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Multiple Settings SoullessMoose's Partner Search! (Updated!)


The Paranoid One
SoullessMoose's Partner Search
thank you for clicking omg

There's all the information. I hope every single one of you have a great day/night/whatever. Thank you. <3

  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Graham, but I prefer to be called Red or Moose. My pronouns are they/them, and while I prefer those, she/her works just fine as well. I'm a 21 year old that's been in the roleplaying community for 10+ years now. I first started roleplaying on a site called Stardoll, in the Twilight club. Not the brightest time of my life, but it got me started on somethings I love doing: roleplaying and writing. For years, I only had one partner, and since she recently started College (good for her), I've been lacking in the roleplaying side of my hobbies now. So, I found this site, met a few great people, and wish to find a few more.

    I have a job that consumes about 6 hours of my life every week night. I normally reply in the mornings, but I also sometimes will reply at night after I get home from work! However, please understand that I won't be on here 24/7. I have severe depression, tons of anxiety, and if I can't stand getting on and replying to a thread, then I just can't do it. I try my best, and in return, I ask that you try your best to understand, too. I always do my best to reply at least once a day, maybe more. It just depends.

    Alright, I think that's about it for an introduction. Carry on. c:
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Holy shit yes I love this fINALLY A HUMAN THAT I CAN RELATE TO AH?

But I'm probably not as literate as you are. Anyway, with your specific craving for a sort of guardian angel plot... well, Red, I've just the thing for you! I would happily provide a writing sample (in PMs) and would love to map out a plot for us. Im mostly into MxM but if you absolutely must I can play FxF... but no promises on me getting character traits normalized for the gender.

So errr... maybe shoot me a Pm and I'll get you that writing sample pronto. Thank you for reading... if you did. Have a good night.

~PathWalker, the obsessive, depressive, anxious fellow from Wisconsin

And.. my favorite series is The Unwanteds.
Hi there, amazing person! c: If it’s still open, I’d absolutely love to do a Wolf Pack Roleplay with you!! I have Discord too. Shoot me a PM if it’s open!
Hey you :3
I’m Meep, you can choose whatever pronouns you wanna call me (I’m not that picky^^). I like all animals.
I’d love to do the “stranger danger” plot with you (fantastic title, btw :3 ) if it’s still free :)

Pm me if you find time, so we can discuss (and I can give you the writing smaple) ^^
If you're still looking for another partner I would love to do a post-apocalyptic with you! I'm new to the site so I can't pm yet >~<

You can call me Kei. I recently found myself with significant free time and after a 2 year hiatus I was looking to start up rping again. My strong suits in rping are scifi and post-apocalyptic. I would like to consider myself a literate individual.
My name's Elizabeth. I'm 17, live in the US, my pronouns are she/her, and I'm homeschooled, which gives me some flexibility on my schedule to reply to roleplays. My favorite animal is a cat, but my favorite book series tends to jump around quite a lot. I've roleplayed since I was, like, 11. I started out on fanfiction with your typical *laughs* type rp, but I quickly transitioned to what I do now, and slowly my writing got better over the years. I love to roleplay, and for a while wanted to pursue writing, but quickly found that, while following a plot in an rp is easy and fun for me....writing an actual story was something that became more of a task than something I liked.
I have some...darker themes to a lot of my characters, like mental illness and abuse and other, similar things, but I don't have to have that in it if you don't want. I also do fantasy roleplays, either in a fictional world or in like the real world where magical creatures are trying to fit in etc. It's a lot of fun. I'm open to practically anything at this point...

I should reply at least once a day, and I try for more. If something happens, like schoolwork gets in the way or I have to travel, I will tell you as soon as I can. I have anxiety and depression as well, and I understand feeling shitty when someone just leaves an rp without telling you why....
I can manage at least 2 paragraphs per response, and if for some reason a reply turns out shorter than that I'll warn you, and there should be an actual reason for it.
I prefer MxF but in certain instances will do MxM.
And I have discord, so if we PM I can give you my tag.

You made a post yesterday looking for people willing to rp stuff with certain things, and in the post you mentioned specifically celestial beings? I don't actually have any characters who fit into that category atm but I can easily make some if you want. The other plots in that post weren't things that got my attention quite as much, but that's one I think I'd enjoy~ That's actually how I found this post, but I figured I should post stuff related to the requirements here anyway?

But alsoooo
From your cravings list on here I'm most interested in
  • Asylum
  • AngelxDemon could be really interesting too, I've just never done something with a demon character so I don't really...know what I'm doing with it?

And from your normal list, I'd love to do
  • God(ess)xGod(ess)
  • God(ess)xHuman
  • WitchxAnything
  • AngelxHuman
  • Mental Hospital
From your list of plots I really liked
  • Ghost of my Dreams (I'd love to be the ghost if you didn't mind)
  • Stranger Danger could be rlly cool tbh

First rp example is the start of a prince x peasant rp I started a short while ago.
Rowan Locksherr had never spent time in the “peasants” area of the kingdom. In fact, it was rare that he even traveled through there. He’d barely seen any of the lower class neighborhoods, and he really never had any interest in seeing them...until he was forced to. He’d been on his way out of the kingdom for a festival in another kingdom when his carriage had hit a rock, pulling it off course and causing it to land in a ditch. Despite having the horses try to pull it, they were unable to get it out of the ditch. Rowan had gotten out soon after it had crashed, and was standing to the side, watching the men in their failed attempts.

It had been stuck for quite a while before Rowan finally decided that he needed something to eat. He made his way over to his manservant, Edmun, and informed him that he was going to look for a place to eat, and for him to follow. Edmun’s job was difficult to describe. He was a personal servant to the prince, and actually a friend, though Rowan didn’t always treat him as such. He took care of his clothes, drew baths for him, and brought him his food in the mornings, although only after tasting it himself, to be sure it hadn’t been poisoned. Edmun could only assume that would be his job at whatever place they found.

Edmun lead the way, as he knew his way around these parts, after all it was where he’d grown up. Rowan followed him, a scowl on his face as he looked around the streets. Every minute longer he spent in this town he felt more and more unsanitary. There was garbage littering the streets, and rotting fruits on the ground near many of the shops. Half naked people were asleep on the ground, or were awake and begging. He shuddered at the thought of that. Begging for food and money...how low must you get in your life to reach that point?

Finally, they reached the place Edmun had been headed. According to the servant, it had the best food in the area, but Rowan knew better than to take that into consideration. When Edmun had come to the castle he’d been excited simply to eat the scraps from Rowan’s plate that he’d refused to eat. No matter the case, he was too hungry to care.

The two walked in, and Rowan chose a table near the back of the restaurant, far from anyone else there. Luckily, the place was fairly empty, which made him feel much better about his safety. He knew people didn’t like his father, and while he’d never done anything to anger the people of the kingdom, plenty of their subjects would do anything to show their distaste for him; including killing his son.

Example two is a response to just a typical highschool rp
Edwin was late for school yet again, but nothing was new. Every morning he'd get up and drive his little brother, Edmond, to his school, which was a little over ten minutes from the high school. He always made sure his brother was perfectly on time, not wanting him to get in trouble. He, however, rarely made it to school when he was supposed to. But quite honestly, he liked it that way. When he'd walk into the school the halls were empty, everyone already in their homerooms...it was a sigh of relief from the shitty world he had to face most of the time.

He pulled into the parking lot and parked his car in the first parking spot he found. He turned the car off and it made a loud banging noise, which was fairly normal, and was probably something he should get fixed but he hadn't done anything about it... He sighed and climbed out, slamming the door to be sure it stayed closed and pulling up his hood to guard against the rain that was lightly falling. His car, an old, Chrysler Lebaron, had been the family car for a while, but when his father ended up with a few thousand dollars in one of his gambling sprees, he bought himself a new car. Edwin told him that he'd take the old car, seeing that he'd planned to have it junked, so his dad agreed. The car was a faded shade of red, and the paint was chipping everywhere. It was dented in several places, and one of the headlights had been smashed. But, for Edwin, it was better than nothing.

He headed into the school and pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt, running a hand through his hair, which had been slicked down a bit by his hood. He wore basically the same thing every day; old dark jeans that could either have been made to be skinny jeans...or were just too small on him. From an outside perspective it was hard to tell. He wore t-shirts most of the time, usually grey or black, and an old pair of knockoff converse that he'd obviously had for years. He took off his hoodie slowly and stuffed it into his backpack, knowing he'd probably end up wanting to put it on later once it was dried off. He glanced around and kind of smiled, starting to walk slowly toward his homeroom.

He walked into the room and frowned. There was a girl standing at the front of the class, and their teacher was talking, smiling and pointing at her. He didn't pay much attention to what the teacher was saying, more focused on the girl. The first thing he noticed was that she was hot. She was quite a bit shorter than him, with dark, wavy hair, and pale, yet flawless skin. He looked her over once or twice before coming back to reality and realizing this may be his only chance to avoid being lectured for his lateness. He carefully slipped past the girl, his shoulder brushing hers as he headed to his seat in the far back of the room. She sat down and put his bag down beside his chair, pursing his lips as he listened to the teacher introducing her.

Edwin had quite a reputation for being a fuckboy around the school, and while that might have been true it didn't change that most of the girls in the school had completely lost interest in him. Maybe this new girl would be a new opportunity. He decided he'd take a chance to talk to her at lunch, seeing as he didn't really have anywhere to sit anyway, and he was sure she wouldn't. Not on her first day....at least he hoped.

I try to match up with not only my partners post length, but also their writing style at least sort of. If my partner writes little jokes into their posts I feel comfortable doing so as well and other things like that. My overall writing style as in the way I write sentences doesn't usually change though, obviously. But depending on your preferences in some things I can adapt...?

Also I am so sorry that this is so damn long oh my god. I wanted to make sure I responded to everything you had to say but now that I look it feels kinda like overkill uhhhh
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My name's Elizabeth. I'm 17, live in the US, my pronouns are she/her, and I'm homeschooled, which gives me some flexibility on my schedule to reply to roleplays. My favorite animal is a cat, but my favorite book series tends to jump around quite a lot. I've roleplayed since I was, like, 11. I started out on fanfiction with your typical *laughs* type rp, but I quickly transitioned to what I do now, and slowly my writing got better over the years. I love to roleplay, and for a while wanted to pursue writing, but quickly found that, while following a plot in an rp is easy and fun for me....writing an actual story was something that became more of a task than something I liked.
I have some...darker themes to a lot of my characters, like mental illness and abuse and other, similar things, but I don't have to have that in it if you don't want. I also do fantasy roleplays, either in a fictional world or in like the real world where magical creatures are trying to fit in etc. It's a lot of fun. I'm open to practically anything at this point...

I should reply at least once a day, and I try for more. If something happens, like schoolwork gets in the way or I have to travel, I will tell you as soon as I can. I have anxiety and depression as well, and I understand feeling shitty when someone just leaves an rp without telling you why....
I can manage at least 2 paragraphs per response, and if for some reason a reply turns out shorter than that I'll warn you, and there should be an actual reason for it.
I prefer MxF but in certain instances will do MxM.
And I have discord, so if we PM I can give you my tag.

You made a post yesterday looking for people willing to rp stuff with certain things, and in the post you mentioned specifically celestial beings? I don't actually have any characters who fit into that category atm but I can easily make some if you want. The other plots in that post weren't things that got my attention quite as much, but that's one I think I'd enjoy~ That's actually how I found this post, but I figured I should post stuff related to the requirements here anyway?

But alsoooo
From your cravings list on here I'm most interested in
  • Asylum
  • AngelxDemon could be really interesting too, I've just never done something with a demon character so I don't really...know what I'm doing with it?

And from your normal list, I'd love to do
  • God(ess)xGod(ess)
  • God(ess)xHuman
  • WitchxAnything
  • AngelxHuman
  • Mental Hospital
From your list of plots I really liked
  • Ghost of my Dreams (I'd love to be the ghost if you didn't mind)
  • Stranger Danger could be rlly cool tbh

First rp example is the start of a prince x peasant rp I started a short while ago.
Rowan Locksherr had never spent time in the “peasants” area of the kingdom. In fact, it was rare that he even traveled through there. He’d barely seen any of the lower class neighborhoods, and he really never had any interest in seeing them...until he was forced to. He’d been on his way out of the kingdom for a festival in another kingdom when his carriage had hit a rock, pulling it off course and causing it to land in a ditch. Despite having the horses try to pull it, they were unable to get it out of the ditch. Rowan had gotten out soon after it had crashed, and was standing to the side, watching the men in their failed attempts.

It had been stuck for quite a while before Rowan finally decided that he needed something to eat. He made his way over to his manservant, Edmun, and informed him that he was going to look for a place to eat, and for him to follow. Edmun’s job was difficult to describe. He was a personal servant to the prince, and actually a friend, though Rowan didn’t always treat him as such. He took care of his clothes, drew baths for him, and brought him his food in the mornings, although only after tasting it himself, to be sure it hadn’t been poisoned. Edmun could only assume that would be his job at whatever place they found.

Edmun lead the way, as he knew his way around these parts, after all it was where he’d grown up. Rowan followed him, a scowl on his face as he looked around the streets. Every minute longer he spent in this town he felt more and more unsanitary. There was garbage littering the streets, and rotting fruits on the ground near many of the shops. Half naked people were asleep on the ground, or were awake and begging. He shuddered at the thought of that. Begging for food and money...how low must you get in your life to reach that point?

Finally, they reached the place Edmun had been headed. According to the servant, it had the best food in the area, but Rowan knew better than to take that into consideration. When Edmun had come to the castle he’d been excited simply to eat the scraps from Rowan’s plate that he’d refused to eat. No matter the case, he was too hungry to care.

The two walked in, and Rowan chose a table near the back of the restaurant, far from anyone else there. Luckily, the place was fairly empty, which made him feel much better about his safety. He knew people didn’t like his father, and while he’d never done anything to anger the people of the kingdom, plenty of their subjects would do anything to show their distaste for him; including killing his son.

Example two is a response to just a typical highschool rp
Edwin was late for school yet again, but nothing was new. Every morning he'd get up and drive his little brother, Edmond, to his school, which was a little over ten minutes from the high school. He always made sure his brother was perfectly on time, not wanting him to get in trouble. He, however, rarely made it to school when he was supposed to. But quite honestly, he liked it that way. When he'd walk into the school the halls were empty, everyone already in their homerooms...it was a sigh of relief from the shitty world he had to face most of the time.

He pulled into the parking lot and parked his car in the first parking spot he found. He turned the car off and it made a loud banging noise, which was fairly normal, and was probably something he should get fixed but he hadn't done anything about it... He sighed and climbed out, slamming the door to be sure it stayed closed and pulling up his hood to guard against the rain that was lightly falling. His car, an old, Chrysler Lebaron, had been the family car for a while, but when his father ended up with a few thousand dollars in one of his gambling sprees, he bought himself a new car. Edwin told him that he'd take the old car, seeing that he'd planned to have it junked, so his dad agreed. The car was a faded shade of red, and the paint was chipping everywhere. It was dented in several places, and one of the headlights had been smashed. But, for Edwin, it was better than nothing.

He headed into the school and pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt, running a hand through his hair, which had been slicked down a bit by his hood. He wore basically the same thing every day; old dark jeans that could either have been made to be skinny jeans...or were just too small on him. From an outside perspective it was hard to tell. He wore t-shirts most of the time, usually grey or black, and an old pair of knockoff converse that he'd obviously had for years. He took off his hoodie slowly and stuffed it into his backpack, knowing he'd probably end up wanting to put it on later once it was dried off. He glanced around and kind of smiled, starting to walk slowly toward his homeroom.

He walked into the room and frowned. There was a girl standing at the front of the class, and their teacher was talking, smiling and pointing at her. He didn't pay much attention to what the teacher was saying, more focused on the girl. The first thing he noticed was that she was hot. She was quite a bit shorter than him, with dark, wavy hair, and pale, yet flawless skin. He looked her over once or twice before coming back to reality and realizing this may be his only chance to avoid being lectured for his lateness. He carefully slipped past the girl, his shoulder brushing hers as he headed to his seat in the far back of the room. She sat down and put his bag down beside his chair, pursing his lips as he listened to the teacher introducing her.

Edwin had quite a reputation for being a fuckboy around the school, and while that might have been true it didn't change that most of the girls in the school had completely lost interest in him. Maybe this new girl would be a new opportunity. He decided he'd take a chance to talk to her at lunch, seeing as he didn't really have anywhere to sit anyway, and he was sure she wouldn't. Not on her first day....at least he hoped.

I try to match up with not only my partners post length, but also their writing style at least sort of. If my partner writes little jokes into their posts I feel comfortable doing so as well and other things like that. My overall writing style as in the way I write sentences doesn't usually change though, obviously. But depending on your preferences in some things I can adapt...?

Also I am so sorry that this is so damn long oh my god. I wanted to make sure I responded to everything you had to say but now that I look it feels kinda like overkill uhhhh
If you can, go on and send me a PM! We can discuss stuff further there. I'd love to work something out with you. (:
Hey there!!!!! Its great to see someone that I could potentially get along with on role playing and such :))

I would totally be interested in doing a wolf pack type rp and if you’re still interested then I will send you a PM!

I prefer to rp over PMs bc it’s easier for me and I think that we’ll be able to work well together as far as literacy and response length goes ! ;u;
Hey there!!!!! Its great to see someone that I could potentially get along with on role playing and such :))

I would totally be interested in doing a wolf pack type rp and if you’re still interested then I will send you a PM!

I prefer to rp over PMs bc it’s easier for me and I think that we’ll be able to work well together as far as literacy and response length goes ! ;u;
Sure! Send a PM and we can work something out. (:
Hi there c: I'm new here so I can't send you a PM unfortunately ;; However if you're still looking for some partners I would love to do the In the Woods plot with you!

You can call me Gear, Storm, hey you! Anything is fine xD I also do have a Discord as well if you wanted to chat over that as well. Ooooo favorite book is so hard at the moment. It is either The Sight by David-Clement Davies, the Age of Fire series by E.E. Knight or The Crow Chronicles by Clem Martini.

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