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Fandom South Park - CC x OC - Possible Double up


✨Cardiac Arrest Or Heart Attack✨
I'm looking for someone who can muse Kenny for my oc Bellatrix (Trixie). I can play as pretty much anyone so just ask and I can do it. B/B, G/G, and B/G are all fine with me. Even if you don't wanna double up that's fine. I have no preference.

I don't have elaborate plot ideas for this so we can come up with ideas together. I'll just list some genres that I like so you know.

Zombie Apocolypse
Hello! I know this was posted yesterday, but is this still open? I’m kind of looking after a (sort of) long term double up with cc x oc. I’m also more than willing to play Kenny 👁👄👁👍 Hope this isn’t a bother!
Hello! I know this was posted yesterday, but is this still open? I’m kind of looking after a (sort of) long term double up with cc x oc. I’m also more than willing to play Kenny 👁👄👁👍 Hope this isn’t a bother!
Yesyesyesyes shoot a dm my way, please 🙏

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