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Fantasy Soulless, Breathless, Heartless || Lore



Queen of Dragons (no, not that one)
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This is a world of humans.

Located in the United States, the city isn't a giant, overly populated one like New York City or San Francisco. However, it's not a middle-of-nowhere small town either. More mid-sized, with a population of roughly 200,000 permanent residents, civilization thrives here. Skyscrapers spear the sky in downtown and business areas while residential zones push ever outward. A river cuts a jagged path through the Eastern section of the city, slicing at a Northwestern angle. Nature has been largely tamed, with groomed trees and flowers beds, manicured lawns and a pair of local parks that are well-maintained by taxes; the larger of the two is located more towards the center of the city. Several high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools make up a bulk of the local education system, extended only by a community college. The closest university is about 170 miles West. Despite that, the city does possess a small airport, just barely keeping the city from being isolated by all means of travel save driving.

In the light of day, humans need only concern themselves with the frustrations of work or traffic.

When the sun sets, concealed by the darkness of night and of carefully managed ignorance, creatures lurk under their noses. Magical beings, possessing a myriad of shapes and abilities, struggle to thrive under the overwhelming rule of humanity. They do what they can to blend in and coexist for the sake of survival. At least, they do so in this city. This city is neutral territory. Without neutrality laws, Werewolves, Vampires, Angels, and all other sorts would have torn each other apart. Benevolent and malicious kinds both exist, both depend upon the ignorance of humanity to stand any sort of fighting chance for life.

That doesn't mean there isn't any threat.

Demons are the common enemy, the spurring force that prompted the tense treaties and neutral zones into creation. Demons do not care for human existence, most of all. They thrive on chaos, bloodshed. They are born from it. The destruction of Supernatural kind would merely provoke a surge in their strength. Especially the downfall of the Angels. Their cosmic battle has long since spilled onto the Earth, into the realm of humanity and the mortal Supernaturals. As that endless war has raged, the creatures have adapted and evolved, pushing the Angels into doing the same. They feed each other, maintaining a delicate, unseen force of balance that could tip at any moment.

Ensuring this city remain as neutral territory for the Supernaturals, a council naturally needed to be formed. Consisting of a spokesperson from each of the more powerful Supernaturals, meetings are held annually, privately and secretly. Emergencies or matters of great importance can cause this Council to convene more than once in a year. However, for the most part, each group polices their own as seen fit within the neutrality laws and many do not enjoy the prying of outsiders.

From this Council, another division sprang. Dubbed the Mythological Task Force and possessing Supernaturals from all groups capable or willing to lend assistance (sometimes with... payments, for services rendered), these individuals work in teams. Their primary targets are the Demons that threaten to consume humanity and Supernaturals alike. However, it's not uncommon for some teams to set out against other enemies.

Survival is the utmost priority. Maintaining the neutral zone ensures that survival.

This is a world of monsters....

The world is overwhelmed by humans. Hiding within their populations, Supernaturals are struggling to survive. Human technology and several historical wars have done their best to drive these creatures into extinction. Clinging to life by the tips of their claws, Supernaturals long ago went into hiding, their dwindled numbers making the task easy. They faded into obscurity, into possibly inaccurate myths and fairy tales. Unfortunately, Time is unkind. Many species have gone extinct, dying out as all mortal things must one day. Still, several more remain behind, dolling out the best life they can within neutral territories or fighting for survival in contested areas where death can come naturally, by the hand of humankind, or by the magic of another beast.

Angels are divine beings, created into a hierarchal system that affects not only their abilities, but also their appearance. Guardian Angels, those who make their presence most on Earth, are the lowest level. They are the primary Supernatural on the frontline fighting against Demons, their Holy magic an equal force to the Demons' chaotic type. As all things must, the war they waged evolved and intensified. Long gone are the days where Holy magic and simple weapons were adequate to eradicate each other. Demons have taken on elemental attributes and basic magic of their own; they became stronger. Angels were forced to take up human-made weapons, namely guns, and borrow elemental magic from fellow Supernaturals.

Each Angel has a chosen element: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth. That element is combined with their Holy magic and embedded into the bullets required for their guns (typically one preferred and one backup firearm). Once fired, upon impact, these bullets release that magic. The amount of damage caused by the magic depends on the elemental alignment of the Demon: Fire is weak to Water, Water is weak to Earth, Earth is weak to Air, and Air is weak to Fire. The fastest way to victory is shooting a Demon between its eyes, the color of which give away its element. However, these vile creatures are incredibly fast and their forms are nearly corporeal, appearing as wispy figures without a well-defined shape. But their claws are no less deadly, their magic no less potent.

Angels are sexless, though they can choose their gender through a moldable appearance. They lack reproductive organs (and the accompanying packages that define human sexes), making them very distinct from humans when clothes are removed. While they can dictate their outward appearance, their wings are unaffected by such decisions. Possessing a range of unique patterns, only tones from the grayscale (black to white and everything in between) make up the coloration of their feathers.

These beings have use of glamour to hide among humans, dominantly controlled by will and the folding of their wings. Once extended, that glamour fades and they disappear from human sight and hearing. This only partially affects the guns they carry. Glamoured, the weapons are hidden from sight or concealed to appear as something else. Without it, the guns still cannot be seen and shots cannot be heard, but the bullets can be discovered. And cause harm.

Werewolves average seven feet in height (the smallest hovering around six) with digitigrade legs; long, bushy tails; and are covered head to toe in thick fur. They look very much like big, bipedal wolves but their fur is colored and patterned akin to domestic dogs. While exceptions exist and body types vary as commonly as a human's, many have maintained a good physique. Their physical strength and speed far outmatches that of any human.

They heal fast, taking moments for a cut to vanish to a few days to repair broken bones. But they need to eat a lot of raw meat and sleep to maintain that ability as it still requires energy. They can take a lot of damage but a fatal injury is a fatal injury; silver is not required but it certainly helps in a fight against them. Werewolves age very slowly, causing a 200 year old wolf to look in her late twenties. However, they aren't completely immortal and, most often, they do not die of old age.

Every full moon, they cannot resist the change from human to wolf. They lose control, causing their lupine half to take over. As such, Werewolves take a day trip out and away from human dwellings and spend the night hunting as a group. Though, they still need to be careful not to get caught up in any fighting; the stronger wolf will kill the weaker.

Without human vocal cords, a Werewolf cannot communicate with words, only sounds and body language. Fortunately, it's not hard for Werewolves to use or understand such language. Werewolves can pick each other out in a human crowd; they can smell each other. Though, their sharper sense of smell and hearing can be dampened in highly dense locations like a busy airport or by magic.

Inexplicably, each Werewolf has a butterfly tattoo somewhere on their human body. It's small and ambiguous, comprised of black lines and swirls similar to Henna.

Wolves require packs. As part of the neutrality laws and common territory, each wolf in the city belongs to one of two packs that have divided the city in half. Each pack is structured based on strength and protection. The stronger the wolf is, the more wolves he or she is charged to protect. It is a dual nature born with a violent edge. These packs are connected by magic unique to the Werewolves, most of it going without clear explanation; it just is.

Bound to the night and forsaken by the day, Vampires are one of the Supernatural groups more closely lumped to the Demons. However, they despise this unwanted affiliation. Creatures of the living dead, they have no heartbeat and no need for breath unless to speak with. They feed not on food but on blood, gaining strength from their victims. Being forced into a mode of survival as they have, many of the stronger Vampires have built Menageries - a secret home filled with a small number of humans as consistent nourishment. It isn't common to find a Vampire who cares for his or her Menagerie.

Since Vampires are dead, they do not age. Upon their Change, they maintain the same appearance as they did upon death. (A 50 year-old man will not regress to the appearance of 20 years.) All Vampires can enthrall humans (and other Supernaturals!) through their magic, with eye contact. They can affect memories to wipe away the experience of being fed upon and cause Time to appear unaffected. A Vampire can create a bond with an individual through a feeding exchange, regardless of consent from the individual.

As Vampires age, they grow stronger. When strong enough, Vampires are known to develop a single ability. These abilities can range from virtually anything: instant teleportation, power mimicry (through feeding), etc. Their strength, speed, sense of smell and hearing, and healing capabilities are all on par with the Werewolves.

These beings are not part of packs but Seethes. Only one Seethe exists in the city, ruled by a Mistress who can control each Vampire. The weaker ones, often newly Changed or not yet strong enough to live on their own, remain in the Seethe's hideout where they feed on the Mistress for their strength.
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Additional Information
[Details added or discussed through Discord.]

  • Werewolves and Vampires are not born. These Supernaturals are created through Turning, also known as Changing.
    • Werewolves have to severely bite a mundane human in order to attempt Turning them. A Turning is not always successful. The risk of failure only grows the younger the human is, due to the underdevelopment of a child's body and strength. [Our threshold here is 17 years old.] There are three outcomes: a successful Turning of a new Werewolf, a failed Turning with the survival of the mundane human, or a failed Turning with the death of the mundane human. For the most part, Turnings are done with consent. However, rogues do exist, attacking humans and Turning against their wills. Some rogues are methodical in their hunts, but many more are not.
    • Vampires have less success in their Turnings because a sort of ritual must be performed. In the process of this ritual, the mundane human must die through the loss of blood. Necromantic magic is responsible for the success of a Turning. For this, there are only two possible outcomes: a successfully made new Vampire or a failed ritual and perished human.
    • By the nature of their violent change, female Werewolves are practically sterile. If/When they do conceive, any pregnancy is aborted/miscarried within the first couple of months because of the strain of changing.
    • Since Vampires are dead, none of them can reproduce in any capacity.
  • For the purposes of this RP, I am not defining a concrete "god" for the Angels.
  • Each Element has what is dubbed a "sub element": Fire/Magma, Water/Ice, Earth/Metal, Air/Lightning
  • Populations of Supernatural groups vary. Some are thriving better than most.
    • Werewolves and Vampires generally do not know how well or not their species are thriving. Some cities see a dramatic drop in their numbers while other cities don't. If a local population gets too small, leaders of those populations might be pressured into petitioning to join another city's population. Conversely, if a population gets too big, they might split apart with individuals moving to find a new territory.

New Species Information
Type - NPC | Requires action approval from Valid

Collectors & Devourers
Immortal and very tiny, these beings (or creatures, depending on how one looks at them) are two sides of the same coin. Collectors and Devourers can best be described as floating, glowing motes. Collectors have more of a metallic and shiny sheen to their light, whereas Devourers possess a sooty or coal-black glow. While their individual glows make it nearly impossible to see physical details, some Angels have noted that both somewhat resemble insects with several legs and mandibles. As such, it's not uncommon for them to be referred to as Spirit--or Ghost--Bugs. While they have physical bodies and can similarly have contact with other tangible objects, Collectors and Devourers can phase through solid things with ease. Millions of Collectors and Devourers exist on the mortal plane, floating about as individuals or gathering by the thousands to form a Collective. Collectives can take the shape of any living creature and blend in with mortals, but can most commonly be seen in the guise of Angels with illuminated, bony wings instead of feathered ones.

Beyond shapeshifting, Collectors and Devourers have a primary ability that relates to their purpose on the mortal plane. Both types indiscriminately extract souls from dead or dying bodies of all kinds (excluding plant-life). The souls that Collectors extract are sent to Judgement, after which the soul will then be reborn as decided. Devourers simply consume and destroy their extracted souls, turning them into energy the Devourer uses and requires. Neither are good, and neither are evil; they are a neutral force.

When formed as a Collective, each can summon a weapon as needed. This almost always takes the shape of a war scythe with dark or light tendrils/wisps trailing from the edges of the blades. These weapons are dominantly used during conflict between Collector and Devourer Collectives as they race/battle for souls during events involving heavy casualties (e.g. natural disasters, wars, etc.). Due to their immortality, these battles last until one or the other forfeits. Typically, such conflicts do not last very long; it is imperative that souls are extracted--no matter their fate--before they fester and sour in the corpses.

Despite the occasional necessity to cross blades, Devourers and Collectors cannot actually touch one another--blowback occurs upon contact. Blowback is not painful, but it is still disorienting and requires moments for both to recollect themselves.

Additional Details:
- Only Angels can see and interact with Collectors, Devourers, and their Collectives.
- Many Collectives refer to themselves using the first person plural as they consider themselves a cohesive unit of many unified voices and thoughts.
- Some consider these beings as having 'modes': 'working', 'not working', and sometimes 'fighting'.
- The 'modes' are decided based upon an Angel's ability to make physical contact--should Collectors/Devourers/Collectives be in 'working mode', the obliteration of the Angel is assured upon touch.
- It isn't unusual to find Collector and Devourer Collectives working in team-pairs or forming relationships together.
- Collectives can be injured; they bleed light (or "gloom") from any wounds. Some troublesome Angels have discovered they can shoot Collectives despite laws forbidding interference.
- Interference with Collectives and their respective individuals is outlawed for both the survival of Angels as well as the safety of souls.
- These beings work for something known as the Well of Souls; only they know what it looks like and on which plane it exists.

New Species Information
Type - NPC | Requires action approval from Valid

The Crows
No one knows when they started to appear (OOC hint: super recently). They look like any other crow but there's something strange about these ones. Firstly, humans don't seem to notice them. Secondly, Supernaturals cannot hear nor smell them. Thirdly, only Werewolves cannot touch them--a repulsive field seems to prevent a Wolf from coming into contact with them. They also seem to be like ghosts, able to pass through solid objects or vanish into thin air like smoke.

If one looks closely enough, it almost looks as if their pupils/irises are in the shape of a butterfly....

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