.::Souls of Unbalanced Chaos::.


Junior Member

Roleplay Rules

Do not GOD MODE! Its pretty obvious no one likes a God Moder so please, don't be 'that guy'.

2. If your character is hit then they are hit, no dodge or evades, if it happens then its done. If you plan on fighting in the Rp I suggest you talk it over with the one you plan on fighting with so it goes smoothly and pans out correctly. Be fair to your Rp Partners, give them chances to fight back. No auto knock outs, thats just plan boring and not very classy of an Rper.

3. Do not speak for or
CONTROL other peoples characters. Its not fair, fun or right so do not do it. If you want dailog or have a idea then speak with the Rper you are interacting with and come to an agreement together. Make sure you put at the bottom of your post "Has been granted consent by ____" and put the name of the user(s). And the user(s) whom allowed it must also put on their post, "Has granted consent to ___" and put the users name. That way if someone DOES try to control and lies about consent the Owner of the character can prove they did not allowe such authorization.

4. Please try to make a character in one of the three groups. If you wish to have a Wonderer you may but then you must create another character whom blongs to one of the three groups.

5. You are in no to in anyway shape or form to
KILL or permiantely damage another Rpers character. If you are granted consent to then that is acceptable. But you are in no way allowed to kill other characters. This also goes hand-in-hand with the NO GOD MODING rule. Do not be that Rper people talk about negatively. You'll find it hard to make friends.

6. Try to type more the 3 sentances if you can. This is more of a Para. Rp so do try to make the length of your post count.

Do not Bully! Seirously guys, do I really need to play Ref? Don't try to say your character is better then anyone elses or my own. Everyone takes the time and effort in creating their characters. Don't bash them simply cause you aren't fond of the idea. If you got a problem with someone you take it to the PMs, not here in the thread. No one wants to read it so please don't add it.

8. No godly characters. Not unless you want to Rp alone don't go an make a
'All mighty' character that NO ONE can beat. Be fair, you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you.

9. Have fun! In the end this is the #1 reason why we are all here anyways. So just remember this is for fun, enjoy it!

Please make sure you read other Rpers posts. They take the time in writing it out, least you could do is read it. And for those who do post try to follow the story that is being told by the others. We want this to run smoothly. Thank you.)


Winters breeze flowed through the air like a rushing river, forceful and fast it ushered towns folk into their homes in a haste pace. Covered in sparkling flakes of snow the small town was glittering a light, white spreading over every inch of it. The wind kicked up and swirled up high, taking the light flicks of white in the the air as if playing in the sky. Music floated dully in the winters howl, the soft glow of lights licked at the cool frost on the windows intimately. A Tavern was alive in this cold and dead scenery, the renaissance music and dancing brought a friendly hue to the visitors in this place. With their bellys full, their faces a soft flush of red and their wine glasses never going empty the atmosphere was bountyful. In a joyous celebration the people in the Tavern sang together, singing along in a song of old. Sitting at the front of the bar was a stranger, quiet and resurved she sat sipping on her drink. Her attention was lingering else where, though the music and song were still a current focus. It was a heart warming tail of a foolish boy falling for a princess and hopelessly running away together, never to be seen again. If only all fairy tails such as this were true, perhaps the world wouldn't be thrown into a vortex of chaos, blood and war. Soon a man slid up to her side, scooting his chair in and smuggly leaning over in a sly manner, "Can I buy you a drink?" The V shaped glass in her had chimed as the cubes of ice hit its edges, her voice raising as she lift the glass up, "Still working on the first one." His breath was thickly scented with the smell of alcohol, not knowing when to quit. With one eye partly open and the other wide he cockly musted, "Well if you won't take a drink then how about a kiss?" The shimmer of her vivid blue eyes shined in the the amber glow of the dim Tavern lights, the clever girl came up with a wily plan. With a casual tone she remarked, "Sure why not?" His goofy expression had been seen from her peripheral vision, it was all too funny at this point. Her amusement tickled the back of her throat, threatening to foil her mischievous plan. She started to turn towards him, slow and alluring. He closed his eyes, puckering up, foolishly falling for it. Then she started to change, her features becoming large, sharp and masculine. Where there was once a sweet soft jaw line grew thick black facial hair. Full plump lips thinned out, leaving only the lower lip to stay large. High cheek bones lengthen and her cheeks got tight, and closer inwards. The small dip in her nose grew in length and size, coming to a stuttle point. And when the eyes were finished to sharp ends, there where a woman once stood was a man. Full grown, tall, dark and handsome. But it wasn't what this drunkin' fool desired and before he could open his eyes to sneak a peek he felt the roughness of a mans hand on the back of his head. He was pulled into a full blown kiss, whiskers brushing his upper lip. In utter shock he screamed, only for it to be muffled under the strangers furry lips. As he was let go the man jerked away jumping back, the back of his shaken hand to his mouth. Exclaming in an almost pubescent cry he shouted, "Wh-WHAT THE HELL?! You...you're an Arien?!" Chuckling in a soothing tone Gabrial shrugged playfully saying, "Well you asked for a kiss, so you got one. You should've known what you got yourself into before makin' a pass at me." Not like the man would have known but still it was a little stab Gabrial couldn't resist to pun in. The man whipped his mouth in disgust and bewilderment, taking off in complete embarrassment. Gabrial simply chuckled scratching the back of his head as he spoke, a silly boyish grin on his lips, "Guess he didn't like my kiss." Sitting back down he rezoomed drinking his drink, getting a few weird glances here and there within the Tavern.


Several shades of grey were decorating the clouds in the sky, making them look thier worst for the brewing of the storm. The foggy cast hung over the world below, obscuring ones sight. This thick and dence collection of clouds was perfect cover for the ominous threat above. Floating, almost soundlessly was a massive blimp, the symbol of a red and black fist scrawled on the side of it. The most feared group in the world darly glided over head, undetected. The propelers sliced through the puff of clouds like knife to butter, as the monsters inside were preparing for battle. Striding down the long halls of this floating fortrace was a man with a large frame and towering height. The over sized green pee coat made him appear even bigger, while the cuff of his jacket hid the lower half of his face. Silver locks of hair sneaked out from under his military cap and the abnormal color of his eyes dully gaze on ahead, paying no mind to the soilders saluting him as he passed. Sounds of clipping boots echoed back to one another, as if communicating in a language all their own. The heavy truge of his boots ebbed in his ears as he halted at two very tall and large double doors. With a gloved hand he curved his palm towards him and tapped one of the doors with three loud soild knocks. A voice called from behind the doors and he pressed it open, slipping in and out of sight. The doors weight pulled itself shut, needing no aid to close. As he stood at the front of the room he veiwed a tall swivel chair, thick with padding and top of the line leather. Within its grasp sat his leader, his direct link to orders...his Major. A curl came up on the mans lips though it was unseen, the grin creeply reached both sides of his face, going long. His hands clasped together in a tight lock as he spoke, "Captain Onur...so good you could stop in before the Purge. Are all your ranks ready?" The tall grey haired man known as Onur lightly tipped his head to one side, answering in a blank tone, "Yes Major, they are ready for the invasion." A giddy chuckle left the Majors lips as his right hand brushed his blonde hair back, "Oh good, good. I didn't want to miss the performance. You know how...excited I get when the troops start the slaughter of sheep. Its absolutly enthralling to see! Such a delight! So...I appreciate you informing me of its opening, may it be glorious and...grisly." It was like a younge boy in a toy factory, the Major was just rividing with excitement. It was true, the man loved war. All the horrid things that a normal man feared he enjoyed, engulfing himself in the moment completely commited. This made it clear as to why The Red Iron was so ruthless and feared. Because of this one mans drive for distruction and havoc this unstoppable force was on top. With a mind as crafty as his the chances of their success coming to a halt was seemingly non-existent. Nodding his head he brought the side of his hand to his head, saluting the Major before leaving the room to prepare the dogs of war.


http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4108-Souls-of-Unbalanced-Chaos-Storyline-Information-amp-Rules (Rp Storyline/Plot)

http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4109-Souls-of-Unbalanced-Chaos-Character-Sheets (Rp Character Sheets)

(You may now start posting. ^-^)
Lauren walked out of her home, looking at the sun and feeling the winter breeze hit her legs. She could sence something bad was gonna happen. Lauren walked in the direction she senced. A riot was about to break out before she yelled and every stared at her, Lauren used her ability to control peoples minds by looking at them in the eye. Everyone just backed away and left back to their houses. She evily smiled and walked off. She walked over to a hut where the people of her team (Red Iron) are hanging o destroy the city.
January sat in the garden, watching the delicate white clouds flutter over the beautiful azure sky. A cool breeze gently flowed through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle and the many wind chimes that decorated the garden tinkle with the music that she adored so much. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, savouring the unique scent of summer. The sun on her face sent a wonderful sensation flooding down her spine, but that was quickly stopped when the sun disappeared behind the clouds. Opening her eyes in confusion, January saw thick, black, menacing clouds coat the once gorgeous blue into a dark, evil grey. A fierce wind gusted up around her, sending hundreds of flecks of pollen into her dark hair. She spied the families butler, Alexandre, hurry over to her, shielding his face with a handkerchief so he wouldn't get hurt. "Miss January, your parents have requested you in the study," He yelled over the squeal of the wind. "They feel it is not safe for you to be out in this weather! Please, take my arm!" January gingerly took it, and hurried along with Alexandre's footsteps. The wind was growing stronger by the second, and fear was beginning to grip January's insides. Leading her to the study, Alexandre opened the double doors and January walked in, seeing her siblings and parents sitting on the plush cream chaise lounges that dotted the spacious room. "Yes, Mother and Father? Is it something urgent?" January's delicate voice echoed throughout the silence. "I'm afraid so darling. Please, sit down." Her mother swayed her hand, indication to January that she was to sit next to her eldest sibling, Luc. Sitting down, she waited for the news that was so important.
Sergeant Stryvo as they liked to call him around here. He was currently up in one of the Red Iron blimps. New recruits always knew not to mess around when he was training them or they'd be in for it. He liked to give them Field punishment number one. The good old whip taught the loud mouthed snot bags to keep it to themselves. Some thought this to be ruthless but they had to admit it worked all the same. This was the read Iron. Not some Fairy party bullcrap so he'd treat them like they should be,dirt. He rubbed his eye it itching a little before walking off down the hallway. The recruits giving off stares before he'd snap his head to face them their view would slink away. Time to go teach these idiots how to win a war. He wrung his hands together a smile creeping up onto his face. He walked into a hall and looked at the figures standing around in groups. "You call this organised!" "Form up you worthless rats!". He watched as they ran making a line before saluting. He swatted his hand downwards causing them to stop saluting.
Alexandria sits in her small, temporary camp. She finishes skinning the rabbit with her hunting knife and throws it gently to the pile next to her. It wasn't the most hygienic method of storage, but it was the simplest. Anyway, these things weren't for her to eat. She would split the pile evenly and sell half in a nearby town and donate the rest to the Barachel Cross. They'd take anything they could get nowadays. The hides would also fetch a good price at a market. She smiles to herself, thinking of all the money to be made. Perhaps she could purchase a crossbow? She ponders for another moment before standing up and grabbing a rabbit from the pile. She hangs it from a string before draping an insect net over it. She repeats this for the other animals before tidying up her equipment and sitting back down. She then closes her eyes and quickly drifts off. This would definitely be the last night out in the forest. Maybe she would stay with the Barachel Cross for a while.
Zinethian sat in the middle of the woods on an old tree stump that had been cut straight through leaving it's middle naked with large rings indicating it's age. The roots where intertwined into the dark green grass below his feet digging into the moist ground from the rain that day. Zinethian sighed, pushing out a small puff of air from the moistness in the forest. His golden eyes looked around from underneath his hood, the light seeping through the vines and limbs of the elderly towering trees over him. His shaky hands reached down, cupping a small wilting pink flower in his hand. "Poor thing.." his voice was soft and soothing, like silk. He breathed on it a bit, his breath caressing the petals like a feather falling in water. The flower suddenly sprang to life, the colors jumping through the pedals like a large wave in a pool.

He smiled as the flower came back to life lifting from the droop it had been in, the roots beggining to stretch out in search of water. He slightly dug a hole in the ground and placed it down, caressing it's pedals softly. His fingertips rubbed together as he pulled back and tucked his hands back into his pockets looking up into the streaks of sun coming through the forest greens.

"You can come out now.." he said softly into the air, a noise faint in the background. He smirked, his teeth showing momentarily from underneath his pink lips. His white hair fell in front of his eyes to one side as he turned his head to his left. "Why hide? I know you are there.." he spoke again, his eyes trailing off to his front following an invisible attacker, his gaze steady.

He heard the swish of an arrow pas the side of his face as he turned it a few inches to one side evaiding the sharp edge, as it hit a tree behind him. "That is no way to treat a stranger.." his voice lowered more.

"Stop acting like you know what your talking about!" A young voice hissed out through the vines in front of him a few feet ahead behind an old oak tree. The voice was soft and subtle , but kiddish.

Zinethian stood up slowly, his hands retreating from it's warmth in his jacket as he yanked the arrow from behind him, out. "This is highly un needed.." He smirked throwing the arrow into the open fire sizzling as the wood burned. "Come out.." He looked in the boy's direction, knowing exactly where he was. His eyes shifted again, following him to his side. "You cant hide from me.."

Another arrow swoshed passed him as he turned his body back, the arrow barely missing, passing underneath his nose almost grazing his lips. He grouled, reaching out his hand clenching into a fist, the vines under the childs feet intertwining around him pushing him into the air, and bringing him out into the clearing,
Zinethian looking straight out at him. "Really?" He questioned, running a hand over his hood taking it off revealing his horns protruding out from his head. "Is this what you wanted?"

The child was no taller than 4'6, blonde hair, soft blue eyes and a curiosity about him simple and clean. He gritted his teeth, dropping his bow. "Let me go!" he yelled trying to get loose, but ended up being gripped harder making him wince, blue orbs tearing up. His breath quickened as the vines became lose again, throwing him to the ground on his knees his hands digging into the green grass. As he looked up, his gaze met
Zinethian who was smiling at this point in sympathy. "what the hell are you looking at?!" the child grouled gripping the green blades between his fingers.

Zinethian sighed and sat down again, pulling out bread from his bag lying next to the fire and reached it out to him. "You should of asked.." He said softly, the child looking up and standing running his hand over his black shirt, easing out the wrinkles and wiping his face. "I..I don't need that.." he said his eyes looking at his bow.

"So you really want to make me believe i was your target?"
Zinethian's fingers lit up with fire, his jaw tightening. The child's eyes widened and he shook his head "N-no no im sorry!" he yelled waving his hands softly taking the bread "I-i was hungry.. im sorry" he repeated lowering his head placing a clenched fist over his heart.

Zinethian paused his hands calming themselves and laying back on his knees. "Eat.." He said softly grabbing his bag placing it on his back. "You where one of the lucky ones.." he said over to the boy as he put out the fire he had created.

"Maybe i'm just not strong enough..." the child said looking down at the piece of bread in his hands tears forming in his eyes.

Zinethian sighed again touching his head. "You want to act like a man... think like one, and grow into one before believing you are.." His words where sharp.

The child looked up, "I'm Lienez" he spoke softly, his blue orbs shinning from the light pouring down on the link a shower of sparkles. "I am a man..that is all i am"
Zinethian smiled softly and walked off, looking back momentarily tossing a small bag of coins at his feet, dissapearing into the clearing towards the road.

He sighed, reaching the dirt road heading towards the north again. "I am here.." he said to the wind, pulling his hood over his head, his golden eyes steadying on the road ahead "and i won't be leaving anytime soon.."
'You're moving from the shoulders far too much. If you attack an opponent like that then you'll jar your arm and hence leave yourself open for attack.' Integera's clear voice rang out among the training troops as she guided one of the men, placing a hand on his shoulder to push it down slightly. 'Swordplay is often in the wrists. If you use your body too much you'll be unable to defend against swift attacks. When your opponent attacks head on you want to be able to counter and force them away with a single movement.' Her soft white hair was pulled back in a braid, hanging down her spine and swishing slightly with each movement. Although human, she moved with the grace of an elf or the likes and was beautiful too. Of course she didnt care much for beauty, only practicality. After adjusting the two that were sparring a few more times, giving pointers, she stepped back and watched as her men trained in pairs. Of course, not all were men. Isgar took in all able bodied people. Be they male or female, human or something else. Of course, they also got a few weaklings, but they were all found postions. It was well known that Isgar didn't turn away people, and they were often sneered at for it. But Integera and her troops fought valiantly and had earned a reputation on the battle field. Yumistra Elderstros was one such warrior, with a deadly reputation for killing without question or hesitation. And she hardly ever missed her mark. She was also Integera's adopted sister, and while some said that was how she had earned her place, most knew it was foolish to even try to suggest that in the presence of either the assassin or their leader. Wherever one was, the other was never far away. It was how they worked, with Yumistra's unwavering loyalty binding her to the woman's side.

As Integera stepped back, Yumistra approached, her dark hair falling in her eyes, the red face mask covering the lower part of her mouth as usual. 'How's the training going?' She asked in a low voice, watching the movements of the soldiers. Integera sighed, massaging her temples. 'New recruits always are difficult to train at first, but they're getting there slowly. Luckily for us this lot had some weapons training. Or at least the majority of them did. Many come from the smaller noble families, those that in alliegance with us. They've sent the most men they can spare, but they need some training just to get them used to the terrain and such.' Integera explained before walking over to another pair, fixing their stances and walking back. 'They'll get there eventually.' She said with a sigh. Hopefully.. She thought to herself. she thought back to the last recruits, and grimaced at the memory of some who couldn't even hold a sword correctly. Luckily they'd been easy to assign other weapons that suited them better. 'Would you mind helping me out a bit later Yumi?' She asked, looking over at the assassin. 'Of course. What can I do to help.' Integera smiled as she spoke. 'I want to see which would be better suited for the stealth squad. Perhaps you could help by giving them a bit of a sneak attack later?' Yumistra smiled from behind her mask. 'Of course. I do enjoy a good night raid.'
Isdolwen sat at the back of a bar, keeping mostly to herself. Her hood was pulled over her head, keeping her pointed ears from view. It was not that the elf did not wish it to be known that she was one. But sometimes people got curious and drawn in by her ears and she wished to remain alone. She drank and half-paid attention to what was going on in the bar. Some music played, but she ignored it. She had other things on her mind.

Isdolwen had just gained some information about her husband's whereabouts. Even if it did not tell her still where he was, it was more than she had before and a good lead to continue on with. Isdolwen could not wait until she was back with her husband so that they could return to their homeland. Being around these other races was somewhat taxing on her. She also wondered of any drows around. If so she was tempted to gut them. They had made her people and herself pay. She wanted to return the payment that she was not able to complete before.

The snow elf looked up from her drink as an outburst drew her attention. Where a young woman had been when she arrived, was now a man. He looked quite pleased with himself as some other guy scurried away. She thought she heard the word "arien" but it meant nothing to her. She scoffed and went back to her drinking and thinking.


Winter had her nose in a book like she often did. As she read near the study window, she could hear the sounds of training below. She reflected on when she was pushed to do the training like the other new recruits. They fast learned that she had no skill for fighting, but rather in the magic she had started to learn before she joined. So Winter instead spent her days increasing her knowledge on the subject and practicing with some of the other mages. The only time Winter did not do this was on those three days. She would lock herself away then as she transformed each night.

Winter knew she could control herself as a werewolf and maybe even change at will, but she never took the time to learn how to do so. In some ways her lycanthropy scared her. It always reminded her of what she had almost did. The letters from her parents piled up as well and it only increased her guilt. But by now Winter could mildly deal with it. She did not know how to change at will and she was sure she never would. But she could control herself well enough, even if she still did separate herself from the others at those times.

Winter looked down from where she sat and smiled a little. She thought she saw the leader of Isgar down there and her adopted sister. She nodded and return to reading. She had to learn more if she wanted to contribute to the group.
Shards of brilliant sunlight trickled into the leaves above her head, her silk white hair rustling with the gentle breeze brushing past the shadows of the forest. Alois sat there on the forest floor beneath the brush, her fingers wrapped around the neck of a young Isgar who was screaming in silence, body raking with struggles for breath. “How does that feel?” The succubus leaned forward, features inches from his face as she flashed a pair of sharky pearls. His eyes grew wide, almost bulging from his small skull while the shakes became more apparent. A long, sharp hyena laugh floated from her lips as she let go, playing with his life beneath her fingers. “You are simply so much fun to play with.” she purred, standing onto her feet and stepping aside. The heels of her long black lace up boots crunched the leaves under her toes, making a full circle before pausing and crossing her arms across her plump chest. “Let’s make a deal,” she offered, tilting her head to the side and narrowing her piercing crimson eyes. “You tell me what you Isgar scum are up to and I’ll let you go, free of charge.” Waving her tenuous fingers as a gesture, she took a few steps forward and sank her four inch heel of her left foot into his gut, even before he could answer. The being lying on the ground gasped, clawing at her boot as it sunk deeper and deeper to the point of nearly ripping into his skin and severing his entrails. “A-Al.. Alright!” he choked, gritting his teeth. “I’ll tell you!” Alois released her foot and bent down beside him, tracing a nail around the hood of her ear indicating for the gossip she dearly wanted to hear.

The Isgar scrambled up, clutching his stomach and breathing heavily. “T-The men,” he blurted, hiding his face to cough up a mouthful of blood. “We have about.. a thousand recruiting.” Small brows perked up and a burst of cackles vibrated the succubus’ frame. “What else do you pathetic weasels have in mind?” The Isgar swallowed hard to that comment and shook his head violently, “I’m telling the truth, that’s all I know!” Alois stood up once again and began to twirl on the tips of her toes, hands held tightly behind her back. An eerie hum began to sound, coming from the depths of her chest. “I know you’re lying~.” she chimed, whispering a few incoherent words under her sweet breath. Tweaking her neck to the side until an audible crack could be heard, she continued whispering, swaying and waltzing to the invisible music she was creating. The soft skin on her rosy cheeks ripped open, jaw extending forward and opening to an unthinkable length while flashing the rows upon rows of pointed teeth sitting upon those chops. The skin of her before-jaw mangled there, half connected to the rest of the flesh on her beautiful face and trickled warm ribbons of crimson down her petite neck. In between those ivories set in her mouth trickled a thick mire, black and oozing onto the warm, moist Earth and the young Isgar beneath her. It didn’t take long for the idiotic being to find out his fate, scrambling backwards for a pathetic retreat he would call an escape. An ear-piercing scream filled the air while staring at the creature before him, echoing off the trees and into the unknown lands around them. Alois peered at her meal with large inky eyes, bending over and engulfing the legs of the organism, using those knives of teeth to tear the soft flesh from the bone and ravage the tough muscle holding it together. The screams grew louder as the succubus moved onto his middle, using her hands and digging those nails into his flesh and ripping the cavity open, ribcage as well, grabbing a hold of his innards and holding them between her long nails like a trophy, before devouring them as well. She made sure to gorge on every speck of meat of the no-longer male Isgar and let no go to waste. The rustling wind muffled the terror and sounds of snapping bones and digesting flesh to the point of completion.

“I’ve had better.” Alois grumbled in a disgusted tone, her large jaw protruding back into it’s normal state, and returning her normal set of teeth back into her mouth. The flesh of her cheeks molded back together, still rosy as ever. “Filthy, simply filthy.” she scoffed, looking down at her once elegant clothes doused with blood and bits of flesh.

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