
Character Sheet:

Registration Number: (Letter-3 numbers)




Combat Role (Assault Filled, Recon, Engineer Filled, Medic, Support Gunner Filled):


Registration Number: A902

Call-Sign: Outlaw

Gender: Male


Combat Role (Assault, Recon, Engineer, Medic, Support Gunner): Squad Leader

Skills: Leadership, Tactical Planning, Marksmanship, Rifles, Grenadier

Personality: A902 came out of training just as intended. He's cold, direct, and focused on getting the job done. He gives orders and says very little else. His stoicism in the face of danger is near infinite. He has trouble relating to others, making him perfect for jobs where people who might otherwise be his friends could die. He is, as far as command is concerned, the perfect leader for a highly skilled strike force.
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Registration Number: B-925

Callsign: Bigs

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_15-53-10.jpeg.add0e6ef7d90387608cc711e215a036f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_15-53-10.jpeg.add0e6ef7d90387608cc711e215a036f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Combat Role (Assault, Recon, Engineer, Medic, Support Gunner): Support Gunner.

Skills: Quickly reload machine guns, of any weight class, and maintain decent accuracy during sustained fire. Carries a lot of the extra ammo.

Personality: He was rather loud, considering how he was when he was first taken out of the tube. The first month or so that he was out, he was perfectly silent. He did what he was told, and stayed quiet. Most of his caretakers thought it was just a phase, but still reported it to their higher ups. Eventually, however, subject B-925 came out of it. It started in one of his classes with the simple question of "Why?" Ever after that, a new personality came out. He still did as he was told, just after a lengthy explanation of why. And even after that, he may very well just moan and complain about it. It was also revealed that he was a bit on the clumsy side to mundane tasks, such as writing with a to small pencil. But if the object is big enough for his hands to wrap around comfortably, he can work with that object easily and deftly.



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Role Classification:

Assault: Typically armed with an SMG, Assault Rifle, or Shotgun depending on the range of combat. Trained for CQB, breach and clears, and frontline service.

Recon: Equipped with a sniper rifle or battle rifle, Recons bring death from a distance. They are also quick scout units, capable of gathering intel on a position with a good measure of stealth.

Engineer: The demolitionist, hacker, and technician of the squad. Carrying breaching charges, high explosives, and some repair tools makes them a versatile force on the battlefield. In most cases, Engineers carry a Carbine rifle or SMG, as well as an AT weapon.

Medic: Equipped with an SMG or Carbine in most scenarios, the Medic remains a force to be reckoned with in combat while also offering first aid treatment and battlefield triage.

Support Gunner: Carrying a bulky LMG, the support gunner is the slowest to move, but the most capable of laying down devastating amounts of fire. While they are less likely to score kills than their comrades, the suppression they offer is just as valuable.
Registration Number: J-177

Call-sign: Blitz

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05e14c5b_RPSpectrechar.jpg.79611a7a6d83b42d3ac77a4932cc20db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05e14c5b_RPSpectrechar.jpg.79611a7a6d83b42d3ac77a4932cc20db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Combat Role: Assault (Shotgun when practical, Assault Rifle otherwise)

Skills: CQC, Shotguns, Rifles, Combat Knives, Martial Arts

Personality: For someone grown under the indifferent care of scientists, J-177 is rather attached to his fellow specters. The is quite possibly due to the fact that they were the only ones whom he had "normal" contact with. That being said, he doesn't let those friendships get in the way of his orders. Besides his squad, he has little compassion for humans due to his early experiences with the scientists that made him. Combat wise, J-177 is always the first into the fray. He has not yet encountered anything that has made him afraid past the first few years of genetic augmentation.



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Registration Number: D-983

Callsign: Red

Gender: Female


Combat Role (Assault, Recon, Engineer, Medic, Support Gunner): Engineer.

Skills: Demolitionist, Bomb disposal, computer whizz and mechanic.

Personality: Most thought that she was deaf and dumb when she was ejected from the tube. She seemed not to respond to any commands and tended to just carry out her own tasks and learn on her own. Eventually, after many tests, it was found that she had been learning quicker than other spectres and that she simply was above the basic learning requirements. After understanding her needs, they allowed her to pursue her own interests and gave her unlimited access to the archives and educational resources. She delved into blueprints, schematics, weaponry, scientific achievements and trained herself to code and hack her way through any computer. The information she was given was within reason as per the Spectre training protocol and was only given unlimited access to relevant data. She was not allowed to access human politics, behaviour, social structure or agriculture. She developed skills far beyond her years and it affected her interaction skills with the humans. On many occasion, the scientists in charge of her would discuss shutting the project down and exterminating her. She wasn't made as perfect as some of the other experiments and a few wires was clearly loose in her brain. But after demonstrating her valuable skills, the scientists superiors demanded she be kept on a tight leash and and taught to utilise her abilities. So they kept her behind computer screens and underneath vehicles and machinery, a place where she felt most comfortable anyway. She also has an uncontrollable love for fire and explosions and has been deemed dangerous. The squad leader has strict instructions to watch her carefully and make sure she doesn't accidentally 'blow everything up for the fun of it'.
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This message goes to anyone accepted or intending to apply. I'm going to start adding more and more information to the roleplay as I come up with it, but quite frankly, the Overview section just doesn't look like a good place to do it.

So it's moving to the OOC, where I can make post-by-post updates without making the roleplay look goofy. So if you're in or interested, PLEASE, PLEASE, follow the OOC tab.
Registration Number: B-170

Call-sign: Rowan

Gender: Male


Combat Role: Medic

Skills: B-170 is able to identify an injury in a matter of seconds, skilled with his SMG as he is with a needle, and he can stitch a wound up in thirty seconds if the situation calls for it.

Personality: B-170 is timid and awkward, but when he has to he can easily put that aside to help his squad mates, he easily becomes the strong one, physically and mentally. He isn't afraid to criticize and tell someone they're wrong, and he rarely goes overboard, seeing as he has a calm nature he prefers to avoid verbal conflict. Rowan is helpful to the team as long as he doesn't lose his temper or get his feelings hurt, at those times he has been known to disappear and reappear later without notice.

Registration Number: Z-300

Call-sign: California Red

Gender: Male


Combat Role: Engineer

Skills: Quick at making effective explosives, able to rewire machines, do repairs, and hack efficiently, as he should, as well as his apparent photographic memory.

Personality: Nonchalant and sarcastic, Z-300 is intelligent but not the easiest to work with as he has shown to be somewhat of a narcissist and has a tongue sharp as shrapnel. You will likely find yourself wanting to work with someone else but if you need an expert in explosives or someone to fix a machine it's best you try to get along with him as his he remembers all of his training, and that is meant quite literally.
Registration Number: Q-515

Callsign: Pick

Gender: Female


Combat Role: Recon

Skills: Perception, Marksmanship, Stealth, Sniper Rifles

Personality: Pick is a soft-spoken spectre with somewhat of an inferiority complex. Despite being told she was "special" and "better than everyone else", she feels less than the average human, due to the fact that she was made by those average humans. Though she might ponder her own existence in the barracks, on missions she is focused and calm, for the most part.
Registration Number: F-451

Callsign: Ray

Gender: Male


Combat Role: Medic

Skills: Trauma surgery, adequate marksmanship, CQC, savant in most fine-motor tasks

Personality: Ray is clean, orderly, and professional. He is ferociously loyal to the Republic and in particular the Spectre program. He has been noted in his profile for a superiority complex, but it is not considered a tactical risk. His only other significant deviation from standard Spectre psychological profiles is a dark sense of humor.
Character Sheet:

Registration Number: B-859

Callsign: Daisy Chain

Gender: Female



Combat Role: Spy, double agent

Skills:she is small and acts girly so she seems innocent and nieve but she is actually a skilled shooter and works as a double agent for the agency.

Personality: Blaise is kind To everyone when she isn't in war she helps poor people get food and makes sure that the rich are spending their money wisely. When she is in war she is fierce and tough never hesitating always two steps ahead. When she isn't in war she is shy and girly hardly speaking just listening

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