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Futuristic Space Antics (CLOSED)


Modpurger Edgelord
Act 1 - The fellowship of the ship

Ethereal blue light emanated from the visors striping over Madelyn's welding mask, sparks bounced of it as her blowtorch slowly made it’s way around a pipe. She was sitting in a cramped room with walls, roof and floor made out of various cables and pipes labeled with enigmatic numbers and letters. Her mask’s visors suddenly gave of a few blinks before turning off as it swiftly with a sharp sound retracted into a metal arch fallowing her hairline. A few drops of sweat ran down her face as the room was really starting to heat up. She grabbed a firm hold of the pipe she’d just been working on and gave it a few good tugs, it sat like stone; another job well done. Her toolbox scrambled as she dropped the blowtorch in it before crouching through a narrow tunnel of even more control panels and pipes.

The small tunnel led into a extensive metal corridor with splashes of orange detailing, in front of her was a long stretch of windows with nothing but a black void spattered of stars behind them. As she came out of the darkness her pure white tank top lit up in the stale facility lighting, a pair of dull green heavy duty military pants tucked into a pair of hefty brown boots covered the lower half of her body. She stretched her muscular arms towards the ceiling with a muffled groan.

A young man that had been waiting outside swiftly approached her, “You really do work fast eh?” he looked at the small opening in the wall behind her, “You’re rather nimble for your size as well...”. Her eyes darted onto him “You calling me fat?”, his smile ran away. “Uh.. N, No.. I just mean, you’re.. Eh, very tall.. And eh…”, she sighed and looked down on him with a raised eyebrow, “It’s a joke, Kellerman. Just go report that the problem is fixed, I’m taking a break.”.”Will do!” he a bit nervously exclaimed before with a  relieved expression turning around and swiftly pacing away. Madelyn with rached far down into one of her deep pockets and scrambled up a pack of cigarettes and took a second to decide which one to take. When she found the right one she put it in between her scarred lips and lit it with a good old fashion lighter. Relaxed she leaned towards the wall behind her exhaling a haze of dull smog. Lifting her reddish a bit frayed hair she scratched her neck revealing an old military tattoo depicting her rank as a captain of the field mechanics branch.


After a refreshing smoke break she grabbed her toolbox and started walking down the long burnished pathway. She passed many aliens of questionable origin, humans and robots, this was truly a place of diversity. She scanned her hand on a luminescent blue screen with the depiction of a hand on it and a metal door with the label “C-sector locker rooms” on it opened. The room she entered had its walls covered with orange lockers and a few wooden benches with hooks made for hanging clothes on in the middle. She was the only one there and it was dead quiet. With her eyes on the lockers she followed the wall until a locker with the name “Madelyn Knight” on it came by, she put her thumb on a small blue screen on the locker and the industrial like sound of catches releasing could be heard. Inside of the locker her military jacket hung, as well as her service rifle. The first thing she did was putting on her battle scarred dog tags that had been attached to a chain, secondly she changed into her HC military uniform. Before leaving the locker room she grabbed ahold of her rifle and hung it by a leather strap over her shoulder. As she walked out the door a passing guard stopped to salute, and she did likewise before continuing to stroll down the massive corridors of the Al’Kutbay.

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(Sorry att den sista biten var lite seg/dåligt skriven.)
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As he jumped out of hyperspace, Scales could see the giant ring he had become so familiar with over the last ten years. Al’Kutbay had become a center for transportation of illegal goods, because of its secludedness and neutral state.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As the Bumblebee entered the hangar, he could see a group of people in coats standing by a cargo transporter, waiting. It was his contractors, the Iluriam Mob. They were known for taking water over their heads, but they always seem to come out of the situation without major losses. Scales maneuvered the ship so that the back was facing them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]As the ship hit the final bump while landing, station [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]personnel immediately started connecting hoses to the ship for refuel and recharge. Apparently, someone had already payed for him.[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]Scales could see the group approaching the ship’s cargo hatch. He left the cockpit, walked through the bridge and quarters out to the door to the cargo hold. He pushed a pink button on a panel on the wall and the four corners of the door slid into the walls. As he entered the cargo hold and passed the goods, the door behind him closed with a swoosh. He walked to the end of the hold and pulled a lever on the right wall. The hatch slowly opened and as it touched the ground he walked out to meet the his contractors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Howdy folks!” Scales said as he flashed a big smile, showing all of his shining white teeth. “Knew it was you just by looking at the paycheck I’m supposed to reward you with, Scales.” said a large, blue and extremely muscular man. “We both know I’m not the reason the pay is that big Jonathan. I mean I’m good, but no one is that good.” he said with a more serious tone, but a grin was still on his face. “Nah you’re just bloody greedy that’s all.” said Jonathan smiling. “Now lads, start shipping out the cargo.” as the other men went inside the cargo hold and started unstrapping the goods, Jonathan shouted, “And be fockin’ careful! The shit is priceless.”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Scales' OPAT started blinking. “That’d be your payment, don’t go and waste it all on one night now.” Jonathan said. “You know me, it takes at least a weekend for me to get rid of this much credits” Scales said, flashing another bright smile. “Don’t go and die when transporting this back to your boss, mercenaries and special forces of various organizations will be all over you for this kind of information.”. The contents of the large crate that was rolled off the Bumblebee was extremely sought after and precious to the organization that it was concerning. Whoever possessed it could influence the majority of the known universe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Don’t worry man, this won’t be the last you see of me. Nobody even knows this conversation is taking place.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” Jonathan said, grinning as he walked toward the huge metal crate to help the lads who struggled to get it onto the cargo transporter.[/SIZE]

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The security guard looked down on the clip board and back up on the young man in front of him. "Astin Colemin, twenty two years old" The young man nodded while unloading his luggage into the grey baskets on the travelator. "Would you be kind to state your business, profession and estimated time on board?". "I'm here to look for employment, I work within IGWDC and I would guess I'm here for the coming four days"  The luggage scanner let out a sharp beep and the security guard looked on the monitor and a concerned wrinkle took form on his forehead. "May I ask why you're looking to bring a Mk.VI Flamethrower on board?" Astin's eyes gave a piercing look, almost as he was trying to determine whether or not he was dealing with a half wit. "Didn't I make that clear? He said with a slightly annoyed tone. "I work with the elimination of unwanted organisms and pathogens" The guard seemed even more confused. Astin let out a loud sigh. "I'm in pest control, happy?" There was a tense silence as the guards gaze oscillated between the young man and his personal belongings. "I... I must check with my superiors if this is allowed on board, stay here" He said as he quickly walked out of the room. Astin sat down on a nearby chair and rested his face in his hands. He looked up on the two automated turrets and the forcefield barrier that blocked the exits. "It's not like I'm able to" He mumbled fretfully. 

Some time past before the guard returned with what seemed to be his superior. Astin stood up as the new guard looked at the scanner. This guard was alot older than the initial human staff he had seen. He had a large mustache and weathered eyes that now looked straight at Astin. "Im sorry kiddo, I can't let you in with this. I has to be confiscated." Astin opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by a loud, deep voice from behind the red forcefield barrier. "You better hurry up in there you өмхий!" Astin turned around to see a large Kregg staring down on him. "If you call me that again I swear to whatever God is relevant in this solar system that I will end you" Astin said with a sharp tone as he met the Kregg's eyes. "We're done here, confiscate it if you need to. Just let me in" He said to the guards while still facing the large figure in front of him. The guards nodded and started loading the equipment on a separate shelf that moments later rotated and sent the gear on it's way down a shaft, leading to the storage bay. "If you have any questions about your thing you can either ask the reception at the main floor or you can see the people in-person down on level 04-b" Astin nodded as he headed out of the room. When out of sight a broad grin spread across his face. He adjusted his jacket so that the oblong item underneath was remained concealed.

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A tiny flexible figure made its way through what seemed to be a room full of cables. "You know this is illegal right?" He hissed looking down at his jacket. "Oh don't be such a wimp, kill the lights" his jacket replied. He opened his rugsack and brought out a miniscule vial filled with a magenta looking liquid that he slowly poured on a cable labeled " L-Ys". Soon after the liquid made its contact with the cable a loud "BZZZZAKKK" erupted and everything went dark. He reached out for a red chemlight on his left and quickly ventured out into the atramentous and deserted Y-sector. The shady figure moved quickly and silent through the corridors making as little noise as possible. He could hear fast footsteps and people running on the level above him. They were bound to find out about his mischeif sooner or later. "Here it is" He stopped in front of a massive door with a tidy window. Looking through it he could see all sorts of romanesque furniture inside. "Yeah, this is definitely the place" He replied. He stood back and from one of his pockets he carried out a round bottle filled with a bubbling acid. He furiously threw the bottle and as soon as it hit the door it exploded and the liquid scattered all over melting it down in a matter of seconds. The figure slithered inside and gazed at all the fancy silver cutlery. "Imagine eating noodles with these" he said picking up a fork with a marvelous hand-made pattern. "People like you should stick with the plastic ones" his jacket burst out laughing but the figure responded "Wow, I think I've found the biggest thing in the universe" he said giggling "And what's that?" His jacket asked sounding intrigued. "Your ego!" He laughed.

"Ohoho" the jacket laughed yet again. "Silly cat, If you'd jump from my ego to your IQ  you'd die before hitting the ground". The figure slowly put down the fork. "I don't think I've ever been so offended in my entire life, AND ALSO FOR THE LAST TIME I AM A BETELGEUSE NOT A DARN CAT". A small bird's head popped out from the jacket and stared the figure right in his eyes. "You sure as hell look like a cat". They both giggled and the figure made a skit into the unlighted kitchen.

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Son'Gaia sat down on a bench outside the food court inside of the space station Al-Kutbay. He was eating a Kresh, it's a tasty treat that looks like a bagel had sex with a pritzel and that baby got polio. Despite how it looks it's one of the most popular treats you can get in Al-Kutbay. 

As he was eating the Kresh he was reminiscing the events which led up to this event. 

1 day before arriving at Al-Kutbay. Son'Gaia was traveling with the cargo ship Drifter. It's one of the largest cargo ships this side of the galaxy. Son'Gaia was the chief of the cargo lifters onboard of this giant ship.

"Sure has been a long trip, Gaia. But I think we are finally getting close!" Said Al'mech one of the workers.

"It's sure has been, Al. It'll be great when we get to Al-Kutbay then we can relax for a while!" Said Son'Gaia. 

They were checking the cargo to see if everything was there and ready to be delivered.

As they arrived at Al-Kutbay, Son was checking everything one last time.

"Is everything ready for delivery?" asked Son'Gaia. 

"Yes everything is ready, Gaia. We are just waiting for the signal." Said the broad faced guy called Selphis. 

"Great work everyone! Let's get this over with quickly so we can relax for a while!" Gaia said with a relived face. When the signal came that they had permission to unload all the cargo, they started working fast and efficent. Small boxes first, bigger boxes last. It took them around 5 hours to get everything unloaded and loaded the new things they were shipping. The captain had promised them a 2 week resting period for their hard work before they go to the next destination.

Gaia was walking around inside Al-Kutbay and his eye catched a food stand selling Kresh. Gaia thought "I haven't had a Kresh in ages! Last time I ate one of those was when I were a little youngling". He walked over towards the stand and bought a five pack of Kresh. And sat down at a bench. He looked around at the people walking by there was many odd looking fellows but everyone looked like they enjoyed being here. As his eyes glanced over the people they stopped at a pretty young lady. She looked more beautiful then Gaia's home planet Chrastic's Queen Ezmerial. 

4756096-5232289543-alien.jpg This is how Son'Gaia looks like

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@Teragua @Astin Colemin @Sandagaden @Hydaelyn

The walk was long and every step sounded of hollow metal and the rattling of the chains around her neck. Madelyn looked to the glass panels dividing her from the lifeless vacuum outside, nothing unusual but a few ships cruising by. A large monitor sign hung from the roof above her, “Sector B2 - Security and safety department”. Guards stood firmly by every corner, doors stood open and inside was nothing but computer screen lighting outlining operators talking into microphones. It was here that every ship, person and object that entered and left the station were catalogued. It was a hectic place, people were hastily walking between the rooms carrying stacks papers and tablets while the humming of electronics and small talk littered the air.

As Madelyn passed the many guards she was recognized as the commanding officer and treated as such with respectful salutes. She was never a fan of it but she understood it was basic formalities and walked on by. A large monitor depicting the Al’kutbay from above, showing all its sectors and their statuses curved over a corner of a wall. There were multiple chairs in front of the massive display, in one of them a formal looking man in military attire sat alone smoking a cigar. Madelyn approached the man for this was her time to salute, the man was Lt. Hawke Fray a decorated member of the HC and the lieutenant captain on the ship. His eyes were such a dark shade of brown they appeared black, his weathered face was riddled with wrinkles and his former black hair had become gray at it’s base. A delighted smile plastered his face as Madelyn showed hers, “Commander. Knight! Nice to see you around these parts!” he happily said. He was known to be rather grumpy and strict but Madelyn had struck some sort of chord in him and he’d become rather fond of her.



Lt. Fray.” She respectfully said as she saluted. Hawke stretched out and pulled another chair next to his, “Sit.” he enthusiastically said and pointed towards the green rather comfortable looking chair. She was in no position to deny an order and sat down next to the old man. “Want a smoke?” he asked as he held out a polished wooden box of what looked like age old cigars. “Nah, i’m good.” Madelyn answered and pulled out her pack of cigarettes giving it a bit of a shake. “Hmm, your loss I guess.” Hawke said and shrugged as he took a deep whiff of his cigar. A thick smoke left his mouth and he leaned forwards, “You know why I like you you Knight? Cause you’re the one damn person on this station that would dare deny a personal offering from me.” He said narrowing his eyes with a mysterious smile pointing the cigar towards her as he leaned back into his chair again. She couldn’t help but to let out a slight snicker, but Fray’s expression became more serious “You know Knight, I’ve been looking to talk to ya. Seeing how you work, I think it’s time for you to step up a notch.”. Madelyn looked with critical eyes at the man, “Do you mean like a, promotion?”. “Yeah, it’s a waste having a fine worker like you on some electrical issue any fucken' halfwit could get done, with all do respect.” he said with a bit of a carefree tone. Madelyn looked discouraged, “I’m fine where I am right now. Give the promotion to Gable, he needs it.”. Fray looked almost disappointed but with a smile still stuck to his face, “give it to Gables”, For god's sake Knight, let someone help you once in awhile!” he exclaimed and drastically stood up.

The man barely had the time to say before a loud explosion could be heard instantly followed up by a heavy quake, the entire station shivered. The lights flickered a few times before red lights turned on and multiple alarms rang out through the massive building. Dropped papers littered the floor as people panicked and ran around as the chaos built up. Bands of soldiers sped by with arms in hands in all directions. The Blast made Fray fall over but he soon furiously stood up and grabbed a hold of an IT worker who ran past, “WHAT’S GOING ON?!” The terrified man could barely get any words out and Fray was only further angered. “USE YOUR WORDS SON, TELL ME!” he shouted as he shook the man by his shirt's collar.  “T-there’s been a,an explosion in sector D, a-and the docking station is under attack! P-pl-please don’t hurt me!”, Fray held on to him for a second before pushing him into the panicking crowd again. “Knight, Go hold the docking bay with the others, I’ll see to things here...”, Madelyn grabbed a firm hold of her bolt action rifle and swiftly disappeared into the crowd.


Panic had broken out at the bay after the explosion, multiple very scrap like ships had entered the docking bay and multiple armed figures were now pouring out of them, Pirates. Heavily armed they instantly started mowing down anything that moved all the while laughing and plundering. The scene was brutal but they were soon met by retaliation fire from the soldiers of the station, but they barely stood a chance against the raw machine gun power the pirates brought with them.

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Astin rounded another corner and stepped out into an empty hallway. The wall on his right was a long stretching window where you could see out into the deep space. The monorail that linked the immense space station passed by in front of Astin as he stood and beheld the darkness. He reached into his jacket and withdrew a small parcel. He opened it up and pulled out a set of headphones, put them on and booted up his OPAT. Before putting the parcel back underneath his jacket he removed a small flash drive. After inserting it into the OPAT he cranked up the volume as the music began. "Finally some peace" he thought while sitting down crosslegged on the floor. "I need to find some sort of housing and then I can search for a new employer" He though as the music played. He let out a small sigh of relief as he sat on the cold metal floor and staring out into the darkness.


But it wasn't completely dark. Astin squinted his eyes trying to make out the small glowing dot outside. It was a light tint of blue. It got bigger. It got closer. Before Astin could comprehend what was going on an ear shattering bang blasted through the station, accompanied by a strong tremor. Astin tumbled backwards and ended up on his back. He shook his head and looked up, only to see the blue dot was speeding towards him. He clumsily rolled to the right as the object collided with the station. Another loud bang followed by a quake and shattered glass flew across the corridor. The hull had been pierced by what looked like a drill bit. The shuttle had the form of a cylinder with small wings and thrusters. The front of the vessel was a cone that had penetrated the ships armor with ease and attached to it, five limbs. The limbs slowly started to unfold, grabbing the wall, securing it even further. The high-pitched screech from metal against metal cut into Astin's ears as he crawled backwards away from the pod. The cone-shaped front suddenly opened up and three rugged figures stepped out. Astin rolled backwards into a standing position, raising his hand ready form combat. One of the intruders yelled something unintelligible and the three figures assumed fighting positions. The station was full of scattered yells, screams and distant gunshots and the three Pirates contemptuously grinned as they moved closer to Astin. But the young man adjusted his headphones and maxed the volume, further shutting out the sounds of battle before charging towards the pirates.luke-viljoen-flamey-bandit-rocket-pod-proxy.jpg
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Jonathan pretty much single-handedly rolled the cargo over and lifted it up on the cargo transporter. Scales turned his head around, his yellow eyes staring into space for a couple of seconds, before his view was disrupted by the closing hangar door. The light from the spinning yellow lamp was reflected from his dark purple Scales on his forehead. As Scales began walking up the ramp to his ship, the whole station rumbled and he had to grab hold of a handle to stay on his feet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As the emergency alarm started, one of Jonathan’s men looked up on his boss with a worried face and said, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]What was-[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Shh![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” Jonathan interrupted him before he could continue. A message began playing from the speakers on the wall. "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Attention! The walls of sectors; A. D. I. And. K. Has been breached. Civilians are advised to take the fastest safe route to your ship or closest shuttle and leave the station. Please follow the flashing orange lines on the ground.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Jonathan looked at Scales and said, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]We need to move. Now.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” Scales, who no longer had a smile on his face, looked at the cargo and said, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I’ll come with you. Just to make sure you get out of here.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The group stepped out of the hangar and into the large corridor with all the openings [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]to the private hangars. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]We’re going right. Make sure to cover the transporter, lads.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Jonathan said as he pulled out a large plasma rifle. As they reached the end of the corridor, the men in front of Scales turned left. A gang of space pirates stood there trying to get a hangar door open. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Gun them down![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Jonathan’s deep voice rumbled through the corridor and the pirates turned to face them. Before they could raise their weapons, they fell to the ground. Dead. Scales turned around to see a two raiders run toward them with large pipes raised above their heads. He drew his two weapons and fired. The two men hit the ground with s before the mob could turn around. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Let’s go.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Scales said, and started walking toward the hangar again, leaving the smoking bodies behind him.[/SIZE]

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The distant sounds of screams and gunfire echoed through Madelyn’s mind, it was a familiar song of despair.  A message containing more information about the attack was playing on repeat on the speakers of the hallway. As she turned a corner she was shocked to see a soldier sitting in a pool of his own blood towards a wall, dead. A trail of his blood leading from the main hangar up to him told a story of a nasty gunshot. She proceeded carefully with her gun raised ready to shoot at a moment's notice. A line of vending machines stood divided by small spaces towards the outer wall of the corridor. The bright lights were constantly flickering and slowly fading as the stations power reserves had been damaged. As out of nowhere a man who’d been hiding behind a vending machine jumped Madelyn, waving a knife at her face during no more than a second long flicker. His knife slid over Madelyn’s cheek, causing a rather grave wound. Furiously Madelyn rammed her rifle's bayonet into the topless man’s torso, shoving him against the wall. With a “umph” the man let out his last little chuckle in between his heavy flustered last breaths. A few drops of blood dripped from the corner of the bony mans dry mouth, it was his last drops of life leaving his body and his worn dagger dropped to the metallic floor.

Madelyn put her heavy boot on the man's abdomen and forcefully removed the blade from the man's chest with a single violent jerk and his light body hit the floor. She swept her fingers over the wound on her cheek and they were coated by blood. “I’ve become lousy…. With no time to waste she hurried down the path towards the hangar and the sounds and smell of terror only became more vivid.
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"Panta" the bird hummed. "What's with that wierd ass nickname?" The figure replied. 

The bird ignored the spiteful answer. "Panta is there ramen?" The bird looked awfully turned on. " We're in a super expensive resturant where they ladle out the finest most expensive beefs and your first thought is ramen?" The figure gracefully slided over one of the induction cookers. He was looking for the pantry or possibly the fridge. He flounced around in the kitchen until he finally laid his eyes upon a white rectangular box which turned out to be the precisely what he was looking for. He scooped out a cup labeled "Nongshim black" admired it for a second and then he filled a cooking pot with water. "Bird, a Q16 in my backpack"  The bird soared over his head and dropped a white pill into the cooking equipment. The water instantly started to boil and the pill was liquated. He took the cup, teared away the lid and poured the water into it. A tender smell of ramen filled the entire kitchen. "Skittles its ready" The bird landed on his shoulder. " I love you". "Wow than... I was talking to the ramen" The figure gave a little sigh. " ha-ha-ha"  The bird danced around the pot, landed, unfolded its tiny wings, bent down and sang " my babies, my babies, my babies".


The station violently quaked and the ramen got thrown up in the air, the figure slammed into a sink and the birds sorrowfull shriek echoed throughout the room. "MY BABIES!". 

The noodles littered the floor. "NAUUUUU".  Loud explosions and muffled screams could be heard on the level above.

A message began playing from the speakers outside the kitchen "[SIZE=14.6667px]Attention! The walls of sectors; A. D. I. And. K. Has been breached. Civilians are advised to take the fastest safe route to your ship or closest shuttle and leave the station. Please follow the flashing orange lines on the ground.[/SIZE]”. "[SIZE=14.6667px]We're so fucked[/SIZE]" The figure ran out of the kitchen. Leapt over the melted down now non existing door and stopped where the atramentous corridors of Sector-Y began.

"[SIZE=14.6667px]There're no flashing orange lines[/SIZE]!" The figure desperately looked for a sign of guidance. " [SIZE=14.6667px]Well duh, we killed the lights[/SIZE]" hooted the bird. The figure started pacing.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Do you reckon we should try to find a shuttle?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]". "Don't be stupid, everyone and their mom probably have that same idea".[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"Then what do you suggest?". "What about the private hangars? We could try to sneak on someone's ship". "And if they find us?....". "We'll treat them ramen!". The figure and his bird companion quickly dashed through the corridors, heading towards Sector-S.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The door slid open as Jonathan put the code in the panel next to the door. A small freighter stood in the middle of the hangar, with four fighters surrounding it. All the ships were decorated with a gun pointing at a dead man. It was the logo of the Iluriam Mob. The man steering the transporter accelerated, eager to leave the station. Four men were waiting outside the freighter. One of them banged their hand in the wall of the ship twice, followed by the engines humming sound as they started. Scales looked at Jonathan and said with a grin, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I’ll get the door for you.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Jonathan and his men got on the ship as Scales went for the hangar door panel to open it manually. The freighter lifted, followed by its fighter escort. As the ship started moving forward and the cargo ramp started closing, Jonathan waved to Scales and shouted, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Good luck, friend![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. Scales looked at him with his glowing yellow eyes and waved back. He then turned around and started walking toward the corridor again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He pushed the button on the panel and the door slid open again. He was surprised to see five pirates trying to get the door open, and they were surprised to see him. He drew his guns and fired before any of them could react. He put his arms in an x-formation and fired again. The last one, wielding an axe, had managed to get close. Scales holstered his cannons and pulled out a handle in the same move. As the pirate swung his axe toward his face, Scales held up the handle. The sound of weapon against weapon caught the pirate off guard, as a blade and a small crossguard had shot out of the handle, forming a black sword with blue light emitting from it. The design and technology was like nothing he had ever seen. Scales spinned to the pirate’s back and shoved the sword straight through his upper back, penetrating his heart. The last words the pirate heard were, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]74 years of experience in a 30 year old body, asshat.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” Scales sheathed his sword so that the blade left the pirate’s body, making him fall to the ground. He wiped his dark purple forehead with his slave and walked over the bodies, out to the corridor.[/SIZE]

Madelyn peaked over the corner into the large mess hall and hangar, the floor was barely visible anymore as it was covered in blood soaked bodies with pirates leaned over them looking for anything worthwhile taking. The gunfire and screaming had stopped, now the only thing that could be heard was the sobbing and pleading of the last survivors taken as hostages. A tall man carrying a revolver paced back and forth in front of the shivering hostages. With a sharp movement he pressed the gun towards the forehead of an pink, black eyes and mouthless alien. It’s eyes opened wide and it started violently struggle to get up, but it had a grave wound on it’s leg and it’s hands were tied. “Gimme one reason not to shoot ya, you have 10 seconds.”, wide gills following the mouthless creature's throat opened and what sounded like low pitch choking rang out from it. “10”. It continued struggling as metallic red blood started pooling on the floor beneath it’s leg. “9”. Madelyn raised her rifle ready to shoot the man, but there were more pirates in the corner of her eyes. “8”. Firing a gun here was like signing a death sentence for herself and the hostages would die with her. “7”. The pink aliens enigmatic pleading had turned into what sounded more like someone trying to scream underwater. Madelyn had started shaking, it wasn’t like her hesitating like this. “6”. She lowered her rifle and took a step back. “5”. The alien turned to rage as a violent expression formed on its face and black veins resembling cracks started sprouting from it’s eyes. The man couldn’t help but to almost laugh at the aliens charade of emotions. Madelyn backed of a few steps more and turned around. “4”. She stopped and thought about what she should do, but a blizzard of hazy thoughts blocked out all reason in her mind and she just stood there. “3”. She took a step forwards. “2”. She started walking. “1”. Running. The gun fired and and she felt as if the loud blast created a wall she smashed face first into.

A drop of sweat made its way to her brow and dripped down. The screaming of another hostage faded into her mind blocked by the one sound she could hear, the irregular beats of her hammering heart. Trapped in her own mind memories came flying by as razor sharp blades digging into her legs and she felt as if she was going to collapse right there, as if the walls caught fire and her body was sinking into the melting metal floor.

A second tremor hit the station and she felt as if her mind flew back into her and her eyes opened wide. "Attention! The walls of sectors; A. D. I. K And. T. Has been breached. Civilians and ALL personnel are advised to take the fastest safe route to your ship or closest shuttle and leave the station. Please follow the flashing orange lines on the ground.”. She once again started running the down the corridor that would be pitch black if it wasn’t for orange lights leading the way. Since sector A was overrun and T breached her last hope of escaping the station was sector S. The only choice she had route wise was taking the train over there as she couldn’t pass A by foot. With sweat running down her forehead she bolted through the darkness towards the nearest train station.

As Son'Gaia was eating his Kresh in peace a alarm started to ring and everybody started to move in an erratic way. You could hear a voice through the speakers.

Attention everyone, Al'Kutbay is currently under attack from pirates. please head towards your ships and get away from here. The guards will try and hold off the pirates!

As the people heard the announcement all hell broke lose. everybody started running all over the place. But Son'Gaia continued to eat his Kresh until he was finished. 

When Gaia had finished his Kresh he looked over the crowd and he stood up from the bench. 

Son'Gaia wasn't really that wary of the pirates. He had have his fair share of battles with them. So he wasn't suprised when he heard they attacked. 

Gaia started walking towards the hangar when suddenly the wall beside him broke down. It suprised him.

"Take their belongings and kill them if they resist!" - Said one of the Pirates that showed up through the hole in the wall.

The people who heard the pirate say this started to panic. But not Gaia. He was calm and waited for the pirates the come closer. When they got close Gaia took one of the pirates and hold him hostage and his gun. 

Before Son'Gaia became a worker on a cargo ship he was a military commander on his home planet Chrastic.

"No one of you move! Or I kill this guy!" Said Son'Gaia with a tone that instilled fear. He pointed the gun to the pirate's head. 

The pirates seemed scared because of the tone Gaia used but they didn't seem to care about the guy he held. Gaia pointed the gun towards one of the other pirates and shot him in the head.

"I SAID DO NOT MOVE, OR I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL." Gaia said this with fury in his voice and the pirates stopped in their tracks. 

"Don't do anything you w-will regret!" Said one of the pirates with a trembeling voice. Gaia looked at him with a stare colder then the ice god Slekfig. And pointed his gun at him and shot.

Gaia killed all the pirates that showed up and headed towards the hangar.


(depiction of the ice god Slekfig)


(One of the space pirates)

(I advice you to open this link and listen to the song while reading the first part of this post)

The music pounded in Astin's ears at the same pace as his heart. The rush of adrenalin was like nothing before. The first pirate raised some sort of makeshift melee weapon and swung towards Astin's left temple. Astin swiftly dodged the attack by bending his legs and sweeping under the mans arm. As the arm passed he lunged forward with his entire body. The impact tackled the pirate to the ground and his body hit the ground with a large thud, making him loose his breath. Astin rolled forward and slid on the metal floor, arriving at the feet of the second pirate. The pirate tried to raise his rusty pistol but Astin grabbed the tall, lean figure's legs with his own and performed a twisting motion. If it hadn't been for the music blasting in his earphones, Astin would have heard a sinister crack as the pirates kneecap broke. The third pirate who had stood frozen while witnessing the rapid attack started to move in towards the young man as he stood up. He kicked straight forward, aiming for Astin's thigh. The leg was caught in the younglings firm grip and with one fluent motion had Astin tripped the man who landed on his stomach. There was a small pause in the mayhem.

The young man looked around at the damage he had caused while opening his OPAT and turning of the music. The sound of aftermath filled his ears, moans of pain being the most present. He walked up to the pirate he'd just taken down and without out hesitation he grabbed the pirate by the back of his head and smashed his face into the floor. From behind his back he could hear the other two pirates whimpering as they tried to crawl away. "I'm not done with you two!" Astin shouted as he stood up and walked over to the pirate with the broken leg. The sound of the pirate squealing was followed and cut short by the gruesome sound of blood splashing against the walls. Astin wiped his gory boot against the pirate's trousers with displeased face and when done looking up to take care of the last pirate, but he were nowhere to be seen. "Oh no!" He chuckled for himself as he started to sprint down the corridor. The flashing orange lines on along the floor lit up his determined face as he entered Sector-B, the first room being a large corridor with living courters on both sides. At the end of the corridor a figure sat leaning against the wall at the far end. It didn't take long until Astin stood in front of him. 

"If you're gonna kill me, just do it already!" the pirate shouted over the sound of the alarm. Astin looked over his shoulder and walked over to a small rectangular box on the wall a few meters away. He smashed the glass and pulled a fire axe off of its pegs. He crouched down next to the pirate who now looked at the young man in terror. "Do you know what the difference is between you filth and the pests I usually kill?" The pirate shook his head. Astin stood up and felt the weight of the axe in his hands. "At least a rat has the decency to respect who's the predator and who's the prey". Moments later Astin smashed the glass on the door leading out of the corridor and climbed through, leaving the pirate behind. Headless.

Attention! The walls of sectors; A. D. I. K And. T. Has been breached. Civilians and ALL personnel are advised to take the fastest safe route to your ship or closest shuttle and leave the station. Please follow the flashing orange lines on the ground. The message echoed in the small service elevator as Astin ascended down to the lower levels of Sector-B. "They said my gear was going to 04-B, they must've referred to sub-level four in sector B" Astin though as the elevator slowed down and finally stopped. The doors opened with a familiar *Ding* and he stepped into a large storage room. There where shelves everywhere. "Shit, I'm never gonna find my stuff in this mess". As he looked around for some sort of indication of his gear's whereabouts a door further down the room opened. "The rest think that they're gonna find the sweet stuff up there but I'm telling you, if you want the real goods it's going to be down here" More pirates. "Just look here! Here is a crate with a hazmat suit and a shotgun....." Astin couldn't believe his ears. "well that was lucky"The pirates started tearing the place apart, tipping the different crates and its contents all over the floor. Astin sneaked up to the crate and grabbed his things, holstering his guns and stuffing the rest into his backpack. The pirates were oblivious to what was going on as he snuck back to the elevator. The doors closed with a small *ding* and when the pirates turned around he was long gone. "How about getting the hell out now"  He geared up on the way back to the main level.
The light’s flickered on and off once again as Madelyn ran through an immensely long corridor which walls were practically made out of vending machines. The sound of glass being crushed and metal bending could be heard further down the dark hallway. A bulky figure sat in front of a vending machine bent like a tin can furiously eating it’s contents consisting out of chips, bars of chocolate and cans of soda straight from the floor. She cautiously walked closer to the being and it was soon made clear it was a Kregg, not a very intelligent one by the looks of him.

He had a large piece of bent metal with rusty spikes emerging from it on his shoulder as well as a large rusty metal beam covered in sharpened pieces of mesh shaped as a baseball bat behind him. It was the only thing between her and the train station and she wasn’t going to let it stop her, she’d dealt with plenty of Kregg before. Madelyn quietly kneeled down on one knee and lined up her shot, the lights that had been stable for about a minute once again died and the sound of metal swiftly scraping against the floor could be heard. It once again became dead quiet in the corridor. White lights once again flickered and the figure was standing up dragging his weapon by the floor. His heavy bull like breathing could be heard even from where she was standing, suddenly he lashed out screaming incomprehensibly before running towards her with thundering steps. Sparks flew in every direction as the massive weapon he was carrying sliced long deep scars through the floor as if it were butter. The sharpened mesh clinged on to vending machines and a haze of metal fragments, glass and snacks stormed behind him. Her rifle fired with a loud bang and the bullet ripped the massive Kregg’s bulging neck muscle apart and blood spatter covered the walls. He didn’t seem to care much and was barely slowed down by the gruesome injury. With a firm tug she pulled the bolt handle back and an empty shell hit the floor with a clang.

Madelyn fired her second shot and it was even less effective than the last as it hit the single piece of armor covering the Kregg’s shoulder ricocheting the bullet into the roof. Another shell hit the floor as the beast of a Kregg was getting closer by the second, “C’mon you son of a bitch. Madelyn took a deep breath as she squeezed the trigger sending a bullet soaring through the air, it was a fruitful shot and it violently penetrated his kneecap. The kregg dropped it’s weapon and slid over the floor leaving a bloody trail behind. The Kregg now only about a meter away from Madelyn tried to get up but as he rose his head he was met by the end of gun barrel and the job was finished with a bullet through the head. She took a long step over it’s bloody corpse and paced through the almost annihilated corridor.


The room at the end of the hallway contained a multitude of turns of monitors hanging from the roof, as well a couple of benches and a closed hatch in the wall labeled “Service”. The room was completely empty but still had power to keep the lights on. Madelyn approached a large closed glass door seemingly leading straight into space where she pressed a button in order to call the train. A few minutes later the train quietly glided in on the floating rail following the outside of the inner wall of the station and the door opened with a robotic voice playing a message from a speaker at the upper corner of the room, “Train, 8C, has arrived at station, A2. All passengers are free to board.”. She stepped on the train and the navigational panel where passengers were to button in where they wanted to go didn’t have a single booked destination and the buttons for sector A, D, I, K and T were red unlike the other white ones. Her finger lightly touched the square labeled S and it turned light blue. With a tired sigh she dropped into a seat and closed her eyes for a few seconds, as they heavily slid up she noticed the a metallic figure sitting in the row of seats next to hers. It was a service robot made for helping move luggage, it had a large axe embedded in it’s chest and sat motionless. Madelyn uttered no reaction and looked around the rest of the train and it was as dead as the space outside.

She removed a star shaped silver pin adorned with wings that had been sitting on her uniform, it had formal letters engraved on it that read, “Medal of honor, former Soldier of the Confederation and 12 year veteran, Cpt. Madelyn Knight.”. She remembered the day she got it, “The last stand of Tal’Majiv...” the last battle she fought for the HC. It was supposed to be a prestigeful and prideful ceremony, but all she could think about at her ceremony was the emotional stress of the event that’d unfolded during the attack. She thought back on what she saw at the hangar and clenched the medal in her worn hand as her face scrunched up into an expression of anger and disgust. Violently she lobbed the metal badge towards the robot and it bounced of it’s head with sounds of hollow echoing metal. Suddenly the robot’s neck snapped and it’s head with a twitch straightened up and turned to Madelyn and then to the floor. It struggled to lean forwards due to the axe in it’s chest but eventually reached down to the floor and picked the little piece of metal that was supposed to make her an example and stand out as a courageous soldier. It stood up and limped over to madelyn and reached out to her with the pin in it’s hand, “Excuse me madame, it seems you’ve dropped this.” It’s robotic voice echoed through the train and a smile formed on a monitor that acted as it’s mouth.

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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As he found himself in the corridor where his hangar was, Scales could hear multiple footsteps behind him, coming his way. He hurried to the hangar door, but as he saw the panel he realized that Jonathan never actually gave him the temporary passcode. He ran to the end of the corridor that was opposite of where he came and turned left, only to see a large band of pirates in the other end. He ran back before anyone could shoot. As he got back to the hangar door another band of pirates met his eyes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Without thinking Scales pulled down a vending machine for cover as the shots came towards him. The first band had now managed to get to the same corridor and they were about to shoot him. He rapidly threw a ball on the ground between him and the other band, and a force field just big enough to hide behind shot out of it. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I knew this would come in handy...[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he thought to himself as he started shooting in both directions. He saw a kregg preparing to charge at him on one side of the corridor, so he focused his fire on the other side. He managed to get most of them before his cannons overheated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scales dropped the guns on the ground as he peaked over the vending machine. The kregg would hit him with full speed within ten seconds if he didn’t do something. He put one foot on the vending machine and lunged himself into the air, straight toward the charger. He pulled out his hilt and the sword unraveled just as they were about to collide and pierced it's skull. Scales stopped the now dead kregg with his boot, still airborne, and then landed on the ground next to it. He felt a sting in his left shoulder and warm liquid running down his sleeve. Without thinking too much on it, he picked up a small sub-machine gun that a raider had dropped with his left arm and grabbed a body with the other to use as a shield. He then began gunning his foes down in front of him. Everything in front of him dropped dead and there was blood everywhere. He rushed toward the end of the corridor leaving drips of blue blood behind him. As he reached the corner, the two remaining pirates managed to hit Scales in his right calf, making him fall to the ground.  looked back and saw that reinforcements had arrived. He grabbed the edge of the wall and pulled himself behind it, escaping the rain of bullets that had started. The pain started to get to him as he counted the bodies. Twenty dead, just on this side of the corridor. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Will this shitty hole really be the place that I die?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he thought as he sat up against the wall.[/SIZE]
Sweatdrops hit the floor like an atombomb. The figure ran and ran. Corridors seemed endless, felt endless. Scary vibrating sounds constantly got louder and louder. Whom the attackers were he had no idea. What they were after likewise. Running.

The figure was winded. Scared like never before or was it really fright? "Explosions are hella scary aren't they Panta?". Pantalaimon made a silent whisper and nodded quietly. "What's wrong with ye cat?, you're awfully quiet for being... you know.. you?"

He kept running, leaving a trail of sweat. They finally made it to the elevators. He wrathfully slammed his fist on the button. The doors opened and they burst into the freight elevator. Panta sat down on the floor, resting his head on the wall. He took a second to lick his paws and a tiny bit of his wrist before suddenly standing up sniffing intensely. "Bird hide inside my pocket". "Wrat why?". "DO IT" He wailed screaming his lungs out. The bird fleed and hid under his jacket. The figure could feel the bird trembeling. The doors slammed open and a strong odor of blood hit them like a truck filled with bricks. Bodies of too many civilians covered the floor. It was barely walkable. They didn't even look human anymore. Flies were buzzing and the room radiated the stereotype of a living hell. Bullet holes and blood covered the walls. It was horrifying. A voice echoed in the corridor ahead. A woman. Her voice was like a storm in autumn, fucking relentless. "Obliterate anything that breaths". Panta felt goosebumps covering his entire creature. "Whoever this woman is, she's not on our side".The bird gasped. They quickly moved through the corridor. He had to know. He'd do anything just to have a glance at the pirate kingpin. Tears streamed down his whiskers. And there she was, in the corridor. Her apperance as intimidating as her voice. Just the look of her spread a venomous unease through Panta's entire body. "Let's get the fuck outta here, take a different route" whispered the jacket. The figure turned around and became one with the darkness of the corridor.


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Madelyn looked the robot's hand for a few seconds before taking the pin back, putting it in her pocket this time. The robot sat down next to her with a digital smile on his metal face. “As i’m only a service bot, I have no recognitial scanning systems and manual introduction will be required. If you so wish that is?”. Madelyn grabbed ahold of a plunta from the inner pocket of her uniforms jacket, she unscrewed the small plug and took a hefty gulp of a strong alcoholic beverage. “... Yeah, yeah go ahead…” She said and glared into the roof. “I’m C18Ar9-B16j12, but you can call me Carl.”. Madelyn looked at the oblivious looking robot with a slightly confused expression, “Carl?” she said with an even more confused tone. “Yes?” It said turning it’s head towards Madelyn, “No, I mean your name. Was it given to you when you were built?”. It was uncommon for industrial and corporal robots to be given human names. The robot once again turned his head looking into empty space, “No. Given the circumstances I’m liberated from my original programming and took it upon me to name myself. I simply want to know what it’s like.”. She turned her eyes towards the ceiling of the train again and let out a half assed snigger “Well, i’m Madelyn.”. “We will soon be arriving at station, S, all passengers please step away from the airlocks.”. The train smoothly slowed down and with a swoosh the doors connected to the ones on the station’s walls and the doors opened.

The station looked much like the one they’d left behind, Madelyn carefully looked into the large hall with Carl limping behind her. She was afraid that it’d might damage him if she was to remove the large axe buried in him with brute force and it was left firmly sticking out of him. “How’d you get that axe in you anyway?”, Carl's smile was straightened into a more neutral expression. “Some fellows didn’t seem to be very happy about how I carried their luggage, how barbaric.” Carl said and took careful note of his surroundings. “So what are we doing in sector S if you don’t mind me asking?”, Madelyn continued walking towards the hangars with her rifle locked and loaded, “Getting the hell out of here.”. Her new robot companion was just about to utter his opinion on profanity when distant gunshots and joyful yet terrifying screaming could be heard. Madelyn started running with Carl trying his best to keep up. Multiple figures lighting a room up with gunfire could be seen at the end of a long elevated bridge over top of a storage room, she could tell they were pirates just by the way they spoke. She went down on one knee to line up a shot, but was interrupted by Carl putting his hand on her shoulder. “Let me handle this.”, Madelyn was going to protest but he’d already started walking towards the group of pirates. Carl grabbed ahold of the axe in his chest and with a few firm tugs was able to pull it out, one could really see how his body was liberated from the axe’s weight.

The pirates were so focused on shooting at something further down another corridor that they didn’t notice the bulky robot coming their way. He leaned a bit to the side as the axe now weighed his arm down, when he was no more but a few meters away he charged in violently striking a pirates throat and then using his momentum to strike another one in his back. Blood stained his burnished metal skin and Madelyn was surprised by his ability to fight. Another pirate came screaming at Carl with a spiked baseball bat at hand, but the end of his wooden weapon never reached the bloodied robot as a bullet from Madelyn's rifle rippled through her head. There were still many pirates to go and Carl's axe swung through the air sending screams flying everywhere. He had multiple scratches and bullet holes in him, but he didn’t let it stop him. He was just about to finish off the last pirate who laid wounded on the floor with the shadow of a robot holding an axe high up in the air on him. Suddenly one last gunshot rang out and Carl fell to the ground with the sound of scrambling metal. The incapacitated rugged man on the floor had hidden a gun underneath his cape and a large smoking hole had appeared in it.

Madelyn ran towards the bloody mess that covered the floor. She pulled her handgun from the belt around her waist and in a fit of anger shot the man twice in the chest. Kneeling down in front of the ravaged husk of metal that remained of her friend she wiped his bloody face of with her bare hand. She reached down her pocket and grasped the small pin he had reclaimed for her and held it tightly for a few seconds before standing up. Some sort of blue substance dotted the floor of the corridor they’d been shooting through. She paced down the stained path carefully watching everything around her, she stopped about midway down the walkway and raised her gun pointing it towards the end of the aisle prickled with bullet holes. “The pirates couldn’t have just been shooting for nothing, could they?.. she thought to herself, “Hello?” she exclaimed hoping she wasn’t going to be the unlucky one at the end of a gun barrel this time. @Scales
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As Son'Gaia was running down the hall way killing of the pirates he encountered, he came to think of his crewmates. Gaia started wondering if they were safe, they haven't had close enounters with pirates before. 

"I hope those poor bastards are safe, they are to young to die here."  Gaia thought to himself, but he got distracted for a moment and got shot in the shoulder. Gaia snapped back to reality and crushed the head of the pirate who shot him against the wall. "(Cough) I need to hurry to the hangar (cough cough)" Gaia said to himself as he hurried towards the hangar. As he reached the hangar all he saw was chaos. People were frantically trying to board their ships and get away. Gaia looked around the hellstorm that was before him to see if he could spot the Drifter. Gaia was the kind of person not to worry about himself but more of the people around him. He couldn't leave a poor soul behind unless it was an extreme case.

Gaia spotted the Drifter as it headed out of the hangar, why they left without Gaia was because an agreement between Gaia and the Captain.

"When we reach Al'Kutbay I would like to resign from my duties here onboard the Drifter" Gaia said to the captain who looked worried.

"What's with this decision, Gaia? This is quite sudden." Captain Rolged said still with the worried look on his face.

"I have worked here for many years now and I'm grateful for every moment I have had onboard the Drifter. But I'm not getting younger so I wanted to explore the universe a bit more. I know this might sound selfish of m..." "No no I understand you, Gaia. I'll grant you your leave but remember when you are done with your journey, then remember the Drifter will always be waiting for you and I will also my friend!" The captain said after interrupting Gaia. They looked at each other with happy but sad look in their eyes, they both knew it would take many years before Gaia would return to the Drifter.

"Rolged my old friend, please don't tell the men that I quit just yet. Wait until you are far from Al'Kutbay before you tell 'em. I don't want them to worry right before depature. I know this is selfish but as your friend grant me this." Gaia said to Rolged who nodded. Rolged was like Gaia both had a rough childhood and both were war heroes on their respective planets, so he understood from where Gaia came with his favor. "I will my friend, but now let's drink and lift our spirits before our paths divide for the moment!" Rolged said with a brutish laugh!


                                                                   (Captain Rolged)
The metallic smell of blood overwhelmed Astin as the door opened. The big room in front of him had once served the purpose as a checkpoint for the guards onboard. As body parts littered the floor and blood in varying colors created a collage of carnage there was next to nothing left that gave Astin the safe impression as the room was intended for. "To protect and serve, well. At least they served" As he entered the room and the door closed behind him he realized how impressively quiet it was. The dripping from the gore, some muffled gunshots in the distance and Astin's heavy breathing was about the only sound that filled the large room. Astin looked around and spotted a large air duct on the wall on the other side of the room, as well as a small transport speeder. "They probably used that for patrolling". Suddenly the quiet was broken by a gurgling cough. Astin turned around while drawing his gun. But there was nothing there. "Im over here!" a weak voice said that transitioned into a series of nasty coughs. Astin cautiously walked towards the sound, ending up at a pile of scrap. After clearing some of the ruble he uncovered a man sitting leaned agains the wall. "You should get out of here, there is nothing we can do" the man said. Astin analyzed his gaping wound in his abdomen and you didn't need any medical training to see that it was fatal. "Do you know if there are any ships left?" Astin asked as he put down his backpack on the floor, grabbing a bottle of water from it. "If there are any ships..." the man breathed heavily "They should be in the Private Hangar. Sector S" The man raised his left arm pointing at the speeder at the other side of the room. "Take that, go through the vents into the cargo monorail. That should get you where you need to go" Astin offered the bottle of water to the man who happily drank. "I'm sorry, may you find peace." Astin grabbed his bag and jogged to the speeder and mounted it. Astin quickly saluted the man before taking of, leaving him as he took his last breath. 
Scales and Knight

Al-Kutbay - Sector S

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Scales head popped up around the corner. He flashed a bright smile as he saw a tall woman following his blood trail. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Hello there, pleasant timing my friend![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he said and looked down on the pool of blood that was starting to flow out in the corridor. Knight looked at the outlandish man. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Are you alone?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” she asked without moving any closer. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]It certainly looks that way, now doesn’t it?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he answered without losing his smile. Knight could smell a corrosive stench, but she still approached him. She squatted down, reaching out her hand to touch the foul blue substance. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I wouldn’t touch that if I were you. It causes neural damage.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Scales uttered with a very concerned look on his face. She lifted her gaze to the man. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Nah I’m just messing with you.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he said as his face became less serious again. “I[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]t is hard to wash away from your clothes though.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, he continued. Knight stood up and took some cautious steps toward him, remaining silent. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Do you feel like getting outta here? I sure as hell do. Smells like shit in here.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” She turned left, passing the injured man, and looked around the area. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Oh it’s clear, I made sure of that. At least for the moment[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Scales said and pointed at a couple of bodies further down the corridor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Knight squatted down and looked him in the eyes, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Do you have a ship?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, she bluntly asked. He smiled even brighter and said, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]That I do.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. Madelyn poked the man’s leg with her foot and asked, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Can you walk?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. Scales groaned in pain and said with his teeth clenched, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]With a little help, far enough to make it to the ship. It’s in the other corridor, next to the vending machine.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Knight reached her hand out to Scales, he grabbed it and stood up with her help. He put his arm around her neck and tried putting pressure on his right leg, but the pain was too great. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As they went past the vending machine, Scales stopped and said, “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Those are my guns, could you?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, as he pointed at his hand cannons lying on the ground. Scales sat down on the machine on the ground as Knight bent down to pick up the cannons. She took them and put them in one of her jacket pockets. Scales groaned and said, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I actually don’t have the code. You don’t happen to have one of those all-in-one master cards or whatever they’re called?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” Madelyn took a card looking like an ID from her chest pocket and unlocked the door. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]And voilá![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. Scales flew up on his left leg with so much force that he almost fell over, but he managed to grab hold of the wall. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]There’s the beauty. My ship. My home. My Bumblebee.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”, Scales said with a proud look on his face. Knight recognized the model of the ship. She could see on the ‘Hershel’s’ logo that it was indeed the extremely rare 50 years old Hershel’s Space Hammock model. She felt a sudden itch in her fingers to examine its machinery. The thought was interrupted though, by the sound of a high-speed speeder.[/SIZE]
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Astin, Knight and Scales

Al-Kutbay - Sector S

Astin took a sharp turn to the right, revealing what laid ahead. The speeder swept through the dark air vent at top speed, giving Astin only a moment to realize what was going on. A muffled “Oh no...” sounded over the engine sound resonating in the compact space. Seconds later the speeder rammed into the grate at the end of the shaft, bursting through into the hangar.

Scales and Knight were startled as the loud noise swallowed the room, Madelyn drew her gun immensely fast as she turned around ready to shoot. “Holy mother of spacefarts!” Scales exclaimed as the hovering vehicle slid across the burnished hangar floor. Astin stepped off the speeder and was greeted by the end of a gunbarrel three inches from his face, with a surprised tone he said “Well, hello. This was uncalled for.” meeting Knight’s grave facial expression. “Oooh, he looks like fun.”, Madelyn gave no notion towards Scales remark and cocked her gun. The man didn’t look like a pirate to Knight, but she wasn’t going to take any chances. “State your business.” “My business is to get the fuck out, and I’m guessing that you are trying to do the same?” Astin took a step back while slowly raising his arms. ”Aw come on! Do I look like a bloody cab driver?”, Scales said with an irritated tone. “Ain’t my ship, nor my decision if you get on or not.” Madelyn said and passed the decision on to Scales as her eyes darted onto him. “Well I can’t leave him here can I? Besides, I need someone who can cook for me.” he said and flashed a bright smile. Knight rolled her eyes at Scales ill mannered response before holstering her gun again. “Well…” Astin said lingering. “I don’t know if I’m the one to cook” He paused for a moment. “But if you have any issues with vermin onboard, I’m your man”. Astin smiled awkwardly as he looked at the two in front of him. “Well at least you’re kind of useful…” Scales said with clear disappointment in his voice. “We’ll all be pretty useless if we’re dead, we should get a move on…” Knight muttered and looked at the bulky ship behind them.

Madelyn supported Scales up the ramp and into the large lump of metal he called home, “Where to?”. Scales pointed at the ship and said, “To the rear.” Astin looked back at the hangar. “While you get him patched up I’ll go and grab some of those crates with supplies over there.” Scales nodded as he took a deep breath through the nose and said, “Nothing like the smell of home.”. Scales and Madelyn walked through the cargo hold. “Don’t mind the boxes.” he said as the place lit up. They walked to the far end, where Scales pushed a pink button on a wall panel as the four corners of the door slid into the walls. As they entered the hallway, Scales stopped and said, “I’m gonna go patch myself up. The sleeping quarters is in the door to the right and the bridge is just past it. Make yourself at home I guess, just try not to break anything, and don’t touch anything that glows or looks like a button.”. Then he started walking towards the door at the far end of the hallway. Madelyn watched the man disappear down the hallway before sitting down on a bench in the hallway. She rested her face in hands before once again taking out the metal flask from the inner pocket of her uniforms jacket, this time taking a series of stout quaffs from it.
As Son'Gaia where reminiscing his past onboard the Drifter he remembered he was still onboard Al'Kutbay. "I need to find a ship and get out of here, but every ship is gone from the hangar..." Gaia said to himself. He remember passing a sign showing all the different sectors on Al'Kuybay. So he decided to return there and see if there was another hangar on the station. 

When Son'Gaia got to the sign with all the sectors he looked through it and saw there was a private hangar in the S sector.

"Hm, it would take me about 4 hours tó get there by foot but I saw there was a fast lane which connects all the sector which the guards use. Maybe I could use it to get there faster!"  Gaia went to the opening of the fast lane and looked for a pod which is used to travel between all the sectors. To his suprise there was one there! Gaia boarded the pod and put in the sector which he wanted to go. "Now I can get there fast, hope there is a ship left there I can take." The pod moved really fast even Gaia was suprised at the speed it was going. When Gaia where at sector Q a warning showed up on the display and the pod slowed down and stopped in the Q sector.

The warning said that the fast lane going through sector R was blocked. "Fuck, a least there is only 1 sector to S." Gaia ventured out into sector Q and started jogging towards sector S but when he got to Sector R he encountered some pirates. These pirates looked tougher then the pirates he fought in Sector F. "I need to fight these guys more seriously then the ones before.." Gaia thought to himself. Gaia looked and saw what he presumed was the leader of that gang.pirate.jpg

(^ Pirate leader)

"If I take out him maybe the others will flee." Gaia thought. So he creeped closer to the gang of pirates. Gaia dashed out and grabbed the pirate leader and snapped his neck like a twig. The other pirates looked on horrified at what just happened. "Run back to your ship or I will kill you all"  Gaia said with a voice that instilled fear and anguish. The pirates started to flee head over heels and some tripped and started pointing their guns towards Gaia, who fast as lightning got to them and killed them. 

After Gaia was done with killing the pirates who didn't flee. He got to Sector S. He looked around an found a ship and a man standing there. He didn't look like pirates so Gaia walked up to him.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The figure halted abruptly by the sound of two gun shots echoing throughout the corridor. "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]HOLY FUCK THAT'S CLOSE[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]" the bird whispered tensely. The figure looked slightly uncomfortable.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]They paused for a moment before the bird anxiously asked " [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Do you think the private hangars are fucked[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]?". She stuck out her head and gazed at him. "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]For all we know they could be, but we can't go back. You saw that woman, she'll end us."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The bird nodded. They slowly made their way forward even though they hated heading towards the action. Panta used to be a courageous warrior leaping gleefully towards any hint of trouble. However that mindset came to an end when Skittles, his bird got injured in a CQC fight with an abominable kregg. His recklessness almost lost him his only friend. The duo came to yet another halt when the floor ahead started to get littered with bodies. They waited patiently for any sign of movement but nothing could be heard or seen. The figure whispered as quietly as possible "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This is probably where the shots came from[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]". The figure hastily crouched up to one of the bodies and stuck his fingers into the bullet wound. "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Its still really warm[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]". The figure eyed most of the corpses and couldn't help to notice a faint trail of blue dots. He pulled out a vial and stuffed some of the substance into the bottle.”What the fuck is this?”. They were just about to leave when "[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]BAAAM". [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Something up ahead had created a thunderclap. They dashed forward heading towards the noise. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]OIOI THAT’S IN THE HANG..[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” The figure shushed his bird and slithered into the hangar. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The figure dashed into the hangar and hid by some loot crates. The bird peeked at the people causing a fuzz in the middle of the hangar. She gazed at the woman with the gun and then looked at the ship. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Proper tidy that is[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. They watched as the people came to some sort of agreement. Two of them ventured into the ship whilst the other one started scavenging. “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I wonder if they’re friendlies, they don’t look like pirates[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. The lonely figure searching for supplies got closer and closer and his footsteps got louder and louder. When he was close enough Panta tossed out his weapon and said calmly “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]We surrender our arms, please let us board your ship[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”. He stared the man in the eyes with his arms raised.[/SIZE]

As he entered the sickbay, Scales collapsed onto a chair. His calf was killing him with pain. He put his leg up on a chair in front of him as he grabbed a pair of surgical pliers and a rag. He twinned the rag and put it in his mouth as he pulled the solid metal bullet out of his leg. The sweat was running down from his scaly forehead. He fumbled for a bandage on the table next to him, and wrapped it around his calf. The bullet that hit him in the shoulder went right through, luckily. Scales fastened a pad on each side of the shoulder and then picked up a rod and metal stick from the table.

He wrapped his fingers around the stick and a bar retracted from it, forming a crutch, and put his weight on it as he left the bay. As he saw Knight still sitting in the corridor, he put the rod in his pocket. As he took his first step, the pain got to him and he shouted "ARSHOK!". He took out the rod again and flipped up a lid on it, revealing a slender needle, then he stuck it in his shoulder and pushed the top with his thumb. The process was painful, making him expose his teeth. After a few seconds, he pulled the shot out and threw it in a bin next to him. He scratched the scales on the bottom of his neck as he put his weight on the crutch again, this time seemingly painless. As he felt ready to move, he limped toward the bridge.

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