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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Space Fae In Space!! [IC; O/A]


lord of misrule
World building:

Welcome to the intergalactic fae high courts. You might be wondering how this works. Well the Seelie court owns all the space over there, and the Unseelie courts own all that space way over there--then there’s all this neutral space left over from the last war. The Seelie and the Unseelie have very different cultures mostly on account that the Unseelie court was founded by those exiled from the Seelie court. So members of the Unseelie court have adopted a culture that avoid Seelie betrayal: they keep their affections secret, high on sarcasm, and aggression. The Seelie court tends to be passive aggressive, overly courteous even if they don't like you at all and very easily offended. Still sarcastic though. Good luck! In between you have the folks living in neutral space, they tend to be a little more even keeled. But there are the divine beasts--rare I know--who abide by no court and do as they will. The two courts have been on the brink of war for like a thousand thousand years, so it’s been a pretty good time to be a pirate- -you get what I’m saying.

  • Any faerie, mythological creature, or monster can be affiliated to any court or none.
  • Things that are considered divine are like kirin, dragons, nephilim, ect
  • Earth doesn't exist
  • Humans/changelings/witches/wizards ect are rare.
  • Magic and Lasers. Yes.
  • Force fields, laser swords, blasters
  • Rune circles, telekinesis, necromancy, people with dinosaur heads.
  • Neither the Seelie nor the Unseelie court is good or bad. Just very different shades of jerk.
The Good Ship Penelope:

This ship is old as heck. It’s an old harpy war ship from the last open court wars and as such it is powered by a ghost drive. Yes. that intangible harpy princess used telekinesis to shoot the ship through space. Yes. She is screaming at you--that’s just part of her charm.

  • The Good Ship Penelope is a democracy, if you don’t like the captain, nominate yourself and call a vote!
  • Penelope needs a pilot or navigator to possess to make the ship go
  • Sigfried and Kip are second generation pirates and this was their parents' ship--they have since upgraded to something flashier
  • The main room has a couch. This couch has seen so much. Please help it.
  • The ship, Kip, and Sig consider themselves Unseelie but grew up with recently banished Seelie (so technically Unseelie), neutral and kidnapped Seelie folk. As long as you want to be a pirate you're in.
  • Rooms of note: Large common room and kitchen, small personal rooms, big ghost navigation circular room, a bridge with a special radar made from a space whale heart, a labyrinthine engine room and weapon systems,two big cargo holds each with large airlocks, one small airlock for pedestrian and boarding other ships, and a walk in freezer.


Kip and Sig are the current crew members--they grew up on this ship! They know Penelope, the ship's ghost drive, pretty well and she knows all kinds of embarrassing things like the time they filled the kitchen with jello. They are brothers and will insist this. One of them is a ginger half troll half low elf who passes for high elf and the other is well Kip is half kelpie and quarter dinosaur and quarter mystery--his mom is great. What do they actually have in common, well they have the same dad- or they thought they did- it’s a long story. They are hiring all new crew members from Shelly’s leg, a hole in the wall space bar that facilitates trading and hiring crew members like it’s a fantasy football season.

Narratives we want to explore:

  • Found families
  • Weird science fantasy slice of life
  • Short missions with rewards and consequences. Npcs will be dmed for you to throw around. No dice. Just come ready to fight.
  • Sig and Kip’s goals are to impress their parents who are well established pirates- so they are very about bad decisions and reckless heists.
About us:

Hello! Space fae in space is an rp that has been run before by wickedlittlecritta wickedlittlecritta and TrashRabbit TrashRabbit and Sig and Kip are the unfortunate spawn that happened canonically in that rp. We would like to invite 5-7 people to come play with us in this very silly, very fun setting. Our primary goal is to have a great time and perhaps self indulge more than most rps wanna let you. We are very literate rpers but also very lazy. Short posts are good posts in our book which makes long posts exciting. Our main concern is being able to understand what’s going in a post and that the writer knows what’s going on around them. We both work and will expect weekly activity out of everyone or at least one night of the week we can all get together and rapid fire post. We have some pre established cannon about types of fae but none of it is set in stone since we aim to share and make new friends as our first priority.

Come play in our weird space fae soap opera. Just eat the pomegranate seeds already, okay?

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Sig & Kip
Shelly’s leg was a grimy hole in the wall on a grimy hole in the wall asteroid. The lighting was purple with poor synced pink strobes, and it was full of ruffians, ravers, gogo dancers, greasy pizza and the best crew hiring app this side of unseelie space.
Sig, tall and ginger, towered over his brother who was more small and bitey looking as they took a booth and started drawing up the questionnaire for their hiring application.
At some point Sig decided they had made something usable and siad; “This looks good.”
“You can’t ask if somebody is a brood parasite or not,” Kip complained, crossing the question off. “That’s racist.”
“Okay,” he said, “fine. Then you can’t just ask. If someone is obnoxious. Who will answer yes?”
“I would?” Kip said.
Sig sighed. They couldn’t do worse than the time their old captain hired a banshee and all she did was scream for two weeks till they traded her back to a seelie ship. Or the time they hired a were hound who only used dog shape to insist you throw a frisbee- or the other time they found a changeling in a box and he blew holes through the ship with his laser hands- the good ship penelope still bore a big melty hole that served as a doorway into the kitchen as proof.
“Its whatever,” Siegfried said.
“I’ll take it off, fine,” Kip said.
Sig sat back in the booth and clicked through the interactive table and sent the application off into the crew finder database at Shelly’s leg. He watched a fairy girl with moth wings do something fairly impressive on a pole and hoped at least someone applied.
Then ordered a pizza.

Sig brought up the applications and laughed- not sure if he was pleased or disappointed
“Well,” Said Sig, “there’s a Duhlahan.”
“We need that,” Kip said, leaning over and hitting the accept button without even attempting to read the application. “What else do we have.”
“This guy?” Sig said pointing at Niko’s beardy face.
“Have we ever had a dwarf on the ship before?” Kip asked.
“He’s not a dwarf- he’s- whatever. That. is.” Sig said. Sig hit accept so they wouldn’t have to have this argument.
“I’m pretty sure that’s a dwarf,” Kip argued anyway. “He looks mean. I like him.”
“What. Is a Deva?” Sig asked, doing his best to change the subject.
“You made that up,” Kip accused.
SIg pointed indignantly at the application.
“Then they made that up,” Kip said.
“Or. He’s real,” Sig said making eyebrows.
“It will be great either way,” Kip said, punching every accept button he could see on the pad. It was going to be great. Everyone was awful and perfect.
Sig had the good decency to send the dock location and the estimated time of departure.
“Be there or be square,” his message said.
Sig waited outside with a cigaret and an open airlock. Kip joined him after a moment, carrying stolen pizzas and cackling. “We never have to buy food again,” he said triumphantly, and carried his loot in through the airlock, disappearing into the safety of Penelope’s interior.
Penelope herself was a big brass ship covered in dark blue runes. She wasn’t as big as some but she had a round organic look to her hull and the ghost drive had an elegant external engine. Sometimes they would get mistaken for an art nouveau installation.
The quiet hum of a lonely pod engine made it's way echoing through the walls as Alfie sat staring at the stars of space. She wondered where she came from all this time, almost dreading sitting there all by herself. As a message popped up on her holoscreen, she quickly realized she didn't care about any of that stuff and opened up the message. "Be there or be square." Then message read. Alfie let out a howl like noise and laughed as if she just read the funniest thing ever kicking her feet up.
"I knew those bastards would accept my application. They'd be stupid not to! I even sent them a selfie to show how cute I was."
Leaning over pushing the holoscreen away, she put in the coordinates provided in the messaged into her pods log and without hesitation, pushed a large red button. The pod revved into high gear as large rockets exhaled even larger flames, high speeding away to the coordinates. Alfie forgot to buckle up so was clingy onto something desperately, screaming for her life.
"I reeeegreeet nooooothiiing!" She tried to shout.
For what seemed like a light year to the little creature that only stood a good 3'7", Alfie finally made it to one of the docking stations crashing her pod literally into the food court causing a loud explosion near by though it was small causing little casualties. People gathered around looking to see what has landed and if the pilot of the pod was alright. But when nothing appeared from the crash, a man shouted out for a response; "Hey, are you okay!?" Moments passed, but Alfie made her way through stumbling around trying to regain her balance eventually walking up to the man meeting only below his knees.
"Yeah I am fine, I'm here ain't I!?" She said sarcastically.
She spun around to see her pod was damaged and nonfunctional.
"Pod for sale, great shape! Runs like a fat whale!" Shouting out before she walked off heading out to the docking area. "Well that's probably another bounty on my head...oh well!" She said to herself.

Pushing people out of her way, she could see an odd looking ship with some runes on it. She glanced up at the docking number and barely remembered that it must of been it. Pricking people along the way, she walked up to two men who were talking and smoking.
"Hey! You the bozos looking for a crew!?" She shouted trying to sound tough.
After a moment she shouted again glaring up with her oddly big violet eyes, and arms crossed. Her tail whipped around waiting to prick someone. "HEY! Down here!"
Sig was eating a slice of stolen pizza and looking at the explosion off to the distance when he felt it- a ball of high energy chaos. Worse than kip or his sisters or even his Auntie Chaya when she was balls to cannons high octane drunk off battle. It was a wild outpouring full of potential energy, a lack of intentional malice and also a lack of mindfulness. A true Fae; with a detachment from consequence and also a keen intensity pointed directly at the world like making direct eye contact and playing whack-a-mole. He took a hard drag off his cigarette and braced himself for company.

Then he heard it; "Hey! You the bozos looking for a crew!?"

“Yes?” he said instinctively and then, saw no one. Being very very tall this happened a lot- so he looked down to kip's height. Usually he didn't have to look much lower than that-

“"HEY! Down here!"

She was small. Alfonzo. No. Sally Mae? He should have read the applications better. She was Cute and pointy like the picture though; like a dryad dropped in razor blades and pop rocks was cute. He was pretty sure that was what she was actually. She could tell him she was a dandelion elemental and she would be a dryad dropped in razor blades in his mind for all time.

“Hi! Yeah. that's us,” He said mirroring a level of energy you might not expect from looking at him, “I'm Sigfried. This is Kip.” He jabbed a thumb at Kip. “You can throw your stuff. In any room you want- do you have stuff? Never mind. Welcome to the Penelope. Do you want pizza?” He asked, sensing that picking his battle when it came to questions would be wise.
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Bauldra sat at the bar playing his favorite drinking game, whenever someone speaks, take a drink. This may seem like a strange game to play, but even stranger was the fact that he was winning. He had begun lament about missing out on that sweet Albion job, their ship had reactors and everything Bauldra love's reactors. Bauldra was then torn for his wistful longing for nuclear power when his comm began to buzz and chirp vigorously. He pulled the angry sounding device from his coveralls and tapped the screen... He'd gotten the job and they were launching from the very bar he was in, no less.


Bauldra exclaimed as he leap up from his bar stool and made his way towards the airlock in question. As he neared this destination (which was all of fifty feet away) he began to notice the distinct smell of pizza, shortly thereafter Bauldra came upon two men and a small... leafy thing. He introduced himself as he approached

"Zdravo, I hear you want mechanic..."
Kaelyn's day progressed rather smoothly which also meant it was terribly uneventful. Having spent most of the day wandering through the station he was continually looking for something that would catch his attention, alas he would have no such luck. "Not even a bar fight? What kinda pirates don't brawl randomly, that's half the excitement." A slight rumble in his rumble in his stomach and an alert from his holo screen brought his attention to two important things, the craving for food and hey look a pirate crew that accepted him. "Hmmm looks like it's time to go."

Kaelyn was well on his way having procured a knapsack of fast foods from burgers and fries to pizza and chimichangas. It should have cost a great deal however he had a good relationship with the vendors here and they had given him various discounts. Kaelyn walked along munching on fries and came across a crashed pod, this did not bear much surprise for the deva since drunkards normally crashed so where when they tried to drink and pilot. Weaving around the mess Kaelyn spotted the docking bay and more importantly the crew which had gathered there. Finishing off the batch of fries he had he cleaned himself off with a slight gust of focused wind and stepped up behind two...shorter individuals. At this point in time Kaelyn decided to keep his mouth shut until he was addressed, just to make sure he was in the right place.
Like most predatory fae, Kip was naturally attracted to sounds of distress. Having grown up well-fed, he'd also branched out to various noises of chaos, which rarely promised food but always promised excitement. He peered over the boxes of pizza and down at the first new member of their crew, who was small enough to make Kip feel tall, and seemed made of thorny vines. Verdict: Not good for biting.

And then somebody else shouted, and it was the dwarf that Sig insisted was not a dwarf but definitely looked like a dwarf. Probably not good for biting. And behind him, the tall and white-haired person who was either something they had never met or who had made it up. Probably okay for chewing.

Not that he would bite anybody. That was rude. It was still important to know though.

"HIIIIIII!" Kip chirped, his voice going high and whistley like it always did when he tried to project. "I brought you guys pizza!"
Quiet among the crowd, V stared and watch as other beings passed back and forth. She examined them as if amused by something about them, but she just was looking for a meal ticket. That is a meal ticket with a delicious imagination. She rarely ate actual food since she gets her calories from feeding off of other people's dreams and the occasional daydreamer. V sat there for hours unmoved only staring intently beyond, since she was in public, she would have to be careful not to alarm anyone since some mistaken her feeding off of dreams as an attack. Surely it was harmless. Not that she ever knew for sure. The crowd dispersed as a loud crash happened near by. She perked up trying to see through the dust but as she was about to go and see if they needed help, her holoscreen popped up in front of her. "Oh..." She said quietly.
The message was an acceptance to the crew which she was excited for, finally something to take her away from this dampened society. She reviewed the application she sent curious of what they could of really liked about it, as she had self confidence issues. After a few moments she noted the coordinates and realized it was nearby. How convenient. V was snapped back to the scene as she heard; "Pod for sale, great shape! Runs like a fat whale!" She probably should get going....
V made her way around the crowd trying to avoid bumping into anyone giving the frequent 'excuse me' passing through. Upon reaching the docking area, she noticed a few ships and a couple of crowds chattering among themselves so it made it a little difficult trying to pick which ship she should be getting on. She tried hard to remember what the numbers were, and didn't think about opening the message again, so instead, she picked a random ship and headed up the ramp. Upon reaching the door, it opened before her thinking it must of been it, she headed inside but was quickly stopped as she bumped into another Fae. "Hey! What are you doing on this ship!? You got a death wish?" Startled, V quickly took a step back. "W-what no! I-I thought this was the ship hiring for a crew." She stuttered. V was highly frightened and was in verge of tears. The strong, muscular Fae saw the tears to swell up in her eyes, and let out a sigh grabbing her shoulders gently and turning her around. "How about you try over there. Where people keep randomly gathering." He pointed to a ship at the next dock. V gave a slight nod and headed off afraid to say anything else.
Upon reaching the next dock, there was a wide range of Fae that didn't exactly match any sort of theme. Just a bunch of randoms. Some seemed joyful while others not so much, but as she got closer, she heard some talking about a crew and other key words. Thus V calmed down and was sure this time this was it. "Uhm, excuse me." She said quietly and probably hardly heard.

Alfie took a quick glance at herself lifting her arms up, as if inspecting something. She didn't have any 'stuff' she just crashed but just laughed to herself at the thought. Catching herself mid-laugh she looked back up at Sigfried with an heck of an glare. "No I don't want no damn pizza Sig Fried." She mocked his name. Alfie huffed, and as more people begun to gather, she turned around examined the crew. There was definitely a variety here, but deep down she considered her the best. Taking a leap towards one, "Eh, he's too hairy." She said quickly glancing away and taking a sniff. "Wonder when the last time he washed his beard...." There were a few others that she picked out simply making her remarks though more to herself than anything as if searching for something. She moved closer to one that was quiet, like most. But this one was tall, Alfie liked tall. Rapidly making her move, she was in and out like lightning and was climbing up the tall beings back in no time. Her thorns would prick through his clothes just slightly as she used them to make sure she didn't fall. Aflie perched on the their shoulder and used it as a booster to see more around her, without permission. Taking a look below, she could see an oddball Fae just peeking through the group and definitely didn't belong. Pointing the female out, "Hey, is that thing talking? Don't tell me she's apart of this too! She don't even look like she can hold her own!" She shouted as if she was too high up for anyone to hear though wasn't true of course. The female took a step back startled once more as if everything startles her. "Uh...Well...Yes...I mean I think." The Fae said.

TrashRabbit TrashRabbit Alterius Alterius Sorta Sludgemouth Sludgemouth

Boop! Boop! Ione glanced to the side before dismissing the boilerplate notifications. Her attention was on a promising job offer on a large vessel. It offered health care benefits and decent wages. But... She scrolled down and stared at the image of a respectable-looking crew in identical uniforms.

Boop! "Be there or be square," said this one. She blinked.

Ione tapped on the banner in the corner of her tablet to see the meeting location. Looked like it might be taking off soon. She got up from the table, downing the last of her fizzy concoction. She lazily side-stepped a potential elbowing from a dwarf in the middle of an animated tale. After letting some harried-looking waitstaff squeeze ahead first between the tables, she was out and heading towards the docks.

Her eyes grew wide as she took in the crew assembling by a brass ship. Old design. Gorgeous engine. Moving at her usual pace, she saw the gangly high elf and his wiry brother in crime. Least they stood that way, sharing pizza between them and looking as if they had just stepped out the ship. The two looked nothing alike though.

None of the people gathering looked at all alike. She beamed.

"Uh...Well...Yes...I mean I think."

About to join in on the introductions, Ione realised the quietest fae in front of her might step backwards into her. "Oh, hello," she said, extending an arm out in case she startled the mousy thing.

RitualDeadlyf RitualDeadlyf
The fae shivered and hid in their doors. An ominous wind blew through the port as the temperature seemed to drop a degree or two. The black steed snorted flame and stomped its foot onto the ground. The dullahan had come to the town. Dodo sniffed. Or rather moved her neck slightly. She really missed her head, so many different facial expressions that no one really missed until they were gone. At least she still had Sugarcookie until her horses inevitable death! Now what was the name of the ship she was looking for again? She thought about it as Sugarcookie dutifully trotted into the port, hooves leaving burn marks in the ground. She scratched her nonexistent chin in deep thought. Something starting with P. Penny? Periwinkle? No, wait it was "PENELOPE." She said out loud and the word echoed like the wail of one of her banshee cousins. Shaking the windows and rattling those within. DAMMIT Dodo thought, as er the ancient laws of her race they could only say one word per journey and she had wasted it. And scared an entire town. Ugh she was planning on introducing herself with her word. Now she was going to have to use that damn text to speech device. She reached down to a saddlebag to grab it and not a moment too soon as a fairy girl ran out into the middle of the street screaming bloody murder.
"Please!" She screamed at Dodo, "Do not take me yet I don't want to die!"
Dodo tapped at her device which spoke in a mechanical recieved pronunciation. The voice was male but she couldn't find the female option. At the very least it sounded classy. "We are all going to die."
"Please not now!" The girl, who Dodo assumed to be Penelope screamed.
"Well not right now. But considering the pointless and random nature of the universe you may die at any moment."
"SO I'M GOING TO DIE!?" The girl screamed.
"YES?" Dodo typed back in all caps, "But not that I know of in the near future?"
"Pen darling!" A man shouted as he ran to his lady.
OK you know what. No. I am not doing this right now.
"I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU," She caps locked at them and threw two buckets of blood at them. "AND WHERE IS THE PORT?"

10 minutes later she arrived at the dock. "Is this where the pirate ship is?" She typed as she dismounted raising a metaphorical eyebrow at the motley crew that was slowly assembling.
Like most gatherings that involved the crew of the penelope- things quickly looked like they would degenerate into chaos.

So nothing new in his life.

Some one was being climbed like a tree before they even introduced themselves- said humanoid tree dripped with level of celestial energy that tasted like pixie stix and sort stuck all over him- What ever a Deva could do and was- this was definitely the real deal. He smiled big. The Deva had a handsome if quiet presence in the group of choas but for an empath he was like a small supernova- maybe not of emotion but raw energy. He liked that. And he liked his face and his tight pants. A+. Would look at some more.

The space dwarf- what were they called Trekka. Right. Trekka. He had spoken first and Sig made sure to raise his hand in a little two finger salute. What a good beard, he thought to himself. “Sure are,” he assured Niko, “Hope you. Are good.” He seemed a steadfast eager fellow, rough around the edges in the way he liked. Grounded. He liked that. The beard deserved a second round of admiration.

The little ball of anxiety that had snuck up on the group made him turn his head- he might have missed her if her emotions weren't so out of sync with the rest. She was cute. A+. Did infact stare a moment longer than intended. He didn't recognize what kind of fae she was, but it would be rude to ask.

The Shade behind her was a bit harder to read. Infact she was more like a little black hole. Their was a little halo of emotion coming off her- curiosity excitement- but muted like a soft rainbow. Interesting. That was new. He liked new.

He was doing his best to tune Alfie out- it wasn't her fault really. He had years of practice at it. Every ship needed one wildcard who climbed on top of the refrigerator and screamed. It was tradition.

“Hello. Hi!” Sig said, louder this time. His voice projected well as he tried to gain some kind of control of the situation- though he knew it was in vain. “I'm Sigfried- this is Kip-” he said introducing themselves again, “ and this is-”

But he startled.

The Dullahan had thrusted her phone into the conversation- it was difficult to sneak up on an empath but she had managed it. If the shade gave off only an eclipse of a reading the Dullahan gave nothing. A flat void where the hopes and dreams and anxiety of something fae shaped aught to live. He opened and closed his mouth.

“Yes?” He said to headless woman while also signing it. And then to the new crew as a whole, trying to make a recovery and use his loud voice again; “This is the good ship Penelope. Your all in the right place. Probably...Alfred get down.” He pointed at thorny fae and then at the ground. It was worth a shot. He then turned back to the headless horsewoman, not wanting to deal with the fall out if Alfie didn't want to listen.

[Are you deaf?] he signed at the Dullahan still a little shook from his lack of read on her.

(there is a lot going on. Whoah- let me know if I missed anything or anyone!)
"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy," Kip called. He raised the pizza boxes over his head. "Come with me if you want to eat. Also you can fight over rooms. Except mine. Stay out of that one." He did not feel the need to specify which room was his. They'd figure it out. He carried all his stolen pizza in through Penny's halls and into the kitchen. He sometimes wondered when it had stopped smelling like Jell-O, or if he'd just gotten too used to it to notice anymore. The kitchen was fairly large, and being designed by and for harpies, on a scale better suited for Sig than himself. Kip was used to this though, and leaned up to put the pizzas on the table.

There were still colorful plastic alphabet magnets on the refrigerator. Currently, they spelled out "ayyyy lmao". Kip rearranged a few to say "dicks" underneath it and got himself a beer.

Taking a moment, she peered around to she who was behind her. Though she was usually startled, she tilted her head and gave a hesitant smile as she was still nervous. "Oh, hello. Are you here too on this job?" Her eyes still slightly damp, they glistened in the light with their empty black gaze. But it almost seemed as if one could tell where she was looking. V was unfamiliar with this type of fae, and as she looked to the side to see their arm was extended, she mimic the same thing; extending her arm. Is this how they greet others? She thought. Then she hesitated, Wait what if you have to do the opposite arm, oh dear. What to do. She thought again. V kept her hesitant smile as she glanced back up at the Fae.

Cirno Cirno
Bauldra returned Sig's salute, bringing a sizable growler of some unknown and likely incredibly alcoholic substance up to head level, he then took an appreciable swig from said growler.

"I am Niko, Niko is good mechanic."

Bauldra felt he'd handled the business end of introductions appropriately with what he assumed was his superior, and directed his attention to the one who'd dared to insult his beard.

"And you, smol pointy child, I will have you know that this pizdec is finest example of facial hair among all galaxy."

He said gently stroking his beard with his metal hand as he gazed up towards the pointed thing that had opted to scale on of the other crew members. Bauldra briefly considered continuing his rebuttal, but it seemed that they had begun boarding and Bauldra was quite curious as to that passed for a machine shop on board the Penelope.

Initially bemused by the mirrored action, Ione smoothly recovered, a smile growing on her face. "Indeed I am." She lowered her arm to fold it behind her back, bowing slightly towards the quiet Fae. "Ione here, pleased to meet you," she said as a local breeze suddenly picked up.

Was that the sound of hooves?

While Sigfried introduced himself and Kip, Ione looked over her shoulder to see a great black shadow pulling itself apart. By the time she registered what it was, the figure had already dismounted, cloak swirling, to thrust a phone into their midst. Ione's skin turned to gooseflesh the same time her smile widened into a dimpled grin.

Making to follow Kip and Bauldra aboard, she leaned back towards the quiet Fae with eyes of the void. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name earlier?"
"Oh, it's so boring and lonesome without a crew..."

Bludflagg sighed as he supercruised around the system, drifting aimlessly through space. He lamented on the unfortunate pizza related fate that had befallen his previous crew, oh how tragic and delicious it was, how could we have known that pizza mimics were a thing in the first place. Bludflagg had resolved that if ever he were part of another crew, he'd do his utmost to ensure they would not share the same downfall of his last. It was then that Bludflagg's flashbox began to sqwak displaying an alert stating that he'd been hired on as pirate crew by a local Fae captain (Orkz do not consider themselves Fae, as no Fae will ever be Orky enough to be an Ork). Bludflagg bellowed in excitement, this was the greatest news he'd received in months.


He howled as he dropped into free fall towards the asteroid from where his new crew were launching from, hopefully he'd calm down enough to land his ship before making planet fall.
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Oh sign language! Thank the nonexistent gods in the random and uncaring universe where people's lives could be snuffed out at any moment! As much as she loved her classy TTS device, it didn't get many dictions or pronunciations quite right.
[I am deaf,] She signed quickly back, her hands were quick and chaotic, but formed each sign with with textbook precision, [But I can perceive and understand sound. Just don't have a mouth to talk back with.]
After she finished signing, she walked over to the refrigerator into a cheerful "We re al goin to die!" She was missing some punctuation and letters but it was a lovely reminder.
The crew was interesting and probably not going to die anytime soon. Relitvly. She liked them so far. They were all odd but had nice voices. "I'm DoDo," She typed after she found a seat. Then sat silently, not knowing how to engage with anyone else.
Kip watched Dodo add to the refrigerator and thought he might be in love. Shit.
"Hi, Dodo. I'm Kip." Not good. Kip rubbed his nose and addressed the rest of the room. "So this is the kitchen," he said unnecessarily, signing along. "The common room is over there, and the bathrooms are there, and the bridge is up there. Most of the rooms are down that hall," he said, and pointed at all of them with his beer bottle. "Also don't scream if you see a harpy ghost. That's Penny and we love her." Did they need to know anything else? Being in charge was hard. "Uh. Did we miss anything?"
Bludflagg managed to pull off a smooth, if not incredibly dangerous landing at the meeting point. He searched fervently for the pointy eared fae that matched the description of his would be captain, but to no avail. Bludflagg scratched his head as he stood amid the bustling pub he spotted a strange brass craft, and walked up to it and knocked enjoying the deep reverberating clang his fist made against the side of the hull.

"Hello, I seem to be a bit lost and was wondering of you could help me out..." He said to the brass hulk. "...'Kay, I'm just gonna keep knocking because i like the noise."

With that he proceeded to intermittently rap on the side of the ship, smiling at cacophony he was creating.
The Grim had been spying on the new crew when something banged on Penelope's hull. The noise reverberated through the ship, and he went off to investigate. How dare anyone hit Penny!

He found the ork banging on Penelope's hull, and while they didn't seem malicious, there was no reason for the banging anyway. He glided out of the hull right where Bludflagg was pounding, skull pulled low over his face, and demanded, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Sig brought up the group in the rear and thought of something to add to Kip's explanations, "Hide your space drugs. in your own room. Don't put it in vents," He said reaching and banging one of the vents of the high corridor, "It causes disasters."
He stopped when he heard the banging and then decided he didn't want to know.

Penny was giving the crew a once over invisibly when the Grim decided to intercede with the interloper.
"Fresh meat," She thought to herself as the crew spread into the ship.

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