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Fantasy |¤Special Ops in the Dark Ages¤| Group RP


Lurker in the Dark
At exactly 23:00 hours a Special Forces covert team disappeared in the middle of a Covert Ops mission in an undisclosed location in the middle east. This covert team is considered the absolute best. A success rate of 98% with over 2,000 confirmed kills collectively. The disappearance of this team sent a ripple through the American government. Panic and cover ups. Searching the globe, interrogating terrorist leaders. Anything they could do to find this Irreplaceable team.

The night air was crisp, an early autumn day. Slowly the team Rose from the Slumber of what had happened. The covert Ops Team immediately took aim, surrounded by people who looked like......knights? The Knights aimed their Spears, some of them on the backs of dragons. The team had their firearms aimed. A moment of panic as voices raised, barking orders at the Knights.

The tension was high as a man dressed in holy garb stepped forward. The team was on edge, weapons still pointed and ready to fire. The man raised his hand, silencing the Knights.

"Brave warriors of another land. You have been called forth to help our holy empire in this time of great strife. We beg of you, help us."

Summoned to a fantasy world, this covert team must discover the truth's hidden behind the lies. They must choose the best way to go forward as their actions will determine the course of this world and decide if they ever get home.

I know it's a relatively simple introduction to what I have planned, but I have much more to tell you.

The basic premise of this idea is that an entire covert Ops Team is sent to another world to be the heroes, but of course well-trained Special Ops aren't just going to take their word for it. There is a never-ending web of political lies, deception, espionage and of course battles. We will be trudging through the lies and deceit in order to find the best way to get back home. How will the team decide to go about this? Who's side will they take? All of that to be revealed.

There are a limited number of slots:

Commander- DeathUnchained DeathUnchained
Tech Specialist-
Infiltration- Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
Heavy Weapons Specialist-

I'm looking to fill the slots and assemble a crack team. I know there isn't much here right now, but I promise there will be more as there is an entire world to explore.

I'm looking for people who can post relatively regularly. I have a few other stories going that are going really slow, so I'm hoping that I can get this story to be pretty active. I'm hoping for a couple paragraphs per post and I understand that life comes up. If you can't post just let me know.

Follow all rpn rules and just have fun.
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I'd like to claim the sniper role - you probably are making the OC sheet so I'll be waiting!!

I am EST and can post regularly 3:00-10/11:00 on week days whilst weekends its either all day after I wake up or I'm out because I'm going somewhere.

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