Story Sovereigns of Ash


All according to my Scenario
Sovereigns Of Ash

In the year 2030, we realized the fragility of our position. You see, man is only filler. The real Sovereigns of Earth were far superior to us, never mind our technology. What use is a nuke against an indestructible tyrant?


(All times given are Eastern Standard for recording purposes)

May 18, 12:41 AM, 2030: First sighting of a Sovereign. In the coming weeks, footage of the “dragon” excited the world. More sightings followed.

June 28, 5:01 AM, 2030: The Big Island of Hawaii is attacked by a dragon, codenamed Sovereign Lucifer. Lucifer lays hundreds of eggs in the caldera, hunting whales and fishing vessels. Organizations like PETA and Greenpeace lobby for endangered species status for the dragon.

August 19, 12:45 PM, 2030: Dragon clutches across the world hatch, unleashing a devastating plague in the Ring of Fire region. Military operations prove futile, missiles only agitating the swarm.

October, 2030: Colder weather drives the growing young dragons into volcanic regions, providing a period of respite. Testing proves that dragons are virtually indestructible, yet light as air, with a core body temperature close to the burning point of oxygen. Baffled scientists attempt to recover dragon eggs, to no avail.

Spring 2031: Dragon swarms in Japan, the Pacific Northwest and the Pacific Ocean raid the countryside, burning cities. Operation Atlantis utilizes nuclear warheads in an attempt to collapse the Sovereign lairs, failing to kill large numbers. Dragons spotted over Texas, California, Beijing and Australia.

Summer 2031: Large scale warfare begins in Asia. A swarm attack leads to many lives lost, due to the unexpected arrival of Sovereign Typhoon. This is later dubbed the India Massacre. The Battle of Mexico City, waged between Sovereign Ladon and the American Alliance, ends with the Sovereign driven off. Ladon later burns the Yutican Peninsula, seemingly in revenge.

Winter 2031: Mass relocations occur as dragons hibernate. Scientists theorize the dragons require volcanic activity to breed, and that the Yellowstone Caldera will be a massive, unbreakable foothold for them. A massive expedition into the Inferno (new term for the dragon-dominated Ring of Fire) is launched for unknown purposes. An early awakening devoured most of the expedition, and the Sovereign Tiamat leads a swarm to Yellowstone.

Spring 2032: Dragon numbers skyrocket, and the Sovereign Fafnir awakens from beneath Iceland. Reykjavik is destroyed in the Devouring of Iceland. The Taupo Region suffers Sovereign Vritra’s wrath, as the Sovereign calls the first Mega-Swarm. Tasmania, Sydney, and Thailand are reduced to ash, feeding the Mega-Swarm.

Summer 2032: The early awakening preludes massive volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, devastating California. Sovereign Piasa hunts down military patrols, and even threatens military bases. Sovereign Fafnir attacks passenger planes and refugee boats, taking the North Atlantic and Oil Fields for it’s brood.

August 15, 2032: Britain faces dragon attack, launches Project Dragonslayer in search of a reliable method of defense. Success in hatching dragon eggs and mimicking dragon biosonar helps protect “Mankind’s Redoubt,” as London is commonly known.

Winter 2032: Dragon training is partially effective, but limited to Britain. America manages to slay Sovereign Piasa in freak incident. Uncontrolled dragon swarms trigger the Yellowstone Caldera, dubbed “The Dragonpit”, burying Wyoming and Montana in ashes. Sovereign Behemoth takes advantage, slaughtering the swarm and lairing in the ruins. Tiamat is severely wounded and crippled, driving it into the Rocky Mountains. Refugees are burned in vast numbers by the recovering Sovereign.

Spring 2033: Los Angelos, San Francisco and Oakland are destroyed by Sovereign Leviathan, turning the cities into feeding grounds. Mass migration into the Northern Regions occurs, abandoning territories to the dragons. Africa is attacked by dragons, reducing several nations to fodder. Dragon cults in Eurasia spread, causing chaos in humanity’s ranks.

More specific information on certain incidents and more timeline will follow!
James crept through the fire-blackened streets, glancing around. The fires had burned out months ago, but they still hunted the streets. Sagging, melted buildings leaned drunkenly, providing shelter from above.

“Help me!” A voice cried from ahead. A soot-stained man in a tattered suit dashed across the intersection, and James dove for cover. A shadow drifted lazily behind him, flaming drops splashing on the pavement.

“Anyone!” He screamed. James just watched as the shadow blotted out the sky. A feral screech shattered the surviving windows, and a two-clawed foot grasped the man.

James grabbed a doorframe, and was slammed by the winds of the dragon’s passing. It was a miracle he wasn’t ripped into the air.

The dragon howled, and a thunderclap echoed as it flapped into the sky. Another shadow broke free from a skyscraper. The first beast threw the man upwards, reaching out with black-fanged, ash-crusted jaws. His scream was faintly audible as the second monster plucked him out of the other’s jaws seconds before the flames came.

The dragons played that game, tossing the still-living man between them as a skyscraper’s top half slid loose from their flight. Indignant hissing and screaming filled his ears. James watched long enough to confirm that they were gone, and moved on.

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