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Futuristic Space God (First Contact)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Note: Still a little bit of a WIP (I forgot a couple minor things.) FYI, I do plan to run the "space god". Also FYI, I don't think I have ever used the tag "hot aliens" before. First time for everything, I guess.

Sorwell was a new world discovered by the Terran Empire in the year 2517 by an automated drone launched by the DSX Minerva. Earth had begun its exodus, expanding to new worlds, constantly searching for sources of raw materials to feed its expansion.

Sorwell was rich in raw materials. It was a beautiful that would make an ideal tourist resort in addition to offering an

Sorwell was also occupied by a primitive civilization. Unfortunately for them, the DSX Minerva was a Mercantile vessel with a complement of paramilitary troops just itching to go to work. But though the Empire believed in a manifest destiny, it usually tried to seek the diplomatic path first. The manner in which this was usually done was much the same as the way the West was Won back the imperial era of America.

Your Character
This was where your character came into the picture. Diplomacy. Her orders? Hammer out a treaty with the natives. Wow them with trinkets. But make the conditions favorable for the Empire. Translation: Buy the plundering rights for a steal. And if that didn’t work, they could just alter the bargain later on - or break it altogether when they pushed the natives too far and had a good excuse to transplant them.

Her skills are completely up to you. But her position would be based on some sort of experience with diplomacy. She could be a historian, anthropologist, linguist, archaeologist, whatever. Maybe even a combination of these skills.

You are welcome to develop a couple NPCs as well.

Very human, at least in appearance, and very healthy. This is the first truly sapient species discovered. They have not allowed your xenobiologists to get anywhere near them though. Any samples have to be from things like feces, etc. It is still very early in First Contact.

They DO have a written language though, but it is extremely complex and always written artistically. And their native language is impossible to speak as their vocal range extends into ultrasonic ranges. It is likely their vision has a wider range as well. Their eyes are beautiful. iridescent and changing with mood.

They decorate their bodies with something like Henna tattoos using an ink that changes with mood. Their clothing, very sparse, is decorated with silk embroidery using threads dyed the same way.

One thing of note: there are very few children and none have been seen after the initial contact. They form a social commune of six, called a Pod. This seems to be their equivalent of a family.

Though there are no places of worship dedicated to it, they worship a sky god named Rend.

The alien with whom you established formal first contact developed a 20% working knowledge of English in less than a week. They will have an 80% fluency in a month.

They often have meetings ready before you even get there - even when unannounced.

The Aliens aren’t interested. You are not welcome. Go away.

Insert insistent desire for a peaceful resolution.

Repeated stubbornness.

Orders to go back and try again one more time.

Aliens warn against the Empire trying to take what it wants. Suggestions to seek other worlds - or the Sky God, would intervene.


Of course, we can roleplay through these scenes. But you will be the “diplomat” caught in the middle of what promises to become a massacre, a repetition of history that most people have long forgotten.

Imperial Technology
Comparable to that seen in the TV series Expanse (minus alien crap). Very early FTL travel has been developed comparable to the early stages of the Aliens franchise. Cryogenic suspension is generally employed for interstellar travel. No Star Trek phasers. No transporters, etc.

3rd Person, Past Tense
Decent literacy, spelling and grammar.
I tend to post a minimum of a page. But quality over quantity.
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I think that's about 450, but close enough. Less than that means I had trouble coming up with a good response. More common in conversations. I do NOT expect every writer out there to do the same. Some write less; some more.

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