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Nation Building Space Empires


Hey guys, here's the rules:

-If you go to war with someone, you have to tell them.

-You cannot leave a galaxy if you are below tier 4.

-Don't be op

-When in empire type decision, you get three spots. Each subtype has its special benefits, along with its number of added tier points. Scientists - +4 tier points, Warriors- +1 tier points, Traders- +2 tier points.

Here is what you need for empire app. * means optional


Home System:

Empire Subtype 1:

Empire Subtype 2:

Empire Subtype 3:

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes):



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Oops, almost forgot, here is mine!

Name: Moocowaya Empire

Home System/World: System; Farmer. Planet; Pinapplius.

Empire ST 1: Scientist

Empire ST 2: Scientist

Empire ST 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier: 3

*Appearance:Go to the URL below.

file:///Users/Visitor/Documents/My Spore Creations/AnimatedAvatars/Spore_GIF_2015-09-26_09-13-24.gif

Story: Evolved rather quickly, and became the first spacefaring empire in the universe. Especially good at bio-science, travel, general knowledge, and Threadspace manipulation. Has never colonized, since they felt no need, but now other empires are appearing, so they are starting. They are not particularly warlike, but will demolish all life on a planet to settle there, and once provoked will destroy entire star systems in rage.
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Name: The Vadian Empire

Home System: Vadar Planet: Vadia

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3:Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 6

*Appearance: A mix of two species primarily: Humans, and Hragoski (Think Wookies from Star Wars with a figure more akin to a human)

Story: Founded when a rouge adventurer landed on Vadians with his small band and taught the natives how to live a civilized life, they now have a space fleet and are readying to being colonization of their native system. They are also beginning a programme that will produce robotic fighting machines of a higher caliber then the average biological warrior enmasse.
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One thing though, forgot to add. If you didn't choose any subtypes, your tech tier would be 15. If you chose only 1 warrior subtype and no other subtypes, your tier would be 14. So therefore, Lordvader59, your tier is 6. (Don't worry that's still pretty high!) I can see how you thought that two scientists meant two tiers though.
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You don't. I don't know what you mean. Tech tier 1 is highest. The highest tier you can start at is 3, which would come from choosing scientist all three times.
Yeah, I guess I should of put minuses instead of pluses. I think I'm to lazy to, though.
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Ok, so here is a CPU Empire.

Name: Amhani Empire

Home System: Amhanus, Planet: Pikapoopaloopa

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Warrior

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 9

Story: Quite warlike. Still follow their ancient deities, and wear fierce tribal masks. Only recently advanced to Interstellar Travel. Are currently in the midst of a civil war between the Government, the Rebellion, and the Kingship. Currently, the Kingship is winning, they took the home planet's moon, but the Government is overall most likely to win.
Name: Gegin Tribe

Home System:Vadar

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Warrior

Empire Subtype 3: Warrior

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes):



Hragoski, see the Vadian Empire

Story: One of the many Hragoski tribes native to the Vadia system, the Gegin tribe, is very unadvanced. They are only capable of space travel to the nearest planet to them. They are native to the planet Vagus, and have tried to destroy the Vadian colony there, only to be fought off by the colonists.

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Name: Xafar Tribe

Home System: Vadar

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 6

*Appearance: Hragoski, see the Vadian Empire.

Story: The Xafar tribe isn't really it's own tribe any more. It is a confederation of tribes that is a satellite/puppet of the Vadian Empire, it's chief having no real power and having a secret oath of loyalty to the Vadian Emperor.

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Nice, but you don't have to write down a description for every tribe. You can, I'm not against it, but if you don't want to, you don't have to.
Name: Hdar Tribe

Home System: Vadar

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Warrior

Empire Subtype 3: Warrior

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 11

*Appearance: Hragoski

Story: The Hdar tribe, also native to Vagus, are hostile to the Vadian tribe, but they haven't directly attacked.

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Name: The Bnos Tribe

Home System: Vadar

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Warrior

Empire Subtype 3: Warrior

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 11

*Appearance: Hragoski

Story: Native to Vagus, another hostile tribe that hasn't attacked.

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Name: Lonfar Tribe

Home System: Vadar

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2:Warrior

Empire Subtype 3:Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 9

*Appearance: Hragoski

Story: The most technologically advanced independent tribe, with decent ships and technology. They are native to 3 planets in the Vadia system, Vadios, their homeworld, 2 planets away from Vadia, Vadon, the planet next to that, and their small colony on Vagus.

Name: Ka'arlaki Dominion

Home System: Dumaet, Planet: Ka'arlak

Empire Subtype 1: Warrior

Empire Subtype 2: Warrior

Empire Subtype 3: Warrior

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 12



Story: Though the Ka'arlaki are incapable of intergalactic travel, their technology is heavily advanced militarily. Through aggression, and pure destruction of its foes, The Dominion as conquered the majority of its home system, leaving a trail of death; and suffering in its wake. Unable to compete with the heavily advanced super weapons the Dominion possesses; the unconquered planets of Dumaet have submitted, for fear of their planet being eviscerated by 'blue death'. However, as tyrannical as the Dominion may be, the 'High Overseer' as the leader is known as, is well aware of other empires beyond his own galaxy, and though confident in his military empire, it is no secret among his generals: he fears the unknown; and those who can cross galaxies.

*Other: The Dumaet system is incredibly wealthy. Ka'arlak, in particular, is thriving.
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Accepted, but one thing. Needs a bit of editing. Tech Tier doesn't just advance travel level. Your guys are about the same as humans. You can keep it that way, but just saying. And also, there are only three other empires than yours so far. But still, its fine, I don't have the most patience for writing out rules, so I don't think it did the best job explaining. Plus, love the Halo 5 elite pic.
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Name: Scrylian Empire

Home System: Scrylian Republic

Empire Subtype 1: Scientist

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3

*Appearance: Scrylians stand 9 ft 7 with grayish to green-blue skin. They resemble ants, having 3 main parts, wings, and legs. They have 6 spider like legs on their abdomen, 2 human like arms with 4 fingers on their thorax, and the head with mandibles and horns different from Scrylian to Scrylian. Their wings are 7 ft long and retractable. They have red beady eyes and 2 goat like horns on their heads ranging from 1 foot to 3 ft.

Story: These insects had evolved into their systems greatest race, from small insects to an empire in merely a few million years has shown both their intellectual and physical gene potential.


Average lifetime: 130 years

Building types: Holes in the ground, walls and floors then layered by metallic plates.

Food: Meat, green plants, dead plants.
CHIMNY said:
Name: Scrylian Empire
Home System: Scrylian Republic

Empire Subtype 1: Scientist

Empire Subtype 2: Scientist

Empire Subtype 3: Scientist

Starting Tech Tier (based on subtypes): 3

*Appearance: Scrylians stand 9 ft 7 with grayish to green-blue skin. They resemble ants, having 3 main parts, wings, and legs. They have 6 spider like legs on their abdomen, 2 human like arms with 4 fingers on their thorax, and the head with mandibles and horns different from Scrylian to Scrylian. Their wings are 7 ft long and retractable. They have red beady eyes and 2 goat like horns on their heads ranging from 1 foot to 3 ft.

Story: These insects had evolved into their systems greatest race, from small insects to an empire in merely a few million years has shown both their intellectual and physical gene potential.


Average lifetime: 130 years

Building types: Holes in the ground, walls and floors then layered by metallic plates.

Food: Meat, green plants, dead plants.
Yeah I think I'm gonna put in perks. I'm gonna wait about a day to get good ideas, and then I'll edit the main CS post. If you have any ideas for perks, please post them in OOC

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