm NATO round, with a 1000 RPM. It has an effective firing range of about 500 meters for point shooting. The rail fits most sight mounts, although it is issued without a sight. The magazine carries 32 rounds, and has a simple switch to drop the magazine for easy reloading. The Arbiter has a Carbine variant, with a notably shorter barrel and more compact design.

"Judgement" Sniper Rifle:

The Judgement rifle is the only weapon thus far to utilize railgun technology. Firing a depleted uranium, 60 caliber slug, the Judgement rifle typically leaves little more than a pile of twisted limbs in it's wake. One load will carry ten rounds, and the effective range is 2000m.

G42 SMG:

The compact G42 SMG features a 20 round magazine, firing a 5.7 x 22mm round. It has very little in the way of long distance combat, but it has proven utterly brutal in close quarters engagements.

"Avenger" Nerox Shotgun:

A pump-action shotgun designed for CQB engagements. Carries eight 9-gauge shells per load. The shock absorption system works wonders, allowing the weapon to be fired without so much as bruising the wielder, even if they were to fire as rapidly as possible.

"Prosecutor" Light Machine Gun:

Arguably the most intimidating weapon of the Republic arsenal, the Prosecutor is the squad support weapon of Republic forces. Carrying a 150 round box magazine, or a belt feed, the weapon can lay down suppressing fire for lengthy periods.

"Adjudicator" M23 Handgun:

10 round magazine of .45 rounds.

"Devastator" AT Launcher:

Single load, High Explosive, target-lock rocket.

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How about you add the equipment next, like the general load out is. Does the suppoort gunner carry ammo? And if so, how much. The average amount of explosives an engineer has. And what kind of armor do they all have.
I was planning on getting there at some point today, as well as an armor description and possibly some vehicle info. Just need to wake up all the way. 


Light Armor "Dragoon":
Allows for higher range of motion at the cost of protection. The suit is primarily kevlar, but the vest itself contains a layer of liquid armor that protects the torso from most bullet penetration.


Microphone and Earbud for comms

Vital Signs and Triage Profiler:

Any medic, using his or her Medical Diagnostic Tool, can scan this device. In a few seconds, nearly all information relevant to battlefield medical treatment will be given. At the bottom of the screen, a blue circle or a red X will appear. The former means battlefield triage is likely to save the victim, while an X reflects poor chances. The scanner system is linked to all other scanners, and manages the amount of resources directed to each medic.

HUD Overlay:

Includes an ammo count, radar ping (50m, 100m, and 200m ranges), Objective Marker.

Heavy Armor "Warlord":

Heavy protection, at the cost of some speed and mobility. The suit is a full coverage compilation of ceramic plates, kevlar, and a newly developed repair system. When a ceramic plate is cracked, the gap beneath it is flooded with the liquid armor fluid. The system as a whole is extremely heavy, and requires a fuel cell to run. Each cell lasts about six hours, preventing the Warlord from seeing long-term combat usage.


All of above systems, plus-

Liquid Armor Gauge

Fuel Cell Power Bar

Kit Pieces:

Medical Scanner:

The most basic tool of the Medic's equipment, the scanner picks up information from a targeted Vital Profiler and displays it for the Medic. The device is small enough to fit in one hand, making it convenient for battlefield use.

First Aid Kit:

Standard to all medics, this kit has anesthetic, bandages, disinfectant, and virtually anything else one could need from a battlefield medic.

R7 Explosive Template:

The R7 is the current Template for nearly all infantry explosive devices. The Template has three settings, which can be switched between with a simple flick of a switch on the template's side. The first is a standard fragmentation grenade, the second is a small directional charge ideal for breaching doors, and the third turns the Template into an anti-infantry landmine. All Infantry units are given the option to carry the R7 Template.

"Vault-Buster" Breaching Charge:

For walls or doors where the Template just won't cut it, the Vault-Buster comes in. It has been known to blast metal bulkheads off their hinges and send them hurtling down the hallway several feet. Assigned to Engineers in most cases, although some Assaults have been known to carry one of their own.

Anti-Armor Grenade:

A vaguely oval shaped grenade, typically issued to Engineers. This grenade is most effective when thrown under the vehicle or at it's treads, as the vehicle armor will survive the blast in most cases. The treads, wheels, or undercarriage, however, are far more vulnerable and can be crippled by one or two of these grenades.


All units come equipped with these, although Recons typically use them more than anyone else. These binoculars are linked to the entire squad's HUD, and by focusing a target in the center of the view, the user can mark a target on everyone else's radar feed.

Un-manned Scout Drone:

A remote controlled miniature helicopter, this device carries the same function as the magnoculars, but with a much greater capacity as it can be sent behind enemy lines at no risk to the user. Only carried by Recons.

Portable Deflector Shield:

While personal shielding technology has proven unreliable, smaller fields have proven viable. Carried exclusively by Support Gunners, this field is about four feet wide and two feet tall. Deploying the field typically takes about 30 seconds, and the shield will last about five minutes on it's own power source. The battery is rechargeable, although it will drain massive amounts of energy and it is strongly advised that recharging only take place at approved, military generators.

"Gibber" SF Combat Knife:

Reserved solely for special forces units, this knife is one of the most brutal weapons in the Republic arsenal. The hilt of the knife contains a liquid nitrogen canister that is connected to the tip of the knife. A simple stab will inject the liquid nitrogen into the victim, flash-freezing the flesh and explosively compressing the target. Each canister contains enough liquid nitrogen for three uses, but soldiers who are particularly fond of the weapon have been known to acquire additional canisters for some missions, which are simply loaded in through the base of the hilt. The knife can also be set to operate as a simple blade with the flick of a switch, in case the user wishes to save the canister for later.

Jump Boots:

Among standard forces, the Jump Boots are usually assigned to Recons alone. Among Special Forces units, the Jump Boots have become a universally appreciated tool. The name is a bit misleading, as the boots do nothing to help the user jump higher or further. However, they are remarkably good for reducing the stress of impact, and with some proper knee bending can allow the user to jump off a two story building with no risk of harm.

M40 Grenade Launcher:

Most often reserved for Assaults, this launcher is a pistol-sized, single load grenade launcher with a range of about 100m. It loads the R7 Template, but exclusively fires the fragmentation setting.

Engineer Repair Kit:

Includes a hand-welder and most other repair tools. Designed for minor battlefield repairs of armor plating, minor vehicle damage, and weapon repairs.

AT Mine:

Designed for disabling or destroying vehicles, this mine was intended to be placed in the hands of an engineer. However, most engineers believe they're already carrying too much, and tend to shove it off onto the Support Gunner if possible.

Sensor Mine:

Primarily a Recon's tool, Supports have also been known to carry them on occasion. The Sensor Mine is a small disk with a camera optic, linked to the Squad's HUD. Any human or vehicle sized target spotted by the camera will be marked on the HUD. Recons use it to detect enemy patrols in most cases, whereas Supports have been known to use them to mark enemy approaches early so they know which direction to face.

Smoke Grenades:

Smoke grenades are not standard to any one class, but any class can take them. Most often used to cover a frontal assault or retreat, smoke grenades are seeing less use on the battlefield with the growing prevalence of thermal sights or visors. Colored smoke is still used to mark some specific targets, but only rarely.

"Bleach" Capsule:

Given only to Vat-Clones, these capsules are designed to kill the person they are implanted in. While the Republic has little fear of captured Spectres giving up information by torture, they are more concerned with enemy scientists discovering the secrets to creating their own Spectre units. These capsules, upon activation, release billions of microbes that can consume all of the Spectre's genetic material within 24 hours. The process leaves behind nothing more than a small pile of white, bubbling sludge.

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@Vudukudu When it comes to the armor, are they specific to the character classification? Or can you choose depending on the mission? For instance, if my character is deployed for demolition disposal she would have to wear the heavier for extra protection against blasts. But then on a separate mission, she is asked to utilise her hacking skills and has to move quickly, so chooses to wear the lighter one? I'm sorry if I've jumped ahead or if it's a silly question.
Probably going with per mission basis. @Lumeneire 
If anyone has any suggestions for weapons to be added, armor details, or kit pieces, feel free to message me! I'm open to ideas, but some things will be rejected to be in keeping with what I've established tech levels to be.
Ammo crates, medium armor, grenade types, and ammunitions such as incindeary(deffinatly spelled that wrong.) 
Ob, and the ever important vehicles. Already got an idea for an amphibious lander, the Toad I call it. Heavy amphibious troop carrier, not the fastest thing, but it can certainly keep troops protected while managing to return a decent amount of fire.

Mechanical Warfare: Land and Air

The Beowulf Main Battle Tank:

The MBT of the Republic army, the Beowulf is a heavy-armor unit equipped with a Rail-Cannon, four automated anti-personnel turrets, and a low-altitude SAM missile for targeting helicopters.

Herakles Troop Carrier:

Typical patrol vehicle and troop transport. Carries two in front and six in back seats, although ten can easily fit in the back with a few people crouched.

Odysseus Motorbike:

Single man bike, occasionally used for patrols. Also used for small unit insertions, where a Herakles is too noticeable but speed is still necessary.

Harpy Fighter:

One of the few air vehicles still manned by a pilot, the Harpy is the jet most often deployed to destroy enemy air assets. It's air to ground capabilities are minor compared to the typical drone craft launched for air support, but it excels in air combat.

Manticore UAV:

The standard for air to ground support vehicles, the Manticore is an unmanned aircraft controlled remotely by an aircrew. Typically used for fire support and air strikes.

Wyvern Dropship:

Airborne troop carrier capable of vertical landing. The Wyvern can carry up to thirty soldiers in it's troop bay.

Thunderbird Attack Helicopter:

Typically used for direct, close air support and fast attack operations.

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