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Fantasy Soulless, Breathless, Heartless || Active Character Sheets



Queen of Dragons (no, not that one)
Roleplay Type(s)
Please find the recruitment thread here.

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[(Guardian) Angel, Vampire, Werewolf]
Appearance: [In case of Werewolf, describe both human and wolf.]
Personality: [At least a paragraph, please.]
Elemental Alignment: [Angels only. Pick one: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Remember, this only affects the bullets.]
Unique Power: [Vampire only. Pick and describe one. We will run the assumption that all PC Vampires are strong enough to live outside of the Seethe's home.]
Tattoo Location: [Werewolf only.]
Relationships: [Supernaturals and Humans that the character knows. This is where you can list some NPCs and show initial Pack/Seethe/Team bonds.]

Plot Line Submissions
Plot "Title": [A one or two word identifier]
Focus: [The theme or idea you wish to explore]
Key Points: [3 at minimum. Think of summarizing pivotal moments in the plot line, key events.]
Important Figures: [Key NPCs making appearances in this plot and their potential roles. This will be any allies and enemies.]
Rigidity: [How open to flexibility, spontaneity, and/or improv are you?]
Username: ValidEmotions
Name: Zarall Dawson
Age: 729 Years
Gender: Female
Species: Angel
Appearance: Lifted by black wings, a span nearly thrice her approximate six-foot height, Zarall dons the appearance of an athletic and effeminate individual. Her medium brown skin is still only a handful of tones lighter than her black hair. Her hair is tightly bound into cornrow braids that sweep down the left side of her head and ends at the small of her back. Hazel eyes are set beneath a shallow brow, within a narrow-featured face possessing sharp cheekbones and full lips. Upon her body, Zarall wears a varying range of shirts, pants or shorts, but is always donning a weathered green hoodie and black hiking boots.
Personality: Serious and often straightforward, Zarall is objective-oriented. She focuses heavily on her duty to the world and especially to humanity. Often, she could be considered as broody but that's not necessarily true. She observes and thinks, sometimes over prolonged periods. Curiosity undermines her serious nature, frequently spurring her into motion before she's fully thought a situation through, maybe even before she's realized her decision. She takes the war with the Demons to be a rather grim facet of her existence. Privately, this chafes under her skin. At heart, she's a bit of a lover but won't really admit to it.
Elemental Alignment: Water
Unique Power: N/A
Tattoo Location: N/A
-> Da'wan Steele: Angels and Vampires generally don't mix well. There's bad blood between the two groups of Supernaturals but, strangely, Zarall and Da'wan have come to agreeable terms, even talking ones. Part of that might be Imelda's doing. While not thick as thieves, Zarall (on a good day) can trust this Vampire to watch her back. However, they're both in agreement that the less she knows about him, the happier they'll both be.
-> Naomí Cruz: Zarall finds relating to Humans to be a difficult task. Naomí seems to be a persistent exception to this. Mostly, the interaction efforts are made by the young woman and Zarall does what she can to react or respond. Naomí's youth and general naïvety might be responsible for that. Part of a bustling household of a single father and four siblings, this young woman is ready to spread her wings and explore the world around her.
-> Aarin: A longtime partner, Aarin was the leader of Zarall's previous enforcement team. Her former mentor, they have an intimidating battle record and retired from the frontlines of the Holy War about a century ago. Now, they spend their days teaching newly created Angels, preparing them for battle. As such, they rarely return to Earth for social visits.
-> Imelda Roy: Virtually the only Werewolf that Zarall has bothered to get to know. Part of that wasn't by choice at first. They crossed paths a few years ago, during Zarall's solo phase and shortly before the Council put together the Mythological Task Force. Grievously injured when she was overwhelmed by Demons, Imelda found her collapsed within an alleyway, failing in her attempts to lose the creatures. Kindly, the Wolf hasn't seen need to remind the Angel of having saved her. However, Zarall believes she owes Imelda a debt and refuses to not see that through some day.
-> Usiu [Unknown]: Angel number two and the final member of Zarall's former team. There's bad blood between Zarall and Usiu. He blames her for something she did that he cannot forgive nor forget. She blames herself, too, and doesn't let herself forget either. She doesn't know what's become of him. No matter how hard she searches, she can't find him. No one else knows what's befallen him. Either he's gone rogue... or he was killed.
-> Theliel: An Angel not quite considered old but neither considered so young anymore, Theliel is Zarall's recent protégé. He was her first charge, learning how to adapt in battle and gain hands-on experience in the Holy War, once his basic schooling was over. Now, he's considered fully-fledged and ushered into his own team of fighters. When neither of them are busy with work (Mundane or Supernatural), the pair often catch up or pass time with other Supernaturals. Theliel is much more extroverted than Zarall is, frequently introducing her to many new acquaintances.
-> Odessa: Zarall's newest charge, Odessa is a young Angel, extremely green behind the ears. Fresh out of basic schooling and newly experiencing Earth, Zarall has found her hands to be rather full with the youth's energy. In some aspects, Zarall is reminded of who she used to be whenever around Odessa.
-> Angels don't have surnames when they are created. However, to blend in with humans, they eventually have to pick one for themselves.
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Username: ValidEmotions
Name: Imelda Roy
Age: 29 Years
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
-> Human: Imelda stands no taller than 5'3" and weighs about 137 pounds, placing a bit of meat on her otherwise lithe frame; though, much of it is muscle. She's built like a professional boxer with a slightly tanned, olive skin tone to declare her Hispanic ethnicity. Her face is round and blemished with a couple small moles; one is near the center of her left cheek while the other sits on the right-side edge of her jawbone. Her eyes are maple brown and rest on either side of a pointed nose and narrow bridge. Her hair is dark brown and kept short, the strands loose and swept to the right, ending at the nape of her neck. Due to the natural body heat she gained as a Werewolf, she commonly wears tank tops and shorts, sometimes capris of the cargo and multi-pocket sort, with sneakers.
-> Wolf: Like her human form, Imelda is on the smaller end as a werewolf. Reaching no taller than six feet, her eyes are become hazel, and her fur is patterned like a collie with rust-red along her back and white on her front. Imelda's pelt is longer in many places: her neck, shoulders, back, and tail. Her build is stockier than expected, implying that she moves and hits like a tank - slower but heavier.
Personality: Imelda is, generally, a softie. She loves to cuddle up on the couch with anyone and everyone who wants to. If you enter her room, you'll find a mountain of stuffed animals of various species just occupying her bed. Enjoying fun times much better than work, Imelda is always up for last minute get-together plans - any occasion to hang out and connect with friends. She's very social and often easily finds something to talk about. However, she's almost never approachable early in the morning; someone will lose their head if it's before 10:00 AM. Despite her seemingly carefree personality, Imelda carries a lot on her shoulders, even if the burden isn't hers to bear. The easiest way for her to relax, besides cuddling, is beating up a punching bag or going for a run.
Elemental Alignment: N/A
Unique Power: N/A
Tattoo Location: Centered just above her navel.
-> Zoe Céspedes: Zoe is a human who regularly stops at the café that Imelda works in. They have a good friendship with laidback, flirtatious exchanges. Very fond of small children but unable to have her own due to infertility, Zoe teaches third grade students at B. Greenhills Elementary School. On occasion, the duo will meet up on the weekends to marathon movies at one of the local theaters, critiquing those they loved or hated.
-> Harper Patton: A firefighter and another human, Harper is good friends with Zoe but not quite fond of Imelda. As such, the two don't interact often and consider each other as simply acquaintances. However, Imelda can smell Harper's jealousy and distaste for her. She's pretty certain that Harper has a thing for Zoe and isn't happy about the playful flirting. The woman just doesn't seem to have the courage yet to take the teacher out for a date.
-> Bev Thompson: Fellow Werewolf and pack member, Bev is one of Imelda's closest companions. She's lower in ranking that Imelda is but not by much. Bev plays a mean game of basketball and makes a great sparring buddy. Unfortunately, Bev hates Vampires and Angels with a passion which distresses Imelda. There isn't much she can do, though, except to keep her away from Da'wan and Zarall.
-> Zarall: A rather quiet Angel, Imelda sometimes doesn't know what to think of her. She knows the Angel is dedicated to her work and has as much a protective instinct as any Werewolf Imelda has met. Beyond that, she's still trying to piece together who the Angel is.
-> Alex Rutledge: Another pack member, Alex is an older wolf and sometimes rather stiff or stuffy in personality. Imelda tolerates him but she would much prefer it if he dropped much of his "traditionalist" ways. Such as viewing many women as inferior beings who need a man to help them ('save them' is what she likes to imagine him believing) with virtually everything in life. It doesn't help that he outranks her.
-> Venusta Meglio: One of two Vampires that Imelda personally knows. Imelda tries her best not to hate anyone but Venusta easily broke through that line. She despises the Vampire and everything about her. Unfortunately, neutrality laws prevent her from outright hunting the Supernatural down. At least the feeling is mutual.
-> Taamir el-Ismail: Her co-worker and a human around her age. Imelda views Taamir as her younger brother (even though he's a year older than her). He's a good man, raising a young pair of daughters and grieving the loss of his wife. Despite working full-time and raising kids as a heartbroken single-parent, the man is making every effort to complete his Art degree in photography.
-> Emilio Espinar: A Werewolf of the Eastside pack, Imelda met him during a Task Force response to a threat that had migrated from another city. She likes him well enough: funny, good looking, and an older wolf raised during the Vietnam war. It's easy enough to tell that he's interested in her but she hasn't made any effort to return his advances.
-> Da'wan Steele: Being the other Vampire that Imelda knows, she likes this one a lot better. Da'wan and Zarall don't get along like two peas in a pod but they tolerate each other and that's good enough for Imelda. She likes to joke around about Da'wan being the third member of their Task Force Team (even though they aren't an official team). While she doesn't know where his Menagerie is, she has met one of his Sheep and it's clear that this Vampire at least takes decent care of the Humans living with him.
-> Changed almost five years ago, shortly after turning 24.

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