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Fantasy Soul Manifestors OOC

If anyone is around - I have a question. I feel like I should post in response to EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy but I also don't want people to feel like I'm taking too many posts. Just wanted some opinion
It's okay if you want to post IMO. You're playing as both GM and player so your post is bound to seems to be more frequent.
On second thought, I can wait for all intro posts so I can work some things out for moving forward. Better post

KhorneFlakes KhorneFlakes

Just a few things. He can't have just arrived, due to the plot. He'd have to have been here at least a few years to have been able to prepare for the voyage that won't happen.

Also, it's fine you took a kill, but since you did I wanna make sure you, along with BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot understand the rules of true combat?
MythyDW MythyDW
Ohh my bad, I'm really sorry I didn't really back read entirely

Can you explain to me the combat mechanics, please.

Also do you want me to edit my post?
KhorneFlakes KhorneFlakes

I would like an edit to that part, yes. Everything else is good, but I need to enforce the age rule along with how long they've been in the monastery for both lore and RP reasons.

Combat rules are in the starter OOC post, but here they are for quick reference.
In most cases, combat will be handled like so:
1- GM Post introducing combat
2- Player Posts stating their combat actions
3- GM Post stating what each action deals
Repeat 2-3 as needed
There may be exceptions, such as with weak enemies where I will allow a number to be killed per character per post.

Often I will allow the group the chance to deal executions in style. If a certain person is granted an execution, please don't steal it unless they offer it up IC or an OOC accord is reached.
On second thought, I can wait for all intro posts so I can work some things out for moving forward. Better post

KhorneFlakes KhorneFlakes

Just a few things. He can't have just arrived, due to the plot. He'd have to have been here at least a few years to have been able to prepare for the voyage that won't happen.

Also, it's fine you took a kill, but since you did I wanna make sure you, along with BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot understand the rules of true combat?
I think so. Action, reaction, result, repeat. Something among those lines. Whoops. :/
BakaTheIdiot BakaTheIdiot

No real problem! I didn't exactly make this a ruled combat but there's very obviously combat. So far, it seems everyone has kept it rather tasteful :)
KhorneFlakes KhorneFlakes

Would make him both quite a late bloomer as well as someone who gained skill very quickly. Not necessarily a bad thing since we have a few early-manifestors as well.

Although I did see a small detail. When you said he grabbed his hammer, it sounded to me as if you meant he got it from his belongings. Did you mean that, or that he manifested and I just misunderstood?
KhorneFlakes KhorneFlakes

Would make him both quite a late bloomer as well as someone who gained skill very quickly. Not necessarily a bad thing since we have a few early-manifestors as well.

Although I did see a small detail. When you said he grabbed his hammer, it sounded to me as if you meant he got it from his belongings. Did you mean that, or that he manifested and I just misunderstood?
I think I wanted to mean "manifest" but got carried away and forgot that they had to manifest their weapons 😅 imma edit that as well sorry
I think I wanted to mean "manifest" but got carried away and forgot that they had to manifest their weapons 😅 imma edit that as well sorry
No problem! Thanks for being so understanding and willing to edit. The more we get everything squared away at the start, the easier it'll be later!
Hey, if this happens to still be open I have a Egyptian like character concept I could work out.
In what way are you seeing Egyptian in this setting? I am curious.

And I would say we can accept at least one more at the moment. I'd like to see your concept first.
No, there are people wielding large scythes, huge swords, katana's and a norse like axe weapons so having someone with weapons that are styled in an egyptian like way doesn't seem far fetched to me.
See, at first I wasn't understanding the Weapon design. It seemed to be coming out as a full custom culture and whatnot you wanted to bring it. An Egyptian-style weapon should be fine
After thinking about it I don't think I can swing this character concept to fit into this well enough. Hope it goes well for all of you though.
OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

We're not supposed to yet know our soul name. As I have said before, we're still learning and though we were about to reach the point that we learn it, we haven't.

Also, I'm not sure about him so easily deducing the reason for the attack. Might just be me, but it feels a bit like using player knowledge. I could be wrong though.
I thought these guys were a day from being sent out on the final test?
Yes. During which time they learn their soul name. I believe I put this somewhere, but the whole point of the voyage is to get to the badlands, meditate or whatever to learn your soul name, and then utilize it as a team to destroy one of the giant beasts of the badlands. And anyone who survives both those halves becomes a free manifestor

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