Soul Mates {iEmpress & GeekyFlower}

The Empress of Ice

Shitpost Overlord
Character Rooster

Name: Spencer Elizabeth Quinn

Age: 16

DOB:December 26

Gender: Male

Height: 5 foot 5

Weight: 110 Lbs

BMI: 16 / Underweight

Eye color: greenish blue


Bio / personality

Spencer was born early in the dead of winter to a lower class unmarried couple unplanned . He was almost 4 mouths early and almost did not make it, after he pulled through it was found he had a form of anemia combined with a spinal disorder that caused swelling and numbness. Spencer would never walk properly but the doctors said with physical therapy and the right medications they could keep him out of a wheelchair for a long while. His father went into very deep debt to pay for these therapies but would never allow Spencer to go without them. Spencer uses forearm supports and wears a lower lumbar back brace to relieve pressure and swelling. Spencer often suffers from Nerve pain or episodes of numbness and in extreme circumstances, back and leg spasms. When suffering from these episodes he will use his wheelchair or spend time in his bed. Overall he has a rather weak disposition and often catches colds, get's sick or is prone to chills or breathing problems.

Spencer's parents fought through most of the pregnancy, his mother desperate for a abortion, though due to a pre- existing medical condition could not receive one. Spencer's father was desperate for a baby, hoping it would make his fiance stay. Not long after Spencer was born his mother left without a trace, leaving his father one hundred dollars and a note that said 'for the boy'. She refused to even name him, so his father named him 'Spencer' after his mother's grandfather and 'Elizabeth' after her.

Wanting the best for his son Noah Quinn gave him up before he turned two. The adoption was open and he became part of the '____' family, Noah's one request was that Spencer keep the last name Quinn, and be allowed to keep Hecate his Daemon. Noah wrote Spencer many letters and then disappeared without a trace. Spencer treasures the letters and simply accepts Noah's absence. He has a family, and he believes Noah will be back, for now he is content to believe Noah has found his mother and they are happy.

Very early on in Spencer's life it was found he was different than other children, all the time his health took him from school meant he should fall behind, instead he flew forward excelling in math reading and science. After testing it was found that Spencer's IQ was well over the Mensa level and very much within the 'highly gifted' range.

Spencer's high- IQ has the implications typical of it, and though it remains undiagnosed he probably has a minor form of autism that leaves him semi-unaware of social ques, or protocols. Often he will dominate a conversation with random facts statics and 'did you knows' without realizing it. He does not do this to brag or boast his intelligence, he does this simply because he actually finds statics on murder rates in Chicago fascinating and wants to share. He has an Eidetic memory or almost perfect recall. Despite Spencer's overall awkwardness in social situation he is highly empathetic and overly in tune with the emotions of those around him, making him confused or tense when those around have emotions running high. Sarcasm and other such things fly over his head and often strike him as cruel or mockery, bullying is something Spencer is very overly cautious of and anything semi- perceived that way will illicit a very prompt and closed off attack reaction.

Spencer would fall into the 'Nerd' grouping meaning he has a deep passion for science fiction, fantasy and popular culture. A mish-mash of used books and dvds line his room as well as his 'overdue' section on his library card.

Spencer can come off as bold, uncaring, rude or cold when first met but in reality is very kind, sweet and loving, just in his own way.

Likes: Star trek, Star wars, Blankets, coffee, sweater vests and cardigans, large dogs, classical music, jazz, indie / soft rock, the color green, winter, Autumn, the color white, the color pink, the color blue, when people touch his hair, eating anything blue or orange.

Dislikes: Pain medication, being cold, cats, pop music, dirty hair, the color red, tea, the color yellow, rabbits, ferrets, summer, fire, swimming, being shirtless, being away from home, spring, seeing other people's legs, being touched on his elbow, eating things that are green.


Most embarrassing memory -

Due to Spencer's condition there can be many side effects, and side effects of the side effects. In Spencer's case when he was 14 he suffered an episode of numbness he lost control of his bodily functions and peed himself. Not being very popular to begin with he was mortified.

Most painful memory -

Spencer to some looks as though he has led a unhappy life, but he has not experienced much emotional pain. Once Hecate was chasing a butterfly and got clipped by a car, she broke her paw and almost broke Spencer's heart.

Most happy memory -

Waking up to Hecate licking his face and his family around him after a major surgery.







Hecate is named of the Greek goddess of magic, the wild places and the cross roads. Her form is somewhere between that of a wolf and a large dog, and is often referred to as majestic or grateful. As Spencer's animal many would think her weak, in reality she is strong and fierce and powerful. The two make a interesting team, her being physical and active, Spencer being quiet and still. They complement each other nicely. Hecate is playful and wild, she enjoys chasing butterflies as well as hunting small (or large) prey. She can be protective and even deadly in the right circumstances but she is also gentle and kind. She bounds around like mad but always sleeps with Spencer, and never strays far from the house when he is ill, she cuddles and watches over as he sleeps. She rarely barks but often sniffs at peoples hands or face if reachable as a greeting. She has often saved Spencer's life by dragging others to him when he is ill.



Name: Alicia Emily Janette Gregory - Alicia Gregory

Age: 18

DOB: 4th of May

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 120 lbs

BMI: 19,2 {normal}

Eye colour: Extremely light blue-grey

Emily Rudd is absolutely beautiful xD Anyways, I have a few pics of her, so yeah... Spoilers within a spoiler. >.<





  • Born as the eldest female of the family, Alicia has always felt responsible for all her siblings, including her annoyingly cute older brother. She's the Alpha female, the femme fatale of the family and has a strong resemblance to her mother in both physique and personality.

    A free soul, taking everything with stride and while she's keen to be serious, she is pretty aloof in nature. The no-problem attitude comes from growing up in her mother's shop, surrounded by positive energy, hospitals and a busy father.

    Growing up, Alicia had the freedom of doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Whether it be hanging with the drug dealing dudes in the skate park, maxing-out her father's credit card in a shopping spree consisting of mostly instruments or singing out in the middle of the rain. Street-life has been a big part of her personal life, and while Alicia respects her father's work, she doesn't quite like it.

    This also allowed Alicia to meet her future band members, Eric and John. They're not only her best friends but also a couple, and the ones that support Alicia and her music career the most. They're a part of the reason why Alicia is very fierce when it comes to certain human rights, like the rights to marry whoever the eff you want.

    Her band and their night gigs have lead to a small rift between Ali and her father, as she rarely is at home during the night and is quite the nocturnal beast.

    But alas, Alicia got a little sister at one point and with her mother being sick all the time, she had to take care of her, all the time. This limited Alicia's freedom, inbetween the hospital visits, her band, school and her responsibilities, Ali hasn't had the chance to really care about love and such. Sure, she believes in the mate system and all, but hasn't really cared that much to find her mate.

    If it happens it happens, she just hopes they don't mind her none-virgin self. Or her dreams to become an artist.

Bora {The Explorer}

Gender: Female

Weight: 253 lbs

Height: 3'7

To be noted:
Bora is also quite the special daemon as she is of the same gender as her counterpart. What this means, scientists don't know but have made a connection with the mating between twin-shared daemons and the same-gendered ones. 7 out of 10 twin-shared daemons have a same-gendered daemon as their mates. Why this is, is still under research.


Bora is without question but a mere child. With soft doe eyes, she wins the hearts of most people and tends to have an unquenchable curiosity about anything and everything. She's adventurous and constantly tries new things, never stays still and is quite the affectionate being. Tends to stay near Mama Bear Piper, since her mischevious self usually needs help to get out of trouble.

Bora, even though aloof, has a serious side to her and only befriends people she finds to be 'good'. She's usually a good judge of character, something Alicia has noticed. The two have a strong bond, and Bora is most often seen as Alicia's little baby.


Bora seems to be stuck in a baby elephant form and doesn't show signs of getting any larger. This may be due to the fact that she hasn't really 'grown up' mentally yet either. She has taken the form of the African Bush Elephant.



Neal Christopher Gregory


19 {turning 2o}


February 10


5 foot


100 lbs


TBA { the BMI chart I am using doesn’t really give any range for shorter people, he is slightly low in the healthy weight range}

Eye color


Appearance pic

Okay so.... This is still Matt Bomer, I am having a hard time finding a good FC... I want him to look like Matt Bomer and Chris Colfer had a love child essentially I want Matt, with a less defined jaw (baby face) and much nicer / more modern hair, also about 200% less abs and paler with a slightly less defined brow I have included Chris for you love child thoughts.... Don't hate me 0.0

The picture of Matt has his hair / face and clothes very different from Nick too



Bio / personality

Neal was the first born child of the Gergorys, he has always been small even at birth the doctors were a bit worried. He made it through just fine though, he was a fighter especially for a baby born with a blood disorder. It was minor, his parents were worked though, making his father and mother overprotective. The only thing wrong other than a blatant disregard of authority is his too thin blood, the side effects of which are constant bruising and being cold all the time. Both things he is used to and he handles, if you met him you wouldn’t for a second think there was anything wrong, and he hasn’t had a sick day in years. People all over have Hemophilia.

Hemophilia is common enough and treatable weekly he goes to the local hospital and gets a transfusion of the clotting platelets his body can’t form, It works out for their family. Spencer is sick often enough that the Gregory’s spend a lot of time in the hospital. Then with Lacey…. The family was cursed?

No… just different

What you would see about Neal is that he is absolutely the smartest person in the room. And not, in the way that Spencer is. When he speaks the eloquence takes most people’s breath away, but it leaves you feeling that you somehow said too much. He has no regard for authorities and does only the school work he choses, which is art, literature and music.

He took a liking to painting very early and by this point is fantastic, his father once became very worried when he thought he found a picasso in his room, when in fact Neal was just trying his hand at copying. That combined with the fact that he has smooth talked his way out of some precarious situations have his father on red alert. Though it does look as though he will not be going to collage, he simply has no interest. Instead he would like to move to paris to become a artist. His father is forcing that he graduate high school though, which he is due to do in a year. Or was. The death of his mom made him fall behind, now he is being forced to re do his final year. At a new school.

Although mad that he was moved somewhere his art wouldn’t be displayed because the teacher didn’t like him, and the orchestra already had a first violin, the new start is appreciated. In his final days with his mother he painted her several of vangohs works planning on burying them with her, so she would go to the next life with the beauty she had shown him. In the end it was too final and they are hidden in his room.

Neal projects innocence but don’t be fooled, he plays everyone he meets. He’s charismatic and loud, the center of any room he is in, on the outside the loud charismatic con man, the hear throb and the trickster on the inside the artist, deep emotional beyond control and insure. No matter how polar these two sides are they are deeply intertwined and inseparable. He takes every word to heart despite the casual nonchalance of ‘I do not care about what anyone thinks, you are below me’ attitude he has plastered on his face next to a dazzling smile.

He can be flat our rude or mean, and if he doesn’t see anything in it for him he doesn’t really waste his time. If he does, he would rather manipulate you then let you in.


art, wine, the color white, suits, ties, paint, his violin, shakespeare, Dickens, the classics, pretty much anything that could be considered ‘high brow’ or ‘fancy’, freedom, planes, adrenaline, ability to move, vintage


cops, hipsters, coffee, anything confined where he can not see the sky, the color gray or black, needles, blood (more about jealousy but yeah also ew), vomit, any sort of fluid, heat, being stuck, staying still, anything ‘boring’, having any decisions made for him


Most embarrassing memory -

Once, he slipped and fell off a stage at a violin recital, people laughed and he got a bloody nose and cried. It was awful.

Most painful memory -

his mother’s death, and then the passing of her Daemon. Endings, are not what Neal likes, nothing is final in art, you can edit until you die, then you don’t care or have to deal with it. When Renee, his mothers daemon a spotted doe, died it was too final and he couldn’t handle it, he couldn’t even look at his own Daemon, Loki.

Most happy memory -

He has a memory of his mother showing him a book of art when she was having a very bad day near the end. They poured over it together and she showed him which of he vangohs she loved.






Loki is very hard to read, as he rarely strays from his perch on Neal’s Shouders. He likes to lounge there and watch the work unfold. Be warned though he is not lazy, in a flash he can slither from Neal’s neck and have your finger in his small yet very very sharp teeth. He doesn’t play with the Daemons nor does he pay any attention to other people. All he cares about is Neal, food, and sometimes biting people. Most find the Daemon to be some sort of psychopath. Neal will defend him with his life, Loki is just… different.


Just over a foot long and not very ‘tall’


Serena Malory Elysia Gregory - Serena Elysia Gregory

Age: 7

DOB: 27th of September

Gender: Female

Height: 4' feet

Weight: 50 lbs

BMI: 15,3 {normal}

Eye colour: Dark Green



  • Serena has lived a short life, a rather pitiful one as her mother died early on, a death that has left a deep emotional scar in every single member of her family. But don't be fooled, this hasn't weakened the little spoiled brat a single bit.

    Unlike her brother, Elysia uses her natural charm to manipulate everyone she can and is quite the meanie at times. Don't get the girl wrong, she can be sweet and caring, if you're family. You see, growing up in the Gregory's household, you learn to love and treasure the few people that 'actually' matter and for Elysia there is no point to entertaining anyone else.

    Truly a child, Elysia is and always have been curious of the most silly things, and her innocence is obvious even if she tries to act all grown-up. A real daddy's girl, Elysa clings to her father and when he does laugh and goof around, she's one of the few people that doesn't get shocked and instead plays with him in return. She sees her sister as the ideal female form... Besides her wardrobe.

    Elysia is a lady, an elegant. sophisticated lady that dresses in the ways of one.

    Well, at least she looks like one.


Gender: Female

Weight: Unknown

Height: Unknown

To be noted:
Cecilin is a young daemon that has not settled yet and so does not have any defining features and/or personality traits.


Cecilin is an all-around daemon that can be sweet and caring for one second and a bitch the other. Much like her counterpart Cecilin likes being in-charge of things and most often tries to be the 'leader' of the daemon pack... Something she fails at. The constantly-shifting daemon is prone to accidents and is most often found stirring trouble around the neighborhood.

She is NOT a cuddler. Cuddle Cecilin and face the consequences.


Constantly changes but seems to lean more into her cat form.








Name: Henry Isac Gregory

Age: 36

DOB: March 19

Height: 6 foot 5 inches

Weight: 175

BMI: 20 (Normal)

Eye color: Green- Grey

Appearance pic


Bio / personality

Henry is a serious man, he is almost never seen smiling and he does not goof about. But on the rare occasion where he is smiling or being goofy those who know him are tense. Unsure of what is happening. No one would ever call him cruel, not even stone cold, more guarded than anything else, he is kind, very caring and warm. But he is not cuddly, not even after you get to know him.

He is loving though and has a fierce empathy for others. He joined the FBI so he could serve justice, he did not feel that it was being served otherwise. He worked hard, and he is in charge of solving cold cases. It’s not the premier line of work in the beuru but he can work from anywhere and is rarely in danger. It pays well too. It’s his job to go through cold cases and solve as many as he can highlight leads where he can’t and put in for new searches with better tech.

On the side he is also a rather successful writer. He writes True crime as well as books on the history of law enforcement and, where it’s weakness are. His one goal in his job is to better the world. This drive comes from his childhood.

Henry grew up in the Foster system, which he entered after his parents were murdered randomly on the street. The system failed him and his parents, along with his unborn brother. He never wants to see a case go unsolved for that long or a child to suffer through the foster system. The murder of his parents is still unsolved, he often uses it to illustrate in his books the failures in the system. Although it may seem strange for a government employ to write such tratiorus words he does not care much, he does good work and his superiors turn their eyes.

He is a gentle yet fair father to his children, he loves them dearly, and they may not understand him or why he does the things he does but they do love him.

When he met Lacey he thought she was the one, his mate at last. He had children with her and when the doctors said they had to take her womb for medical reasons, adopted Spencer. They were happy, her with a nice flower shop, him with his job. Sure they didn’t have the healthiest children, but with the removal of Lacey’s womb she was cancer free!

Or so they thought.

two years ago it came back, in full swing. She didn’t have a chance. Chemo wasn’t how she wanted to spend her last days, hospice was nice and they got an extra year and a half with her.

Henry took it hard, moving his family away from the grieving eyes and ‘I’m sorry’ eyes. He can work from anywhere right?


Neatness, clean floors, science fiction, his kids, soft fur, fire, sumer, justice, board games, card games, pizza, Chinese food, work, the truth, efficiency


laziness, slowness, poker, gambling, drugs, alcohol, grief, crying informant of others, legal technicalities, politics, bureaucracy, weakness, being in any state of undress, any sort of disorderly ness.

Most embarrassing memory-

As a Jr in high school he got a job as a bus boy in a restaurant, as a joke someone from his school who worked there locked him in the walk in freezer for an hour. He was mortified and his then foster father beat him for his carelessness.

Most painful memory -

The death of his wife. The whole year prior. That’s all he will say on the subject.

Most happy memory -

The birth of his first child with his wife, she as in labor for a long time but when Neal was born he knew he was in love, Piper, his Daemon protected the boy, and he fell in love with the blue eyes of his wife all over again.


Piper {Often called Nana by the children}




Piper is a mother. No questions about it. Unlike her master she is playful and loving she will cuddle any of the children and play with any of the Daemons. She picks up after them and has even changed a diaper. She is very loving and non judgmental, she will comfort anyone who is sad, and does not believe in discrimination. Many would think that the mama bear would protect her babies, being so large she could harm a threat if she wanted. She finds it better to care for the wonder and scold the naughty then to lower herself to the level of harming others. She is patient and has seemingly no temper…. except if henry is upset. It so rarely happens but when Lacey died she destroyed the back yard, and killed several wild animals. The blind rage that lays under her thick fur is to be feared and respected. Even if it is so rare.


Perhaps the largest Daemon you will ever encounter Piper stands at five and a half feet tall and almost seven feet long. She is large for a bear, and strong, she almost never stands on her rear legs as she does not like to frighten others. She is skinny for a bear her size, weighing in at just over two hundred pounds.


Name: Ekaitz Brendon Iver - Ekaitz Iver

Age: 19

DOB: June the 22th

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 150 lbs

BMI: 19,3 {normal}

Eye colour: Steel Blue


  • Ekaitz depends on affection from those he cares about, an after effect from him being the second to the oldest child of the Iver family, born nearly two minutes and forty-five seconds before his twin sister. As a young child, Ekaitz has always had the pressure of being perfect, of having to live up to expectations. 'The first child is an experiment and the second perfection', is a thought that constantly crossed his mind as a child.

    However this mentality soon faded as he grew up, and started to pursue his own dreams and pave the way to his life. Ekaitz can be a bit cold to strangers and is a complete introvert, he doesn't like crowded place, he doesn't like to socialize and has a limited amount of 'acquaintances', let alone friends. Though he is very affectionate and open to those he does care about, constantly wanting some form of affirmation of their love or care for him. Yet for some reason, most people are attracted by Ekaitz's calm persona and he fits in with the 'cool kids', the 'it' group so to say.

    He cares deeply for his sister, and they're pretty close, considering the fact that they share a daemon. She's been there for him since birth and he feels obligated to be there for her whenever she needs him. Ekaitz is very passionate about his dreams, and sincerely hopes to become an artist, and finds art to be one of the most expressive ways to show his feelings, whether they are happy or sad. He is mostly in his studio either painting a new canvas or writing a new song... Though he considers himself a horrible singer.

    He also secretly hopes to meet his mate, merely because he feels that they are a piece of him, much like his sister is a constant part of his life.

Name: Dima Sera Iver

Age: 18

DOB: 22nd of June

Height: 6 foot

Weight: 150

BMI: 20 (Normal average / highish normal - She’s curvy)

Eye color: Fog blue

Appearance pic


Bio / personality

Dima has been loved by most ever since she was born, she was a beautiful young child with hair of pale gold, and stormy gray eyes. She was smart enough to be interesting and smart enough to act just the right amount of dumb.

Directly after puberty Dima blossomed, attention came from all sides, and she ate it up. She loved to be the center of attention and rose through the ranks of High school fast, topping out just behind the 'it' girl, she however has no desire to be the queen and is content to simply sit at the homecoming court rather than take the crown. However despite outer appearance that Dima may be #2 she calls the shots. Her manipulative personality has the whole 'wolf pack' following her, using the head cheerleader as a false idol. She could overtake the top in an official capacity if she so desired but that would give up her favorite activity - Sex.

Dima, is the school slut, she can take whatever room she is in and wrap all the men and women in it around her little finger. Wind them up then dump them off. She struts the halls of the school dressed as a wicked goddess- spike heels, and tight leather.

Dima is the perfect example of a first class Bitch, she is not basic in any way. If you fuck with her she will duck you up. No questions about it. If you fuck with her family she will fuck you up.

Dima is not the type to let a lot of people in, she doesn't love, she makes love. Never staying around very long and always moving fast. Unlike her brother she has very little interest in finding her soul mate, many people tell her that once she does she will understand, in truth she doesn't really care. She would, like to have sex with them, that is all.

She does alright in school and keeps her grades just bellow honor roll, but in reality she would not like to go to collage. The one thing that Dima loves more then anything else is dance, all dance, modern, hip hop, ballet. Ever since she was little it's been the only thing that she really cares about, her true dream would be to move to New York and start a studio for dance in a old townhouse, with a studio for her brother of course.

She wouldn't go near cheer leading or pink, or a frape, but she is popular, like some sort of dark queen.

Most embarrassing memory -

Dima is not a small girl, she has curves and a beautiful, womanly body. Just after she blossomed - early at 12- she had a dance recital. The nutcracker, for a 12 year old she had a large part, once of the Sugar plum faeries main support dancers. A dew days before the recital her teacher pulled her and her mother aside to say the costume wouldn't be appropriate. There was not time for her to learn a new part and have a new costume, she was forced to say that she was ill and not preform. She was devastated.

Most painful memory -

Though he wasn't injured badly the image of her brother in the hospital bed after he broke his arm makes her blood run cold to this day.

Most happy memory -

Dima has a vague memory of cuddling with her brother a lot when they were young, despite herself the feeling of comfort that another person was around just to hold you warms her.


Black, green, Gold, Anastasia (movie), Smooth jazz, Snakes, Blue, wine, grapes, sex, white, grey, silver, Irish coffee, chocolate, white roses, the smell of blood, tight skirts / tops, fur, silk, jewelry, piggy banks, post cards, antique furniture, glass jars, marbles,


Pink, hair dye, hipsters, prude people, restrictions, rules, ruffles, teddy bears, anything girly, Ariel (Little Mermaid), Cinderella, Musicals, Show tunes, Orange, Purple, Red, red roses, all meat, cheap jewelry,

Name: Iñaki {Inaki}

Gender: Male

Weight: 360 lbs

Height: 2'10 feet

To be noted: Iñaki is quite the special daemon, compared to the general ones. He is the counterpart to both of the Iver twins, which would mean that they share a soul. The sharing of a soul, and a daemon, is very rare and can only happen between twins that come from the same egg, and even then that is a one in ten million chance of them having this 'ability' so to say. In theory, two situations has this outcome: the larger soul of the twins absorbed the smaller one before dividing between the two or the larger soul invaded the smaller ones space before it had the chance to settle. {In le Iver twins case, I was thinking that the larger one absorbed the smaller one}

Daemons that are counterparts to two humans, are able to be in a great distance from one of them, as long as the other is near. However the humans and the daemon feels a strain from this. The humans either have no soul mate, or share one.

The daemons do not have two sides to their personality, as many suspect.


Iñaki is Iñaki. He is neither openly loving nor cold, neither protective nor careless. He is intelligent but not one to flaunt it. Few things keeps him interested but everything catches his attention. An all rounder of a creature, Inaki is quite charismatic, something he shares with his counterpart Dima and rarely goes unnoticed. His need for affection from the twins is subtle but there, and while he doesn't hog them, he does tend to unconsciously seek them and their attention.

He gets along with other daemons, but prefers the solitary life, making him a bit uncomfortable when others approach him. While the beautiful creature isn't overprotective of his counterparts, most times, he can get a bit aggressive if he finds one to be threatening.

A bit on the lazy side, Inaki loves his sleep and is a cuddle-maniac under the sheets.

Inaki is not fully-grown.


Name: Aizar Caden Iver - Aizar Iver

Age: 41

DOB: 22th of March

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 155 - including muscle mass {Oldie got abs}

BMI: 20,4 {normal}

Eye colour: Chocolate brown


  • Born to the Iver's, Aizar was an only child with too many aunts and uncles, a bunch of cousins and some nephews here and there. He never had the chance to feel alone, even though he was just that, alone, most times. His parents were loving and there for him when he needed them but more often than not, they were busy working, his mother a nurse and his father a lawyer.

    This gave Aizar early freedom, and a sense of independence. He never felt like being a rebel, not until he was well into his teenager years but the boy was not the best student either. Used to being alone, Aizar didn't seek companionship and quite honestly was a bit of a geek growing up. He'd read a book instead of going to a party and he loved sketching the offspring of his favorite anime characters. The early freedom made him slightly mature.

    Well, mature until he was sixteen. Then it all went to hell. Once the isolated geek got the taste of the rebel life, he went mad. No more good boy, booze, chicks and graffiti was his thing. He even joined 'The Gang', a group consisting of seniors that were into the art of the street. They painted New York red, put their name on everything and drank through the night. Used to the sound of sirens by seventeen, Aizar started to enjoy the freedom that came with being a lone child.

    Not that his best friend understood, but it didn't matter. Soon enough, the Iver's started to notice the change in their son and when mommy dearest saw the tattoo on his chest... Things went south.

    Eventually, Aizar came down from the high that he got from the risks of being rebellious. He quit the 'The Gang' and roamed around during the rest of his senior year in high school. He already knew that the life of a 'scholar' wasn't his thing, but he enjoyed being an artist. That's when he met Brendon, his 'master'.

    Brendon showed Aizar the life of a tattoo artist, and soon enough he was engrossed within the culture. Til this day, Aizar admires the seventy year old grump and has even named one of his sons after him.

    And when Aizar was nineteen, he met her. Charlotte. She was a ray of light in the darkness, his own little sun that he kept hold of. She accepted him for who he was, the quirky, not-so-affectionate, loving tattoo artist that liked wearing shaggy clothes and sleep in the street at times. The on-the-side architect {he eventually got a degree after all that nagging from his mother} who enjoyed a cup of black coffee in the morning and had the weirdest of daemons as his counterpart.

    The father that, while not 'bossy', was there for his children and let them be whatever they wanted to be. As long as they didn't whine too much. He never liked when they whined.


Gender: Female

Weight: 185 lbs

Height: 3'3

Length: 5'3 + 3' ft tail


Kalila is the most affectionate, protective daemon there can be. If she isn't all over Aizar, enjoying Charlotte's company or sleeping, she's playing with the kids or the other daemons. Like a mother, she protects everyone she or Aizar considers family and is quite the cold, for a lack of a better word, bitch to those that aren't. Gaining her trust is hard, unless you gain the others and if she ever sees you as a threat to those she loves, you're on the death list. One wrong move and she'll pounce.

Kalila becomes a big teddy bear to those she loves, however, and loves to cuddle. In fact, it is her favorite way to pass time and she is constantly seen brushing up against her counterpart, interrupting him in the middle of work just to lay her head on his lap.



Charlotte Sarah Iver




July 19


5 foot 6 in


130 pounds


21 ( normal)

Eye color


Appearance pic


Bio / personality

Charlotte was born into a high class family, full of sophisticated dinner parties elaborate houses and obligations. She was smart and graduated high school at the top of her class, and as president of her class. Her parents were over the moon but slightly mad that she had beaten out her brother for the title. Like her own children She has a twin brother, Kenton, they do not share a Daemon. Kenton is currently in the air force.

To her parents as a girl her job was to marry a wealthy man and give them many - male - grandchildren. Going to collage was a must, but a major in something artsy or girly ‘art history’ or ‘literature’ being a good choice.

They did not want her to double major in Business and art History.

After collage she went off to start her own business, she owns an event planing business as well as privately doing art buying for private collectors. She is very happy with her life, her family and her husband are all well taken care of. They are upper middle class and have many children living comfortably. As far as charlotte is concerned she is living out her dream.

Charlotte is a no nonsense women, she is strict but loving. Often times people find her to be quiet or withdrawn, anti-social often comes to mind. In reality she is just a rather extreme introvert, she likes to get to know people slowly before she is open, silly or loving with them. Once she knows you she is loud, open and silly.

She loves her husband and her children, and though she can be strict at times what she really is would be protective, if she yells at Dima for what she does it’s because if she stays out all night what if she gets into a car driven by a drunk?

None of her children hat her though, she is soft and silly in her own way. One of the things she enforces is Wednesday night movie nights. The entire family gathers in the living room to watch a movie, she curls on the couch with Aizar, and Kalia. They eat pizza, popcorn, and laugh. Quoting along to their favorites.

She loves her husband and his art, and his long hair. Everything she does she loves, but could never tell you why. Her parents of course do not approve, she simply does not allow the topic to arise at christmas or when the family is around. She is her husband, and they will respect him, their family is secure and happy and it should be enough for them.


Cuddling, old movies, bad movies, tea / coco / coffee or any hot drink, modern design, light or no makeup, being pregnant, Her husbands hands and feet, touching his hair, having him touch her hair, playing footsie, putting her cold feet on her husband when he’s warm, blankets, sheets that just got out of the drier, fall, crunchy leaves, knitting, hand knit socks / scarves, boots, gloves and hats, chocolate ice cream, napping in the sun, lying on top of her husband so he can’t move, being lovingly annoying to her husband, cats


cold, sweaty feet, snoring, not being able to breath from her nose, itchy anything, people who are immediately friendly, being touched by people she does not know, being pregnant (it’s a double edged sword), pickles, cooking, fancy cheese, wine, beer, dirty hair, being dirty at all, bad smells, perfume.

Most embarrassing memory -

Kenton, her sibling was often jealous. At one point he told the whole school she still slept with a teddy bear, which she did. He stole the teddy and showed it to the class. He didn’t intend for it to be stollen, but it was. An older boy took it ripped it and flew it up the flag pole. They both cried, and Kenton ended up giving over his own teddy, she is still mortified by the kids laughing as they ripped her teddy ‘Ham’.

Most painful memory -

When Charlotte turned 20 her father died after a long battle with leukemia. It was painful for her because they hadn’t spoken in a year, after a fight. She couldn’t remember what the fight was over, her and her father never got along. It haunts her that her father died without speaking to her in over a year, and that the last thing she had said before that year past was ‘If my father is you then I have no reason to have a father’

Most happy memory -

For Charlotte the little things were always the most important. Her most happy memory lines up very neatly with her husbands. She was at a little cafe waiting for him. And she was pregnant. It was the first time, and an accident but she was happy beyond belief. When he arrived before she could say anything he was kissing her, and she was lost in the moment. Part way through the kiss she pulled his hand down to her stomach. “Marry me.”







Crevan is mischievous. As one of the smaller Daemons in the house many would think that the small white fox spent a lot of time running from the others. In reality, many of the others spend time with him in purist. He is quick and sneaky. Like his mistress he is quiet, but doesn’t seem to take as long as her to warm up to others, he will often sniff a new comer and cozy up immediately by rubbing his head on them. In reality he seems to be looking for the real them, once they are no longer concerned he won’t like them what will they act like?

Crevan is impulsive, and always up to something, often he will bite someone just to see what they will do, a constant enjoyment for him is torturing poor Kalia, he is much faster than the larger cat and often he can trick her into breaking things or causing trouble.

He is not overly found of cuddling, though Charlotte is. She often picks him up and coos, but he often escapes if not in the mood. Charlotte’s one major soft spot is Crevan, no matter what trouble he causes she only can see the good in him. “ooh my poor baby!”


About 1 foot high when not crouching, about 2 and a half feet long nose to tail.

about 60 pounds


Though Crevan is obviously some kind of fox it is unsure if he is a Fennec Fox or an Arctic one. He has the coloring and long bushy tail of a arctic, but the ears and build of a large Fennec. He has very light Fennec Markings as well. Admittedly he is a bit big for a Fenn

Name: Nicholas Sebastian Tarou Arthur Julliard Iver - Nicholas 'Nick' Iver

Age: 20

DOB: 3rd of July

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 158 lbs

BMI: 19,5 {normal}

Eye colour: Light blueish grey


  • Besides the ridiculous long name, and the pressuring expectations, there isn't much Nick would change about his position as the eldest child of the Iver family. A bit aloof and kind-hearted, Nicholas Iver is known for his soft nature and calm demeanor.

    Growing up, Nick never had the chance to be much of a kid, as he had two younger siblings by the age of one. Sure, he did most of the things any kid had done, but Nick matured fast and by the time he was ten, the boy did not see the fun in playing tag. Or the crave for candy. Nicholas wasn't a rebel during his teenage years, and was known for being the 'Nice It-Guy'.

    A bit mischievous in nature, Nicholas takes after his mother, as he is both straight-forward and loving at the same time. He is very protective of his siblings, and most often than not, hangs out with them. Due to his desire for independence, Nicholas moved out when he turned eighteen and rented his own little apartment across town. A real family guy, Nick tends to stay over during holidays and weekends when possible and hasn't skipped Movie Night once. He spends a lot of time with them, and even has two guest rooms for his siblings whenever they want to come over.

    A little bit of a big teddy bear.

    Nicholas suffers from mild asthma, and while it hasn't acted up the past three years, he always has a inhaler at hand. in multiple places in his apartment, his parents home and his car.

    When Nicholas isn't spending time with his family, he's either studying, out with friends or participating in some charity event. He volunteers at the local shelter every other Friday night and Tuesday afternoons. He also works in the diner with his 'Aunt Clarice', and pays his bills... But not for every other luxury thing, something his parents don't mind and he isn't quite shy about.

    Nicholas is, shockingly, still a virgin and plans to stay that way until he finds his mate. Growing up, Nicholas has had the 'honor' of witnessing his parents and their love for each other, which he believes could only be acheived with the one person destined for you. Your mate. And so he finds it unnecessary to get into a relationship with someone who isn't 'his to love' and cherish. This is one of the things he tend to argue about with his little sister, Dima.

    A pity for the countless girls, and boys, throwing themselves his way.

    Currently studying to become a surgeon, and is planning on specializing within Neurology.


Gender: Female

Weight: 77 lbs

Height: 2'2


A gentle natured daemon with little to no demand of attention, Erin is possibly the most independent one in the Iver family. She's a intelligent creature, that likes to take situations in before doing anything and lets things play out on its own. Quite caring, she tends to be a good listener and most often reaches out to help others when she can. She likes hanging around with Kalila, when the panther isn't going wild, and Corryn, nearly all the time. She won't say it, but she likes them more than the other daemons. She's not lazy but prefers doing things on her own. Her gaze wise and her demeanor calm, Erin is not the protective type. She trusts her counterpart and those around him to be able to assess any possible threats, and if there are any, she'll happily chase them away.



Name: Zerah Reyen Iver

Age: 16

DOB: April 1st

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Weight: 118 lbs

BMI: 19,6 {normal}

Eye colour: Chocolate brown


  • Zerah is a kind soul, and a bit of a introvert. She doesn't like attention, and has never found herself craving it, due to her large family. Being born as a middle child, she was neither pampered nor did she have the pressure to deliver, to live up to her parents expectations as the first-born but she was always there, always taken care of.

    During her childhood, Zerah would spend most of her time with her maternal grandmother Reyen, which she was named after. They were so alike, so in tune that it wasn't much of a shock that she was the only one to inherit the vivid red hair from the older lady. Growing up, practically raised by her grandmother, Zerah was always a calm child, and empathetic. She often found herself sad when she others hurt, or happy when someone was smiling. Though more wild during her early years, constantly outside in the forest, playing in the mud etc.

    When Zerah's grandmother passed away, when she was fifteen, Zerah found herself lost. And sometimes she still finds herself lost. She did not only lose her grandmother, but she lost a part of herself, a piece of her soul. Her rock, which she depended on, was suddenly gone. This caused Zerah to go into a depression, one which lead to her grades dropping and her being home schooled. Soon after, Zerah had developed a case of insomnia, making her unable to sleep at night.

    She only got out of her depression recently, about eight months ago, and has a hard time letting people in, afraid of losing them. Yet, since a week back, Erramun has been a bit weird, as if awaiting something, someone.

    Zerah on the other hand, is finally returning to school... Something she's not quite happy about. While she wasn't a 'geek' or a 'nerd', Zerah didn't fit in with the cool kids either, like her siblings did.


Name: Erramun ~ Clay {Zerah couldn't pronounce his name when she was little, and would instead call him Clay}

Gender: Male

Weight: 10 kg

Height: 2 feet


Erramun is very laid-back and quiet most times, not quite caring about others as long as they don't bother him. Or the 'things'/people that belong to him. You see, the ocelot-look-alike daemon is a bit possessive and territorial, not letting many people near his Zerah. He enjoys making sure people knows of this, often found cuddling with her, a form of marking, or generally being lazy around her. However, around others he's constantly alert unless he 'marks' them as his or acknowledges them.

He can be playful, especially during the night as Erramun is a nocturnal being, much like Zerah. He's not an affectionate being, in general, though very protective and slightly kind. For those he cares about. Erramun is constantly seen sleeping only next to Zerah, or looking over her when she is asleep.

Erramun is not fully grown.


Name: Milo Eric Iver

Age: 8

DOB: October 13

Height: 4 foot 5 in

Weight: ~90

BMI: Normal (hard to find a BMI for young kids, guesstimate)

Eye color: Green

Appearance pic


Bio / personality

Milo is the youngest of the Iver children, the baby. He is short for his age and light, causing a lot of stress, people want him to eat grow be a healthy hearty boy!

He has no real interest in sports or any sort of rough housing that the other boys enjoy. Many would say that he is anti social as he only really speaks to his family, most of his recess time is spent alone under a tree with his Daemon Nora. He likes to watch the other kids as they play or interact but will never do so himself, he just watches in silence even when interaction is forced on him at play time or by the other more indelicate of his classmates, or the bullies.

Every teacher or professional the school has thrown at him says that the boy is autistic, he is bright but won't make eye contact, emotional but stoic and never speaks but to his family. Even then he prefers to be quiet, in fact he did not utter a word until he was 5.

Milo can often be found hiding in a small place with Nora and a book, cuddled down with his daemon and buggsy his teddy, he reads almost constantly. Strangers are not something that he strongly dislikes and has been known to scare most off by staring at them intensely until they leave.

Of all his family Milo is closest to the twins he loves the genital nature of Ekaitz and the controlled chaos that is Dima. Though he may be old to carry a teddy and ask his older siblings to read to him Milo is not childish he can be very serious when he wants to be and he almost never doesn't want to be serious. Fooling about is not something Milo enjoys he feels very uncertain of himself outside of reality and while many children enjoy books about faeries he loves to read about history and events that have happened in the world. It's still a story only it's real, and for milo that makes it much more exciting.


Books, drawing, watch Ekaitz paint or draw, watching Dima dance, watching any of his siblings do any of their hobbies, snuggling, the dark, tight spaces, quiet, music, taking plants or bugs apart, board or card games, being held, having something over his face, jackets, capes, things around his shoulders


fields, blood, dead things, band aids (you can give him a shot, come near him with a band aid and he will start to scream), water touching his skin, mirrors, glass, loud noises, the color orange, talking, strangers, wearing shorts, writing with a pencil.

Most embarrassing memory -

When he was very young his dad took him to see a street band and he peed himself because of the noise he was so distressed that he had ruined something his father loved.

Most painful memory -

Also the street band. It was so loud. It hurt.

Most happy memory -

Once on a family outing he spotted a rainbow and pointed it out to everyone, they sat down and ate lunch under a tree and sat there until the rainbow was gone. It was the first time he spoke.






Nora is observant, she often fills the social gaps given by her master. Drawing attention away when needed and even defending if she feels she must. The two of them are like a dynamic duo, she will sit by him and look on while he dissects a flower curl up near him while he reads, draw with him and when he wants to play with him. She is caring and kind, fierce and loving. She is a shoulder to cry on when your sad and a defender in the night when you are threatened. She is open and loving towards all that are kind and cold and cruel to those that are deserving.


Nora has not settled yet but she does shift less and through less forms Switching now between three distinct ones




Name: Aleyna Clarice James - Clarice James

Age: 32

DOB: 22th of March

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 121 lbs

BMI: 19,5 {normal}

Eye colour: Dark hazel brown eyes


  • Perhaps the most optimistic person on earth, Clarice is constantly bursting with energy and it is rare to see her not smiling, She tends to take situations with stride, and is quite charismatic, a bit flirty even though most times it is evident she is merely kidding. Her view on life wouldn't be so open, so happy if she didn't go through the painful life that she has.

    Clarice grew up without a father, and her younger brother died when she was ten due to a fire breaking out in their local kindergarten. She has no recollection of her childhood being happy or joyous, or even childish. Instead she grew up with her single mother, who was always gone, working extra late night shifts in the hospital to provide for them. She cooked her own dinner, she packed her own lunch and she bought her own clothes, most of he time.

    However, Clarice had a very close bond to her mother, and she was always encouraged to find her own path in life, to travel and to be whatever she wanted to be.

    For Clarice, her mother was her rock, her everything and when her mother started dating William, her step-father, Clarice was happy for her and she was even happier when she got her little sister six years ago. She had taken her degree in journalism and art history but she never pursued a career since she wanted to see the world.

    So when she got the call from the hospital, she was in Sweden, twenty-nine and living life. She was eating a bagel, one that she threw up once she heard that her parents had passed away. Car accident. It was difficult for her the first month but she always knew that life isn't easy, and things happen, that she could only try to accept the situation or put it behind her until she was able to.

    Ever since, Clarice has been taking care of her sister, working part-time in the local diner during weekends while at the same time pursuing her career within art history as a teacher in the local high school.


Gender: Male

Weight: 450 lbs

Height: 4' feet


Corryn is a free soul, a kind one that seems to become wiser as time passes. While he is protective of his counterpart, Clarice, he's quite open to other people, letting them approach him without showing any signs of discomfort. He likes laying around, often times a bit lazy. Though he does get random bursts of energy, where he tends to play more. Corryn, much like Clarice, loves children and finds them to be of interest, this is shown a lot when he plays with Clarice's younger sister, Roxanne. Corryn likes to snuggle, and will often times stay near Corryn, brushing himself against her or laying across her lap, something that is becoming a bit difficult now that he has grown up considerably.

However, learn to not anger the large daemon, or you may find yourself in trouble as Corryn can turn quite vicious when he wants to.


Name: Laura Martha James

Age: 6

Height: 4'5

Weight: 76 lbs

Adorable, curious, quiet, shy, a bit of a risk taker, beyond kind, childish and naive

Friends with: Milo

Family: Clarice

Mate: N/A


Spoilers within spoilers, it is animal time!




Name: Terrence Monroe

Age: 18

Height: 5'4

Weight: 118 lbs

Sweet, charismatic, outgoing, caring, constantly trying new things

Friends with: The Twins - In love with Ekaitz

Mate: N/A



Name: Eric Roderic James

Age: 18

Height: 6'4

Weight: 156 lbs

Calm, patient, caring, kind, a bit of a idiot, scary when mad, extremely inspirational and musically talented

Friends with: Alicia

Mate: John Mc'Hallister



Name: John Mc'Hallister

Age: 18

Height: 5'11

Weight: 134 lbs

Sarcastic, cynical, musically talented, funny, joker {innuendos}

Friends with: Alicia

Mate: Eric James



Name: Patrick Marcus Larson - Marcus

Age: 21

Height: 5'6

Weight: 126

Spunky, weird, funny, cute, outgoing, caring and a bit of a idiot

Friends with: Nicholas

Mate: Freya Sylvester


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His face claim is spencer Reid from criminal minds

¡on mobile!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6x18-Lauren-dr-spencer-reid-20670394-1280-720.jpg.e49a9c7b0e6324d5dbe44e86499cf1a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6x18-Lauren-dr-spencer-reid-20670394-1280-720.jpg.e49a9c7b0e6324d5dbe44e86499cf1a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6x18-Lauren-dr-spencer-reid-20670394-1280-720.jpg.e49a9c7b0e6324d5dbe44e86499cf1a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6x18-Lauren-dr-spencer-reid-20670394-1280-720.jpg.e49a9c7b0e6324d5dbe44e86499cf1a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Thanks so much for the Roster! super great! I tried to make one for myself but it got muddy and confused....

You were doing first post correct?



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